Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sunday 30/5/10

My dad just gave me $70 to pay for my glasses. I didn't want to ask him at all.



Sigh. I find it very hard to accept it, you know? Though I kinda have no choice. And I do need the money. I just hate having to take things from him. Especially when I'm not already being a very good son, I feel.

I want to take as little as possible from him. I already live under his roof, internet, electricity bill, fridge, microwave, bed and everything, and I'm not even hugely making him happy.

Considering he hates what I do. And I'm not about to give up believing in the supernatural or dance, and considering that I feel led to 1. Focus on dance full-time 2. Full-time ministry after/during that.

I take the sacrifice of not having money, or anything, of having to save, for the sake of my passions. I am really fine with it, its a personal sacrifice that I am willing to make, I just don't want to drag anyone else down with me.

Least of all a dad that I give so little too.

Ahhh ):

I know this is You providing for me, God. You told me: Don't ask for money. I didn't. My mom found out that I didn't have glasses and asked me why, and I said I was waiting for money to pay for it, and one thing led to another. Sigh.

And I was like 'Dad, at least just pay half. $35. I want to pay for myself. I really do.'

Also partly because I don't ever want to be in a place where they say that the only thing I do is ask them for money. I've been accused of that so much in the past, and I hate that. And most of my life I've been quietly choosing to not ask for money because I don't want to accused of that again. When we go for dinners at restaurants and things, I always pick the cheapest things. I try.

Cause I don't ever want them or I to feel that I'm just asking them for money. I've taken enough from them as it is.

I'm crying now.

When I asked to pay for my own glasses, My dad said 'When you have a salary, then we'll talk.'

I could take it in a happy sense that he's providing for me. But I'm ashamed. I'm ashamed that he has to bail me out again. I don't want him too. And I know he doesn't want to either. That he probably rather wants to be proud that I can pay for my own things, having graduated and all and should be having a job.

And we both had quietly sad faces. I feel, anyway.

I don't want him to have to endure me, either. I want to do all these things, endure this difficulty, not fight with my parents, and hope they're proud of me at the end of it when they can see the result, you know? I don't expect them to be now ):


): ):

Apart from that, today was a good day. Ian Andrews in the morning, prayed for a couple of people to be healed, used the time to invest in a relationship with Roseanne who wanted to come to listen to Ian Andrews and be healed, honoured Pastor Eunice about her leading worship, talked to Justin and Kegan about our dreams for the future and what God has called us to do, and hung out with the Apaches at night. Haven't seen them for ages.

I think I'm going to shower and have an early night. I want to read tmr. Worship. Rest. Swim. And dance at night. Yeah.

I'm actually thankful for what I talked about earlier. I mean, I know it sucks, but I know its an issue I need to face up to at one point or another. That I hate receiving from my parents, that I hate having to ask my dad for anything. I have no problems asking God for anything, I've learnt, thankfully, about everything I can get from Him because His love is amazing, but gah...

I thank you for having me brush up against the issue, Lord.

Ahhh ):

I can't wait for SOZO. I really can't.

Love you God.

Goodnight, You're amazing.

So amazing.

Night (:

Saturday - 29/5/10 (And Friday stuff too)


Today was the best day. Hahaha sigh.

Okay let's start with the Ian Andrews stuff that I learnt over the week. Cause I notice that's not in my journals yet.

Massive basics and foundations on healing. The biggest thing that I took away was: faith is not a feeling. The true meaning of it. That I don't have to feel big and awesome and confident (in God's power or my own) for God's healing to work. I can stand there feeling completely stupid and it'll have no effect on the healing taking place. Not an issue. I need to get hold of that audio clip! For Josh Simon/cell members, and myself :)

The four places to go to, to get a double portion.

Gilgal - casting off the reproach of Egypt
Bethel - dwelling in worship and experiencing God
Jericho - test of faith. Extreme test of your faith
Jordan - place of power and death.

Honestly after reviewing notes i'm not quite sure what the last meant. The point I took away from it, is to look at God and not the miracles going on all around (fire horses vs whirlwind), to gain your double portion. But I'm not sure how that relates to power and death...

Otherwise, I know where I'm at. For quite a while I have been stuck between Bethel and Jericho. I just want to go baaaackkk and worshipppppp. Its comfortable theeeereee.

But yeah. Hahha. Trial of faith. I'm doing that with money and a couple of other things, and I guess just be aware when God is doing that :)

Tree of life vs tree of knowledge mentality!
Instead of knowing right vs wrong, just knowing what's on God's heart! (inc his Word). But yeah. Living in that. So key. And that if you do something for 30 days, it'll become a habit.


Yeah :)

The Friday dialogue was amazing!!! I've always wanted the answers to those questions about falling under the power of the Spirit and the crazy laughter (not so much the laughter), but yeah. Omigosh. Just being able to ask those questions. And learn about the pushing. That its okay not to fall.

Also, I realised that though I've never fallen under the power before, I've actually 'slain' someone. Ahahha i completely forgot. After last ssm. And I clearly wasn't pushing cause I wouldn't know how...she just slid down.


Friday cell....ohgosh I completely bombed the last song. Couldn't catch the chord. But its okayyy. We need more practice. Rah. Cell was good, Pearl, Roseanne and I decided to do the hand-knowledge thing, and we all got accurate things on the other 3 cell members in attendance. Mad. Hahhaa. And we decided to impart whatever we got, and when Roseanne laid hands on Tessa, the fire of God came and Tessa's back got really hot and she was so scared! HAHAHA. Pretty cool :)


Saturday :)

I decided to go to Quiznos for lunch alone, and a quiet place to sink into a book, and dwell in God, and absorb everything for the week. Yes, I have money, but I also need to get glasses, but I decided to dwell in providence. Tree of life. And God and I were okay with it, so :)

The best time. Enjoyed the blessing that is the food that God gave me, so much, the gigantic couch, and Supernatural Ways of A Transformed Mind. Omigosh and the last two chapters that I had left to read blew my mind.

Okay mostly the second last. Dreaming With God. I learnt that God wants our desires too. That we're not always to function in a 'God what do you want me to do for everything' mode, that that's not the way!

Which I'm pretty sheepish about cause I do ask God about mostly everything, the little things especially. This shirt, that shirt, bus or train, where to eat, everything...and the book exactly described that. Haha. But no condemnation, its not wrong :)

But yeah. God wants to please us too. That was just crazy affirming. I know its biblical, not just teachings, but examples. Moses, Abraham! And that he wants our dreams too, and shapes His plan according to them! That was pretty crazy. It so affirmed my dreams for dance. And especially after finding out that I DID get into the YOG Opening Ceremony Dance, in the morning, and being so so happy and thanking God, and texting the people that mattered to me - and not daring to text Pastor Jenn cause I was afraid she might ask 'Keann can you handle it' D:
(yes Ps Jenn I think you'll read this, but I'm obviously okay with telling you about this now. (: )

Cause I wasn't sure if it was just my desire and i was being presumptuous, but I do know that any and every dance I go for is to get better and gain exposure and choreo that I can use in a hip hop dance ministry that I feel so called for in the future.

