Thursday, April 30, 2009




11.41pm, Wednesday Night, and I'm sleepy.

Shall use time productively to journal instead of camping around wasting time for 12am.

Today was...really good! I loved leader's cell today. I mean, I really loved the exchange of minds and the discussions, and the prayer and encouragement, and worship, and...everything.

Oh man. I'm so sad that I think this week is my last. Haha. Wtheck. And even if I became a leader I don't think that I'd be JPI, somehow...

But it was nice(:

Word. I think I was fail. Lol. Like I looked at the notes and didn't really understand them. I probably should have taken time out to review them and re-internalize them and make sure I could teach from them instead of just trying to wing it eh. Haha.

I cannot believe I completely missed asking the important question of defining what Holiness was *facepalm*

La had to save me man. I was clearly in trouble. Yikes. Don't know what I'd do if I failed publicly, even though I kinda know its okay to fail...


But after that it was good lah. Thank you God. Analogies, stories, random insights (:
Those seemed to be the giftings I was given today to help La (:

I think I have a very unique hinged+unhinged way of looking at the world. Haha. Not sure how else to explain it, but there it is.

This is in reference to the Holy but working towards Holy thing...or even the God is omnipotent vs we have a choice thing...

I'm weird. But I understand kinda how it works. Haha. How.

And I think some parts of some things really impacted people but I really had no idea what else we talked about eh :s

Too tired and panicky haha. Well. Proof that God can still totally completely move even when man fails. Haha. Yay (:

Worship was coooooooool. Like. The whole come in straight away knees thing. I think God is teaching me that it really doesn't matter. Knees are for God. How I honour Him. And yes they can be completely done at the start of worship or a fast song even, its how you honour God. He deserves it. Whether you feel an urge to do so or not. Today I felt an urge. (:

And I felt really rested after all of that! Haha. And now I am home and waiting on printjoun and I am really tired again....


Gee. Haha. Talking about AWARE saga was really good(: I mean, I didn't really talk much, but not much for me to say eh. Pastor Jenn pretty much covered everything. And Josh. And watching Ben Yuan argue his views are totally awesome and inspiring. I need to learn to do that more! To be unafraid to be wrong. But unafraid to stand up for beliefs(:

Sian Printjoun. I want to sleep. Gah.

Saturday Ps Derek coming to talk about AWARE saga! Sweet. Haha. Youtubes ftw. Yay (:

K. Night. Haha. Fingers don't want to typpeeeee ._.


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Masina --> Tutorial Week 1

Masina --> Tutorial Week 1

Research Paper!

Option 1 : Research Paper (Primary Research)

- Have an idea, prove it

Option 2: Policy Paper (Secondary Research)

- Identify problem, come up with solutions


Research Grant--> From NYC

Print, TV, radio, new media, film industry, advertising

NYC --> Media and Youth!


Research Paper

- Research question
- Hypothesis

- Independent Variables
- What you control
- Dependent Variables
- What you measure


Time --> Time Hypotheses are useless!

Time --> Behavior are usually done


Policy Paper

- Discuss from critical perspectives

- Examples from existing research and studies pertaining to the question


Example --> Singapore television industry --> going regional or global?

Example --> Comparative study of television audiences in Singapore and overseas

PrintJourn Lecture - Week 1

PrintJourn Lecture - Week 1


Hype! (Editor: Kenneth)


- Current: lifestyle magazine

- New: --->entertainment magazine<---

So we want to change Hype to be more like 8 Days...

Bigger, more exciting!


- Current: Crammed, not reader-friendly

- New: Bigger, more spreads!




A) TWITTER: The new Facebook?
B) The local Twilight Drama
C) Young people watch TV, just not on TV --> plus trivia on this!

2. Cover Story

3. Celebrity: Special
a) Lady Gaga feature!
b) The Saturdays!
c) Different people from the creative industry - print, tv, advertising.


4. Streets:
a) Music

i) Return of the 90s
ii) Live n Loaded winner, interview with Utt!
iii) DJ Inquisitive/ Nike Sportswear
iv) 9 Albums you must have in 2009.

b) Movies
i) Sherlock Holmes --> Superfeature

c) Fashionology
i) River Island Summer Collection (Maybe Fall)
ii) Black Market

d) Nocturnal
i) Review of nightlife stuff! Entertainment!

e) Games
i) L4D lol

1. Regulars:
a) Books!
i) From print to screen

b) Shopping Raves --> 10 things that you must have!

c) Appetite

2. Arts:

a) Dance --> NRA ANN :D :D :D :D

b) Theatre
i) Preview of SING Dollar--> cast interview :s

c) A Student's Life
i) NP prose and poetry
ii) NP MMA!
iii) RP School for Tech and Arts!
iv) Lasalle Fashion School

Last Page --> Trivia.....yawwwnn.



Whats new!

1. Classifieds section!
2. Lifestyle
a) Food reviews
b) Books
c) Products

3. Contests



Each beat 2-4 people

1. School of BA/Estates Management
2. Corpcomms Office and Senior Director's Office, Student Blogs, Entrepreneurship



Stories: 5 May
Classifieds 8 May



1. NP Tribune issue 1
2. Contact List
3. Classifieds
4. Brainstorm for hype stories --> Due next wednesday!!!


MY BEAT --> IS/ Students Council/HR



- Search and find and brainstorm your own stories!!

Story Idea-->Fact Sheet--> Write

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Radio Tutorial - Week 1

Capsule Prog Topics!

Radio History

- Radio Drama
- Milestones of Radio
-Popular radio prog
-Radio personalities
- Post-war radio in Singapore
-Radio listenership, then and now


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Media Law - Week 1 Lecture Notes

Media Law - Week 1 Lecture


IAP Information!

- All internships and attachments are to be self-secured!

- Get a CV, Cover Letter, done.

- If you apply for SPH and Mediacorp, then you cannot apply to anybody else! And you might not even get in, there are very limited places.


Media Law


Media Law
All sports projects

--> Chidambaram Selvaraj is in charge


Civil Law vs Criminal Law!

Civilians have a right to sue someone!

Police have a right to send that someone to prison!


Understanding Law


1) What is Law?

3) Major Legal Systems

3) Classifications and Sources of Law

- Institutional source --> laws in a book, legislation, already set down
- Common source --> A decision passed that becomes the law! Decided usually by the judge. E.g. How long you are put in jail for, 4/5/6 months. Precedents are set.

A judge must follow a precedent! If it is a new case, whatever the judge decides, becomes the precedent, it because the law for others to follow.

However, if people feel the new ruling is unfair, Parliment can convene to discuss and decide it, and whatever they decide to change and not change, becomes the law and the precedent.


1) What is Law?

Tons of definitions. It is hard to define. It depends on how you look at it.

Major Schools of Thoughts

1) Naturalism (Is it fair? What were the circumstances? Was there a valid reason?)

- Collection of rules based on reason and nature
- Justice and morality taken into account

2) Positivism (You are still wrong. Black and white. When you are late, it means you are late. No questions asked, no mercy given)

- Command type rules laid by a governing body
- Enforceable by sanction

3) System of rules and regulations


Law Equals Morality?

- Expectations that laws are fair, just and acceptable

- Should law be based on morals?

- Who determines morals and to what standard?

- Should law be the guardian of public morality?

These are questions that we have to answer ourselves, because each of us has different standards of morality?


Basic Concepts of Law

- Law is definitely a system of rules

- But these rules are not universal

- Sources of Law: - Institutional
- Common Law


Institutional Law

- Laws created by institutions that have the power to create law

- Statute Law

- Delegated Legislation - People/ organisations delegated authority to make their own rules!

- Informal Rules - Things that everybody knows, but not expressly written down.

- Procedural Rules - Certain things that you must do in order!

- Interpretative Rules - Rules that can be interpreted differently by different people?

- Instructions to Officials - Mass instructions given by the authorities in charge to lesser authorities.


Common Law

- RUles of law that have evolved through court cases as opposed to the ones laid down by Parliament.

- very much influenced by the Common Law forms of something something :s


Why Study Law?

- Cement of society

- Medium of change

- Increases understanding of public affairs

- Promotes accuracy of expression

- Increases understanding of social values - helps us to understand different cultures and ways of society.


