Saturday, April 11, 2009

Hammer in the window

Parents yelling at me when I got home at 11:15, 15 minutes after curfew kinda spoilt what was a pretty idyllic and wonderful day, especially when service started and i wasn't late for it, I had WoW under control.

And worship was completely amazingly awesome, even though that isn't the point of it, but yeah settling into a position to praise God simply because of who He is, not because of any feeling or to lead or to fit in with the crowd.

It felt good to just be there, first song, just me and God, no matter how much everyone else is jumping. Its not about me, its not about them.

Being prompted to kneel during the first song which was a fast song was interesting though, when everyone is jumping, but I learnt from that too. It doesn't matter what everyone else is doing. Its my personal worship to God.

Haha. Yay (:

And you could tell that everyone was completely serious about it. Completely. Serious about worshipping God. And we were ministered and blessed so much in return, in corporate :D

Message was great. Message was amazing. Such a powerful testimony, Michelle, and sitting with Sherry was, really really fun.

I know, I know, I shouldn't care about that kind of stuff, but its so much easier to sit with people that ARE ACTUALLY HIGH. You know? When I'm in my cell row its so not fun can everyone is so dead.


I love them okay but I love other people more, just because we share more similar interests. Like being high.

Like when I cheered and people at the end of the row cheered and we kept chain-cheering each other and the other kids on the left row joined in...

I never get that sitting in my cell row ._.

Is that wrong God ):

But I really just prefer it lor. Lol.

And having Nat and Sherry who I can talk to for real, not because of social obligation or duty...

What lah Lord. Its just the way things are :/

Anyway service was awesome lol.

Altar call. Couple of salvations. Thank you God. Then the second call for people who felt like they were backsliding.

So many people I knew and cared about and loved went up. I wanted to cry. Cause it was so emotionally moving and you could sense their sincerity and I wanted to be with each and every one of them praying and supporting and being with them.

But I couldn't cause I had to shadow Pastor Peter who happened to be ministering to the new guy salvation.

Haha. Keenan. Brenda. Kenneth. Veron. Sherry. Nat. People that I just want to be there with and support.

Haha but ah well eh :/

What I learnt from Pastor Peter (that was the point right, to learn something)

Ministering to new salvations:

1. Ask name
2. Explain what is going on and how to do it
3. Ask if can lead new believer in the Sinner's Prayer
4. Offer to pray for new believer.
5. Get followup forms
6. Explain what it is about, and importance of being in a community
7. Bring believer to side (with supporting friends) to fill in form
8. Give space for believer to fill in form
9. Go back, collect form
10. Hang out and talk about stuff and info related to the guy, make guy feel welcome

So that's what I learnt about leading new Christians in prayer at altar call. Lol. Pastor Josh would be so proud :rolls eyes:

Seeing Jac again was really really, really really good (: I am getting very fond of that girl. I trust her implicitly(:

Haha Jac(:

And seeing Veron. And Mel. And Angie. Tabs. Tab. Brenda. Kai En and Kenneth, the guys, New friend Tina who is completely awesome! Charlene. Charmaine as usual, love her so much. Haha.

And other people I'm sure I have forgotten (:

And sucks that I had to leave them all to go to cell dinner D=

Ah well. That was okay lor. Semi-decent. But missed out on Botak Jones with Angie Mel etc...

That put me in a sianed mood. Haha sigh :/

Am I a bad person Lord?

"he says no"

Oh okay. Haha. Then how. Its just one of those things, he says. And commit to them anyway, sometimes in your life there will be people you have to meet/serve etc that you wont be natural about hanging out with but you'll have to commit to them to serve me and them effectively.

I see. Haha kayyy Lord.

But gosh. Haha.

And then coming back and getting yelled at was lame lor. Lol. Disgusted with parents as usual. There is very little anger or sadness lately. Just more disgust and "I wish I could be out of here soon"

Ah wellz. Probably gonna have to work through that sometime eh Lord, you and me? And them?



And for us, but only because its a good one for Him. Haha. yayyy.

Lord please help me rally the troops?

Love you God. See you later. -hug-

Hahahah what. (:

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