Monday, May 26, 2008


And here's another post that isn't mine, from

But oh so worth the read(:


Encounter Fest was INCREDIBLE! I have been reaching new depths in worship and my relationship with God but I never thought that just a few days could send me so much deeper. God really drew near to me because I first drew near to Him. He spoke through one of my close friends here and brought a word into my life that literally took 10 minuets to finish. It was comprised of 15 key points/prophecies and many other clarifying words. Words of encouragement, prophecies about my future, all sorts of incredible things and all straight from God. It was on the first night of Encounter Fest. They had an anointing service and everyone in the room was anointed with oil and prayed for. There wasn’t any prophecy when I was prayed for, but right after I was anointed God whispered ‘find a secret place’ and He showed me where to go to pray. Now in a room with over 4000 people in it, it is hard to find a secret place but God found one for me. I went there and began to pray, re-devoting myself to the call on my life and pressing in hard. After about 10 minuets of praying I felt the hand of my friend on my shoulder, he had found me praying way up in the nose bleeds. He began to pray for me but couldn’t even finish the first sentence when God immediately began to speak through him. I am so thankful that he was obedient to the voice of God. I also believe that the only reason that word could have been given is because I needed to be obedient first and draw close to God so He could draw close to me. God desires a simple faith of us that is willing to obey Him before He ever asks us to do something, even when we aren’t totally sure its Him but think it ‘might’ be Him. (there is a profound truth there if you can grab it).

Now onto the United CD for this year. Yes there are new songs. Yes they did record Encounter Fest. No they aren’t releasing a ‘live’ CD just yet. Instead they are focussing on a new project called “The I Heart Revolution” ( The drive here is to make this generation realize that the youth of every nation have the same hunger for the Lord and the same passion to change their world. I am not totally sure what is going to happen with any form of CD but there have been rumors of a ‘studio’ CD and still other rumors of a ‘live’ CD that was recorded on tour across the globe. All I have to say is the new songs rock and you might not get a chance to hear them until I get home to play them for you, unfortunately. Nevertheless, God is doing AMAZING things here at Hillsong and in my life. Thank you for all your prayers. Talk to you again soon.


This is way back when in 2006 mind you. When I was messing around with my O levels and a very different person than I am now.

And there's 5 more years of change and molding by God coming before I can even think about Hillsong.


I've had at least 3 different people telling me to "be patient", and that "we're running a marathon, not a 200m footrace", and that "its not so important how fast we run than how far we run".


Its been an amazing weekend, Lord (: Now I pray that all the time I've spent slacking about doesn't screw me over this week. And that my work will still be of quality, because we have to honour You in our daily lives as well, yes those daily lives that still exist. Haha.

Okay no more till maybe after school. Haha. I make a commitment. Work time! HAHA

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