Divisions of Law

1, Criminal - Actions that the police can take against criminals! Fines, that go to the government, not the victim of the criminal.

- Punishes: Penal in nature!

- Concerned with acts harmful to society

- Crimes: Homicide, assault, theft, etc.

2. Civil - Civilian rights! Sue-ing, reporting things to the police.

- Compensates person who has been wronged

- Other points I missed ):


Statute Law (Institutional and common law) --> Superior to case law!

- Laws passed by Parliament in the form of Public Acts.

- More important source of law for commercial activity.

- Rapidly update-able in response to changes needed in the law

Case Law (Only used in common law)

- Decisions handed down by the judges.

- Decisions recorded in law reports for future references

- Can be amended by Parliament


Legal Systems


Civil Law System vs Common Law System


Simillarities between Civil Law and Common Law Systems

- Rules forbidding or enjoining certain types of behavior

- Etc etc other points in notes

- Courts determine what the rules are and when they have been broken etc etc


The Judiciary System!

Court of Appeal --> High Court --> Small Claims Tribunals ----------> These five courts are the Subordinate Courts!
--> Coroners' Court
--> Juvenile Courts
--> Magistrates Courts
--> District Courts

There is a system. Court of Appeal has three judges. We go up the system. The small claims and other small courts first. If you are not happy with the ruling, you can appeal, and then you will be taken to the High Court. Winners can appeal too.

The High Court has jurisdiction over certain kinds of cases?

Original Jurisdiction ----> These three make up the High Court!

- Civil (Million dollar cases)
- (Criminal) Murder, etc

Appellate Jurisdiction ( I don't get this one)

- Civil
- Criminal

Admiralty Jurisdiction

- Shipping involved cases!

And above that there is the Court of Appeal!

- Civil
- Criminal



There is also the Court of Muslim Law! Administration of Muslim Law

Syariah Court.

You can only use it if you are a Muslim, and it only deals with family matters.


Sources of Singapore Law!

- English Law

- Principles of Common Law
- Principles of Equity
- Certain Acts passed by the English Parliament (e.g. Sale of Goods Act, Unfair Contract Terms Act, Partnership Act, etc)

We have the same copyright law as Australia!
And the same Penal Code as India

Because those are excellent.

- Local Law

- Acts passed by previous Colonial legislative bodies and by the Singapore Parliament
- Cases decided by local courts
- Customary law and custom

These laws are unique to Singaporean traditions and things that we have accepted from different traditions and cultures!

The Law recognizes this to a certain extent.

For example, a husband who dies and leaves behind a wife and kids, but also another wife and child who is revealed later. Does the second wife have rights over the the husband's body and possessions?

By Law, No.
By Custom, Yes. The husband accepted the woman as a wife :/

The court will recognize the point to a certain extent.


The Constitution of Singapore

- Supremacy of the Constitution
- A higher law which gains precedence over all other laws

- prescribes sytem of ogvernment and regulates the excercise of governmental power

- safeguards fundamental liberties

- Three Organs of the Government

- The Legislature
- The Executive
- The Judiciary

1. The Legislature comprises of the President and the Parliament

- The Legislature is the Parliament..

2. The Executive comprises of the President, the Prime Minister and the Cabinet.

- Cabinet ministers are appointed by the Parliament.

3. The Judiciary comprises all the judges of the Supreme and Subordinate Courts

- Responsibility for the administration of justice

- Assumption that the judiciary is independent
- Should not be controlled by either the Legislature or the Executive!
- Should be able to mete out judgments without fear of anything.


1. Details about Supreme Courts! (In notes) (Please check)

2. Details about Subordinate Courts! (In notes) (Please check)

--> All these details help you understand which court and where it should start! (:


How are cases decided?

- Observance of "stare decisis" - let the decision stand

- a judge is bound to follow decisions of superior courts in the judicial hierarchy when deciding a similar face case! If the High Court has set a precedent, the subordinate courts will have to follow that.

- cornerstone of the development of the Common Law

- also known as the doctrine of binding precedent or judicial precedent

Why do this? It makes things easier. Cases can be done faster and more efficiently, you can decide better if you know what has happened before.

So why even hire a lawyer? The lawyer thinks he has a chance of presenting the case as being DIFFERENT from the previous cases with the precedents, getting the client a better and more favorable verdict.


- A day in High Court costs about $30 000 - $40 000 per day, including court fees and everything.

- It is very efficient! Transcripts can be gotten almost instantly, so you can prepare your next day's trial. That's why it costs so much


The Process of Litigation

- Using the court system to obtain relief as against where some civil wrong has been suffered
- Formal process of dispute settlement
- Judge is sole arbitrator of fact and law
- Advocate's role is to represent/persuade court on behalf of client
- Usually results in a "win-lose" situation

Should you fight your own case? Lol no no no crazy. Even T.T Durai didn't fight his own case. He knew the loopholes, how scary the courts can be.


Alternative Dispute Resolution

- Mediation

- Neutral third party mediator with a facilitative role
- helps parties identify issues in dispute and arrive at a compromise of their own!
- Looks for be a "win-win" situation.

- Arbitration (Only in business! Not criminal)

- Dispute heard by expert arbitrator appointed by parties
- If you choose to do this, you cannot go to court at all.
- It is very fast, and is done by an expert in the field!
- An arbitrator's award (judgement) cannot be appealed. Once decided it is done.
- An arbitrator's award is recognized almost everywhere in the world! As opposed to different court systems in the world.

- Arbitrator not necessarily legally trained - can be an industry expert
- Must be 35 years old!
- When you engage an arbitrator, you know exactly your cost! As opposed to trials that can drag on for days on end...
- Parties are represented by counsel, by lawyers.
- Parties can argue the arbitrator's award only by showing that the arbitrator has not been fair. Otherwise, no.


Places where mediation and arbitration is conducted in Singapore..(Check notes please)


Criminal vs Civil

- Difference between crime and civil wrong
- Not in the act itself
- Depends on legal consequences

- Difference in procedure/outcome/terminology


Civil Proceedings

- Plaintiff sues defendant

- Plaintiff brings action against defendant

- Judgement for Plaintiff/Defendant

- Either a pay sum of $$$/property
- Or an injunction (an order to stop doing something) --> harassment, loud music, etc.
- To perform a contract (an order to DO something) --> a contractor building a swimming pool too shallow for diving when it was agreed upon earlier for a deeper pool in contract..the courts will ask the contractor not to pay damages, but to build the pool again.


Common Mistakes

- "criminal action" --> criminal prodecure

- "civil offence" --> civil action

- "plaintiff prosecutes"

- "accused was sued"

- "trespassers will be prosecuted" --> but only the police can do it! Only the police can prosecute.

- "guilty/liable" --> there is a difference. You may be found guilty. You are liable.


- Criminal proceedings

- R v Sykes
- PP vs (something :s)

- Civil proceedings

- Plaintiff v Defendant --> Get the terminology right!
- Rylands (Plaintiff) vs Fletcher (Defendant)

- Appellant v Respondent
- Fletcher vs Rylands

- Petitioner v Respondent
- Thomson v Thomson


What is a Civil wrong

- Breach of Contract

- Contract need not be in a formal document

- Tort
- Civil wrong that is independent of contract (e.g. assault, batter, etc)

- Breach of Copyright



- Passed by Parliament

e.g. Penal code, Ngee Ann Polytechnic Act


Law is continuously evolving!

1.The law has to adapt to changing times and circumstances! It is not fixed. It is not immutable.

2. It affects each and every one of us

3. You cannot run away from law itself, more so if you are doing media.

Masina Week 1 - Notes

MASINA Week 1 - Sighhhhh.

Q: Is MASINA tough?

A: If you don't do your work D=

Q: What Shall We Study?

- Asian values and the media.

- Ethics

- Influences on media content

-Digital Content

- ASEAN media landscape

- East Asian media (Korean, Jap)

- South Asian media (Bollywood)


3) Appreciate the importance of developing local content.

4) Undertake research projects and assignments that will enhance student understanding and appreciation of media.


Important! Lectures and tutorial not related, but connected!



Read to have fun!

Read to have lots of fun!



Dominic and WImmer book is very very important! First few pages!


