Monday, May 26, 2008


And here's another post that isn't mine, from

But oh so worth the read(:


Encounter Fest was INCREDIBLE! I have been reaching new depths in worship and my relationship with God but I never thought that just a few days could send me so much deeper. God really drew near to me because I first drew near to Him. He spoke through one of my close friends here and brought a word into my life that literally took 10 minuets to finish. It was comprised of 15 key points/prophecies and many other clarifying words. Words of encouragement, prophecies about my future, all sorts of incredible things and all straight from God. It was on the first night of Encounter Fest. They had an anointing service and everyone in the room was anointed with oil and prayed for. There wasn’t any prophecy when I was prayed for, but right after I was anointed God whispered ‘find a secret place’ and He showed me where to go to pray. Now in a room with over 4000 people in it, it is hard to find a secret place but God found one for me. I went there and began to pray, re-devoting myself to the call on my life and pressing in hard. After about 10 minuets of praying I felt the hand of my friend on my shoulder, he had found me praying way up in the nose bleeds. He began to pray for me but couldn’t even finish the first sentence when God immediately began to speak through him. I am so thankful that he was obedient to the voice of God. I also believe that the only reason that word could have been given is because I needed to be obedient first and draw close to God so He could draw close to me. God desires a simple faith of us that is willing to obey Him before He ever asks us to do something, even when we aren’t totally sure its Him but think it ‘might’ be Him. (there is a profound truth there if you can grab it).

Now onto the United CD for this year. Yes there are new songs. Yes they did record Encounter Fest. No they aren’t releasing a ‘live’ CD just yet. Instead they are focussing on a new project called “The I Heart Revolution” ( The drive here is to make this generation realize that the youth of every nation have the same hunger for the Lord and the same passion to change their world. I am not totally sure what is going to happen with any form of CD but there have been rumors of a ‘studio’ CD and still other rumors of a ‘live’ CD that was recorded on tour across the globe. All I have to say is the new songs rock and you might not get a chance to hear them until I get home to play them for you, unfortunately. Nevertheless, God is doing AMAZING things here at Hillsong and in my life. Thank you for all your prayers. Talk to you again soon.


This is way back when in 2006 mind you. When I was messing around with my O levels and a very different person than I am now.

And there's 5 more years of change and molding by God coming before I can even think about Hillsong.


I've had at least 3 different people telling me to "be patient", and that "we're running a marathon, not a 200m footrace", and that "its not so important how fast we run than how far we run".


Its been an amazing weekend, Lord (: Now I pray that all the time I've spent slacking about doesn't screw me over this week. And that my work will still be of quality, because we have to honour You in our daily lives as well, yes those daily lives that still exist. Haha.

Okay no more till maybe after school. Haha. I make a commitment. Work time! HAHA

Oh man. Faith

I am aware that i'm spamming entries but i ask you to bear with me. I just read this, another excerpt from the documented first year experiences of a Hillsong College student on his blog

And i'm tearing or close to it, as i read and copy paste this:


But there is one student whom I have met that baffles me. She is a 19 year old girl from New Hampshire. Her name is Michelle. This girl knows the true nature of faith and the side effects are very evident. Her family is in no position to help her financially. She came out here of her own earnings and has little money left to her name. She is in danger of being kicked out of college if her fees are not paid and yet there is not a doubt in her heart that it was God who called her here and it will be God who provides the finances. Due to her faith and her sacrifice she has a genuine love for the structure and rules of the college. She is upstanding and always encouraging no matter what her personal circumstances. She is a truly a woman of faith.


Oh mannnnnnnnnn. (:(:(:

To God be the Glory :DD

Hillsongs 2006 Grad Dinner/Night

I can't get enough of all this info. I'm well aware that is my usual emotional impulsive self running away with me again, especially for something i won't be able to think about for at least - shit its not 2 years, its 5 years?? -

All of a sudden I don't want to go to army anymore. Oh eff.

Anyway, here's an excerpt from a blog of a Hillsong College student. Maannnn. From

At least I think Yelruh is his name. But its a really cool blog. Easy to read, with pictures, and it manages to detail his life experience in Hillsongs throughout his first year. The excerpt I'm posting is from his First Year Grad Night :D


OK so Hillsong College has a ‘prom’ of sorts before each annual graduation. Its called grad dinner and its more or less a prom. We all dress up fancy like and have a VERY formal dinner with 4 courses. The food wasn’t the best but it was good. Everyone looked so amazing. And I noticed something neat about the girls. A few guys and I were discussing a few days before grad dinner how we have been getting to know the girls in the college and they all pretty much have amazing characters and spirits. We were joking about how the last thing we needed was to now see these girls all prettied up and totally fall for them (seeing as how we are NOT here looking for a girlfriend, we are focussing on God and a girl would just distract us). But, something neat actually happened. Instead of their beauty causing us (or at least me) to ‘fall’ for them it seemed to be more of an incarnation of their inner beauty. Romance was far from our (my) hearts as we spent the evening with amazing women of God. And boys would be boys. My best friend (here in AU) is Scottish and wore a formal Kilt to the dinner and there were the few who tried to lift it. Luckily he was smarter and didn’t go 100% traditional if you catch my drift ;). After grad dinner we headed into the city to the Opera House to hang on the harbour at night. If you were wondering, yes it is beautiful.
For grad I was supposed to do some post work (editing and mixing audio for videos) for many of the grad videos. The head of TV&Media was given my info like 3 weeks ago. Grad was on Monday the 4th of December, she finally got a hold of me on Sunday the 3rd of December night. I spent most of Monday in an editing room working on the post for 5 of the grad videos. Everything was finished on time and sounded great (save one video that I was personally disappointed in).
Now its Monday night and I am sitting writing this thinking about all the great times this term and thinking of all the great times to come as I start to prepare to head home in 8 or so days.
Stay fed, stay fresh, be blessed...


Man. He mixes and edits video!! :o

And hahah lol. Check out this thingy I found in the student handbook. Yes, I actually downloaded the student handbook. I have a mad-on for Hillsong College. But I'm 17. Give me a break. Haha.



Dating and Relationships

Whilst attending College, the primary purpose of students should be to successfully prepare for ministry and
leadership. This will only be achieved by focusing on this goal. Hence our general preference is that students do not
date while studying at College.