(Ohyeah, when Ian Andrews talked about desire, and impartation and desire, I knew exactly what I wanted, just the way he described it. Dance. For some reason. Healing and words of knowledge and everything is great yes and I want more...but dance is just far far away on top. I'm not sure why, but I believe its God-given.)

Lala did ask 'can you handle it'. I didn't want to reply. But on the way to Orchard, I resolved I was going to stand up for my belief in the tree of life principle, that God put me there, and that He will give me the strength to cope and excel, period.

And then I got there and read the book and it affirmed so much and so I replied her with that in mind too :)


Best time soaking in God and just going through concepts in my mind, afters.
And the best time wandering OC on my own, dwelling in God's presence. Just enjoying the crazy architecture of the mall. So little organized structure. Ahahhaa.

Did growth track Lesson 1afterwards with Bryan and Marcus! (After I danced for awhile)
At scape. That was good. And I was able to ask some awesome questions:

They were like: 'When you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour' (Becoming a Christian)

And I was like 'What does that really mean?'

And they were like 'Uh'

HAHAHHAA. But yeah I really got them to think about stuff like that, and draw on verses, and work through what Jesus did and the significance there. What sin is, what God has to do about it, and Jesus filling the gap. Very cool.

I felt like an awesome teacher. Sorta. Ahahhahaa. :P

('What does that really mean') credit goes to Pastor Jenn. Just the way she usually asks her questions. I picked up on that. Hahhahaha.

Church. Awesome time in worship. I had a whole new perspective on worship, bringing hip hop dance to the table with the "God is my friend/brother" mentality, almost horizontal, instead of vertical, you know? And it really was a breakthrough. Crazy. I think Hip Hop might really be meant for that kinda thing. The whole brother brother friend thing. Pretty crazy :)

Ohhhh. Prayed for some little guy afters who came up with a hurt finger. I did the warehouse thing and it totally got healed. Yes I felt so stupid. Ahahahhaa. But yeah awesome.

And Ps Jenn's message on Honour, I was just like, YES. I have heard it before...but now I don't have to worry about conveying all those practical things like standing and everything and worrying about maybe being too preachy! Its already been taught, its out in the open. Yay. :) :) Now I can work with it, for the cell and for the community. Awesome.

And then....gosh, the most amazing talk with chonghao and Pastor Peter at night. I really appreciated it. We shared how we are with our cells, strengths, weaknesses, struggles we have, callings, preferences, destinies, the way we're wired...

Just so good. I'm so glad that I got to express all of that. And that we got to faciliate discussion with each other! And also the presence of Pastor Peter. Really. Having that kind of super long talk about our dreams and doubts in ministry with him there really was a huge thing. Or if any other pastor was there, just listening. The sense of approval..really means a lot to us. Crazy. So mad.

But yeah. It was the best day :)


I love You God

Thank you for being so, so, so good to me. Its amazing :)

Also, wowwwww. That stage I can't comprehend. Chang prophesied that over me last week. And this week, YOG. Marina Parade Stadium. Broadcast in over 200 countries. Possible presidents and all that watching. THAT IS PRETTY CRAZY.
Mad performing.

Omigoshhhh. Thank you God. Let's take this world stage :)

I love You, thank you for being so amazing.

I love You.



Ohyeah I almost forgot! Tree of Life mentality yeah, tonight, cell dinner (before talk with CH/Pastor Peter), the drinks auntie that always really likes me came around asking for donations for her son to be able to study. And I gave her $2.

And then I looked at the $30 remaining, knowing that I need every cent to pay for glasses after I combine it with next week's allowance, and was like 'Uh.'

And God/I was like 'Tree of Life mentality, I can give that away, the Tree of Knowledge mentality is that if I give, I don't have anymore, but I'm on Tree of Life mentality'.

It was a challenge! But I asked her to come back, added a '1' in front of the '$2' that I wrote on the paper, and gave her $10 more. And she didn't want to accept it at first, but she did :)


Afters, after the talk with CH/Pastor Peter, we wandered back over, the drink stall was still open (1140pm), and they bought drinks. And the auntie made me take a free drink, and pressed a Ribena into my hand.

Which isn't the point, its not like I deposited money so I can take free drinks lol, but it was cool. I didn't really want to accept it either but I guess if I'm willing to give blessings I must also be willing to receive it! Happily.

Cast off that reproach yo.


Okay. Hahahha. Night :)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

26/5/10 Wed Morning





But yeh. Painful. Many thoughts. I just wanted to run away and hide in a corner and rest in you or something. But that was worship. But it cost me. Heck yeah it cost me. It was paaaaaaainful.

Ahhhh. What happened to the Mary-Martha principle, Lord. How do I do all these things and still remain in rest in you?


Many thoughts. First...maybe I should transcribe these things every night instead. That makes me heck of a less painful. Or do it on my phone...that way, I can just copy-paste.

I will agree that reviewing is healthy as, though. A few things I want to claim...

I AM called to be a youth pastor. And therefore I will be. I just always thought that the road to that was as a cell leader....and everything that I have learnt/gone through so far DOES help! So much!

The biggest thing that I will miss about not being a cell not the status and the position. But the nurturing and attention and care that the leadership team showers on the leaders. Like that care. And discipleship. Yeah.

Which brings into question why I feel a cell leader might not be able to give me that. Hm.

But yeah. Also....

last night's rest was good. I just conked out. Ahhhh. And ran out of the house at 8 this morning to force me to do all the journals. I mean, in hindsight, that was good. But I remember when I ran out I felt so 'bleh' and 'forced' and 'miserable'! Is that what self-discipline feels like all the time? I don't like that :/

Ahhhhhh. Grad was okay. Hahha. I hated that they shoved us back into boundaries of our courses, or our batches, for it. I mean, we've spent our lives trying to transcend the barriers! it was okay....

But pretty good. Just one of those things we have to do I guess. Hahhaa. The gown was cool. I like that. Mmmmm.

I wonder how it will be when we look back. Hahaaa.

Yeah. Okay. Leaving these pages to go rest in you, and hopefully in rest. And learn about healing. Yeah. Hopefully I won't fall asleep...we're trying something new today. Looking to ask questions all the time instead of trying to take down quietly. I just break down there...

No contacts at all today. Or money for lunch. Thought about going into my mom's room to grab coins...but God will provide. Rah. Help me to rest, God.