Participation (5%)

--> Online discussion!


Group Project (35%)

Thesis, Research Paper. Ommmgg.


Exam (40%)

No text book (Maybe Dominic and Wimmer)

Readings will be on mel!



Why speakers, Lord? Why a need to play music? Why do I feel convicted that we should have it tmr?

Because I feel You saying, and I agree that we shouldn't be afraid to celebrate You. With our songs and dancing and praise. Whenever, wherever, we should be watching out for opportunities. And that where we can get it we should always push a culture of active praise and worship.

Not one of fear! Saying "what if noise begets noise equals more noise" and "what if its not allowed" is prudence. Prudence can be wise. Wisdom is good. We shouldn't rush headlong into everything without evaluating the consequences.

However, saying "what if its not allowed" and "what if its not appropriate" is just not good enough for me. We shouldn't break the laws of authority, yes, but to challenge it if it stands in opposition to our birthrights as Christians? We should be challenging the culture, I feel. And seeking change. Not overzealously of course, but we shouldn't just stand there meekly and say "oh well".

No to a culture of fear! I feel, I don't know how right it is, but I feel that our ultimate authority we submit to and want to please is God. Take initiatives to honor our government and authorities? Yes. But not before taking initiatives to honor God! We are God's 'little good boys', not the school's, or the government!

Challenge the culture. I want to see us Christians unafraid to seek You and worship you publicly in school, everywhere. The way some people are unafraid to dance and mosh publicly.

That's what is greatest on my heart, I think. Challenge the culture. Not in our churches, not in our little fellowships. We already KNOW we can worship there. I want us to be able to have worship where there is currently no worship!

And tomorrow, while we're doing Your work God, working hard round the clock to see Your Name lifted high, we might as well celebrate You while doing it.

Above all God, let the supernatural be natural tomorrow. Let people be healed, slain in the Spirit, let visions and prophecies be revealed to us tomorrow. Your power Holy Spirit be with us tomorrow, let us be baptized in holy fire that all may see and know that You are God!

I have faith and am excited in anticipation that something is going to happen tomorrow. But at the same time, I dare not hope, for fear of falling flat on my face. I'm nowhere near perfect Lord. I have 100% faith that God will definitely move tomorrow, and move powerfully! How He's gonna do it? I don't know. His standards of powerful, not mine. But by golly, I hope and I really really want it to be epic. Haha. It is in my nature to want to see exciting times. We live in exciting times. I want to be able to be in the middle of it, to see it at least once. Oh God will you fall like fire upon our school tmr. Haha. Gosh. I waaaannntt it. I wannnnt it badly. Ahhhh.

The wisdom of the Lord is reminding me now that if I want to live in exciting times, there are plenty all around me that I can activate if I so choose to. Choosing to actively reach out. To offer to pray for the sick. To do so many things. To be unafraid to exercise my spiritual gifts.

Ah. Haha. That might take some woorrkk. Hahahaa. Whatever. Be with us tomorrow God (: Move, please move, please move powerfully. I just want to see Your glory. Is that kinda wrong, to want to see exciting times this badly? I don't know. But I do. God. Please come. Haha. Thought you are already in me.....

HAHA. Kay. Not gonna dwell on it now. Help me/us to pray for this whole thing, this major undertaking, more, God. All through tonight unceasingly tomorrow. Fill us. Make something different. This isn't any old CCA redundant fair. Fill the school and the convention centre with Your Tangible Presence tomorrow God. Not by our strength but your strength, not my will but Your will be done. Haha. And now I will worship. YAYYYYYY



Is it of any coincidence that the best thing man seems to be able to do is copy someone else's work? If we must copy, if we must imitate, we might as well imitate God.

~Keann Chong, 2009

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Saturday morning

This morning, God came looking for me. I wasn't exactly planning on worship, but that's mostly my fault more than anything.

But God isn't letting me not. Haha. I am grateful. Sorry God i'm like an idiot kid, but I am grateful. I have much to learn, have i! Haha. But this is a start. Thank you (:

Keep doing this to me please. I really want to have no choice in the matter. Give me a choice and I usually screw it up. Haha wells. Transformation.


I could go to church...


Hahaha what to do today God?

When is swim?

I still need to journal last week omg. <_<

HAHA GOD TAKE MY LIFE. Its all for you.

You know my heart God. I sing that as a wish. As a striving. Not an already there. Its all for You.

Lots gonna be different this year, eh!

Haha well.

All that I am is Yours
All that I have is Yours
I give You my heart and soul

Lord I'm Yours

Lord every day is Yours
Lord every breath is Yours
Giving my life to You

Lord I'm Yours

Jesus Christ take my life, its all for you.

I can just keep singing that front part over and over man. Haha.

Omg yes good idea God! We can pray with the Christians on fire for God that are coming to the booth! Yes! Pray! Bless em, bless each other! Start the year right! Ministry!

And we're gonna do it out in the open cuz we're not afraid. :D

Its not showing off like the Pharisees eh. Must be careful. Haha. Get our hearts right.


Haha God its funny about the ideas you've given me thus far for this thing, speakers, microphones, t-shirts, prayer, all this random cool stuff.

Haha i'm a natural for bells and whistles, it seems, I thank you for that gift.

Its just you, the glory goes to You :D

And besides, the bells and whistles don't matter, You can still move. You WILL still move! HAHA. But it all helps. And being creative is awesome. Hehehahaha.

Makes me think mebbe I should have gotten involved earlier :/

Nahhhhh. I am where I need to be where God wants me to be. Haha. As long as I follow Him. Security. Yeah. Haha. And what happens now is what happens now and God is in control. Yeah. :D

/worship :D

Friday, April 17, 2009

Callings Haha

You want to worship, Keann? Lead people into learning new songs to praise God with? Leading the charge to adore and experience God?

Worshipping, in spirit and in truth and then leading others into it, all of us experiencing God?

The more life goes on, the more and more I seem to be convicted that I am called towards this. Oh haha hi textedit. I'm back lol.

17 Again was soooo goooodd! HAHA.

And here I am again Lord. Music really helps me get my focus right again on you again. I should be permanently plugged in lol. But yeah thank you for coming to look for me. I would never have been able to come to you again on my own.

So how haha about tonight? I am completely irrevocably broke. I can't spend any money on going to a starbucks. I should go home? Yeah I guess. Blah. Haha. So how.

I sense that you are pleased now, anyhow. Thank you God, and thank you for loving me and never wanting to let me go (:

I still have to journal journal Good Friday and Saturday and especially Resurrection Sunday! Haha oh man. I guess how? Okay tmr morning. Plan plan. So I can go about unrestrained worship before I start? Haha but I really gotta do it man. My time is precious. Or I could just do it in school! tmr. Haha yey. Man.

Can I make music God? Can I really? You say yes.

So another plan that I have been given:

I need a place to worship in the morning? Where I can worship unrestrained without fear of anything? Of people intruding or being insensitive or whatever etc?

Haha that's what the Crusade Room in school is for eh. Or FMS block roof! 7am! 630!

Getting to school by 7am or 630 am!


Lol I just got an analogy:


Thinking worship is what transforms, comforts, heals and motivates you is like swimming a lot and thinking its the water that gives you the tan!

And so to some people what kind of music they play at this church for worship matters to them, and they get all nitpicky about it, but at the end its still water. Water in the sea, in the lake, in the swimming pool. Its the sun that really shines down and burns you up and gives you the tan.

The sun. Yeah. God (:


Haha almost home now! God I know it is hugely not likely, but help me to not get distracted by WoW or the internet maybe? It really should be my last priority, behind you, and then guitar for worship, then dance, school, cell, whatever.

But gah haha it is so fun. And there's always something else to do! Lol This is madness. Bleagh. Hahahhaha God.

Gosh I hope I get to go to Sentosa on Saturday...

I'm flat broke man God. Please take care of me? Haha ohno oh well.

Aye but they say You will meet all my needs? All my needs. And you're all I need. So I guess it'll work out. Haha somehow.

Yeah. Give me peace and joy Lord yey. Hahaha.


hahahaha later.

Train Rides To Novena

Its been years hasn't it Lord. Lol. Haha sigh. I am sorry.

