Saturday, May 10, 2008

Goodbye Orange Specs ):


You read it right. They’re gone ):

Obliterated. Mangled. Crushed into a million pieces kinda unwearable anymore. Sigh. Haha.

There is very little that can describe the emotional dejectedness I am feeling now.

I mean like. My orange specs. They were My Thing. Like Peace Symbol for Keenan. Like Nrrk. Like “Eek” for Pris. “Bounce” for Sonia. “You know what, I’m gonna” for Josh Simon. Bimboness for Shereen. “Mansxcz” for Charmaine. Popping for Mark. Feedback for Josh Simon. Hairstyle for Keenan. Etcetera.

You know, the million and one things you are instantly identifiable with. People associate you with them. They’re you. And no one tries to copy them off you because there’d be no way they’d pull it off.

I lost a huge part of me tonight, by that definition ):

It’d be like losing “Keann” as a name. ):

I mean the two are almost irrevocably linked together. Both were obtained just before Poly Life started. Both were searched for with the intent to be my own person. Both represented change, an act to symbolise the intent to change, to start afresh, to be a way cooler person, a person much much better than the horribly messed up social moron I was in secondary school.

And by God’s grace, they both did what they were supposed to do(:

I remember the first day I walked into Sports Camp, and the first thing my GL(jon chia) said to me when I sat down with the group having icebreakers was

“Hey, cool specs”

And that’s how its been ever since. I was identified all through and after camp as “the guy with the orange specs”. On the SSC tagboard, where I met Mark and we spammed like crazy, Keann(Orange Specs) was my identity. FMS camp. All through Year 1. Church. Red Camp, FOC camp, and all the camps/things I ran in turn as a GL myself, my freshmen identified me by the specs. Always the specs.

The Orange Specs were me ):

And I am well aware that any other specs would have made me look horribly geeky and nerdy. Haha. :/

And now they’re gone D=

They didn’t come cheap too y’know. I still remember how I got them. I was still tight with Audrey back then. Before school and before camp and all. It was like 2 days before camp and all and I was frantic to get them, first step into school and the start I wanted to get going as a mass comer and all that.

We were at Queensway, looking at the iFocus shop, and the Orange Specs caught my eye instantly. And I had to get them. Had. I contemplated between the Lime Green and the Orange. I went with Orange. Thank goodness I went with orange. XD

And the salesgirl told me they were like $200 with the lens and I was like “wtf”

I blanched, Audrey started laughing in shock. :blink:

I had nowhere near that kind of money kay. But Audrey did and she bailed me with $50 for the deposit. :D

:D :D

Girl I love you eternally just for that kay. Imagine if you didn’t ><

Bahahahah. Went home and told my parents. They got uber pissed. Because I went out and spent that kind of money “liberally” that of course now they would have to pay. I mean like duh. Haha. But I endured (:

And yeah (:

Oh well huh :|

They served me well and stuff. A whole year of insane fun and growing up and all that. I’ve had a blast with them and through them. No regrets(:


Yes okay what happened to obliterate my specs. Uh.

The short story is that I got into a fight. And my specs got owned in the process. As well as the other guy’s face.

Well, yeah. If you wanna fight, fight well, y’know?


I don’t think I’ll go much into it lah. Haha. I am relatively ambivalent about the whole thing. I went into the fight because I needed to. And I chose to. And the fight’s over and I’m okay. What else much is there to talk about ._.

Although it was kinda cool in the sense that I’ve NEVER gotten into a fight not once nope not since primary school, where I was a horrible little terror and constantly fought with guys for the same girl.

Or just to fight <_<

And I was damn good at it too, back then okay. Lol. Bigger guys especially. Always took them down to the ground in a headlock and other random things but and yeah. Haha.

Then something happened along the way, and fighting became this thing that I would NEVER do, because it meant losing control, and I could never really let myself go there for some reason, because it was be so….personally undignifying.

Like going down to a really really base level, yknow?

