Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Crunch Time

Hey God good morning.

Well its 3am yeah and I have work to do lol. Scary bit, I have not prepared the presentations for my book chapters yet so I gotta chiong those now! Haha. Well. Gogogo.

But I feel rested, I’ve been sleeping for the past 3 hours ish on the big sofa outside (my favourite) and even as I was I feel God was trying to teach me something. Like through my dreams. Like I could acutely feel His Presence through all of it and I’ve spent the last 15 minutes trying to hold onto it and make sense of it yup.

Haha it is an interesting thing God trying to teach a lesson to you Himself. Yup.

Anyway, the setting is of me in some greenish atmosphere environment running around searching for stuff to kill. Like I’m in Un’ goro Crafter. But I’m being directed/guided by God. And so He is guiding my path etc. And I’m just following Him living out my destiny and there is a certain sense of security and job satisfaction.

And I have a cool relationship with Him and it was pleasant. Very. Very safe, very secure, very purposeful, and very not alone. Yeah. And I knew that my reward was someplace else, even as I was being faithful and doing His work, and I eagerly awaited it or something. Yeah. Haha. Dustwallow Marsh.

All in all I think God gave me a little taste of a really strong relationship I could have with Him and what it was kinda like. Yep. And we were hanging out, even in my dreams.

Thank you God I want more of those please. And somehow I know this experience stemmed from the times I have been trying to invite you into my life when I worshipped You intentionally in the mornings. Yup. Hahahaha. Thank you (:

I shalt keep going. Show me more cool stuff God I want to learn from you (:

It was I think a lesson on what can happen when you set aside time to build a relationship with God, through worship and talking to Him and whatever, and what being holy is all about. Kinda. The whole listening and following God thing. Aye.

Kay now I have work to do!! Crunch time. Arrrgh.

And somewhere up there God is laughing and saying “O my child, look at the mess you’ve gotten yourself into. Sheesh. Haha. Come on let’s go let’s fix this. Do a good job.”

Sir, God. Haha. Will try. Help me nowwww (:

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