Rain Down - Planetshakers

This time is so precious to me and yet that is of my own doing.

Aye happens to all of us eh. its all of our own doing. Lol.

Sweet Anointing fill this place (:

Help me find the things that are of greater value. Holy Spirit. God. Jesus.

Pour down like rain.

If it means that I have to worship in the trains and the buses then so be it.

Here in Your Presence I am Free. Its true.

Only truly now.

Sweet Anointing (:


Raffles Place already. Darn. Maybe I should give this train worship thing serious though. Haha. Nowhere else to go to get distracted!

owell. Heh.


Haha well. It is clear that nothing compares

Help me to mean everything I sing to You in the lyrics Lord. Some of them are pretty heavy calls. But its all about choices. Yeah God. Change me with the choices I make, help me to make them for You. Be hard with me if You have to, You know I need it sometmes :rolls eyes:

Help me to stay teachable!

And to grow in You.


Then WoW.

That's what my priorities should be eh!

Rawr. Surround me with people that will help me God. You know how much an effect others can have on me psyche(:

Haha but at the same time I have to own my own faith eh.

Yeah. And I thank you that even in all my struggles in my life trying to be with You and like You and for You, in some way, at least, looking back on the past year, in school, I thank You that I have honoured You.

Your strength not mine, your glory not mine. But I am grateful (:

Thank You that with Your help, when I look back on Year 2, I have lived for you. I have been a light, if at least passive. As least I have kinda sorta been a testimony for you.

Yeah. Hahahahhaha yay.

This year God, help me. Help me to take that further. My time in school is ending Lord! Are you going to retain me! To do your work! I somehow really don't majorly mind HAHA.

Gosh looking back on my second year, I have been blessed, haven't i.

Haha nuts. Lets go. Thank you God (:

Monday, April 13, 2009



Speaker: Reinhard Bonnke


Yayyy God's anointing is so here tonight. Haha :D

Okay lets here what He has to say! Help me God to take down the important things but at the same time pay enough devoted attention for You to work through me, like Mary, not Martha.

Haha help me sit at Your feet, Jesus (:


Haha there's another dude coming to speak!


He also works in Africa lol.

2 Cor 6:2 --> Now is the time of something something beholding something lol. NOW IS THE DAY OF YOUR SALVATION! :D


Heh (:

Now is the time of salvation! Its like before the world trade centre collapsed and someone went into the building 10 min before and tries to get people to run out! A tragedy is coming!

A tragedy is coming!

Now is like that! God's wrath is coming! Its not very far away! And NOW is the day of your salvation! Quick! Run! Take it!


Every second, 2 people pass away into eternity! Since the guy started talking, 200 people have died! :/

And the door of heaven is closed to them.

But not for us! Now is the time of salvation! There is an urgency!

The great evangelist Moody learnt this tragically when he asked people at one rally to come back next week and decide whether they wanted to be saved or not, and The Chicago Fire happened and a lot of people at the rally died before they could give their lives to Jesus! D=

Moody never not gave a call to come to Jesus after any rally after that ):

Luke 9:59

The young man asked to follow Jesus, and said he wanted to bury his father first!

Jesus said "The dead can bury their own dead! You come preach the kingdom of God!"

The guy could never understand that verse! Why was Jesus so impatient! Its perfectly natural to want to bury your dead father!

And The Lord said to this guy one day "What makes you think the young man's father is dead?" The bible never said that!

The key part of that verse is not the dead father! It is the words "But first!"

"But First"

"But First"

Jesus calls us to do things but we always say "But First!"

But first I want to have fun! But first I want to do this! Eat! Play a game! Grow old then give my life to Jesus!

That is a mistake ):

One day there was this girl, popular, beautiful, possessions, popular friends, dream life. But she didn't have Jesus!

She was having too much fun to give her life to Jesus, she wanted to grow old before she did that!

She had a car accident. And she died before the preacher could get to her to lead her to Jesus. She was waiting for him, propped up in the bed, 40-50 friends waiting outside in tears, but she died just before the preacher could get there ):

She was so close, close enough to touch, but so far ):

There is an urgency. There is an urgency to give your life to Jesus. Now. Now. Don't wait. Now ):




Reinhard comes back!

He could go on forever in the same vein lol.

But Jesus says broad is the way that leads to death, narrow is the way that leads to eternal life!

But heaven is going to be bigger than hell!

He believes that there will be more people in heaven and hell!

It is not possible that the devil will waggle his finger at God in the end and say "God, I have won after all, I have more people in hell than You have in heaven."

It will not happen!

The party is going to be up there, in heaven, and the devil is going to have nothing to celebrate.

Amen (:

When Jesus spoke about the highway of death, He planted his cross in the middle of it!

The cross is the biggest roadblock to death and hell!

Arms outstretched, a barricade! And Jesus stands there, big, arms wide, and we evangelists, all of us, stand at the foot of the cross arms stretched out crying out "Repent, turn back, this is not the way!"

And some do see us, and choose to turn away, and praise God for that, that is our purpose in life (:

Amen, Praise God, Glory to Him (:


Luke 19:10 --> "The Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost."


In every religion, man seeks God. Sometimes lots of gods!

In the Christian faith, it is not just man seeking God! God is seeking man! God is seeking man!


And the bible starts with that very truth!!!


Genesis --> God just had His seventh day of rest.

While resting, there was a great cry from the garden of Eden! Adam and Eve had fallen into sin.

What did God do? Did He go to His archangel Gabriel and tell him that it was God's day off, He can tell Adam and Eve off tmr?

No! God broke his Sabbath immediately! He arose! He went to the Garden!

Genesis 3:9 --> "Adam, WHERE ARE YOU."

God was seeking man!

Man was not seeking God, in fact, man was hiding!

God is seeking man, he is seeking man even though man is hiding!


God surely knew where Adam was. Behind shurb 123532412. Lol.

But Adam was not lost geographically, he was lost spiritually.

But when God found Adam, He did not start yelling and telling him off in wrath.

Not immediately. He dressed Adam. He dressed Adam. He took care of him first.

THAT is our Christian God.

Thank you God (:


Reinhard believes that that chapter of Genesis is not focused on Adam and Eve, as many think, but God!

Adam and Eve were deceived. They were lost, the serpent had deceived them!

So they were lost. And someone had lost them!

Reinhard believes the spotlight is on the Person who lost His treasures, Adam and Eve!


One day Reinhard and his wife and children were shopping. And they lost their daughter Gabby.

His wife was terrified, crushed.

So was Reinhard.

And finally after 3-4 hours they went to the police station in defeat and desperation.

And there was Gabby happily eating candies brightly saying "hey mommy, hey daddy! :D"


Learning Point: Gabby didn't even know she was lost! She was happily eating candies to enjoy her state of being lost! -.-

But Reinhard and his wife were terrifed! Crushed! They knew Gabby was lost. And it broke their hearts.

It broke their hearts ):

That is much like how things are today! The biggest loser is God! He lost Adam and Eve! It broke his heart! And many today don't even know they are lost because of the entertainment in their lives!

And they are lost, happily!

But it breaks God's heart.


That changes tonight. Tonight God takes His people back. Yeah. Amen (:


People always talk about testimonies where they found the Lord.

That is slightly wrong. They never found the Lord, the Lord was never lost!

God found us. We were lost. God came seeking us and found us. And He celebrates each and every one with indescribable joy.



Hosea 11:8

Israel was a morally bankrupt nation! They deserved to die! To be destroyed! This is what God said:

How can I give you up, O Ephraim? How can I hand you over, O Israel? How can I make you like Admah? How can I treat you like Zeboiim? My heart recoils within me; my compassion grows warm and tender. (Hosea 11:8)

How can I give you up! I don't know how to give you up! I LOVE YOU. HOW CAN I LET YOU GO. IT PAINS ME TO LET YOU GO.

When Jesus went to cavalry, God never said that. His only Son. The Son He loved. He gave up His only Son. For us that He loves and cannot bear to let go off.

Thank you God, Amen (:


Tonight we speak from Old Testament truth (:

Deut 7:7

God says: I love you Israel, not because you are a great nation. In fact, you are the smallest of the nations around. Hmm. I love you Israel. Because I love you. Er. I love you because I love you. Lol.