Haha yeah. Words a lot yes. And liberally, and effectively, I’m not too proud to say. But never anything physical. I was “above” that. But the aggression I had was always clearly evident on the soccer field. And the basketball court. Lol.

So yeah. Uh.

Turns out I’m still good at it(:


Hahahaha. <_<

Bleh. :/

Anyhow, I’ve always suspected that I’d be a horribly dangerous creature if I ever was provoked enough to snap on that level. Because when and if I fight, I go all out. No holds barred. And I’m smaller than most guys, but faster, and lack of any and all restraint is a murderous thing. Its all or nothing with me. Its like that for most things about me. <_<

I mean, I was very clear with myself back then when I was provoked by the same dude to a fight IN the convention centre in full public and then later in the toilet when he came up behind me to spit in my face, way back when at laptop sales, that the reason I was refusing to get involved wasn’t because I was afraid to take him on, but because as a member of SU at that point I owed a greater responsibility to SU to not drag their name through the mud.

He didn’t seem to realise that about Sports Camp though. But ah well. Sigh :|

I’ve never had anything against Sports Camp, by the way. Are you kidding me? Sports Camp wowed me man. My own experience with it. Fun and unity on a level that I had NO IDEA even existed and it did amazing things for my social life that are muchly evident now(: Dragonboating was so much fun, and food times were always hilarious. Campfire was out of this world. How could I ever say that Sports Camp sucks, people?


Sports Camp meant the world to me. All through my first year I nurtured my dream to be a GL solely because MY own GLs had such a great impact on me, getting us high and sleeping so late and constantly filling our bottles for us, as well as being constantly entertaining. But I didn’t make it through the cut during GL trainings even though everyone else did and I didn’t understand why, but my sole priority was to have an impact on my freshies’ lives, and I vowed to do that the best I could in Student Union FOC, despite the misgivings I had then. :/

And look how that turned out XD <3333 All the negative stories I’d heard about FOC and GLs and Committee and everything turned out to be largely untrue, and everybody rocked my socks off, just so much love everywhere(:


I just don’t understand how most of you guys who were my friends then or just acquaintances, but we saw each other around, could always be now hanging with the guy and pointing me out to him and stuff. You think I don’t notice? And it hurts, guys, especially those of you who were in the bunch of us that hung out every single day after school in the library post-camp, and stayed till late, and revived the tradition when Sports Camp GL trainings brought us back together.

Until I didn’t make the cut and suddenly all invitations to hang out mysteriously stopped and I didn’t know what to make of it ):

All through working with SU, I’ve always been entirely cool with you guys, I’ve just not been sure whether you guys were cool with me, with the huge rivalry and all.

And I guess apparently not huh :/


Coming back to the fight, ah well I guess. It was the freshman dance night in convention centre and I had a ticket because Dancesports members were invited for some inexplicable reason. But not complaining. Ahahaha. I was hanging with Sonia and Bev and the whole bunch of FMS freshies and stuff, and we headed out to get some water during the band performance.

And I was the last one going out and I got pulled back. Forcibly and hard and all that. And once more, to find the guy going into the motions of y’know what people generally do when they start going into a fight. Idk. Prefight motions and all that. Haha.

And I wondered for a second if I should retaliate and stuff and my mind just flickered “Okay”

So I hit him first. Charged/lunged for the neck with an elbowlock and swung him round to bring him down with my weight and started smashing his face into the floor with my knuckles. You know. Typical style. I’m an unimaginative puncher. So sue me.

I think going into the first punch I wavered about whether I wanted to really go all out or not. Like no holds barred break nose so what kinda all out. But yeah the indecision kinda stopped there.

Cause at the point I was kinda more concerned with exactly when he would start retaliating. Big guy and all. I was attempting to do as much damage as I could before he “woke up” and stuff. Like incapacitating kinda damage. Blah. :/

But yeah we got pulled off each other by Sports Camp people/ushers so that kinda solved that problem for me <_<

See, where my specs got megaowned was when I lost them somewhere about the time I was spinning the guy round. And the ushers found them for me later, but they were like. Um. Mangled and stuff. Like truck crush kinda mangled. One lens gone.