21/5/10 - Friday Morning

21/5/10 - Friday Morning

I still constantly have the sense that there's so much to do, God.

And that I'm not doing enough. Task-wise & character-wise, so many things to do, so many things to be. That everyone else just seems to be already, with no effort.

I mean, I have my own strengths and own giftings, and I love them! And I know the Martha-Mary principle! You've shown it to me so many times. To just sit at your feet. Not to run around doing everything. I know I have complete approval in you. I just can't help but feel that I'm letting everyone else down, you know? And I don't like that either. And I think its biblical to honour people too. Idk. I feel so confused and tired sometimes. I love You, and I just want to dance around with you, but look at all these things to do!

But I trust you. Bring me revelation, God.
I love you.

20/5/10 - Thursday Afternoon

20/5/10 - Thursday Afternoon

Mmm hey God. You are good. Hahha so much has happened...again...but I'm so glad the testimony is done. Sorta. Well need edits...but yeah. Your Grace. I stayed up really late to do it but...I was thinking. La asked me to ask You if you wanted me to stop anything I was doing, say yesterday, that kept me so busy. That I might be hearing you wrong. Well...the biggest thing in the end was that I didn't hear you wrong. Nor did I overpromise to Jenn at first. I told her 'tonight', and she said ' evening?' and I said 'Yes'. That's the part where I went wrong, being afraid to say no, the whole yes is yes and no, no thing. Not that I listened to you wrong. Yeah.

Well...I really love You. Thank You God. I trust you about the money, I claim your providence. Help me to ask my dad.

And I want to lay hold of the prophecies. That I will be a youth pastor, I claim it. That I will be an amazing speaker. That I have an anointing in the prophetic. That I am a Joshua, a leader in the thick of things, e.g. when Moses intercedes, I lead the charge. Help me to go read that passage, God. And cover that book. And your Names. I want to find out more about you.

Ohyeah. That desire that I can eradicate myopia. I claim it in writing, God. And...for my eyes and arm to be healed.

Thank you for the time, thank you for loving me (:
Love, Keann

Random Thoughts - 19/5/10

Random Thoughts - 19/5/10

- Badly need to run to prayer chapel and cry today. And then testimony. Oohh. Fasting time. 11:19am

- Something tells me that the reason why I love 'Break Your Heart', 'Eenie Meanie' and the other songs I'm listening to, is because I'm still wallowing in guilt over having hurt Jessie. And having been a heartbreaker. I don't understand it, it makes me sad but its a release. Don't know if its healthy, though..

- God. I love You. Thank You for giving me this phone. And the songs in there. They're nice songs..

- I just feel like being alone these days. God, I, Rachael. Everyone else is wonderful, really...but somehow I just want to be alone-ish. With music. Do dance. Be professional. Idk. Rahhh. I love You God..

- Definitely need to be set free.

- or friends who agree. I don't really feel like clashing mindsets these days

- guess I should do the Corp Prayer email after all. Its on families. Impttt. Emphasize. 11.36am

- Its weird that I want to listen to music instead of listening in class. uh. This is bad.

- SOZO...I remember my weapon yesterday. Bulldozer with missiles. Haha uh. God I really need this...

- I like this new way of journalling. Its like Facebook :D - 11.41am

- I'd use Facebook instead...but I get so distracted!

- I think I'm going to attempt to transcribe this all on the blog. Woohoo. ANOTHER thing to do ._.

- I need those glasses. NOW NOW NOW. I feel so disengaged. Ahhh.

- I wonder if I journalled with phone. Hmmmm.

- RAH. 11.49am

- I get so ashamed by Singlish sometimes. Hurrr. This is not good for me...

- Madeline is awesome though. Hahahahaha

- I get the impression that if the course was conducted by Americans/Aus/European people I would feel so much more enlightened though. Which is nice..but weird. Is there a complete rejection of my Asian culture somewhere? Woohoo more issues ._.

- This SOZO thing is awesooooooooomeee.

- God I love You.

- I really want to attack Daren Tay's notes on who God is. Rah. BUT MORE THINGS TO DO WOOHOO. D: ):

- No idea how veron and the rest do it. They feel so calm and capable.

- I'm so happy for the (SOZO) guy. God bless him (: (: (: <3

- Help me to step out as much and as more as Veron does, God. I know its my birthright (:

- I think Justin's cinnamon multiplication thing is damn cool :D

- Hmm 'I love you but you can do more' is a lie. I get that a lot..I always thought that was a good thing :s

- let's not settle for less. Hmm

- DANCED TODAY (: (: (:

- Having contacts in really help my listening somehow. Hm. Its sharper, I can focus more. This is one of the few sesions so far where everything I have is firing. Cylinders. Hm. 2.51pm

- I'm SO attentive now! Thank you God :o (:

19/5/10 (Wed Morning)

19/5/10 (Wed Morning)

In starting of SOZO class now. SIgh. We just did this throne room river thing now.....and I saw this amazing flow of toys, things I always wanted as a kid. Soccer ball, toys, guns, abundance, all these things. And Rachael (: And new family. And then old family. Dad, mom, siblings. And dance. And money e.g. for the glasses I'm getting later today. And a nice studio apartment, beautiful. Pretty amazing...but I still want to cry a lot. Because I'm realising how badly I want some of these things, all the things I wanted as a kid that I was denied, and my family. And the sense of loss and poverty that I carry around. One thing I that usually in a setting like this, I'd be running for the mic, sharing...but two reasons.

One, all the amazing things that go on keep having me brush up against many very very painful areas in my life, that I hate showing anyone, because I hate feeling weak and vulnerable.

And second, that I somehow don't trust this bunch of people as yet. Unlike my youth bunch. I don't know. I think...I really want to run for the SOZO thing. Like one of the biggest things I have to do. So many issues. God. I love love You. Thanks for sticking with me. Help me to know you like you know me. And I trust you for today, and finances. I love You. Love <3

17/5/10 (Mon Afternoon)

17/5/10 (Mon Afternoon)

Hello Dad.

This journalling thing. Hmm. Haha. I want to do it. I don't want to think too much about it. I just want to do it. Its not something I would do naturally...but every word, every penstroke, is an act of worship to you, God (:

There is so much to thank you for. I don't have enough strength in my hands. Haha. Learning about Honour. Inheritance. Impartation. Forgiveness. Bible Study. Heck, how to study well. Goals. Team Goals. Fieldwork Goals. Public Speaking. Coos vision. And a whole bunch of homework D:

So much to organise, review, DO, if i want the best out of it. Uh. And still books. And cell stuff. And working on family. Graduation. Police. Getting a job.

Pretty mad, God. How. Hahahha.

