Monday, April 13, 2009



Speaker: Reinhard Bonnke


Yayyy God's anointing is so here tonight. Haha :D

Okay lets here what He has to say! Help me God to take down the important things but at the same time pay enough devoted attention for You to work through me, like Mary, not Martha.

Haha help me sit at Your feet, Jesus (:


Haha there's another dude coming to speak!


He also works in Africa lol.

2 Cor 6:2 --> Now is the time of something something beholding something lol. NOW IS THE DAY OF YOUR SALVATION! :D


Heh (:

Now is the time of salvation! Its like before the world trade centre collapsed and someone went into the building 10 min before and tries to get people to run out! A tragedy is coming!

A tragedy is coming!

Now is like that! God's wrath is coming! Its not very far away! And NOW is the day of your salvation! Quick! Run! Take it!


Every second, 2 people pass away into eternity! Since the guy started talking, 200 people have died! :/

And the door of heaven is closed to them.

But not for us! Now is the time of salvation! There is an urgency!

The great evangelist Moody learnt this tragically when he asked people at one rally to come back next week and decide whether they wanted to be saved or not, and The Chicago Fire happened and a lot of people at the rally died before they could give their lives to Jesus! D=

Moody never not gave a call to come to Jesus after any rally after that ):

Luke 9:59

The young man asked to follow Jesus, and said he wanted to bury his father first!

Jesus said "The dead can bury their own dead! You come preach the kingdom of God!"

The guy could never understand that verse! Why was Jesus so impatient! Its perfectly natural to want to bury your dead father!

And The Lord said to this guy one day "What makes you think the young man's father is dead?" The bible never said that!

The key part of that verse is not the dead father! It is the words "But first!"

"But First"

"But First"

Jesus calls us to do things but we always say "But First!"

But first I want to have fun! But first I want to do this! Eat! Play a game! Grow old then give my life to Jesus!

That is a mistake ):

One day there was this girl, popular, beautiful, possessions, popular friends, dream life. But she didn't have Jesus!

She was having too much fun to give her life to Jesus, she wanted to grow old before she did that!

She had a car accident. And she died before the preacher could get to her to lead her to Jesus. She was waiting for him, propped up in the bed, 40-50 friends waiting outside in tears, but she died just before the preacher could get there ):

She was so close, close enough to touch, but so far ):

There is an urgency. There is an urgency to give your life to Jesus. Now. Now. Don't wait. Now ):




Reinhard comes back!

He could go on forever in the same vein lol.

But Jesus says broad is the way that leads to death, narrow is the way that leads to eternal life!

But heaven is going to be bigger than hell!

He believes that there will be more people in heaven and hell!

It is not possible that the devil will waggle his finger at God in the end and say "God, I have won after all, I have more people in hell than You have in heaven."

It will not happen!

The party is going to be up there, in heaven, and the devil is going to have nothing to celebrate.

Amen (:

When Jesus spoke about the highway of death, He planted his cross in the middle of it!

The cross is the biggest roadblock to death and hell!

Arms outstretched, a barricade! And Jesus stands there, big, arms wide, and we evangelists, all of us, stand at the foot of the cross arms stretched out crying out "Repent, turn back, this is not the way!"

And some do see us, and choose to turn away, and praise God for that, that is our purpose in life (:

Amen, Praise God, Glory to Him (:


Luke 19:10 --> "The Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost."


In every religion, man seeks God. Sometimes lots of gods!

In the Christian faith, it is not just man seeking God! God is seeking man! God is seeking man!


And the bible starts with that very truth!!!


Genesis --> God just had His seventh day of rest.

While resting, there was a great cry from the garden of Eden! Adam and Eve had fallen into sin.

What did God do? Did He go to His archangel Gabriel and tell him that it was God's day off, He can tell Adam and Eve off tmr?

No! God broke his Sabbath immediately! He arose! He went to the Garden!

Genesis 3:9 --> "Adam, WHERE ARE YOU."

God was seeking man!

Man was not seeking God, in fact, man was hiding!

God is seeking man, he is seeking man even though man is hiding!


God surely knew where Adam was. Behind shurb 123532412. Lol.

But Adam was not lost geographically, he was lost spiritually.

But when God found Adam, He did not start yelling and telling him off in wrath.

Not immediately. He dressed Adam. He dressed Adam. He took care of him first.

THAT is our Christian God.

Thank you God (:


Reinhard believes that that chapter of Genesis is not focused on Adam and Eve, as many think, but God!

Adam and Eve were deceived. They were lost, the serpent had deceived them!

So they were lost. And someone had lost them!