However it is anticipated that some students may find their life partner while at College. To this end, dating is not
permitted between full time college students until after the first year of study. After this time, dating between full
time college students is permissible only with the consent of the Principal or Tutorial Leader. If a relationship between
students ends, there is to be a 3-month period before entering a new one.

Any commencement of a relationship between a full time student and a non-college student, within the year of study,
should be prayerfully considered and it is required that students speak to the Tutorial Leader or Principal first.


I lol'd. But I like said practical guidelines. Hahahaha. Here's other funny stuff I found buried in the dear handbook:

" The Bible is not included in a bibliography. "

"Author’s surname (repeat this information for second, third, etc author if there is one); comma, author’s
initial, full stop (period), comma, title of the book in italics and capital letters, full stop, place where the
book was published (the city, or the city and state if the city isn’t well known), colon, name of the
publisher, year of publication, comma, page number, full stop. "


" Font: ALL written assignments must be typed. Assessments not typed will not be marked. The font should be
Times New Roman, size 12"

"Language: HILC requires all writers to use gender inclusive language in their submissions. Examples of common
phrases include:
Traditional Inclusive
man, men persons, person, people, human beings
mankind humanity, humankind
sons of God children of God, people of God
every man every person, everyone
his his or her, his/her
he he or she, he/she
manhood adulthood, maturity
layman Lay person "

"Grading System
Because the College delivers vocational training, its courses train and assess competence in a range of skills that are
applicable in ministry. Consequently, the relevant results for a subject or an assessment are:
• Competent
• Not Yet Competent

The College does not employ a scaled grading system (eg. High Distinction / Distinction / Credit / Pass / Fail ). "

Here I saved the best for last :

Where circumstances prevent students from submitting assignments by the due date, the College allows students to
resubmit their assignments at a later date. However a resubmission fee of $50 per assessment applies to cover
additional costs of assessment. "

Homgosh. And we think we have it bad with 10% per day??



Sunday, May 25, 2008


Hullo 6th entry hahahahahhaha.

This came to me while stepping into the shower 10 minutes ago:

God is like water


No seriously. Its amazingly vital to our lives, its everywhere, its simple, its pure, and all we really need is it.

But we drink it so little. Instead we go for the sweetened gassy mixed versions of it, of which there are immeasurable. Coke, milk, and various forms of alcohol. And we use and manipulate it for so many things and so many ways that actually don't really help our thirst or overheated selves.

But swimming and being soaked in it always is an amazing blast, even though we don't do it very often because we forget how awesome it is, but once we're in it its almost impossible to drag us out for awhile.

And its free. (Okay I am aware that this analogy is kinda flawed, but sue me. I said God is like water, not God is water or is exactly like water)


Let me rephrase that. It rains down and all we have to do is take our shirts off and go out in it.
yes those shirts and clothings that we have made really vital in our lives but are really uncomfortable when water is being thrown on us, they cling and they're cold.

And to find a substitute for the coolness it brings we create all these manmade ways like air-conditioning which are expensive and while they bring us temporary coolness, all they really do is make life hotter for everybody else because of the heat generated while they're switched on.

And if you leave a swimming pool or any pool of water stagnant, it gets dirty and choked and smelly and icky green things start growing in it, which rot and so on and so forth. Like the school pond. We have to keep them flowing, and keep taking in new water and giving the old dirty one back to be cleaned. In a neverending cycle(:

So won't you come out into the rain with me and accept God as your Savior and Risen King. He has so much to offer you, more than you can ever imagine(:

HAHA okay got an arts fest to cover! Later!

5th and hopefully last entry for the day

Cuz I really need to start doing work. Haha.

Check out the Hillsong's College Application Requirements:

Entry Requirements

Certificate IV in Ministry, Diploma of
Ministry, Advanced Diploma of Ministry
Students wanting to gain entry to these
courses need to meet the following:

• A conviction that there is a call of God
upon their life
• A minimum entry age of 18
• A satisfactory pastoral reference
• An ongoing commitment to Christ and
consistent involvement in a local church
for longer than 12 months
• An assessment by the College that the
applicant is likely to successfully complete
the course.
• Be proficient in spoken and written
English. Applicants for whom English is
a second language will be required to
demonstrate their English language skills
by attaining a score of 5.5 on the General
IELTS test or an equivalent assessment
such as a copy of English results from
a secondary or English school.


I think I can do that. Hahahaaahahah. :DDD


Academic Requirements:

The academic requirement is as follows:
EITHER completed High School with:

• High School Certificate/Senior Certificate
(Year 12 Australia)
• High School Diploma
(Grade 12/Senior USA)
• Completed “A Levels” (England)
OR equivalent in your country
OR at least two year’s post-school
work experience


Is that what my GPA is supposed to be? :s :/

Haha. Oh and FMS students, check this out, the Diploma for TV & Media Course at Hillsong Bible College:


TV & Media
(Hills Campus)
Purpose designed, the TV & Media
stream will equip you with training in
Studio Camera Operation, Location
Camera and Lighting Operation, Sound
Recording, Digital Video Editing using
the Final Cut Pro Suite, Writing for Media
including Storytelling and Visual Design for
Video. Much of the TV & Media course is
delivered through practical on-the-job style
training with students learning by doing
and reviewing during class.


I lol'd.


Omigosh man. Even though that's not what I think God has called me to do, its still funny knowing all of these things.

Even though the only legit credentials I will have to that end at Year 3 will be TV Production and basic editing skills, the rest of em are FSV/DVFX territory.

Bah. Haha.

Check out the Prospectus, guys! They have a Dance Ministry and Children's Ministry too! Calling aaaaalllll ECH-ers.



Here's the download link for the Hillsong's College Prospectus so you guys can view for yourselves (:




4th entry of today and counting.


I was just pondering if my insanity and competitive spirit is a tad unhealthy. I mean, I was at the front yesterday which was cool, but what about all those other people that didn't get to be at the front! I feel kinda bad.

I also am aware that a selfish streak is one of my greater flaws.

I hope I didn't hit anyone yesterday during jumping. I have an inability to jump straight. I jump at like, angles.

