Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Why speakers, Lord? Why a need to play music? Why do I feel convicted that we should have it tmr?

Because I feel You saying, and I agree that we shouldn't be afraid to celebrate You. With our songs and dancing and praise. Whenever, wherever, we should be watching out for opportunities. And that where we can get it we should always push a culture of active praise and worship.

Not one of fear! Saying "what if noise begets noise equals more noise" and "what if its not allowed" is prudence. Prudence can be wise. Wisdom is good. We shouldn't rush headlong into everything without evaluating the consequences.

However, saying "what if its not allowed" and "what if its not appropriate" is just not good enough for me. We shouldn't break the laws of authority, yes, but to challenge it if it stands in opposition to our birthrights as Christians? We should be challenging the culture, I feel. And seeking change. Not overzealously of course, but we shouldn't just stand there meekly and say "oh well".

No to a culture of fear! I feel, I don't know how right it is, but I feel that our ultimate authority we submit to and want to please is God. Take initiatives to honor our government and authorities? Yes. But not before taking initiatives to honor God! We are God's 'little good boys', not the school's, or the government!

Challenge the culture. I want to see us Christians unafraid to seek You and worship you publicly in school, everywhere. The way some people are unafraid to dance and mosh publicly.

That's what is greatest on my heart, I think. Challenge the culture. Not in our churches, not in our little fellowships. We already KNOW we can worship there. I want us to be able to have worship where there is currently no worship!

And tomorrow, while we're doing Your work God, working hard round the clock to see Your Name lifted high, we might as well celebrate You while doing it.

Above all God, let the supernatural be natural tomorrow. Let people be healed, slain in the Spirit, let visions and prophecies be revealed to us tomorrow. Your power Holy Spirit be with us tomorrow, let us be baptized in holy fire that all may see and know that You are God!

I have faith and am excited in anticipation that something is going to happen tomorrow. But at the same time, I dare not hope, for fear of falling flat on my face. I'm nowhere near perfect Lord. I have 100% faith that God will definitely move tomorrow, and move powerfully! How He's gonna do it? I don't know. His standards of powerful, not mine. But by golly, I hope and I really really want it to be epic. Haha. It is in my nature to want to see exciting times. We live in exciting times. I want to be able to be in the middle of it, to see it at least once. Oh God will you fall like fire upon our school tmr. Haha. Gosh. I waaaannntt it. I wannnnt it badly. Ahhhh.

The wisdom of the Lord is reminding me now that if I want to live in exciting times, there are plenty all around me that I can activate if I so choose to. Choosing to actively reach out. To offer to pray for the sick. To do so many things. To be unafraid to exercise my spiritual gifts.

Ah. Haha. That might take some woorrkk. Hahahaa. Whatever. Be with us tomorrow God (: Move, please move, please move powerfully. I just want to see Your glory. Is that kinda wrong, to want to see exciting times this badly? I don't know. But I do. God. Please come. Haha. Thought you are already in me.....

HAHA. Kay. Not gonna dwell on it now. Help me/us to pray for this whole thing, this major undertaking, more, God. All through tonight unceasingly tomorrow. Fill us. Make something different. This isn't any old CCA redundant fair. Fill the school and the convention centre with Your Tangible Presence tomorrow God. Not by our strength but your strength, not my will but Your will be done. Haha. And now I will worship. YAYYYYYY


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