Reinhard believes the spotlight is on the Person who lost His treasures, Adam and Eve!


One day Reinhard and his wife and children were shopping. And they lost their daughter Gabby.

His wife was terrified, crushed.

So was Reinhard.

And finally after 3-4 hours they went to the police station in defeat and desperation.

And there was Gabby happily eating candies brightly saying "hey mommy, hey daddy! :D"


Learning Point: Gabby didn't even know she was lost! She was happily eating candies to enjoy her state of being lost! -.-

But Reinhard and his wife were terrifed! Crushed! They knew Gabby was lost. And it broke their hearts.

It broke their hearts ):

That is much like how things are today! The biggest loser is God! He lost Adam and Eve! It broke his heart! And many today don't even know they are lost because of the entertainment in their lives!

And they are lost, happily!

But it breaks God's heart.


That changes tonight. Tonight God takes His people back. Yeah. Amen (:


People always talk about testimonies where they found the Lord.

That is slightly wrong. They never found the Lord, the Lord was never lost!

God found us. We were lost. God came seeking us and found us. And He celebrates each and every one with indescribable joy.



Hosea 11:8

Israel was a morally bankrupt nation! They deserved to die! To be destroyed! This is what God said:

How can I give you up, O Ephraim? How can I hand you over, O Israel? How can I make you like Admah? How can I treat you like Zeboiim? My heart recoils within me; my compassion grows warm and tender. (Hosea 11:8)

How can I give you up! I don't know how to give you up! I LOVE YOU. HOW CAN I LET YOU GO. IT PAINS ME TO LET YOU GO.

When Jesus went to cavalry, God never said that. His only Son. The Son He loved. He gave up His only Son. For us that He loves and cannot bear to let go off.

Thank you God, Amen (:


Tonight we speak from Old Testament truth (:

Deut 7:7

God says: I love you Israel, not because you are a great nation. In fact, you are the smallest of the nations around. Hmm. I love you Israel. Because I love you. Er. I love you because I love you. Lol.

Tonight God says to us: You have provoked Me with your sinful and unclean life. But I cannot give you up. I love you! I want to take that sin out and put a new heart inside of you. I love you because I love you. Come to me tonight.

Yay (:


Jesus said the same thing.

The Son of Man has come to seek and seek and seek, and save and save and save, that which was lost.

He loves us. (:


With us Christians, God spreads a table for us. We don't have to work for our faith(:

God spreads a table for us in his heavenly sanctum.

Yeah (:


Story of the Prodigal Son:

Some preachers talk about all the sins the son did, with prostitutes and this and that and that and this!

But the Bible never really expounds on that...

But the father was waiting. The father was waiting. Day after day the father was waiting.

That the Bible does say (:

And one day the son came staggering back.

And the father was watching. And watching. And watching the road.

And he saw his son and he ran.

Let me tell you that old men don't like to run very much...


But he saw his son take one, two steps, and stopping. And two more steps and stopping. And one step and a stop.

And he thinks: "Why is he stopping and stopping? ): Is he unsure? Is he still thinking? Is he thinking about going back? To live with the pigs? To suffer in the pigsty! TO SUFFER IN THE PIGSTY?"

And when the father realised that, HE RAN TO HIS SON.

"I can't take that risk, I can't let my son go. I am going to take and save and hold him. I'm running."

"Adam, where are you ): "


He is like that tonight. For some of us tonight it is our last chance to receive Jesus. Don't let this chance go. Don't let it go.

Let me tell you another story


We're on a train in Britain...

And suddenly the train stopped, and a group of men come into the same train-car as the old man who is reading his Bible, who is the main character of the story.

And the young men start mocking the old man. "Old man how can you read that book. Huh. You know what, can you show me what hell is? If you do, I might believe in Jesus. Hahahah sucker."

And the old man said "okay i'll show you"

The young men refused, they thought he was joking.

" No no no, you wanted to know, follow me, come with me"

And they went to the last carriage and the old man said!

"You want to know what hell is like? WELL OPEN THAT DOOR AND JUMP DOWN, AND YOU WILL BE THERE."



We're not going to ask you to jump into hell tonight.

But you are also one step away from heaven, only one step!

For every one step that you take to Jesus, He runs ten steps to you!


And then we pray, and an altar call for salvation is given and hundreds of hundreds go to the front, making the decision to be saved :D

The healing part of the rally happens after this.

Followed by healing testimony time.


:D :D :D

Man its been an amazing three days. Hahaahah. Yes.

There we go. Breakfast time or praise time or something. Hahaha. Later (:

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