Then again, I know if I did anything retardedly stupid last night, I also know that whoever what happened yesterday, he/she would have forgiven me already, and i know that without a doubt(:

That's the magic of God :D

Jumping for God(:

Then again, there's nothing wrong with having fun and jumping around insanely for God :DDD


I so wish I could play some form of instrument. Except i'm musically incapable. Sigh. Imagine being able to play a guitar and getting on a train right after the Hillsongs concert and everybody hyped and starting something right there and then and whoa (:

Ah well. Haha. I wonder what kind of GPA they accept : blink:


3rd entry in 5 minutes. Lol. But yeah. I was pondering on the hype of Hillsongs.

They're awesome. There's no doubt about them. Its <3. And SO GOOD HAHA.

But its not them that makes them awesome. Its God.

And the moment we start going to Hillsongs for Hillsongs, we're in trouble.

They're only a medium, and we need to keep remembering that. We're going to Hillsongs not for Hillsongs, but so we can draw closer to God through Hillsongs.

That said, WOAH OH OH XD



I forgot to say. Haha.

Like a 100 people got saved last night. Heck, more. There were so many people coming up to the front right in front of me that I actually thought it might be faked for a second.



But yeah. It was an awesome experience and me and God are stronger for all of it(:

Its a question i've taken to asking myself lately. What is this doing for my own, not others or whatever, but my own relationship with God?

And if its not doing anything why am i there man.


I heard that COOS service was monumental too, with people having visions and going to the front to share(:

I am glad(:

And i suppose that Adin's gig was a blast too, even though I haven't heard from anyone yet. Haha.

I think, we were all where God intended us to be last night. To God be the glory(:

No longer I but Christ in me
Cause it's the truth that set me free
How could this world be a better place?
But by thy mercy and by thy grace

C'mon, c'mon we'll tell the world about You
C'mon, c'mon we'll tell the world about You

Who says Christians aren't cool? We're one of the coolest people you're ever going to meet and that's a fact. You had to be there to see it last night. But rawr. Haha.

I will run Your Race for the least of these (:

Yeah. Finally an update after so long, i know, so much has been going on, running deadlines, juggling dances, and going to Hillsongs

Haha. YES HILLSONGS WAS THE BLAST. And God is/will/will always be awesome :D

Yeah. We were down there at 11 to be second in line for the whole thing. So glad we didn't go down at 1 like the original plan, a mass of people appeared at 1!

And they all seemed to know each other man. Like. All the new creation folks ._.

I mean its cool and all, but i missed all the COOS people last night badly. Haha.

Still, new friends made and all were coolios [:

I'm just not going to go into any negative human behavior last night because whats' the point eh. Haha. God came through and theres no point nitpicking over nothing at all haha.

Then again what do i have to complain about. I was at the front, and polly and the others were at the front, and the people who came first got to the front too.


Oh I will jump for Your Name Lord, so much, and only for You :D

I was a bit worried at the get-go that we would be overtaken by the hype, and the fact that it was Hillsongs, and the focus was supposed to be God

Hillsongs only a medium and all that, and so me and Keenan and Josh and David etc we were praying at the start of the concert against all of that and that God would do his work among us.

Which I appreciated greatly. This isn't just any other concert where people squeeze and rahrah and go hyper at the band and all, this time, all the glory to God and we really should be looking out for each other (:

And then Hillsongs themselves came out and spoke a few words to us against that, and directing it all to God, so :D


I'm glad Lord, that you drew me into worship with you. And then at some point you stopped the jumping from working with me because you wanted me to realise and see that the danger of everybody jumping and so you jump instead of making worship a you and God personal thing is a very real danger indeed.

Theres a reason why I kneel. When I kneel, I have no idea what goes on with the crowd at all and i don't care. Head down, crowd shut out, and its just me and You, Lord. Which is the way that any action we should be doing during worship should be for. A medium to connect with You better. And it differs for each person and their personal relationship with You Lord (:

I sobbed and broke down during Healer again. I welcomed it :D

I had tears in my eyes from the very starting and Lord I thank You for allowing me to glorify You with my tears :D

See, church and worship is really the only place I can feel vulnerable. Everything else, all the hurts, all the shut outs, all the push downs, every single thing that we suppress in our daily lives whether for whatever reason, I can lay it all there in front of You Lord with no fear of any recrimination and I treasure that more than almost anything else in the world except You yourself and my salvation through you :D

Seriously. Everyday in every situation i am called to be strong. You guys know how that is. Holding this back, being mature, thinking about the welfare of others. Etc. And my family has never been able to fill that area of my life that needs the unconditional love and backing up, and I really treasure the moments like that I have with DaddyGod(:

Yeah. Cause its only then that I'm not afraid to cry :D

A shoutout to everyone that was a blast last night, RachelKeenan Polly Soap Josh David Gerald Sharyl Abby Franco Barney Lala Jayne Jeremy and anyone that i possibly missed. Especially Keenan and Polly. Haha. Keenan for the bailing out and getting me the uber cool wristband thumbdrive. Polly for dragging me out of the house, getting all that food and being amazing company throughout the day. God bless for your O level chinese gir(:

Rah. So Hillsongs was a blast. Now what do we do with it?

I've been pondering this question since last night. And I really really loved the prayer session we had at the end of it in the middle of Expo in a circle. And I hope we do more of that. Anywhere. Canteens. On the floor at the atrium. Around pillars. In the train. In malls.

And I want to say to all of you right now that if you ask me to join you in prayer whenever whereever I will be there. And I will support. And I'll have your back.

Because that's what I'd like anyone I'd ask at any point to do for me (:

Nothing to fear, anyway, right? (:

Back to life blah haha. Newwg to write, advert to shoot, tvpro mrm and mm to do.

I'll start thinking about it at 3. Now I need serious downtime. Haha :D

/checks Hillsongs Bible College site with my soggy brochure paper/

*ponders the miracle of voices coming back, the miracle of my bruised knee and sore ankle healing and not giving me any trouble at all since last night, and the miracle of the half full bottle of water soaking everything in my bag except everything that was important.

Bible cover was wet but bible pages were entirely dry. Laptop case wet, Laptop entirely dry. Hillsongs flyers and envelope i used for tickets soaked, but stack of notes from school and reporters notebook entirely dry.