With You, right? Help me to listen, follow you, snap judgments, not procrastinate, and do things, Lord. Give me wisdom...and the love to do discipline out of worship. That is my desire!

Rah. But yeh only one thing is needed, which is following you. The rest will fall into place, right. Let's not make the things over you, when it really can be that simple (:

Streetwars. Ahahha. Omg. Its over. I'm not even really sure if it is..

It was so good. Thank You God for always blessing me through it. Giving me the ideas, the energy, the lucky breaks, the words to say. How to lead this team. How to be soldier. Spiritual warfare can be like that too right. Haha. But really, thank you so much for this team. And keeping me off FB. Ohh that was the best. Hahahha shiz.

So, so good. Oh man. Hahhaa.

And then...there's Rachael. I love her. I love her. I love her. I love her. Ohhh damn. Gah. Haha. God I want to thank you for all the love there. Keep the relationship growing according to Your Will, k? <3 Rah. me through today. I'm starting with books, then dance. Then home to do everything else. Show me what to do. I don't believe you mean to stress me out.


-Keann, 2pm

12/5/10 (Wed Morning)

12/5/10 (Wed Morning)

Hellooo God (:

Its nice to see you again. Ahhh. Yayy. I feel good. And suddenly there's no time to journal! Bleagh. Haha okay how do I feel today - SO TIRED. But happy glow. Though kinda miffed that we didn't get a kill. Lack of super awesome feeling. But its kay :D Like, I love you! And I loved the experience for last night and this morning! The sheer epicness of it all. Ahahhaha. My stubborness. Good memories, good stories. So I'm taking the neutralizing in stride. Makes for a majorly good story. Ahahha. Plus, I know I need the rest. The lockout is good for me. Things to do, yeah. Cell, get specs, maybe get wig? Trashbags. Heal, regroup. Yeahh. And awesome golden time with you. Like Apple Juice. Thank you for the time to soak and rest yeah. And the phone death. Good. Haha. Okay, let me really soak in you yeah. And learn. Transform me, God (:

Love You (:

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

24 May 2010 (late night)





24 May 2010 (late night)


Uh. I'm journalling a heck of a lot more than i used to, and it really helps to build intimacy in my relationship with You, God, but I'm still unable to complete it according to my personal goals....

Hum. That's a lot of journalling <_< And word. And yeah. And idk i very very tired, I guess that's what I'm meeting Marcus on Wednesday for. Refocus? Rahhh.

Anyway. Today was the best day. Thank you God. Dance was so amazing. Again. You really provided, helped with the grad gown, the police thing, all of that, even though I got down there really late. And dance is just so, so amazing. The friends, the community, the choreo, the progression, the passion, everything. And so much fun. Ahhhhh.

Even though I knew I screwed up the choreo in the showcase. Even though practice before that was so amazing.

Uh. Hhahahaha. So much going on. Rah. I'm not going to go for big journal entries.....but short ones. With a point.

Today's point is that dance was amazing. Thank you God. Ummmm. Those books.....ahhhh.

Perhaps I am really tired. Oh who am I kidding. But I've been procrastinating that homework long enough. Rah. Cynthia's. Typing out aaaaaaaallll my book journals for La for online viewing. The two prophecies from last week. Uh.

Rah. Push! Rah

Grad stuff is settled. I love the gown. I really do. Yellow and blue, my favourite colours, and it doesn't look really really bad. Ahhhhhh.

Hopefully dance tmr, even if no one comes. Yeah. Ahyeah :)

Mmmm. So tired God. But let's hit this cynthia's hw, at least. Now. Rah.

Tmr's going to be another amazing day.

Guide me, Lord. I'm aware that I function on a very different system from most others. Don't let me fit into a mold and then beat myself up because i'm not fitting in it well.


Sleeeepy. Hw time.

Friday, May 7, 2010

StreetWars Day -2


Purchased the first guns today. Spent ages checking them out at the mart, twin handguns, simple, simpler than I would like, but they have their purpose. And I lack funds, for now.

$1.90 for a couple of handguns. Took them out, gave them a once-over, they work decently. The red gun seems to have less power than the yellow, which worries me. Hopefully they don't deteriorate over time. Mid-range, useful in close quarters definitely, they're precise and their clip size satisfies me. A good 20-30 shots in each before they start to lose range. And maybe good for 20 more. 15 minutes of all out squirting, at least.

More testing and practice is needed. A man needs to know his guns. Reload times, range, power, concealment, drawing the gun. My intention was to carry a tank of water around for refills, but it seems the fastest way to recharge these bad boys is plunging them into a body of water, not the other way round. More thought is needed.

These are much better for precision shots than spray. I wondered about using them for spray, but it seems un-optimal to do so, given how little water is fired per shot. In close quarters, yes. Like whips. Again, I need more time with these babies.

Still need a bigger gun for defense. High pressure. And range. I wish I still had those beauties I had years ago.

Funding is a problem. I need the job money to come in now.

Water bombs. Balloons or the traditional camp bags? I prefer the latter, they explode better and I'm familiar with them, but they also leak a bit. Also cheaper. More thought needed.

For today...lets just go with the bags. If I can find any.

Target: Rachael Defoe

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Rachael and I

Keann Chong May 4 at 5:27pm
Hey baby,

When you get home, or whenever you see this, its for you ♥

I don't want to go back to being half of the equation, do you understand what i'm saying. Girl without you I'm lost, can't fix this compass at heart....

other disgusting math lyrics. Ugghhhh. Bieber's making me silly. But yeah.

I love you
I love this song (: Thanks for all the comments. No copyright infringement intended. Please don't steal this video. LYRICS: Just a fraction of your love Fills the air And I fall in love with you All ...


Rachael Defoe May 4 at 7:08pm
"Oh, it is love
From the first
Time I set my eyes upon yours
Thinkin', "Oh, is it love?"

Oh dear
It's been hardly a moment
And you are already missed
There is still a bit of your skin
That I've yet to have kissed
Oh say, "Please do not go."
But you know, oh, you know that I must
Oh say, "I love you so."
But you know, oh, you know you can trust

We'll be holding hands once again
All our broken plans I will mend
And I will hold you tight so you know

It is love
From the first
Time I pressed my hand into yours
Thinkin', "Oh, is it love?"

Oh dear
It's been hardly three days
Yet I long to feel your embrace
There are several days until
I can see your sweet face
Oh say, "Wouldn't you like to be older and married with me?"
Oh say, "Wouldn't it be nice to know right now that we'll be?"

Some day, holding hands in the end
All our broken plans will abend
And I will kiss you soft so you know

It is love
From the first
Time I pressed my lips against yours
Thinkin', "Oh, is it love?"