Tonight God says to us: You have provoked Me with your sinful and unclean life. But I cannot give you up. I love you! I want to take that sin out and put a new heart inside of you. I love you because I love you. Come to me tonight.

Yay (:


Jesus said the same thing.

The Son of Man has come to seek and seek and seek, and save and save and save, that which was lost.

He loves us. (:


With us Christians, God spreads a table for us. We don't have to work for our faith(:

God spreads a table for us in his heavenly sanctum.

Yeah (:


Story of the Prodigal Son:

Some preachers talk about all the sins the son did, with prostitutes and this and that and that and this!

But the Bible never really expounds on that...

But the father was waiting. The father was waiting. Day after day the father was waiting.

That the Bible does say (:

And one day the son came staggering back.

And the father was watching. And watching. And watching the road.

And he saw his son and he ran.

Let me tell you that old men don't like to run very much...


But he saw his son take one, two steps, and stopping. And two more steps and stopping. And one step and a stop.

And he thinks: "Why is he stopping and stopping? ): Is he unsure? Is he still thinking? Is he thinking about going back? To live with the pigs? To suffer in the pigsty! TO SUFFER IN THE PIGSTY?"

And when the father realised that, HE RAN TO HIS SON.

"I can't take that risk, I can't let my son go. I am going to take and save and hold him. I'm running."

"Adam, where are you ): "


He is like that tonight. For some of us tonight it is our last chance to receive Jesus. Don't let this chance go. Don't let it go.

Let me tell you another story


We're on a train in Britain...

And suddenly the train stopped, and a group of men come into the same train-car as the old man who is reading his Bible, who is the main character of the story.

And the young men start mocking the old man. "Old man how can you read that book. Huh. You know what, can you show me what hell is? If you do, I might believe in Jesus. Hahahah sucker."

And the old man said "okay i'll show you"

The young men refused, they thought he was joking.

" No no no, you wanted to know, follow me, come with me"

And they went to the last carriage and the old man said!

"You want to know what hell is like? WELL OPEN THAT DOOR AND JUMP DOWN, AND YOU WILL BE THERE."



We're not going to ask you to jump into hell tonight.

But you are also one step away from heaven, only one step!

For every one step that you take to Jesus, He runs ten steps to you!


And then we pray, and an altar call for salvation is given and hundreds of hundreds go to the front, making the decision to be saved :D

The healing part of the rally happens after this.

Followed by healing testimony time.


:D :D :D

Man its been an amazing three days. Hahaahah. Yes.

There we go. Breakfast time or praise time or something. Hahaha. Later (:

Good News Rally Easter Morning Service Notes:

Speaker: Reinhard Bonnke


When Peter and John ran to Jesus tomb, they probably went and analyzed the tomb, and the clothes, and the stone, CSI: Jesus style. It would have been such a pity if they stayed and analyzed and analyzed and analyzed! Like some people do with the Bible these days! They analyze and analyze and analyze! And it gets them not very far.


It takes an encounter! And they were brought from the grave to the Upper Room :D

And today we will go together to the Upper Room :D

From Easter to Pentecost! :

Acts 2: 1-4


Disciples filled with power of Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues and praised God!


GOD HAS NO FAVORITES. People think that being filled with the Holy Spirit is meant for "really spiritual Christians", and we elevate these leaders, so high that they become dizzy and fall down!


THERE IS A FLAME FOR EVERY HEAD. Unless you don't have a head, then Jesus doesn't have a flame for you *shrug*

But if you have a head... :D

Summary: That glorious anointing of the Holy Spirit IS NOT GOTTEN BY THE LOTTERY. It is not for a handful of lucky ones!


-->IT IS FOR ME <--



There was a connection! A tongue of fire with a tongue of flesh! Heaven had connected with Earth! The supernatural had connected with the natural!

I pray that this connection happens with each and every one of us today :D



By God's generosity!


Those anointed began to speak in other languages!

It would have been such a pity if they only spoke in Hebrew! The Holy Spirit has only come for the Jews! Hebrew, Hebrew, Hebrew!


This is the ultimate truth of the ETHNIC interest of God!


The gospel is FOR ALL! Even Germans and Singaporeans!

We will walk around with a flame on our heads! :D

They prayed in the languages of the world because Jesus had ALREADY given them the Great Commission to go out to the nations!

And some came to Singapore long ago, and Singapore will carry that flame to CHINA AND INDIA AND INDONESIA!


Pentecost is the incarnation of the Holy Spirit!

On the day of Pentecost, The Holy Spirit wrapped Himself around in the flesh of the 120 people in the upper room!

This means the Holy Spirit only works through HUMAN BEINGS.

So it means He needs us as much as we need Him!

We are earthly residential addresses of the Holy Spirit!

Only Jesus saves! But He invites us, to be part of his equation! We are part of God's plan to defeat the devil here on earth and bring others to heaven!

Judges 6:34 --> the Spirit of the Lord came upon Gideon!! (For victory)

In the Greek translation, it says The Spirit 'wrapped Himself around' Gideon!

-->Wrapped Himself around!! <--

And that will happen to us today :D

- Can a man go to the moon? It is a double answer. If you go as you are, YOU WILL DIE. But if you put yourself in a spacesuit, something which gives you protection and air and your needs, you can go to the moon!

The Holy Spirit is like that!!

You cannot go out and do battle as you are! LET THE HOLY SPIRIT WRAP HIMSELF AROUND YOU. (:

God is the highest power over sorcerers and witch doctors and everything! (:

No matter what they try, and tried to do to us! E.g. Reinhard :D

We are not alone, God is with us :D


There are Christians who struggle!

Because they say the Holy Spirit is a 'most, holy, holy holy holy, Spirit.'

And I am not holy! I have so many flaws! D= I cannot approach the Holy Spirit...

The truth is this =

If you could make yourself worthy to receive the Holy Spirit, then nobody would need the Holy Spirit!



Never forget this for the rest of your life!! -->


It -->ATTRACTS<-- the Holy Spirit!!!


Though our flesh is weak!

But when you are washed by the blood of Jesus! The Holy Spirit comes for all of us(:

He comes for the best of us, and the worst of us!

Why does He come for us!

Because we need Him!

We neeed Him!

The Holy Spirit changes us!

Now Reinhard, changed by the Holy Spirit, preaches with emphasis!

The gospel incarnate!!

The gospel is not an alternative! It is an ultimatum!!!

When the Holy Spirit comes, suddenly you stand like a flame of fire (:

Point Number Six:

Let's talk about the Flame of Fire :D

- I decided to stop taking notes at this point and really devote all my attention to listening and letting God move. Some really powerful teaching happened. Haha. But I'm glad I stopped taking notes. We started inviting the Holy Spirit upon us, the flames of fire, and it started to come, the blessed anointing (: And then they broke it up to call for any new convictions of salvations, and man tons of people came up again oO.

Hahahaha. And we worshipped with Beautiful Saviour, and then we left to get lunch (:

Easter Sundayyy!!!

Pretty much the best Easter Sunday of my life, following the best Good Friday of my life, following the best.....whatever the Saturday in the middle has been called. Hhaahah. Its been an awesome three days of celebration of Jesus' death and resurrection. Heh. Haha I'll come back to this later, gonna post sermon notes!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Hammer in the window

Parents yelling at me when I got home at 11:15, 15 minutes after curfew kinda spoilt what was a pretty idyllic and wonderful day, especially when service started and i wasn't late for it, I had WoW under control.

And worship was completely amazingly awesome, even though that isn't the point of it, but yeah settling into a position to praise God simply because of who He is, not because of any feeling or to lead or to fit in with the crowd.

It felt good to just be there, first song, just me and God, no matter how much everyone else is jumping. Its not about me, its not about them.

Being prompted to kneel during the first song which was a fast song was interesting though, when everyone is jumping, but I learnt from that too. It doesn't matter what everyone else is doing. Its my personal worship to God.

Haha. Yay (:

And you could tell that everyone was completely serious about it. Completely. Serious about worshipping God. And we were ministered and blessed so much in return, in corporate :D

Message was great. Message was amazing. Such a powerful testimony, Michelle, and sitting with Sherry was, really really fun.