God is good (:

It is not too far a cry
To much to try
To help the least of these
Politics will not decide
If we should rise
And be your hands and feet

Hey Now
Fill our hearts with your compassion
Hey Now
As we hold to our confession

Monday, May 19, 2008


In hindsight i was way too harsh in my last post. I am sorry. But yeah. :/

As morning dawns and evening fades, you inspire songs of praise :D

Hello I'm back. And looks like I won't be getting any sleep after all. Lol.

Title is horribly appropriate, it was one of the songs at the mega worship session at the end of overnight prayer about 6am ish.

I mean obviously picked to milk the lyric lah, but still, who's complaining!

HAHAHAH. <3 style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">gold dust and gold randomly appearing on bibles and speakers and on people during prayer and stuff.

: o

And then there was the manna with healing properties thing.


It was interesting for me because as like a fms student and all i was paying attention kinda to whether these could possibly be faked, and for what end.

But dude you should have seen it. Hahha. Even though I died and dropped after the video went into an hour plus. :blink:

I honestly preferred the last session in the room though. Haha. That was all youths yes, but we were packed into a tighter space and i just felt it was more effective there but blah. It would have been effective this time and i'd have been more useful if i wasn't half out of it the whole time ._.

Which of course is a direct result of Sentosa. Lol.

Sentosa...Sentosa was great. Madness really. I mean. I loved every minute of it.

Up to the gay sex part

Not cool. I was and am very uncomfortable with these things. Playing around with sex is just not cool kay? Crass jokes and all that. And posing. There's a reason why I'm really not into grinding at all. The only way I could ever enjoy it is going all the way. And we all know what going all the way entails. Making out and shit. And I am fully capable of it. And as such when grinding happens I'm paying more attention to holding back and not crossing any lines and of course who has fun like that. I mean. Man. I tried to get into the stuff just now to oblige and not spoil the fun but every bit of me was recoiling from it.

And sigh.

Surely we can do better things than that with speakers, a room, and 6-7 people that're all Christians.

I just didn't know how to say it. I hate being a party pooper.

I mean okay it was funny. And the video thing was funny. But in a ew dude no please kinda way? And the worst part was that Josh was encouraging every single inch of it. Pris' lighthearted comments after the pool shower pictures are still ringing in my head.

"How can I ever be a cell leader ever again!"

And everyone was laughing away.

Okay yes maybe I'm overreacting but its no joking matter to me man. Everything else that night. The very very brief satanic music bit. And Josh's very defensive tone about it. The whole using Yixin as a model that night for a photoshoot titled Lust.

Josh what are you doing. It wasn't that long ago that you were super pushing for mass quiet time back at fmsa camp.

mean we can argue the rights and wrongs of it all we like, but would you do any of these things in church? Encourage any of these things in church? What would Jesus do?

Very simple questions with very simple instinctive answers.

And I hate judging and rebuking, but its an entirely different thing when you're dragging down others with you. There. I said it. That's honestly what I feel. I worry so much about every single freshman that passes through the doors of FMS, especially the Christian ones, because i've seen firsthand what it does to people. I've experienced firsthand the backsliding that comes with the territory, more than once in fact, and i've been trying to do everything in my power to stave it off from happening. The bitching. Everything.

And you're not helping

I mean, church every week and dinner afterwards with Keenan, Yisin, Polly, Hannah, Shereen, Mel, Charmaine and the rest of the crazy people proves that we can be insanely crazy high people but have fun without going anywhere near the sex thing.

I hope you read this Josh, but don't take it the wrong way k? I just know you can be a better person. Come back soon.

Sunday, May 18, 2008






I don't know man. I have a lot on my mind at the moment, but its not organized and i'm not going to attempt to.

I mean, I love church and all, and worshipping God and having fellowship with my friends who're super on fire for God as well(:

And that lasts until all about their parents come to pick them up.

Or send them off to the airport, and treating daughter's friends to dinner together just because.
Or devote the whole sunday to family day.
Or are entirely supportive of whatever their kids dream of doing.

While mine don't notice that i'm washing the dishes until i'm not washing them, don't say they're pleased when I give up nights out on the town because i desperately am trying to live for God and listen to my parents, but scold me the next night when i come home at 11:45 and not bothering to ask why when i'm passing Hillsongs tickets to a friend oh hey who's parents drove her to the mrt, and not trusting that the bloody police called because they just need me to go down and collect a statement/warning from a case long long ago that closed, not that i've gotten into trouble again, and accuse me straight out of lying about turning on the damn computer outside and making such a big thing about it when I haven't lied to them or anyone for that matter for the longest time

And coming back into the room whenever they think of a new insult to say to me.

And recently putting the whole "You're a Christian" crap on me. I mean like wow. You judge and condemn me and leave me hurting every day even when you're not in the picture and here you go messing with me. I'm already trying so hard to live for God every day but you don't see that and seem to think that i'm a horrible horrible delinquent that needs to repent of all his sins.


I knowwww. I knowwww. Problems are for a reason and all that, to direct us, to inspect us, to correct us, to protect us, and to perfect us and all that, but isn't it someone else's turn to get the crap for awhile.

*Story of Job comes to mind*

I hate you God -.-

(And I meant that in the most lighthearted way possible in no way do i mean it in a angry negative sense)


Okay i'm better now thanks God (:

It seems i've been asking "why" a lot lately huh. Why does it have to be me, etc. But problems are your gifts Lord and i've always known that in my head, and i'm sorry for the arrogance that makes me think even if just a little that "i know better" and that "this is the way you should be doing this Lord". Eradicate that, won't you? I ask now for the peace and joy that comes only from you no matter what the circumstances are because I know without a doubt that you're with me and I can stand through anything and make it a testimony to glorify Your name(:

I can't do this on my own Lord, and I'm okay with that, just let me lean desperately on You alright?

Thank You Lord, and I welcome the drama, okay i don't not really, but hey.

I know You love me (:


To be honest i don't feel much like going. But I'll pop down to harbourfront anyway. Sigh. And attempt to be nicer to my mom.

Overnight prayer :DDDDD

So looking forward to it. The last time, God really used it to challenge me about a huge guilt issue and stuff and i grew lots because of it. And this time i'm not going in blind :D


I am so weird. Lol.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Blessed (:

I'm tired.