Your heart may long
For a love that is more near
So, when I'm gone
These words will be here
To ease every fear
And dry up every tear
And make it very clear
I kiss you and I know

It is love
From the first
Time pressed my lips against yours
Thinkin', "Oh, is it love?"

Oh, it is love
From the first
Time I pressed my lips against yours
Thinkin', "Oh, is it love?"

Oh I kiss you and I know
It is love
From the first
Time I pressed my lips against yours
Thinkin', "Oh, is it love?"


I love you.

I want us to be right. I don't want us to be stuck in the middle. I don't want us to have to lie behind everyone's backs to be together.

Keann you mean the world to me, you're my best friend and so much more and I don't ever want to hurt you.
But baby, I don't know what the right thing to do is yet... Give me some time to pray and figure it out?

But I want you to know that I love you so much. So, so, so much.
If it was any other guy it'd be different... but you. You're nothing like any other guy I know or will ever know. I don't want to lose you and I need to know that my decision on us is the right thing. I'm gonna need to talk this one out with God k?

But baby I want you to know, I'm not going anywhere.
Cause Keann..

I love you.

I love you.

I love you.

I love you.

I love you.

Keann Chong, I love you.
HelloGoodbye - Oh, It Is Love Oh, it is love From the first Time I set my eyes upon yours Thinkin', "Oh, is it love?" Oh dear It's been hardly a moment And you are already missed There is still a bit ...


Keann Chong May 5 at 2:32am
Hey baby,

Rachael, this is the sweetest thing anyone has ever written for me. Ever. Ever. I've read it over...and over...and over...and over...

And every single time I've pored slowly over every single second of your words, I know that you're right. Baby, I love that you and I both know this isn't one of those relationships where the guy goes 'awwww crap', and his friends go 'you got owned'.

I love you no matter what we're doing, and that's the truth. We've always been on the same page here, I've always loved that, you're magic, girl, I don't understand how we happened, sometimes, the past two months have been the most magic months of my life, the past few days...have been crazy. Thank you for making my summer the best days of my life, ever.

Yes I know its not summer. Screw it.

I've been thinking about this too. I've known for awhile what kind of distance we should be having, but its so hard to say 'no' to you, and its fun to be stupid. I know I should be taking the right lead, I'm sorry that you had to, baby.

You and I both know that we've been less of 'us' and more of 'each other', since we started going out, and that's not wrong, God knows that I want to meld everything that I am into everything that you, and we are, and I'm perfectly happy about that, because I love you.

But God's been popping into my mind over the past few days, nudging me that there's still a journey for me first, a little longer, melding me into the person that He's prepared for you, and the same for you.

Baby, you're the person that I fell in love with because you gave your life to God and He shaped you that way. You're amazing.

I'm so grateful to God for letting me taste you as you are, for letting me know that I'm not alone, that we had this amazing breathless thing for a short sweet time, but at the same time I know that if we turn our eyes upon Him first, you're going to get so much more of the person that God created me to be, I don't want you to get anything less of that.

I...I'm in love with you right now, as you are, I couldn't be happier just being with you as you are now, but you get the point :P

You deserve so much more.

Baby, I love you. I'm happy to wait, you knew it before you typed this....please pray. Please figure it out. And for me, I'll definitely be living life with God as well. Letting the big guy shape me. There's no hurry, no pressure no nothing.

I'm so glad that we have Him for us. Many people don't get that. Yet.

Thank you for leading, when I couldn't, because I've liked you so much. Thank you for being the person I've asked God for, everything and more.

Thank you for giving me the best memories of my life.

I love you, Rachael.

Not going anywhere and you know it (:

I trust God, and I trust you, and I trust Him for us. And you and me.

I love you. And everything that we're going to be.
Whatever that is, I know I'm going to because...God created me to love it.

I love you, baby. And though I'll miss you, love is more than enough for that. Please be okay about the distance -hug-

I trust your choice.

God, take care of the girl I love for me, kay? I know its a silly statement...but I'm silly.

Make her feel better when she's lonely. Make her feel better when she's sad. Make her feel better when she feels there's no one to turn to, and make her feel better when its hard to be strong.

I could go on forever, jabbing at keys on my keyboard and hoping that each slow jab helps to convey how much I love you.

Been ready for this my whole life, Rachael. Ready for you.
I hope this makes you smile.

I love you

I love you

I love you

Have amazing dreams tonight, have a great day in school, and have an amazing time with God. I'm right here too.


I love you. Everything about you.

Rachael (: (: (:

I love you, Rachael Defoe.



Keann Chong May 5 at 2:34am
I love you.

Big important conversation between Me/Ps Vic (About Facebook/Rachael)

Victor Seet May 3 at 11:55am
Qi En, I hope this does't come across as stern or as a rebuke. I might not have a lot of time with you but every leader is precious to me and I want to see them succeed hence the time taken to write this msg.

You're a person of great influence. I see that a lot and I also hear a lot about you which is why I say that. This is a great thing except that sometimes I realized your influence might not always be positive.

This is also a follow up to Ps Peter's msg which is to not just watch our tongues but also our written words esp on facebook. I have no issue in you having feelings for Rachael (I gather that from your FB walk messages cos I read about it so much.) but I do not think it is helpful to express the feelings in such open channels because you inevitably might cause her to be manipulated and also put yourself under intense scrutiny from others.

I hope you will realize that overtime, this will only cause you and her more harm and it might be wise to stop doing that before something happens. If you truly treasure her, I suggest you do not put her in vulnerable positions where because of your words, her actions are also constantly watched in school and in church, adding unnecessary pressure to her.

What you do also might not be helpful for the younger ones too because they look up to you and they will do the very things that you do when they grow up. Power does come with great responsibility. I hope you will learn that quickly.

I say the above with a posture of love, not of harm. I hope you will consider my words carefully with humility. Will be glad to talk more if you desire to clarify further.


Keann Chong May 3 at 6:16pm
Hey Pastor Vic,

)x I really really appreciate the message and the intentions behind them, it means a lot to hear that every single leader is precious to you, and also a lot to see it in action just simply by writing this message to me.

Yes, I understand where you are coming from, and I think there are two issues I am dealing with here, that I am struggling with, and I will try to separate the two so we can have a fruitful discussion. I really really appreciate the intent to build me up, and they have been things I have been thinking about.

1. The position of 'great influence' I hold. Pastor Vic, the pastors and La have been conveying this to me on many occasions, and it does affirm and build me up, and I appreciate where it is coming from, but honestly speaking....sometimes it puts a lot of pressure on me. I hope that I'm not coming across as complaining and being whiny, I really appreciate the measure of influence that God has given me, and I try many times to use it for good, whether in a church or school community, but if I could share my heart about it, sometimes I feel very pressured to 'be a certain way'. Because I'm a leader, and also because people look up to me, I know that this is something to give thanks to God about, but at the same time it can make me feel very restricted and afraid that any wrong move I make equates to everyone doing the same, and I don't enjoy that negative part of it.