I know, I know, I shouldn't care about that kind of stuff, but its so much easier to sit with people that ARE ACTUALLY HIGH. You know? When I'm in my cell row its so not fun can everyone is so dead.


I love them okay but I love other people more, just because we share more similar interests. Like being high.

Like when I cheered and people at the end of the row cheered and we kept chain-cheering each other and the other kids on the left row joined in...

I never get that sitting in my cell row ._.

Is that wrong God ):

But I really just prefer it lor. Lol.

And having Nat and Sherry who I can talk to for real, not because of social obligation or duty...

What lah Lord. Its just the way things are :/

Anyway service was awesome lol.

Altar call. Couple of salvations. Thank you God. Then the second call for people who felt like they were backsliding.

So many people I knew and cared about and loved went up. I wanted to cry. Cause it was so emotionally moving and you could sense their sincerity and I wanted to be with each and every one of them praying and supporting and being with them.

But I couldn't cause I had to shadow Pastor Peter who happened to be ministering to the new guy salvation.

Haha. Keenan. Brenda. Kenneth. Veron. Sherry. Nat. People that I just want to be there with and support.

Haha but ah well eh :/

What I learnt from Pastor Peter (that was the point right, to learn something)

Ministering to new salvations:

1. Ask name
2. Explain what is going on and how to do it
3. Ask if can lead new believer in the Sinner's Prayer
4. Offer to pray for new believer.
5. Get followup forms
6. Explain what it is about, and importance of being in a community
7. Bring believer to side (with supporting friends) to fill in form
8. Give space for believer to fill in form
9. Go back, collect form
10. Hang out and talk about stuff and info related to the guy, make guy feel welcome

So that's what I learnt about leading new Christians in prayer at altar call. Lol. Pastor Josh would be so proud :rolls eyes:

Seeing Jac again was really really, really really good (: I am getting very fond of that girl. I trust her implicitly(:

Haha Jac(:

And seeing Veron. And Mel. And Angie. Tabs. Tab. Brenda. Kai En and Kenneth, the guys, New friend Tina who is completely awesome! Charlene. Charmaine as usual, love her so much. Haha.

And other people I'm sure I have forgotten (:

And sucks that I had to leave them all to go to cell dinner D=

Ah well. That was okay lor. Semi-decent. But missed out on Botak Jones with Angie Mel etc...

That put me in a sianed mood. Haha sigh :/

Am I a bad person Lord?

"he says no"

Oh okay. Haha. Then how. Its just one of those things, he says. And commit to them anyway, sometimes in your life there will be people you have to meet/serve etc that you wont be natural about hanging out with but you'll have to commit to them to serve me and them effectively.

I see. Haha kayyy Lord.

But gosh. Haha.

And then coming back and getting yelled at was lame lor. Lol. Disgusted with parents as usual. There is very little anger or sadness lately. Just more disgust and "I wish I could be out of here soon"

Ah wellz. Probably gonna have to work through that sometime eh Lord, you and me? And them?



And for us, but only because its a good one for Him. Haha. yayyy.

Lord please help me rally the troops?

Love you God. See you later. -hug-

Hahahah what. (:

See la haven't journalled for two days.

Lol now i can't really remember what happened Thursday. Hahaha. Okay lets seee...

wtheck did I do in the morning? Office 10 AM. Still had to take a taxi in the end. Haha. Bit spazzing out over not having finished speech. But got there in time!

And got owned by the angry old auntie guarding the office who didn't know what HIP was and thought I was gonna rob the place D=

And oh yeah I was in formal wear. Haha. Sigh. But so was everyone! Flo looked really good! And Olivia stunning as usual. And Kylie was really cute. Haha. Ah wellz.

Went down and spent too much money on apple chips and ginger beer and sausage roll. Haha.

So. Reflections:

I was scribe for that day so I'll just post it here, no point regurgitating :D


HIP Debrief



I've learnt how to do the 4 W's effectively!

Being: Learning to rest. Through HIP she has learnt how to rest, to know what is important as compared to what is urgent. She know how to focus what is more important --> loving Jesus with all her heart! As opposed for grades


Before, my whole cell plan was involved about word. And "what to play". And no worship or works. So it was quite boring. But now i've implemented worship into cell, and even my cell member volunteered to play the first time i led worship with 1 song!

She has also learnt to expect the best from cell outings!



Being: I've learnt a lot of things, but one main thing is to be intentionally with my cell plan. Not just goals and plans for the sake of doing so, but for a purpose, to get them to be disciples.

She's taken more intangibles!

The most important thing she learnt was about having to minister to people's felt needs! At the retreat! Not just real needs.

It matters to be intentionally with what we've been given! And for her she applies that to her cell members. And not giving up on them, but working and being intentional with them.

Doing: She's learnt how to do SMART goals!



Doing: Finally settling into a working pattern, that plays to my strengths in God, for journaling and devotion. Online in a private blog, and devotion being worship, for now.

Being: Relationship with God getting tested, mangled, but ultimately strengthened. And no longer being spiritual miserable. Why be so when there's so much more to focus on like worshipping and rejoicing in God and living in His Presence and doing His work. And letting God heal you in his own time.



Doing: Having a cell plan is important! Its much better to have a plan and know what to do specifically, and she can look back on it and evaluate it properly and effectively!

Also, the felt needs and real needs things. She learnt this from her cell members opening up to her a lot more after she just took them out for ice cream.

Being: Worship. She always faced a big struggle with leading worship with songs because of her cell members. And in HIP she was required to lead worship with music once, and she was very haunted with the fear that people wouldn't sing.

But she learnt that it doesn't matter about how you sing, but about who you're worshipping. And Oli now is encouraged to sing to be an example to her cell members. Its a matter of self consciousness.


Zhong Guo:

Being: Be more confident in terms of leading cell, more application, more experience. Also learning to be more responsible! As the GIC. Good job.


Things we felt could have been improved on!

- Planning training could have been earlier, but that was by circumstance that it was pushed back!

- Have an even number of HIPPers! Easier for things like taxis.

- More prophetic painting!


Yup (:

Haha. Interesting how at the end we had very little and trivial correctables for HIP. I know during HIP when frustrated I might have had a few here and there, but seeing the whole thing to completion and seeing the reasons why some things were done, and also having God change my life somehow through it, I really had nothing bad to say.

And Pastor Josh said that we were his collectables.

Haha. Yay (:

SO what happened later? we rushed out at 1 after writing letters to each other (which are really really sweet, 3 good things and 3 prophetic blessings for each person), Josh kicking us out, and WE TOOK A TAXI TO CHURCH.

so THAT'S what that receipt is for! HAHAHA.


Yay for journaling lol.

Right, then after one hilarious game of table soccer at the urbanroom we hit the hawker for some really good chicken rice yay though in our crappy formal wear haha.

Gosh the only thing I really liked was the shoes, but even they started to hurt after awhile. Man. So! We got a 970 to SKS which is like one or two stops after Zouk haha, of all things.

And blew our resource fund :D

I didn't actually do research before it, or get anyone to recommend me books, like lets say Florence, so when I got there I pretty much had to let God lead.

And I really like my books haha. They're not so deep books, but more like really resource resource how-to books? Solitude, disciplines, worship arranging and song selecting, and being a prayer warrior.

I just felt that all the deep stuff can wait, specially now that my devotion is just supposed to be focused on worshipping God and i'm sure he'll tell me stuff from there, I need less deep stuff that I only know in my head haha.

Goodness knows I'm pretty well-endowed in that area already -_-

Yeah soz. It was very interesting how you could tell so much about each of us and our individual needs and walks with God simply from the books with God. Flo's books about identity. ZG's book about starting small groups for his RP cell. Tons to learn. Haha.

And by God's grace Flo had enough money to pay for my extra book. I gotta pay her back. Yeah (:

So, came back, played one more table soccer game, played bluff, got to work on speeches on cards...

Haha. And then graduation dinner and speech. Yeah (:

And then home.

And a bit of WoW.

And then its Good Friday :D

I'll reserve a bit of a post for the Graduation itself...but LATER GONNA WOW and I think God is rolling His eyes and saying just go lol for awhile.

