Saturday, April 11, 2009

See la haven't journalled for two days.

Lol now i can't really remember what happened Thursday. Hahaha. Okay lets seee...

wtheck did I do in the morning? Office 10 AM. Still had to take a taxi in the end. Haha. Bit spazzing out over not having finished speech. But got there in time!

And got owned by the angry old auntie guarding the office who didn't know what HIP was and thought I was gonna rob the place D=

And oh yeah I was in formal wear. Haha. Sigh. But so was everyone! Flo looked really good! And Olivia stunning as usual. And Kylie was really cute. Haha. Ah wellz.

Went down and spent too much money on apple chips and ginger beer and sausage roll. Haha.

So. Reflections:

I was scribe for that day so I'll just post it here, no point regurgitating :D


HIP Debrief



I've learnt how to do the 4 W's effectively!

Being: Learning to rest. Through HIP she has learnt how to rest, to know what is important as compared to what is urgent. She know how to focus what is more important --> loving Jesus with all her heart! As opposed for grades


Before, my whole cell plan was involved about word. And "what to play". And no worship or works. So it was quite boring. But now i've implemented worship into cell, and even my cell member volunteered to play the first time i led worship with 1 song!

She has also learnt to expect the best from cell outings!



Being: I've learnt a lot of things, but one main thing is to be intentionally with my cell plan. Not just goals and plans for the sake of doing so, but for a purpose, to get them to be disciples.

She's taken more intangibles!

The most important thing she learnt was about having to minister to people's felt needs! At the retreat! Not just real needs.

It matters to be intentionally with what we've been given! And for her she applies that to her cell members. And not giving up on them, but working and being intentional with them.

Doing: She's learnt how to do SMART goals!



Doing: Finally settling into a working pattern, that plays to my strengths in God, for journaling and devotion. Online in a private blog, and devotion being worship, for now.

Being: Relationship with God getting tested, mangled, but ultimately strengthened. And no longer being spiritual miserable. Why be so when there's so much more to focus on like worshipping and rejoicing in God and living in His Presence and doing His work. And letting God heal you in his own time.



Doing: Having a cell plan is important! Its much better to have a plan and know what to do specifically, and she can look back on it and evaluate it properly and effectively!

Also, the felt needs and real needs things. She learnt this from her cell members opening up to her a lot more after she just took them out for ice cream.

Being: Worship. She always faced a big struggle with leading worship with songs because of her cell members. And in HIP she was required to lead worship with music once, and she was very haunted with the fear that people wouldn't sing.

But she learnt that it doesn't matter about how you sing, but about who you're worshipping. And Oli now is encouraged to sing to be an example to her cell members. Its a matter of self consciousness.


Zhong Guo:

Being: Be more confident in terms of leading cell, more application, more experience. Also learning to be more responsible! As the GIC. Good job.


Things we felt could have been improved on!

- Planning training could have been earlier, but that was by circumstance that it was pushed back!

- Have an even number of HIPPers! Easier for things like taxis.

- More prophetic painting!


Yup (:

Haha. Interesting how at the end we had very little and trivial correctables for HIP. I know during HIP when frustrated I might have had a few here and there, but seeing the whole thing to completion and seeing the reasons why some things were done, and also having God change my life somehow through it, I really had nothing bad to say.

And Pastor Josh said that we were his collectables.

Haha. Yay (:

SO what happened later? we rushed out at 1 after writing letters to each other (which are really really sweet, 3 good things and 3 prophetic blessings for each person), Josh kicking us out, and WE TOOK A TAXI TO CHURCH.

so THAT'S what that receipt is for! HAHAHA.


Yay for journaling lol.

Right, then after one hilarious game of table soccer at the urbanroom we hit the hawker for some really good chicken rice yay though in our crappy formal wear haha.

Gosh the only thing I really liked was the shoes, but even they started to hurt after awhile. Man. So! We got a 970 to SKS which is like one or two stops after Zouk haha, of all things.

And blew our resource fund :D

I didn't actually do research before it, or get anyone to recommend me books, like lets say Florence, so when I got there I pretty much had to let God lead.

And I really like my books haha. They're not so deep books, but more like really resource resource how-to books? Solitude, disciplines, worship arranging and song selecting, and being a prayer warrior.

I just felt that all the deep stuff can wait, specially now that my devotion is just supposed to be focused on worshipping God and i'm sure he'll tell me stuff from there, I need less deep stuff that I only know in my head haha.

Goodness knows I'm pretty well-endowed in that area already -_-

Yeah soz. It was very interesting how you could tell so much about each of us and our individual needs and walks with God simply from the books with God. Flo's books about identity. ZG's book about starting small groups for his RP cell. Tons to learn. Haha.

And by God's grace Flo had enough money to pay for my extra book. I gotta pay her back. Yeah (:

So, came back, played one more table soccer game, played bluff, got to work on speeches on cards...

Haha. And then graduation dinner and speech. Yeah (:

And then home.

And a bit of WoW.

And then its Good Friday :D

I'll reserve a bit of a post for the Graduation itself...but LATER GONNA WOW and I think God is rolling His eyes and saying just go lol for awhile.

Haha God please help me keep my priorities right kay and control myself, so I know I've honoured you first.


Love you God, more than I can ever describe :D

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