Sunday, April 5, 2009

I'm Alive

I'm alive.

And not deathly sick.

My head is clear. My limbs are free. I can think. I can smile. My stomach does not want to kill me.

I think I can thank God for that.

Just wanted to make a note :D

Still trying to forgive Olivia. Can't really get past the "I don't want to think about it" block.

Lets do it this way. What if God couldn't get past his "I don't want to think about Keann, he hurts me, arrrrgh" block.

Er. Very hard to work that analogy leh. Haha. :/ Ah well!

God. Please. Help me to forgive Olivia. Why do I want to? I know its wrong not to. Point-blank. Yeah. And I am conflicted. I want to but I don't. Let the next post have been a choice to forgive, please?

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