Soooo drained. Haha. Managed by a miracle and awesome friends to get in both ad analysis and tv script on time. Have YC on the warpath for drama after that horribly crappy D script we ended up with :/

But I feel blessed. :D

I was supposed to go to a party tonight. Had been looking forward to it the whole week since Bev asked me on monday. Then walking home today it hit me that of course my parents wouldn't be happy with it at all.

Yeah. I have no idea how that managed to completely slip my mind all week. And everything that Pastor Josh/Pris/Mel(today) said to me in our discussions came back to hit me. Lines like "I have a higher stand and that stand is for God". Things that I have said like "I regard something as potentially dangerous sin if i'm faced with giving it up for God and theres a huge internal struggle".

And it was horrible and hard and all but here I am sitting now at home giving a testimony instead of having a blast out in town with Bev Josh Kevin Shaun Denise Lenne, moving to the music and having a crazy time.

And I feel blessed(:

And its growing steadily by the second. That small little seed of satisfaction that this is my stand, my higher stand, and I've taken it when its hard to take it.

Cause there's not much point only taking a stand when its easy to, and listening to parents only when its easy to.

And I know God will come through(:

Don't get me wrong. I know i'm missing out on lots. And I really wish I could be there. And i've contemplated lying to my mom and telling her variants of "school project at friend's house", or just straight out disregarding and going with or without telling.

But I won't compromise my integrity for that :D I have a Higher stand. My stand is My God(:

And I hope beyond hope that this is a starting point, and its a worthy testimony to Your Name my King (:

I ordered my new specs today, as well as restored my old ones (well half anyway)! For only $188!

Did you know I almost got pink ones. Lol.

Oh that uncomparable feeling of knowing you've done the right thing for His Name (:

I had a new insight a while earlier on the whole perennial The Joy of the Lord is my strength verse thing today.

Like the joy of God is our strength right. And the joy of the Lord comes when we do things that are pleasing to Him, or try to honour Him!

So when we do things to please God, we build our own strength in Him (:



Wednesday, May 14, 2008


You said its over
I said "that's ok
I wasn't in to you anyway"
I told you "lately
you irritate me your laugh is too loud
you're the last girl I'd look at
if you were in a crowd"

Could you tell?
I was lying and hiding the truth away
and what I really wanted to say

is you are incredible you are amazing
you blow my mind one of a kind
I'm having a meltdown
you are incredible you are amazing
but sometimes telling the truth
is easier said than done,
"don't leave baby" -
now that's what I meant to say

Darius is frigging amazing. :DDD


Sorry. Back to scriptwriting. XD


I got my Bible back today from the Crusade room :D

So in still half-misery but at joy at seeing the book again I opened it randomly and it fell open at Nehemiah 8: 5

Ezra opened the book. All the people could see him because he was standing about them, and as he opened it, the people all stood up. Ezra praised the Lord, the great God,; and all the people lifted their hands and responded "Amen! Amen!" Then they bowed down and worshipped the Lord with their faces to the ground.


Verse 10:

Nehemiah said, "Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is sacred to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.


These two verses cheered me up considerably, in light of everything that's happened lately, me missing my Bible like crazy in a way that never was there when i actually HAD my Bible, and finally getting it back, and that sense of grief that's been haunting me since a couple of days ago.


Thank You Lord, and I will not grieve because Your joy is my strength (:

And I work to honour You (:

Blah. Haha. Later.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Lack of a Bible is having a noticeable

I need You Lord. I'm so utterly dependent which scares me a little, but hey isn't that the way it should be. I'm absolutely nothing without You, You who thought of me and my pains and transgressions and took the fall for me even though I was entirely in the wrong but you didn't care and just protected me with everything you had because You're on my side.

Which my earthly parents seem incapable of doing even when I'm (mostly) in the right.

"How am I supposed to know you have no specs. You don't come home and when you do you're in front of the computer"

"Break your specs, like the last time, I'm not going to pay for you"

"Contacts? No! Daddy won't agree and I don't think I will either"

"At this time still fighting"


Unconditional love, much. Totally.

The scary thing is that I'm probably not alone in this. Millions of kids around the world going through something like this scares me.

Well to be fair, they care. They still give me money. But they nag and put me down and seem to think that eating and sleeping is more important than schoolwork.

Which is true in any other equation but mass comm.

*watches everyone nod in agreement*

I don't need them to care for me from their perspective. I need them to understand and care from mine. What happened to having your kid's back no matter what happens. If I got hit by a car the response would be:

"Why didn't you see"

Or something along those lines. And it hurts to know, and to predict the response, and then to get it right. Like with the specs/fight.

Waiting on the parent police~

In Tears

I gotta go shower and stuff for school in about 5 minutes so yeah but for you morning update checkers:

I'm in pain. And life blows horribly.

It'd be nice to be able to see again.
It'd be nice to have parents on my side.
Not parents that refuse to pay for my specs/contacts OR believe that there even was a fight.
Parent's that'd even notice my specs were gone in the first place, and not blame it on me not being home when i was home the whole weekend.

Its not like me to emo but yeah.
I spend the last 48 hours tearing my hair out over a torrid project that ended up in me running to people's houses and skipping lectures and not sleeping and not eating. Watching all we tried to build away from the bitching and crassness in FMS slowly crumble and fall away.

And now its over.

But what the hell was the bloody point? What IS the bloody point? Its done well but SO WHAT. The industry isn't my purpose in life, God is ):

Lord come take me now I can't take much more of this.


Off to school :D

Sunday, May 11, 2008


And my mom is now taking me to task for blog photos with girls. And the whole arm around waist thing now. Jeez.

I wholeheartedly suspect now that this conception of me having a girlfriend is derived from that time Charmaine visited my church.

Seems like I can't be trusted now. Lol.



Whoa what? O_o

The timing and theme of Pris' latest entry freaks me, in light of my last post and all i've been dwelling on since last night o.O

Oh and gosh you guys. I'm just going to put a bloody disclaimer out here for you guys especially bev bev beverly who keep dropping hints and insinuating stuff-_-

I'm not romantically attracted to Pris.

That clear enough for you guys? Haha. Jeez seriously. And if I ever developed romantic feelings for her/anyone in the future ever I wouldn't act on them anyway. Resolution and all that remember. So that makes everything null and void about now. I just want to focus on my friendships k thanks :D

So my mom came home to me washing dishes and threw a quote at me:

"Someone told me you have a girlfriend. Is this true?"