Yeah, it totally got “stepped on” More like tugged and jackhammered with murderous intent. Sheesh. Guys I mean like. Seriously. If you don’t want to get involved fine. But what happened to the honour yeah. Sigh.

I have no idea where the guy went, by the way. I kinda didn’t care really at that point. I mean, I’m not pissed at him. Seriously. The fight was more about me proving to everyone else that “hey I’m not not hitting you because I’m scared of you, dimprick. If I want to take you down I can.”
(Reference to previous confrontations with same guy that I shall deign to not discuss. Hahahahah. What’s the point yo. Seriously.)

I’d actually pondered about situation beforehand like sometime yesterday and decided that if the guy came after me in the canteen or something I’d do something about it, as opposed to like being in the library and stuff where seriously you’re just asking to get owned by everybody else and the staff. No see principal for me. Thank you. No big huge jock is worth that. Lol.

Anyway. I want to place a big huge thank you hereabouts to all the people that were there for me, and came out to check on me, asked me if I was okay, offered drinks, and offered to go look for the guy. Girls included. Haha. Really. I was really shocked but like pleasantly XD and really really superwarmed by the almost instant superbig outpouring of care and concern like right after the thing happened. Haha(: You guys rule, omigosh :D

Especially Hashim. Dude you were like the first one on the scene. Like when we were being pulled away from each other you were there already, and helping me tell my story to the ushers and just being awesome in general, all the way till outside to make sure I was okay. I mean like even though FOC is over, it means a HUGE lot to me that you as my DH were looking out for me like that. Like rushing to me from the very moment you heard people shouting my name which I didn’t ever hear! :o

And then suddenly Chunyang’s outside, Val’s there, Xingjun, Old Kai, not-so-old Kai, Ryan, and a huge bunch of FOC people that I either don’t know their names but know they’re from FOC or forgot I talked to. Haha. I mean like. Whoa guys. I’ve never had anyone have my backs like you did before(:

And going through the fight was just worth it to experience something like that afterwards. Haha. Once again, thank you so much :D

A note of respect to Sports Camp dudes Meng/Meng and Khalish. Thanks for coming out to talk to me and all, and respect for sticking up for your friend anyway even though y’know gah haha. Oh well. Even though I’m kinda -.- that you insist that you guys can’t hold him down cause he’s the biggest among you and all that, I mean, I took him down on my own lah. Sigh. Haha. Moving on.

To insert a brief footnote about FRESH(the dance night) here, it was mostly bloody crap for me. Barracudas is great, but very, very old. I’ve heard them like 11 or something times already. Its very unnerving. :s And I really, really am not into live band singing songs I can’t hear and don’t even know to begin with. I was wishing the whole time they’d break into Christian Praise and Worship somehow. Blah. The prizes for answering questions thingy was really funny because the whole bunch of us FMS freshies/Josh and me were at the very front and we KEPT running out first to hog the questions. And the goodie bags with the $100 Lee’s Jeans Vouchers. XD

Dance was pretty bad too. I mean, I was kinda not in the mood already after the fight (What, you expected my blood to be fired after rearranging somebody’s face or what? Retarded) and Trance is reeeeaaaly not my thing. There was like, HALF an R&B song the WHOLE night and only at the very end when the lights were coming back on but we were so desperate for good music we kept dancing in the stark glare anyway. I was forcing myself to dance most of the night, which really is quite…self-defeating eh. Bleh. Same for the rest haha. Gah.

SO ANYWAY BACK TO THE SPECS. They’re mangled to the point of no return. Well, not really, but it would take much luck and lots of locked-into-caution delicate skill to restore the mangled frame. At least its not broken. I’m still going to have to spend money on at least one lens, anyhow. :|

Regardless, I’m still going to keep them, fixable or not. Such a huge part of my life, I’m not just discarding it <_<

I’m big on memorabilia that way. *points to picture of broken slipper near top of blog in picture row*

And no its not my broken slipper -.-

But yes anyway. Yeah. If in the event that its unfixable, its contacts time. Haha. Yeah. I’ve been wanting to get them for a really long time anyway, bah well. Haha. $25 for 3 months if I’m not wrong. That’s amaaaazingly cheap. And solves the whole hockey/dance/other sports→ specs flying off thingy :D

I mean, I really really doubt my parents are going to shell out money for another $200 dollar specs, and I’d want to get the same ones again at the same shop, or like the same make in a different fun colour if they have them hopefully, like purple or something. XD. No other frames will do for me, I look really really bad in most specs. Trust me. :/

I’m just going to tell my parents straight, by the way. “I got into a fight and they broke”. I’m going to get mad lectures about why am I’m mixing with that kind of company and why didn’t I come home early and see I’ve always said that one day you’re going to piss off someone so hard you have to be more respectful and generally more stuff along the theme that’s its all my fault. But yeah. Might as well take it y’know? Stick it to the man and all that. Why lie, anyway. Haha. I’d need to explain somehow. Bleh.


By the power invested in me blah blah blah phanphernefgfsd(however you spell that word), I have managed to make myself a spare pair of specs! XD

Yes, I don’t own a spare. I have long been aware that like if my Orange Specs get screwed over, I’m doomed. Lack of spare = gg

But I looked in my drawer of random stuff and as it turns out, I have a pair of broken specs, in the sense that one lens is missing and the lens part loop thingy is split open a little, and ANOTHER pair of broken specs that has both lens there but one ear-rest/arm thingy entirely gone. Both very very geeky frames though :/

So I spent the good part of two hours trying to replace the missing arm of the second with one of the arms of the first. But I couldn’t find the microscrewdriver thingy, and then the screw didn’t fit. Sigh. In the end uh I managed to hammer the parts together with my knife thingy and resigned myself to tape.

And it actually worked! :o Except the alignment was screwed and one eye was much slighted down in a tilt or something, so I spent some time adjusting the frame between the eyes, bending it and stuff.

And then I snapped the damn thing clean off.



Oh well haha. Scotch tape wasn’t working much either. Plan B, I replaced the arm for the first pair of specs and switched the one remaining lens there with the two lens of the point of no return graveyard ghost one!

Cause like lens shapes are like different and specific for their own frame right, so I couldn’t just simply take one lens and chuck it in there. Major weird.

And now lol. The lens of course don’t fit properly, but remember the snapped eye loop thingy? I snapped the other side and the “new” lens (which are longer but are less wide) inexplicably fit into the loose thing. Like the long bit stretches the sides to come down and clasp/cling onto the lens. Lolololo. Its majorly retarded. Yes I have pictures. Haha.

And no I’m not wearing these anyway no bloody hell -.- These are like emergency usage glasses. Like using laptop I don’t want to burn my eyes kinda glasses. AND THAT PLAY TMR. And church! And lectures and whatever tutorials! Anywhere I don’t especially HAVE to wear them, they’re coming off. <_<

Really. I mean, They’re horrendously bad. Haahahahaha.


Actually I realise that in photos, these don't look that bad. But trust me, they are. Like twisted to the side and all that. Just that I fail at taking photos. Using photobooth alone doesn't help <_<

Sigh. So remember I mentioned I attempted to be a repairman and stuff and tinkered with my graveyard of spectacles? Haha. Here it is.

The stuff.

And the pair I managed to kill even more, snapping the thing clean off ><

Blah. Haha. The next pictures are the tool I used the whole night that saved my life and for that I am eternally grateful.

It doesn't look like much now.

But :D

I tried to rotate the damn photo with Preview so the light shining thing there would be coming down from the top, but ah it refuses to work for me. Just pretend XD


Oh here's the final product that i'm wearing atm but NEVER will wear outside if I can help it!

Omg can. Haha. Look, the bloody lens don't even fit in there. Hahahaha.

And like so.... So yeah. Haha.

Okay night, haha(:

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