I hope my words are coming out correctly, I just realised that as pastors you must face this pressure on a greater scale, and constantly, and I probably have no idea how great the pressure can be 24/7.

It is scary, and its something I've been wanting to talk about for awhile, but I've never really had an outlet. Yes, I could have talked to La or Josh about it, but I also don't like feeling weak, and there are always 'things to do', so I have been shoving it down. Thank you so much for allowing me to air it. I'm not quite sure what the solution is, but I'm glad that I have been able to talk about it ):

2. My feelings for Rachael, and peer pressure and culture. Um, honestly I didn't think I was openly declaring my feelings for her that much? Once at the beginning (which was not wise), and last night, and I was hoping nobody would see that, because it was late at night ):

I know it is a rather silly line of thought. If I didn't want anyone to see it, why didn't I just make it private. Well...I have to admit that I like declaring it publicly. I like being sweet in public, and I like both my friends and her friends going 'awww' about it. It is probably foolish, but I do like that a lot, being able to express that publicly. I'm not saying that it becomes a valid reason because I like it, but it is a strong feeling, and I am seeking for understanding, I again hope this comes off correctly ):

Peer pressure...I am someone who loves expressing my feelings for people in public (friends, leaders, or elsewise), and her school...Australian International School, is filled with people who love doing that too. A Western culture. I have always been very comfortable in that kind of culture, and wanting to embrace it, and it gets to be an easier motivation when I get to act like that in a community that acts like that? My head knows that it isn't wise, sometimes, but besides my feelings for Rachael, my heart also take me in the direction of 'this kind of community is where I want to be'. I'm sharing this in the hopes that you can understand my struggles and my life, because honestly...I don't get a chance to do this much. Not with my parents, and with La and Josh, I do feel that they have 'no time' sometimes, and so I'm just grabbing this chance to speak to someone I trust. It means a lot to me that you asked me, and reached out to me, and I hope I'm not being a bother.

But yes. Rachael...I will take your words to heart and ponder them, my initial thoughts are that I never felt they put her in a position of harm because her school people 'want her to get attached', and everyone goes 'awwwww' when they see that.

Reading my own words, it seems like a pretty silly reason, but they also are powerful feelings.

This is also only the issue of being 'public', but I am aware that moving too fast when we are not ready, whether public or private, is a serious issue for us as well. I was reading I Kissed Dating Goodbye last night, I've read it ages before and I agreed with it...but in my current frame of mind, i was like 'D: no i don't want to do that. I agree with some things, but not that D:'

Um, if you feel that I should speak to Josh more than to you about it, because of time, I am okay with that too, but I want to say that I want to submit to your guidance, love and experience, even though it can be hard where feelings are involved.

Thank you so much for the time,
God's Love


Victor Seet May 3 at 10:18pm
Qi-En, first of all, I apologize for the team (Josh and La) if you feel that they have not had time for you. This was not my impression though but I might be wrong. Do be objective on this. It cannot be a feeling. Do you feel that because you have asked to speak with them on many occasions but they have indicated they have no time or is it just a feeling therefore you do not even try. As far as I know, someone like La, even in the midst of exams, she will sacrifice herself just to hear someone out. I hope u will come to resolve this "feeling". Do talk to me if you feel you are objective about it. One of my key criteria for Pastors and Supervisors is that of time spent with their sheep and I want to hear feedback as well. All these feedback are kept confidential.

Shall we meet up soon even if it's for a short while? I will like to discuss all the above in greater details. I'm free Thurs afternoon if you are free to meet.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Worship Prep

Many Thoughts

Themed Power, according to Sarah.

My gut/holy spirit/God tells me:

From The Inside Out
I could Sing Of Your Love Forever

From The Inside Out is a ministry song. The starting, anyway. Lets bring them in with a time of ministry.

Slowly leading us into a time of ministry, confession and repentance

before easing into a time of proclaiming His power

I'm thinking:

Just be quiet and reflect upon the God that loves you, the God that will always be with you no matter how many times you think you're screwing up

4 eights plucking (quiet)

A thousand times I've failed
Still your mercy remains
And should I stumble again
I'm caught in your grace

2 eights plucking (quiet)

A thousand times I've failed
Still your mercy remains
And should I stumble again
I'm caught in your grace

Your light will shine when all else fades
Your glory goes beyond all things

2 eights plucking

My heart and my soul
I give you control
Consume me from the inside out Lord
Let justice and praise
become my embrace
To love you from the inside out...

4 eights chords

2nd verse

-> to go hightempo, go to-> (standard hillsong)

bridge (and the cry of my heart is to bring you praise, from the inside out Lord my soul cries out, from the inside out Lord my soul cries out...)

free worship

---> go quiet
--> go stronger
(let justice and praise, become my embrace, to love you from the inside out)
(everlasting, your light will shine when all else fades, neverending, your glory goes beyond all fame)



But maybe I don't want to go high tempo. Not so much. I still need to segue into I Could Sing Of Your Love Forever, which is a very easy, comfortable song. So.....

I'll work on that when I get back.

There's still 'Stronger, which can go very high. So. Can leave that till the end. Will think about it!

Love you God. This is for you. Leading us into worship. This is for you.


Monday, May 3, 2010

2 May (night)

Hey God,

I had many thoughts, but after reading Joshua Harris for awhile....I want to kill myself. Uh.

Bleh. He does make sense, but he's denying so much. Stuff like not kissing at all? And not sitting in the same hammock cause of lust?

Uh. I'm not quite sure how you would approve that, and still tell Rachael and I that 'we're okay'.

And yet I get the sense that you do. Except I'm thrown into doubt because of this guy....

And me feeling inadequate. And like 'hey this guy's a pastor and wiser, who am i to have a better idea'.

But at the same time, that's not healthy. But whats the difference between foolishness and confidence?

Trust you?

And you do want Rachael and I to explore this?

I'm scared, Lord. That I'm not hearing you properly. That emotion is getting in the way. But, trust you?

Whether I hear you right or not?

For both Rachael in her life, and I in my life?

Yeah okay (:

Ruin or success is not determined by whether I've listened to you wrong or not. You've still got this. I won't deny my birthright.


I love you God. Thank you. And praying with Rachael, praying for each other, and us supporting each other like crazy today, with our families, very very cool.

Different paths for all of us. What's your will for us? Versus being single and serving God in singlehood.

Be together? Be together and manage that?

I don't sense you saying no.

And that you do want to bless me, and her, but yeah this is mostly for me, with the experiences that I want.

Which is how Joshua Harris and I differ.

Okay. Not a rulebook, but just loving you, and listening to you.

Thank you. (:

Ummmm. I trust you, God. I just do. Show me what that really means, k? Bring us close to you.


But yeah, best day, with the family. Was crazy. Suddenly things are a lot better. And I could be because I was praying for Rachael's relationship with her mom to improve. And suddenly Dad and I jump up. Whoa. Family movie. Family dinner. Talking like a normal family. Making an effort not to offend, but being able to talk and share life.

And show him some of the person I've grown into.

Just, wow.

Movie was also pretty awesome. Iron Man 2 ftw. Yeah.

Haha. Today was a good day? Thank you God (:

Let's see what today's devotionals say....hmmm.

Okay its not so much what the devotionals say....

But I'm in danger of not trusting you fully, God, because I have an inkling that you'll take Rachael away from me.

That I want to turn away.

And that when I do make the right decision, this will purify and strengthen me.

Okay. That's my focus. Learning to trust you fully. Surrending Rachael to you like Abraham sacrificed Isaac.

Give me a bit of time, God. <3

I trust you about us. Help me trust you more.


Jesus, I love you.

Sustain me please, for tmr <3

And let Rachael and I be a blessing to you.

I know what we're doing in the morning.

Worship (: And seeking God. Your face. And your words. Okay. Help us hear, Dad.


I get the sense that you are being very patient. Thank you :)
I get the sense that you don't feel what we're doing is wrong, but you don't want me to turn away out of fear that you might think that. To be transparent and bare with you. And you're just encouraging me. That its okay. That I as your son....I instinctively know how to hear your voice and your desire. And its not a path of suffering. And so if it isn't, don't feel like I'm doing something wrong because I'm not getting any suffering. Self-doubt and second guessing spirituality.

Yeah okay.

This is the way to reach out now, too.


Love you God(:

I love You

I sense that you get teenagers. As they are now. Hahhahaa okay. Thank you for the encouragement, God.

<3 Love

Saturday, May 1, 2010

1 May 2010 (night)

So many favourite moments today.

Goodbye kiss, and hug, check.

Night holding you and talking under the -well lack of - stars, check.

Longest sweet make out session, check

Staring at you for the longest time while holding you, check

Bringing God in, God really being with us today, and us knowing, major check.

Thank you so much God <3

Yesterday was like, first kiss, and first time holding hands, cuddling on the bus, holding hands and walking and stopping to kiss. First time on the grass by the beach, first party with friends, making out in the dark, everything.

And the first time holding each other watching Glee. Studying together. Haha. And before that...holding each other watching a movie. Which was ages ago. Hahahaha uh.

Did we hold each other any time between that, God? I can't remember <_<

Anyway. Yeah <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Major dates; 19th Feb, 30th April, 1 May

Telling you I liked you, first kiss, and bringing God in.


Soooo ummm.

Yeah. God. Hi. I love you. Thank you. Thank you for finding me. I asked you to send me a sign of approval, and you essentially did. Told me that you're chill. I mean, Rach and I could be doing something else, but either way, you're happy that I'm happy. Really. Which kinda makes sense, because if I had a son, with a girlfriend, they might do something I might vaguely not prefer, but I'd still be happy that he'd be happy.

I'm so glad. When I held her today. You were there. I mean, you were always there, but I was aware of it today. When I kissed her. When we talked, holding each other, you were there. And I wasn't running away from you. We're here. We're together.

And that's amazing. That really is crazy amazing. Thank you God. For letting me know, over the past couple of days, and the time with you at overnight. And today. And time with Rachael to talk about it.

What was it you told me today?

Yeah. That I don't have to have all the answers to all the issues. The different groups of people. Culture. Truth. Solve the church's problems with boundaries and whatever. I don't have to fix all of those, its fine. But the thing is, honouring her parents.

Yeah. And

Omg. Interruption. I know what to pray for Rachael about. And what she should pray about. That she can build relationships with her mom so well that she can openly tell her how crazy we are about each other, and whether honestly we can get together earlier. For a real, open, relationship. And from there hopefully something can happen. But for that relationship to be there. Yeah

anyway. Um. God, I went up for altar call deciding that yes, the other issues all don't matter, but pursuing you is honouring her parents, and I would like help for that.

Ummm. Chongkai came to pray for me. And of course, he's attached to eunice. It really means a lot to me. A couple that's been together. And a guy I really really respect. From Fuel-up camp. And I was able to share, though I couldn't bring myself to tell him that we kissed already <_<

But I take in faith that he gets it. All us people in relationships. We know. Ahhahaa uh. I shared about boundaries, etc, and stuff. And he said, God, there are a lot of questions marks I keep sending up to you. And you keep sending rainbows down. And each rainbow is a promise of your love? That there is no condemnation. Which you have been telling me. But what he told me about boundaries really helped me to understand that.

Not to take it like a law, which condemns, I get it. But what to take it as?

Boundaries: 1. To help you honour your partner 2. For you to explore other forms of love.

That really helped me. Breathed a sigh of relief. Its not a law that if we don't we die. But really, something that would be cool to try, but if we don't, its okay, you know? Its helpful, its good, but yeah its chill.



Rachael and I hung out later. Haha. And it was so, good. Lord. We hung out. with you, and all, and held each other, and just talked about stuff, and it was amazing. And all that. And really shared, and stuff. Mmmm. The best. Bringing you into it really was the best thing. Ever. ohh gosh. Thank you, God.

I realised we never actually got around to talking about honouring parents and not being together though. Uh. Ummm.

I just get the sense, God, that you approve. Right now.

its okay. Um. Okay. Just help me to love you, and seek you, for my own, k? And for each other.

Its pretty simple:

We're in love.

Her parents don't want us dating yet.

So uhhhhhh. Provide a direction, God. Its not about rules. It really is about loving you. Help me love you. Thank you for helping us work out the issue about condemnation. We're not.

And yes. Reason why I focus on you more than Rachael. Rachael is amazing. But she cannot lead me through life!

Only you can. Cause you know. And you're in charge, and in control, and you know everything. Only you can guide me. Rachael can't.

That's why I love you (: One aspect, anyway, and the one I think I want to focus on.

Yeah (:

Ummmmm. Parents....I guess the plan is....yes.

Pray that: she can build relationships with her mom so well that she can openly tell her how crazy we are about each other, and whether honestly we can get together earlier. For a real, open, relationship. And from there hopefully something can happen. But for that relationship to be there. Yeah

Ehhehehe. And uh. Hopefully I can meet her parents sometime. On neutral ground. And give them a good impression of me? :x


But at the same time, boundaries for being friends, the same reason to think about. Not because its BAD....

But exploring a relationship as friends, and love in there, isn't bad either.