If I do, I wish somebody would tell me. It would uncomplicate things an awful lot.

Lololololol. LATER.


Message today was about love. And loving wholeheartedly no matter what and how unlovable someone was and leaning on the Holy Spirit for strength to do that:D

A message I feel more than half of FMS, new and old, should have been there to hear. Haha.

Once more again today I prayed for the presence of God to come down and fill me/us and it came.

In an unimaginable way, the way it always comes. XD

In the form of my new favourite song between me and God. :D

Here In Your Presence,
We are undone

here in Your Presence,
Heaven and Earth become onneeeee.

Hahahahahha familiar? HAHA WHOOOHOOO. :DDDD

God is crazy amazing like that. And I thank You Lord for the constant reminder that You are always there and listening and coming through to touch us perfectly in the way only You know how.


Okay I don't have much time left online so I'll make this quick:

What's the point in having bloody feelings if you can't act on them?

3 more years of living like this. Oh well ):

Gah. Night guys. Haha.


I can't believe I missed the internet shutdown time again. Haha. Well since I have this window open I might as well ramble somemore, aye.

Yeah. What the hell is the point of having romantic feelings AT ALL if we can't do anything about them until we're bloody 21?

Its bloody frustrating, that's what.

Haha oh well sigh. It isn't encouraging at all to see other couples running around church at all k. I mean its like, why you guys get to have it but not me.

Don't get me wrong. I think love, whenever found is a great and wonderful thing at all and I don't begrudge anyone who is in an existing working relationship. If you've found something that works, great, good for you and i'm truely happy for you. Haha. But yeah. It sucks quite a bit to feel that I'm holding myself back. Even if for all the perfectly right logical reasons. Sigh.

Day 5 of struggle with resolution. ):

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Oh dear.

I can't believe I'm on no one's blog entries last night regarding the high parts!

: blink:

I couldn't have been that low...


Blah haha gah. *shrugs*

Recep Picture Post

Boo. This is me shoving the pictures of destroyed specs in your face in the event that in my uber long entry bellow you gave up and never even got to the pictures part. Haha. Gah well. Go for it [:



Actually I realise that in photos, these don't look that bad. But trust me, they are. Like twisted to the side and all that. Just that I fail at taking photos. Using photobooth alone doesn't help <_<

Sigh. So remember I mentioned I attempted to be a repairman and stuff and tinkered with my graveyard of spectacles? Haha. Here it is.

The stuff.

And the pair I managed to kill even more, snapping the thing clean off ><

Blah. Haha. The next pictures are the tool I used the whole night that saved my life and for that I am eternally grateful.

It doesn't look like much now.

But :D

I tried to rotate the damn photo with Preview so the light shining thing there would be coming down from the top, but ah it refuses to work for me. Just pretend XD


Oh here's the final product that i'm wearing atm but NEVER will wear outside if I can help it!

Omg can. Haha. Look, the bloody lens don't even fit in there. Hahahaha.

And like so.... So yeah. Haha.

Blahhhhh. Its morninngg! And I have a lit review to do on pain of death! Later! Haha.

Goodbye Orange Specs ):


You read it right. They’re gone ):

Obliterated. Mangled. Crushed into a million pieces kinda unwearable anymore. Sigh. Haha.

There is very little that can describe the emotional dejectedness I am feeling now.

I mean like. My orange specs. They were My Thing. Like Peace Symbol for Keenan. Like Nrrk. Like “Eek” for Pris. “Bounce” for Sonia. “You know what, I’m gonna” for Josh Simon. Bimboness for Shereen. “Mansxcz” for Charmaine. Popping for Mark. Feedback for Josh Simon. Hairstyle for Keenan. Etcetera.

You know, the million and one things you are instantly identifiable with. People associate you with them. They’re you. And no one tries to copy them off you because there’d be no way they’d pull it off.

I lost a huge part of me tonight, by that definition ):

It’d be like losing “Keann” as a name. ):

I mean the two are almost irrevocably linked together. Both were obtained just before Poly Life started. Both were searched for with the intent to be my own person. Both represented change, an act to symbolise the intent to change, to start afresh, to be a way cooler person, a person much much better than the horribly messed up social moron I was in secondary school.

And by God’s grace, they both did what they were supposed to do(:

I remember the first day I walked into Sports Camp, and the first thing my GL(jon chia) said to me when I sat down with the group having icebreakers was

“Hey, cool specs”

And that’s how its been ever since. I was identified all through and after camp as “the guy with the orange specs”. On the SSC tagboard, where I met Mark and we spammed like crazy, Keann(Orange Specs) was my identity. FMS camp. All through Year 1. Church. Red Camp, FOC camp, and all the camps/things I ran in turn as a GL myself, my freshmen identified me by the specs. Always the specs.

The Orange Specs were me ):

And I am well aware that any other specs would have made me look horribly geeky and nerdy. Haha. :/

And now they’re gone D=

They didn’t come cheap too y’know. I still remember how I got them. I was still tight with Audrey back then. Before school and before camp and all. It was like 2 days before camp and all and I was frantic to get them, first step into school and the start I wanted to get going as a mass comer and all that.

We were at Queensway, looking at the iFocus shop, and the Orange Specs caught my eye instantly. And I had to get them. Had. I contemplated between the Lime Green and the Orange. I went with Orange. Thank goodness I went with orange. XD

And the salesgirl told me they were like $200 with the lens and I was like “wtf”

I blanched, Audrey started laughing in shock. :blink:

I had nowhere near that kind of money kay. But Audrey did and she bailed me with $50 for the deposit. :D

:D :D

Girl I love you eternally just for that kay. Imagine if you didn’t ><

Bahahahah. Went home and told my parents. They got uber pissed. Because I went out and spent that kind of money “liberally” that of course now they would have to pay. I mean like duh. Haha. But I endured (:

And yeah (:

Oh well huh :|

They served me well and stuff. A whole year of insane fun and growing up and all that. I’ve had a blast with them and through them. No regrets(:


Yes okay what happened to obliterate my specs. Uh.

The short story is that I got into a fight. And my specs got owned in the process. As well as the other guy’s face.

Well, yeah. If you wanna fight, fight well, y’know?


I don’t think I’ll go much into it lah. Haha. I am relatively ambivalent about the whole thing. I went into the fight because I needed to. And I chose to. And the fight’s over and I’m okay. What else much is there to talk about ._.