Haha God please help me keep my priorities right kay and control myself, so I know I've honoured you first.


Love you God, more than I can ever describe :D

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Black and white fonts today

So I think God is trying to teach me a lesson about understanding preparation and the freedom it gives for flexibility after that.

And preparing even though I might not need to use it later.

E.g. last night and the school prayer points

And today and La's word.

Haha nuts. Yeah its still pretty cool, being peaceful in it and knowing if need be it can be taken out for use straightaway and all that.

Yeah. Haha.

ANYWAY leader's cell was really good. And I feel ministered to, which is something maybe I did not expect cause I expected to be leading Word.

And I feel rested, and slightly recharged to go slightly further tonight, and I think everyone else was given the same as well.

Life was created tonight. :D

Cool stuff. Haha.

Hokay lots to thank God for. The last cell was really good today! Haha. And finally kinda clicking with the rest. Yeah. And just, living in God.

I will definitely miss HIP. Haha. Sigh.

But at the same time I feel eager to go out and try and meet these challenges on my own, in personal walk and in serving, whether its friends or cell or whatever.

I loook forward to ressttt. Resting in Godd. Haha.

Gah I kinda want to play WoW tonight. This is not smart. How, dad? HAHA. Ah wellz.



All that aside, I think start with calling belle's group and my group to get attendance and all that.

Then maybe worship, and appreciating God.


God gives me clarity and lessons during worship. I like(:

Even though that's not the point of worship haha. Its like a cool bonus.

And then speech. Ohhh mannn. Haha. God, really help me make it as good as possible. From the heart. Sincere. Sincere in being a testimony, sincere in planning what I need to do now, sincere in appreciating and affirming everyone who I feel has touched my life for HIP and my growth and whatever.

And of course still being disciplined and organized about that and not dragging on too long.

Gahh. Haha. Ah well. Smiles. Let's just go do this. :rolls eyes:


I miss people already. But its kinda a happy i-look-forward-to-seeing-you-again not a depressing lonely miss. Cool. Haha.

Thank you God.

I shall leave you to ponder frost/fire specs for mage. Hmm?

Haha. Laterr


Gosh I hope I'm not crushing on Steph. Annoying. Haha.

Anyway, who goes to hospitals to shop for handbags?

Olivia and Florence, that's who.


But still, I don't regret HIP.

No I don't. I don't regret coming for HIP for the past three days instead of FMS camp at all. Haha.

I mean, some things are of greater value, right. Haha. It was a bit of a bummer but not an overwhelmingly huge pain. :D And the lessons and treasures I learn here will follow me for life, aye.

Hahahaha. Haaaaiii. Haha.

I'm still warm and fuzzy and really really happy from last night/this morning. Loved (:

I am blessed (: Hugs, dances, and people I really, really, love.

I really need to rip a hole in my other jeans leg. Haha. Now it just looks weird.

And thank you God for helping me catch the train. Haha. That was hilarious. Wake-up call much. Lol. Thank you for my limbs, thank you for my youth, thank you for what burst you've given me and your grace. Haha. The heck. Yay thank you(:

Anyway, I want to talk about FMS. Suddenly I am filled with a great surge of overwhelming love for my school. Haha. And I'll tell you why.

The open displays of affection. The "I-love-yous". The hugs. The openness in physical affection. Hugs, embraces, head-shoulder leans, back-to-backs, toe massages, etc.

All being able to do to one another without much worry that we're gonna stumble anyone, that anyone might misunderstand it and think people are being overly promiscuous or something. Or having too much physical affection.

Somehow everyone is just mostly on the same page here. We come in knowing that we are all mostly very very expressive people. And finding others that are the same, that want to express stuff outwardly :D

And hey presto hugs and affection and i-miss-yous. Haha.

This was never as clear as when I went back to FMS FOC camp yesterday to drop into the dance night and the after-hanging-out.

- interlude -

See. Exactly what I meant. I'm sitting at SGH now waiting for people and bumped into Beth from church, working here. And because she's older, and I'm on my "everyone hugs everyone" high, I offered a hug and she backed away.

Darn. Haha. Shucks. Not that I want to judge, but my impression of people at church is that they are not so okay with hugging? Youths, anyway. Like the guys a bit shy and the girls a bit sheltered. Probably not all of em. But because the culture is to not hug for fear of stumbling someone, or being inappropriate, and having boundaries, and not being touchy-feely...

So those that might want to or do learn that they aren't supposed to. Or are discouraged from. Ah well.

- /interlude -

So anyway, hugs are completely wonderful. I feel so blessed now. Haha. So tight, so secure, love, security, trust, unity, embracing and celebrating each other-

A hug can speak more than a million words. Haha. And bond so much faster. And minister. And feel so damned good. :D

Its not just about the hugs I think. Cause these hugs are not superficial hugs. Its also about open displays of affection. Going to someone and staring them in the face and saying "I've missed you terribly, I love you."

And then a hug.

Quite a few people might think thats weird. And off-putting.

They don't know what they're missing. Haha.

I remember who first taught me to hug. Charmaine I think. And Shereen. At camp, and at camp. :D

Those were good, and also the realization that hugging people is perfectly acceptable and awesome.

It just takes one hug, or the first few, to set people off on it.

And also open displays of affection.

I think that's why people in FMS who are not used to it learn so fast too, from people around them and then afters personal experience. Yep.

Its really really cool.


So anyway I'm not going to think about how far open displays of affection should go. And who should be having hugs, church, school, me, others, how old, whatever.


I'm just going to celebrate them and be like ":D" cause i'm really happy that last night I was blessed with so much of that from so many people that I love and treasure very dearly, I realise.

Sonia. Josh. Keenan. Bev. Rachel. Denise. Sheryl. Adin. Sherylene. Inez. Munira. Marissa. Jane. Girl I should but I forget name >.< . Haha. But I know who she is lahhh. And the other one too. PRIS. Brandon. Matt. Li. Larris, Siddiq. Other malay dude I know from FOC, but I forget name. Loga. Yixin. Germaine and Justine I guess. Alex. Other people I know but don't remember names.

Okay I didn't hug all of them or have very super treasured time with all of them. But those that I did have time with.. :D

I am so proud of all of them. Camp may or may not have been the greatest, but I am so proud of all of them anyway. For even being there. For giving up of themselves for their freshies. For catching the flame and passing on the torch.

Yeah, I'm proud of the other GLs I didn't know too. It takes a certain something, a certain awareness of something other than self, especially in FMS, to volunteer for something like that.

Yeah, and it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside (:

It says something that I realise pretty much almost all of the juniors that have mattered in my life one way or another were there.

And that is amazing.

Having Josh and Keenan there just tops off the cake, us doing our different things, hanging out with different people, but you know that we are a unit. Haha.

I am so blessed God, thank you for bringing me here. Thank you. It was worth all the pain and suffering before and during MCM to have these treasured and loved friends here, and to get to experience and give and receive all of that love and friendship in turn.

Thank you(:

It was good to see Marv too, lol. And Tim. And Nick. Jarrel, Casey, Hui Min, Ying Hao, Cheryl, even Eunice and Ver etc. Cheak, Lav, etc. I hardly talked to most of them last night or this morning, but I think I didn't make a nuisance out of myself at least, lah(:

And Dion wasn't much of an idiot, so...

Breakfast this morning with Tim and Cheak was kinda cool. Maybe next year, year three, will be really really good. Haha. With my new class. I can only hope.

But anyway. Hugs. Open displays of affection. Sonia. I love that girl so much. Pris. Sherylene, even though I pay her considerably less attention now partly because she has Adin to do that for her. HAHA.

Hanging out was cool.

And daaaannngg that new girl Steph is hot.

And sings, and plays the guitar. And dances. And gives really good toe massages.

And is crazy, and touchy-feely. And also a Christian, though I'm not sure how strong she is as one.

And touchy-feely. I like touchy-feely. WHAT.

And I noticed her at Red Camp already.

Darn. Sigh. I hope we become good friends, at least. We'll see. She's fun. Hopefully this will go down the Sonia route and not the Olivia route.

Hahahah God I am so glad this is private journal stuff.

Ah well.

I hope Deborah comes for church this Saturday!

