Friday, June 20, 2008

God (:

Hello you haha. Yes i haven't been here in forever. Crazy busy. So im sitting in SU office at this hour because...suffice to say lots is going on and life is major hectic.

Which is why sessions like today's Everglow Camp Campfire Night are so meaningful to me.

I mean, besides the obvious. Haha. Worked my ass off today, and then rushed down to NUS for campfire night of EverGlow church camp, and like omgosh?

It was so good. Haha. The skits were hilarious beyond hilarious. Ask keenan. Shit. I nearly died laughing for every single one. Madness.

You know how like usually camp campfires have lots of bad skits and only one really good side-splitting one and everybody just tries to be polite and clap and cheer for support and stuff?
This was nothing like that. Haha. Mad!


You guys don't know what you're missing. Heh.

Then the real part of the night started (:

Testimonies, praise session, which led to Pastor Jen saying to hell with the schedule and let God take over for a time of soaking and prayer and pair prophesy and prayer.

And I had my first vision.

Thank you God for answering my prayers(:

See, one of the things that concerned me that night was that i really wanted to see God. To hear God. Audibly. Have a vision. In a way that I could not deny. You know how sometimes we're like "oh is that God? or is that me. I'm not sure):"

Well, there are times, when you know irrevocably that it can only be God. I've experienced a couple of times like that myself. Things that I know clearly are not coming from me cause I never saw them coming either. yeah.

So anyway, i've never had a vision. Which I don't like. Not because having a vision is like oh cool and all, but because I really want to mature as a Christian. Not just someone who just keeps taking and taking and taking, but someone that can also pray for others, intercede for others, prophesy over others and yeah things like that.

I desperately want to serve.

And there was an opportunity for that after the time spent in solo pleading with God for something like that, for something that i could not deny was from him, a vision or an audible voice(:

And so i was praying for this other guy and suddenly there was just something. It just like came. And i knew it wasn't me because there no way my mind could have ever come up with something like that. Haha. I didn't understand what it meant though, and after further asking of God to show me more I only was revealed a little bit more.

But hey, i'm getting there (:

God is good :D

So then i hit back school and mel sends me this link

A short video from Hillsongs featuring Healer, and the cancer-ridden guy who wrote it when he was diagnosed with cancer two years earlier and death was imminent.

And he's still around now and going strong : DDDD

Mel was sobbing as she watched it. I nearly did. And all i want now is to praise You Lord. And enter into more soaking and more rest in His embrace(:

And after that back to work. haha bleh.


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