Although it was kinda cool in the sense that I’ve NEVER gotten into a fight not once nope not since primary school, where I was a horrible little terror and constantly fought with guys for the same girl.

Or just to fight <_<

And I was damn good at it too, back then okay. Lol. Bigger guys especially. Always took them down to the ground in a headlock and other random things but and yeah. Haha.

Then something happened along the way, and fighting became this thing that I would NEVER do, because it meant losing control, and I could never really let myself go there for some reason, because it was be so….personally undignifying.

Like going down to a really really base level, yknow?

Haha yeah. Words a lot yes. And liberally, and effectively, I’m not too proud to say. But never anything physical. I was “above” that. But the aggression I had was always clearly evident on the soccer field. And the basketball court. Lol.

So yeah. Uh.

Turns out I’m still good at it(:


Hahahaha. <_<

Bleh. :/

Anyhow, I’ve always suspected that I’d be a horribly dangerous creature if I ever was provoked enough to snap on that level. Because when and if I fight, I go all out. No holds barred. And I’m smaller than most guys, but faster, and lack of any and all restraint is a murderous thing. Its all or nothing with me. Its like that for most things about me. <_<

I mean, I was very clear with myself back then when I was provoked by the same dude to a fight IN the convention centre in full public and then later in the toilet when he came up behind me to spit in my face, way back when at laptop sales, that the reason I was refusing to get involved wasn’t because I was afraid to take him on, but because as a member of SU at that point I owed a greater responsibility to SU to not drag their name through the mud.

He didn’t seem to realise that about Sports Camp though. But ah well. Sigh :|

I’ve never had anything against Sports Camp, by the way. Are you kidding me? Sports Camp wowed me man. My own experience with it. Fun and unity on a level that I had NO IDEA even existed and it did amazing things for my social life that are muchly evident now(: Dragonboating was so much fun, and food times were always hilarious. Campfire was out of this world. How could I ever say that Sports Camp sucks, people?


Sports Camp meant the world to me. All through my first year I nurtured my dream to be a GL solely because MY own GLs had such a great impact on me, getting us high and sleeping so late and constantly filling our bottles for us, as well as being constantly entertaining. But I didn’t make it through the cut during GL trainings even though everyone else did and I didn’t understand why, but my sole priority was to have an impact on my freshies’ lives, and I vowed to do that the best I could in Student Union FOC, despite the misgivings I had then. :/

And look how that turned out XD <3333 All the negative stories I’d heard about FOC and GLs and Committee and everything turned out to be largely untrue, and everybody rocked my socks off, just so much love everywhere(:


I just don’t understand how most of you guys who were my friends then or just acquaintances, but we saw each other around, could always be now hanging with the guy and pointing me out to him and stuff. You think I don’t notice? And it hurts, guys, especially those of you who were in the bunch of us that hung out every single day after school in the library post-camp, and stayed till late, and revived the tradition when Sports Camp GL trainings brought us back together.

Until I didn’t make the cut and suddenly all invitations to hang out mysteriously stopped and I didn’t know what to make of it ):

All through working with SU, I’ve always been entirely cool with you guys, I’ve just not been sure whether you guys were cool with me, with the huge rivalry and all.

And I guess apparently not huh :/


Coming back to the fight, ah well I guess. It was the freshman dance night in convention centre and I had a ticket because Dancesports members were invited for some inexplicable reason. But not complaining. Ahahaha. I was hanging with Sonia and Bev and the whole bunch of FMS freshies and stuff, and we headed out to get some water during the band performance.

And I was the last one going out and I got pulled back. Forcibly and hard and all that. And once more, to find the guy going into the motions of y’know what people generally do when they start going into a fight. Idk. Prefight motions and all that. Haha.

And I wondered for a second if I should retaliate and stuff and my mind just flickered “Okay”

So I hit him first. Charged/lunged for the neck with an elbowlock and swung him round to bring him down with my weight and started smashing his face into the floor with my knuckles. You know. Typical style. I’m an unimaginative puncher. So sue me.

I think going into the first punch I wavered about whether I wanted to really go all out or not. Like no holds barred break nose so what kinda all out. But yeah the indecision kinda stopped there.

Cause at the point I was kinda more concerned with exactly when he would start retaliating. Big guy and all. I was attempting to do as much damage as I could before he “woke up” and stuff. Like incapacitating kinda damage. Blah. :/

But yeah we got pulled off each other by Sports Camp people/ushers so that kinda solved that problem for me <_<

See, where my specs got megaowned was when I lost them somewhere about the time I was spinning the guy round. And the ushers found them for me later, but they were like. Um. Mangled and stuff. Like truck crush kinda mangled. One lens gone.

Yeah, it totally got “stepped on” More like tugged and jackhammered with murderous intent. Sheesh. Guys I mean like. Seriously. If you don’t want to get involved fine. But what happened to the honour yeah. Sigh.

I have no idea where the guy went, by the way. I kinda didn’t care really at that point. I mean, I’m not pissed at him. Seriously. The fight was more about me proving to everyone else that “hey I’m not not hitting you because I’m scared of you, dimprick. If I want to take you down I can.”
(Reference to previous confrontations with same guy that I shall deign to not discuss. Hahahahah. What’s the point yo. Seriously.)

I’d actually pondered about situation beforehand like sometime yesterday and decided that if the guy came after me in the canteen or something I’d do something about it, as opposed to like being in the library and stuff where seriously you’re just asking to get owned by everybody else and the staff. No see principal for me. Thank you. No big huge jock is worth that. Lol.