And God I hope she has gotten to experience you, let nothing stand in her way of getting to experience you more. Like lets say coming to church.

And help me to be a good friend and semi-mentor. Haha.

So anyway, the bottom line is:

I love hugs. I really do. Hugs are awesome. And I love all my friends who were there who I got to spend time with, especially Sonia and Pris and Keenan and Josh. And Adin. And all the new kids I met, who seem pretty fun. Haha. Especially Steph. <.<. But the others are cool too. Alisah. Grayson. Grayson is awesome. Haha.

Thank you God for yesterday and all the love you surrounded me with at camp, with friends and people I have come to realise I love and treasure and probably will till my dying day.

Hugs mean a lot to me. So indescribable, so overwhelming, something I can't fully explain, except as something that is so much more. So. Much. More.

Thank you God. I love hugs (:

If one word were to define me, I'd want it to be hugs.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009



And its 9.26 and I gotta get a cab.


Shouldn't have gotten sidetracked eh for those two hours.

WoW and sleep. Killer functions.



Shall not think about cell word and worship and speech till later.




Crunch Time

Hey God good morning.

Well its 3am yeah and I have work to do lol. Scary bit, I have not prepared the presentations for my book chapters yet so I gotta chiong those now! Haha. Well. Gogogo.

But I feel rested, I’ve been sleeping for the past 3 hours ish on the big sofa outside (my favourite) and even as I was I feel God was trying to teach me something. Like through my dreams. Like I could acutely feel His Presence through all of it and I’ve spent the last 15 minutes trying to hold onto it and make sense of it yup.

Haha it is an interesting thing God trying to teach a lesson to you Himself. Yup.

Anyway, the setting is of me in some greenish atmosphere environment running around searching for stuff to kill. Like I’m in Un’ goro Crafter. But I’m being directed/guided by God. And so He is guiding my path etc. And I’m just following Him living out my destiny and there is a certain sense of security and job satisfaction.

And I have a cool relationship with Him and it was pleasant. Very. Very safe, very secure, very purposeful, and very not alone. Yeah. And I knew that my reward was someplace else, even as I was being faithful and doing His work, and I eagerly awaited it or something. Yeah. Haha. Dustwallow Marsh.

All in all I think God gave me a little taste of a really strong relationship I could have with Him and what it was kinda like. Yep. And we were hanging out, even in my dreams.

Thank you God I want more of those please. And somehow I know this experience stemmed from the times I have been trying to invite you into my life when I worshipped You intentionally in the mornings. Yup. Hahahaha. Thank you (:

I shalt keep going. Show me more cool stuff God I want to learn from you (:

It was I think a lesson on what can happen when you set aside time to build a relationship with God, through worship and talking to Him and whatever, and what being holy is all about. Kinda. The whole listening and following God thing. Aye.

Kay now I have work to do!! Crunch time. Arrrgh.

And somewhere up there God is laughing and saying “O my child, look at the mess you’ve gotten yourself into. Sheesh. Haha. Come on let’s go let’s fix this. Do a good job.”

Sir, God. Haha. Will try. Help me nowwww (:

Monday, April 6, 2009

Soaking music

I need more.

But Ben Jelen's instrumental is pretty good lol.

My own disorganisation has started to disgust me.

Oh look i've cleaned up some. Lol. Okay time to do work? I have like, an hour :s

I feel so stupid

Bad choices. So many bad choices in my life. WoW first. Porn instead of worship. Not sticking to my plans.

And suddenly I feel a bit silly cause looking at that past list I realise that God has forgiven far bigger things in the lives of men.

And I am grateful that He exists and that He forgives me.

Not that I shouldn't be trying not to do them anyway...

Well. Even if I feel like shit. I know that my unchanging status is as a favored son. I think. I wanna try and worship God despite everything. A choice. Lets go.

And I forgive Olivia. Its only a choice. It still hurts. So? I wanna let go of the right to be angry. God. Help me start afresh with her. Teach me to forgive like you constantly forgive me.

Let's worship. Its about God, not me. Time to give Him the highest honour. And then struggle through the rest of my day.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

No forgiveness yet.

But we have decided on an IM for leader's cell.

I am a saint, a holy person. (Eph 1:1, Phi 1:1, Colossians 1:2)



So this is my schedule for the week:

To do:

Leader's Cell Word (Wednesday)
Book presentation (Tuesday)
Speech (Thursday)
Worship (Wednesday)


I vaguely remember a time when I would have been very joyous about doing something like this that I love.

So how come I don't feel hugely joyous about it now? This worries me slightly :s

I should be, over the moon or something. What has happened, God. Hhahahaa.


Yeah. You've been focusing too much on the 'chores' and 'hard work' part of it too much. You need to see the wonder in it more. Worship me. I will help you.




I'm trying to figure out how much WoW I can fit into the schedule <_<

I'm Alive

I'm alive.

And not deathly sick.

My head is clear. My limbs are free. I can think. I can smile. My stomach does not want to kill me.

I think I can thank God for that.

Just wanted to make a note :D

Still trying to forgive Olivia. Can't really get past the "I don't want to think about it" block.

Lets do it this way. What if God couldn't get past his "I don't want to think about Keann, he hurts me, arrrrgh" block.

Er. Very hard to work that analogy leh. Haha. :/ Ah well!

God. Please. Help me to forgive Olivia. Why do I want to? I know its wrong not to. Point-blank. Yeah. And I am conflicted. I want to but I don't. Let the next post have been a choice to forgive, please?
Hey God.

Haha yeah was just thinking that I seem to have way more problems with myself than I had last year. Maybe because this year I'm trying so hard to batter myself against the problems rather than just let them go. Yeah.

And it isn't pleasant mannn. Haha.

So much more to search you for.

So much more to do.

And it yes can get painful.

But they say discipline hurts the discipliner more.

And I thank you God for that act of love. I do God. I thank you.

You're disciplining me so I will be beautiful.

So I will be mature.

So I will be fruitful.

So I will be holy.

So I will become who I'm meant to be in you, if I'll just surrender.

Help me to make choices, God.

Aye (:


Its a choice I make to worship.

Because of who God is, not because of what He'll give me if I do. are good God. And you deserve praise. That's how it should be. That's worship. That's true worship.

So help me give thanks, I have pretty much a lot of give thanks about, I just need to remember it.

Give Thanks - Don Moen

And be still.

Only when we follow you do we see who we're truly meant to be.

Help me God.

Guide me, guide my steps Lord.

Here In Your Presence - Desperation


A choice. Passion or passionless. That's not the point. We worship anyway.

How Great Is Our God - Hillsong

Qianyi - God loves you

Charmaine - God says "Hey, sleepyhead. Wake up. You're beautiful when you're sleeping but haha wake up good morning love you, dearest (:"

Maybe I am called to worship. Idk. I feel called to, like its an area God wants me to move in.

In fact, I'm completely sure. Thank you God(:

Radio? The word radio just came into my head. I think this is key. God told me to go into radiopro for a reason. Worship with radio. To glorify and worship Him with radio.

And God is okay with me not journaling till now, its a bit of a waste, but as long as I start now. Right here. Yup. As an act of worship and beyond. And He is pleased.

Thank you God, I am grateful. NOW LET ME WORSHIP YOU. HAHA.

Jesus Shall Take The Highest Honour - Funny Bass Stick

Son, you can't just worship me, you also have to go out and do stuff. And learn stuff. And it will take choices, and planning, and discipline. I am here to help transform you supernaturally, but it will also take choices. Choices to love me all the time, not just when you're in front of the com with the headphones on.

But yeah I love you(:

For all honour and blessing and power, belongs to you. Belongs to you (:


God, what about forgiving Olivia? It hurts. And its also embarrassing cause its a mistake I made. But gah. I was hurt. And I'm unhappy I missed out on the birthday celebration. And now I feel bad about the whole thing but yeah I don't want to think about it, I want to run away ):

Pride is a factor there too, I guess.


I know, Son. But use my love. And forgive anyway, even if you don't feel like it. Its like you making the choice to worship me. Make a choice to forgive her. So what if you possibly get hurt?
Your strength is in me, not you. I will protect you. Make the choice.


Gah well. Haha Lord.

Then I realise I'm not sure what forgiveness is.