As opposed to going straight in. We missing out on so much. Its possible. To explore. Not just go deep, but go wide.


Wisdom Lord, give me please (:

Love. Let tmr be a good day? I'll do the cell thing tmr. Attendance. Cell question. Testimony. Decide what to do with cell (Cerise), worship, journal a word thing. Dance. Hopefully a book.


And message my dad now. Yeah (:

Love you, Dad (God)


May 1 2010

Hey Daddy,

We kissed today. Omg. thinking about it, typing it, makes me feel so happy. I am so, so thankful, God.

So thankful. Its indescribable. Maybe I'm being silly. But I'm so thankful. Rachael is amazing. And I am in love with this girl.

In love. And we kissed. And sparks flew. The world melted away. All I can see is her.

Its crazy. I'm crazy. Whoa God. Is this right? You're not saying its wrong....just everyone else is.


Parents, leaders, the church, etc.

Sigh. But I'm not going to dwell on that for now, God. There is love here. This is happy. Let's not let Satan steal it away? I am so confused, sometimes. But I know that this is good. Love is good.

Doubts and fears are not. Screw them. Get thee away from me, Satan.


Yesterday....was the most amazing day of my life. Part 2. The first was....19th Feb. We all know what happened there.

You know what I hate? I hate it when Rachael's friends ask 'how long have you two been going out'. And I'm like..uhhhhhhh.

I hate saying that we're not. I hate saying that we're just trying to be friends. Either way, it feels so loser, cause we're def not acting like friends, we don't want to be, but we're stuck in the middle somewhere and its such a loserish compromise.

But ahhhhh.

I just want to be with this girl, God. I want to say she's my girlfriend. Care for her. Hang out. Belong.


But. Blehhhh.

But yes she is so amazing. Thank you God.


I still feel her lips. I still feel her kissing my face, neck, touching me, holding me, I never want to be away from this girl.

I want to die, God. Ahhhhh.

She's so beautiful, and so amazing, inside and out.

Yesterday....I met the girl at like, 3pm. And she was gorgeous.

I'm going to remember those memories forever. Cuddling on the bus. Just talking enjoying her. Ignoring everyone else.

Getting off the bus. Her hand finding mine. And I was like 'omg.'

Magic. It just fit. Our hands fit. We walked in sync together. That never happened with Genny. Awkward as.

Yeah. Walking down to the beach, past the houses, under the shade of the trees, holding hands, talking, laughing....mad.

Omgggg. Thank you God.

Just thank you. Can I really wait for this? I don't know ):

Crazy. Walking down the path as the sunlight danced across the path...nearly getting hit by a tree because I'm looking at her so much..



I miss you. Rachael.

And then. Going to east coast. Holding hands. Sitting at the benches. Just lost in her.

I was just lost in her.


Perfect day, perfect weather. Thank you God. Grass so green, sea so blue, wind so breezy.

And honestly there's not much I can remember. Because after we started kissing, my head exploded.

I remember holding her. I remember staring at her eyes. I remember me trying to kiss her, nosing her, and she not letting me. Keeping in control. I remember her saying 'we should walk' and I saying 'can I hold you for five minutes more, please'.

And we did. And thenn...honestly I can't remember if we started kissing before or after she traced my face again, and said 'I love you'.

And I said 'I love you'.

Because I really do. It was bouncing around in my head the whole time, the whole week, ages. All the times I was saying I miss you, wishing I could say I love you. Hoping that it really was love. Scared that it was. Not letting myself.

But I do love her. I love Rachael. So much. Omigoshh. We're in love. Thank you God. I want to be with this person for the rest of my life. If not, whats the point. Siighhh.

I'm dying.

And then we started kissing. I think I went in. I'm not sure. She let me. We shared a slow, sweet kiss. A full kiss. So amazing. And then we started kissing more. More. Nuts.

I remember so much of that, its impossible to describe with words. Okay not really. But yeah. Just...finally. Kissing the girl I love. She kissing me back. Leaving me breathless. Face-sucking, we were doing, pretty much. Omigosh.

I love you, Rachael, I love you.

Mad. We stayed there till 530. And then we left. And as we walked back along the same path we came, holding hands....we could not stop stopping to kiss each other. Crazy. She's just as crazy as I am. Maybe more. Nuts. Thank you God. Crazy.

I love this girl.


How do we be friends now? Idunno. Crazy D:

Rest of the day was pretty perfect. Ash's party at Davis'. I hope I turned out okay. Thank you God for general acceptance. And hitting it off with the rest. Sorta. I really do want to hang out with them more. You know that I've been ready for this my whole life. Australian, western culture. I've always been ready. The guys, the girls, even if I'm not dating them :rolls eyes:

Crazy. And funnily yeah I do prefer hanging out with the guys. Until I start hanging out with Rachael...

I want to be with her so much. But I also don't want to be stuck to her at parties and such? Yeah. We can be, but we're missing out on so much individually. But yeah. Amazing fun. Making out in the dark. Ahahaha. I can't not. I'd make out in the day, hold her, but I wonder what it'd do for her social life :P


Yeah. Help me to get to know the rest of them soon, God. Its insanely fun. Yeah.

Wish I could, but with them all thinking we're going out....and we wanting to go out...but trying not to....

Arrrgh. ._.

Nutters. Shery's party was okay. Pretty meh, honestly. Hahhaa sigh. Wish Rachael was there. But its kay. Got to the mrt late. Made Rachael wait. Never again, okay D: I had good reasons, but yeah D: Waffy is right. I should get there half an hour early. Never make a lady wait. Etc.

Grateful to him for staying.

And it was cool to talk to him...

Yeah. Hung out some with Liyana, Izan, Christian, etc. Yeah (:

Great fun. Quiet, but yeah.

Overnight prayer. Hhahhaa. Umm. God, you and I know, yeah. I was soaking, dwelling in you. Feeling like crap for breaking 'boundaries'. But honestly....isn't that like a law? A law which condemns? Which isn't the point?

Yeah. And so...most of overnight, just soaking. In you.

Thank you that you don't condemn me. I'm not quite sure why, but I know that you don't. I think you approve of Rachael and I, Lord. I really think you do. I hope you do. Your approval means so much D:

Please send your approval in a tangible form? Ish?

Yeahhhh. Disadvantaged and marginalized. Honestly....I wasn't really hugely on fire for them. Uh. But praying anyway. I know that there is a shift in obedience as well. And commitment. And the power of community is right there, encouraging each other on.


Okay. I'm done word vomiting. Long. Hahhaha sigh.

So much happened today, Lord. I'm so happy.

Thank you so much.

Just, thank you. Help me to love you more than I do Rachael. Cause deep down, I know that's what I was created for, Rachael yes, but you first.