Anyway. I want to place a big huge thank you hereabouts to all the people that were there for me, and came out to check on me, asked me if I was okay, offered drinks, and offered to go look for the guy. Girls included. Haha. Really. I was really shocked but like pleasantly XD and really really superwarmed by the almost instant superbig outpouring of care and concern like right after the thing happened. Haha(: You guys rule, omigosh :D

Especially Hashim. Dude you were like the first one on the scene. Like when we were being pulled away from each other you were there already, and helping me tell my story to the ushers and just being awesome in general, all the way till outside to make sure I was okay. I mean like even though FOC is over, it means a HUGE lot to me that you as my DH were looking out for me like that. Like rushing to me from the very moment you heard people shouting my name which I didn’t ever hear! :o

And then suddenly Chunyang’s outside, Val’s there, Xingjun, Old Kai, not-so-old Kai, Ryan, and a huge bunch of FOC people that I either don’t know their names but know they’re from FOC or forgot I talked to. Haha. I mean like. Whoa guys. I’ve never had anyone have my backs like you did before(:

And going through the fight was just worth it to experience something like that afterwards. Haha. Once again, thank you so much :D

A note of respect to Sports Camp dudes Meng/Meng and Khalish. Thanks for coming out to talk to me and all, and respect for sticking up for your friend anyway even though y’know gah haha. Oh well. Even though I’m kinda -.- that you insist that you guys can’t hold him down cause he’s the biggest among you and all that, I mean, I took him down on my own lah. Sigh. Haha. Moving on.

To insert a brief footnote about FRESH(the dance night) here, it was mostly bloody crap for me. Barracudas is great, but very, very old. I’ve heard them like 11 or something times already. Its very unnerving. :s And I really, really am not into live band singing songs I can’t hear and don’t even know to begin with. I was wishing the whole time they’d break into Christian Praise and Worship somehow. Blah. The prizes for answering questions thingy was really funny because the whole bunch of us FMS freshies/Josh and me were at the very front and we KEPT running out first to hog the questions. And the goodie bags with the $100 Lee’s Jeans Vouchers. XD

Dance was pretty bad too. I mean, I was kinda not in the mood already after the fight (What, you expected my blood to be fired after rearranging somebody’s face or what? Retarded) and Trance is reeeeaaaly not my thing. There was like, HALF an R&B song the WHOLE night and only at the very end when the lights were coming back on but we were so desperate for good music we kept dancing in the stark glare anyway. I was forcing myself to dance most of the night, which really is quite…self-defeating eh. Bleh. Same for the rest haha. Gah.

SO ANYWAY BACK TO THE SPECS. They’re mangled to the point of no return. Well, not really, but it would take much luck and lots of locked-into-caution delicate skill to restore the mangled frame. At least its not broken. I’m still going to have to spend money on at least one lens, anyhow. :|

Regardless, I’m still going to keep them, fixable or not. Such a huge part of my life, I’m not just discarding it <_<

I’m big on memorabilia that way. *points to picture of broken slipper near top of blog in picture row*

And no its not my broken slipper -.-

But yes anyway. Yeah. If in the event that its unfixable, its contacts time. Haha. Yeah. I’ve been wanting to get them for a really long time anyway, bah well. Haha. $25 for 3 months if I’m not wrong. That’s amaaaazingly cheap. And solves the whole hockey/dance/other sports→ specs flying off thingy :D

I mean, I really really doubt my parents are going to shell out money for another $200 dollar specs, and I’d want to get the same ones again at the same shop, or like the same make in a different fun colour if they have them hopefully, like purple or something. XD. No other frames will do for me, I look really really bad in most specs. Trust me. :/

I’m just going to tell my parents straight, by the way. “I got into a fight and they broke”. I’m going to get mad lectures about why am I’m mixing with that kind of company and why didn’t I come home early and see I’ve always said that one day you’re going to piss off someone so hard you have to be more respectful and generally more stuff along the theme that’s its all my fault. But yeah. Might as well take it y’know? Stick it to the man and all that. Why lie, anyway. Haha. I’d need to explain somehow. Bleh.


By the power invested in me blah blah blah phanphernefgfsd(however you spell that word), I have managed to make myself a spare pair of specs! XD

Yes, I don’t own a spare. I have long been aware that like if my Orange Specs get screwed over, I’m doomed. Lack of spare = gg

But I looked in my drawer of random stuff and as it turns out, I have a pair of broken specs, in the sense that one lens is missing and the lens part loop thingy is split open a little, and ANOTHER pair of broken specs that has both lens there but one ear-rest/arm thingy entirely gone. Both very very geeky frames though :/

So I spent the good part of two hours trying to replace the missing arm of the second with one of the arms of the first. But I couldn’t find the microscrewdriver thingy, and then the screw didn’t fit. Sigh. In the end uh I managed to hammer the parts together with my knife thingy and resigned myself to tape.

And it actually worked! :o Except the alignment was screwed and one eye was much slighted down in a tilt or something, so I spent some time adjusting the frame between the eyes, bending it and stuff.

And then I snapped the damn thing clean off.



Oh well haha. Scotch tape wasn’t working much either. Plan B, I replaced the arm for the first pair of specs and switched the one remaining lens there with the two lens of the point of no return graveyard ghost one!

Cause like lens shapes are like different and specific for their own frame right, so I couldn’t just simply take one lens and chuck it in there. Major weird.

And now lol. The lens of course don’t fit properly, but remember the snapped eye loop thingy? I snapped the other side and the “new” lens (which are longer but are less wide) inexplicably fit into the loose thing. Like the long bit stretches the sides to come down and clasp/cling onto the lens. Lolololo. Its majorly retarded. Yes I have pictures. Haha.

And no I’m not wearing these anyway no bloody hell -.- These are like emergency usage glasses. Like using laptop I don’t want to burn my eyes kinda glasses. AND THAT PLAY TMR. And church! And lectures and whatever tutorials! Anywhere I don’t especially HAVE to wear them, they’re coming off. <_<

Really. I mean, They’re horrendously bad. Haahahahaha.


Actually I realise that in photos, these don't look that bad. But trust me, they are. Like twisted to the side and all that. Just that I fail at taking photos. Using photobooth alone doesn't help <_<

Sigh. So remember I mentioned I attempted to be a repairman and stuff and tinkered with my graveyard of spectacles? Haha. Here it is.

The stuff.

And the pair I managed to kill even more, snapping the thing clean off ><

Blah. Haha. The next pictures are the tool I used the whole night that saved my life and for that I am eternally grateful.

It doesn't look like much now.

But :D

I tried to rotate the damn photo with Preview so the light shining thing there would be coming down from the top, but ah it refuses to work for me. Just pretend XD


Oh here's the final product that i'm wearing atm but NEVER will wear outside if I can help it!

Omg can. Haha. Look, the bloody lens don't even fit in there. Hahahaha.

And like so.... So yeah. Haha.

Okay night, haha(: