Friday, May 7, 2010

StreetWars Day -2


Purchased the first guns today. Spent ages checking them out at the mart, twin handguns, simple, simpler than I would like, but they have their purpose. And I lack funds, for now.

$1.90 for a couple of handguns. Took them out, gave them a once-over, they work decently. The red gun seems to have less power than the yellow, which worries me. Hopefully they don't deteriorate over time. Mid-range, useful in close quarters definitely, they're precise and their clip size satisfies me. A good 20-30 shots in each before they start to lose range. And maybe good for 20 more. 15 minutes of all out squirting, at least.

More testing and practice is needed. A man needs to know his guns. Reload times, range, power, concealment, drawing the gun. My intention was to carry a tank of water around for refills, but it seems the fastest way to recharge these bad boys is plunging them into a body of water, not the other way round. More thought is needed.

These are much better for precision shots than spray. I wondered about using them for spray, but it seems un-optimal to do so, given how little water is fired per shot. In close quarters, yes. Like whips. Again, I need more time with these babies.

Still need a bigger gun for defense. High pressure. And range. I wish I still had those beauties I had years ago.

Funding is a problem. I need the job money to come in now.

Water bombs. Balloons or the traditional camp bags? I prefer the latter, they explode better and I'm familiar with them, but they also leak a bit. Also cheaper. More thought needed.

For today...lets just go with the bags. If I can find any.

Target: Rachael Defoe

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