Friday, May 9, 2008

Funny dreams.

Oo-er. Hhaahaha. Morning peeeoople. :D

So i just woke up and shall attempt to blog about my dream before it fades! : D

I've already forgotten who the heck I interacted with in the dream. Oh dear. OH PRIS WAS THERE. And some other guy that I hardly talk to but know and stuff. Keith from church I think. Maybe. Wait. I'm pretty sure the whole gang was there....



Shit. Hahahaha. Okay nevermind the latter part of the dream was that somehow I ended up in school, and a bunch of people were watching this movie. Like all sgnewwave like. Except it was in...Lt73. Um. And I managed to get out cause there was this crusade thing happening upstairs in a big big roomy space on the 3rd floor of the sports complex.

This big room doesn't exist by the way, in real life, so don't go looking for it XD

I mean it was a crusade thing, but the usual people I know from crusade weren't there. A rather large amount of people were there. Um. Bryan from Mass Comm/BS and BB primer guy haha was leading. : blink:

And it was this training session or something. They were in the middle of it. And I had to go up to the 4th floor to get something.

(Remember there is no 4th floor in sports complex arh)

Lol. Ohyeah. I went up because there was this really really big kickass store upstairs like a huge storehouse mama shop thingy, and loads and loads of food and drinks at cheap prices. And a Subway : o

Like stacks and stacks of jolly shandy <33333


Except that to get there you had to go past this room where satanic activity was taking place. Like the satan club or something. Idk. Just something horribly bad hahahhaha.


And i sat down and talked to this older dude a lot (like coffeeshop uncle kinda old), at a table that looked like a hawker centre table that just happened to be there and he was eating mee rebus or something.


HAHAHAHHAA. And then he went in and i went down and i think the dream ended hereabouts. Lololol.

But the first part of the dream! Shit! That was the fun part! Like we were doing some really really fun running around game thing with everyone!

And then Pris had to go and this other dude Keith from church had to go and I had to go to school so we took the train or somethinnng. And had food at this funny place with lots of levels and escalators too. Looked like the old bukit merah townish area. But I knew (in the dream anyway) that it was the bukit batok area for some inexplicable reason.



At least I wasn't running from something XD

So yes. Um. I am rather cheered up today, camping at home here refusing to move out until school proper. Gonna rest and do my work like my lit review yo. In peace. Haha. Long day again today. Drama class and then that dance night thing. Hahahaa. Actually I don't feel much like going, but its like a dancesports thing sooooo oookayy. Haha. I'm so in. :D

Clubbing. vs clubbing with girls. I still haven't figured out how i'm going to work that out from a godly perspective and still have fun. :s


AH WELL AYE. HAHA. Just chilllll.

Drama class! Lots of fun! : D

If only I wasn't so broke.....I have all of 7 dollars. Less in fact, because some of that money has to go into taking the bus/train around too. My card's all out already. Sigh.

The irony is that I actually spent very little this week and would have 20 more moolah to throw around if not for dancesports payment. :s

And like I'm going to try and claim from my parents for that. Hahahhaah.


Like, the routine! I think we got it covered! SONIA WE RULE HAHAHAHAHA.


Practice yesterday was uber fun. As per usual. Died laughing so much. Again. Which quite frankly I love doing. And I love having someone to do that with. So yes I appreciate my partner muchly :DD

Like seriously now. Who else could stand working with me XD

And much thanks to Brandon (who showed up anyway even though Pris wasn't coming, that's dedication man haha), Yewey, and that other senior dude who managed to help us get it right! XD

Now we just gotta do it without looking like retards and killing everyone. Haha.

It still tickles me to no end that the first time we got it full right was in the frigging library. Yes we were dancing in the library. We own. Thank you. Hahahahahahha. :D

Rah. Uhm. Hahahhaha to bellbottoms.

Life meeting ):

i really want to go! Its like i only was going to drop in and take a look, then the band started practicing and I couldn't pull myself away.

Because that's when I'm reminded that above all my place my home my rightful spot in life is with you and worshipping you Lord. :D

But gah well. Haha. P&W was awesome, but i had to drag myself away for ds before Glenn Lim even started speaking. Sigh. I didn't even get to talk to him can. Then again he probably doesn't know I exist. Hahahaha.

:/ And that's the way its going to be every week I guess. Sigh. Haha. Sharyl's quote on yesterday's Life Meeting:

"abt how ppl nowadays hv a very lost identity. esp ppl who as adolescents. (13-19) and like how they always try to find them in the wrong places. and if u want to find urself, u need to hv a close relationship with the Creator.

ppl accepted christ! : D

like abt 3-4 of em! "

:DDDD I wish i was there. Glenn Lim is an amazing speaker haha. And Thank You God for souls won to Your kingdom [:

So guys if you have nothing on thursday nights, please do go down, you're missing a huge lot. I know I am. Haha

Spent the good part of my day crashing fsv class. It was really fun :o

And like life seems somewhat manageable! MM test was good! I think! (I hope so anyway) I'm really proud that I managed to stick through the studying haha gosh it was hell. Lol. Thank You Lord :D

What else happened yesterday. Um. KIKi'S GRANDMA'S RICE THINGY IS GOOD HAHA :D



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