Thursday, April 30, 2009




11.41pm, Wednesday Night, and I'm sleepy.

Shall use time productively to journal instead of camping around wasting time for 12am.

Today was...really good! I loved leader's cell today. I mean, I really loved the exchange of minds and the discussions, and the prayer and encouragement, and worship, and...everything.

Oh man. I'm so sad that I think this week is my last. Haha. Wtheck. And even if I became a leader I don't think that I'd be JPI, somehow...

But it was nice(:

Word. I think I was fail. Lol. Like I looked at the notes and didn't really understand them. I probably should have taken time out to review them and re-internalize them and make sure I could teach from them instead of just trying to wing it eh. Haha.

I cannot believe I completely missed asking the important question of defining what Holiness was *facepalm*

La had to save me man. I was clearly in trouble. Yikes. Don't know what I'd do if I failed publicly, even though I kinda know its okay to fail...


But after that it was good lah. Thank you God. Analogies, stories, random insights (:
Those seemed to be the giftings I was given today to help La (:

I think I have a very unique hinged+unhinged way of looking at the world. Haha. Not sure how else to explain it, but there it is.

This is in reference to the Holy but working towards Holy thing...or even the God is omnipotent vs we have a choice thing...

I'm weird. But I understand kinda how it works. Haha. How.

And I think some parts of some things really impacted people but I really had no idea what else we talked about eh :s

Too tired and panicky haha. Well. Proof that God can still totally completely move even when man fails. Haha. Yay (:

Worship was coooooooool. Like. The whole come in straight away knees thing. I think God is teaching me that it really doesn't matter. Knees are for God. How I honour Him. And yes they can be completely done at the start of worship or a fast song even, its how you honour God. He deserves it. Whether you feel an urge to do so or not. Today I felt an urge. (:

And I felt really rested after all of that! Haha. And now I am home and waiting on printjoun and I am really tired again....


Gee. Haha. Talking about AWARE saga was really good(: I mean, I didn't really talk much, but not much for me to say eh. Pastor Jenn pretty much covered everything. And Josh. And watching Ben Yuan argue his views are totally awesome and inspiring. I need to learn to do that more! To be unafraid to be wrong. But unafraid to stand up for beliefs(:

Sian Printjoun. I want to sleep. Gah.

Saturday Ps Derek coming to talk about AWARE saga! Sweet. Haha. Youtubes ftw. Yay (:

K. Night. Haha. Fingers don't want to typpeeeee ._.


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