Wednesday, June 25, 2008


So i discovered that i didn't bring my charger home. So much for doing newswriting and SU budget planning and tvpro proposal polishing tonight.

And i have 43% bat left fast dying and im spending the time fruitfully blogging.

*awkward silence*

HAHA. oh man! I was gonna blog yesterday about church! and michael ross watson! and yesterday's really cool message!

One of the points he touched on was

Enjoying what God has given you.

And then employ it.

Actually he was talking about money (1 timothy, last chapter, chapter 6), but it struck a chord with me about gifts from God too. Y'know. Like, personality kinda gifts whatever. And i was pondering what God had gifted me personally so abundantly with and immediately it hit me:

My friends. Seriously I am eternally grateful and like i'm just so in awe. God has provided me with such an awesome widespread net of friends everywhere that cover for me just so much when i'm in a scrap. Which is a lot. Ranging from Sports Camp a long time ago, seniors like Sheereen and Yanhong, Wendy, and others that quite frankly saved my Year 1, friends like Josh, Keenan, Yisin and Mel and Bev that are always so willing to bless me when I'm broke, and people just everywhere that have brought so much happiness into my life(:

People who God placed in my life at a certain point to have a certain discussion with me when in emotional turmoil and conflict and whatnot, Charlene, Pris, Keenan just so much, Sharyl, Josh, and we bless and learn and give in turn in that perfect plan that God has us rotating around over and over again.

And people who I look up to so much, and who are unafraid to speak to me harshly in love to get me back on the right track. Off the top of my head, Pris, Josh, Keenan, Mel, and Matt today. Marvin, Kim, etc.

And i know its horribly cliche, but the adage holds true for me-

I would be nothing without any of you guys in my life.

I am so blessed(: Glory to God, because I certainly had nothing to do with it.

And damn well am I going to enjoy what He's given me.

This ties in with what Matt told me on the train today.

"Why are you so pessimistic"

And i thank you for that, Matt. And I thank you for the affirmations, things you said about me tonight that really mean a lot to me. And i hope that I blessed you in turn as well, and if I didn't, here it is now.

Matt, man of God, I respect you amazingly and I thank you for being in my life.


Affirmations were part of yesterdays message too! And it was something that i really identified with because I've gotten little to none of that from my parents over the years..

And whenever someone tells me "Oh great job", or anything along those lines, it really means-

so much to me. No matter who its coming from.

And i've vowed to make sure I ALWAYS affirm people when they deserve to be affirmed. And given credit.


It has come to my attention that I need to stop the rot. Haha. Time to start enjoying work. To paraphrasing Adin's blog, its all about the attitude. And going "come on lets take this shit down rawr". And time to start enjoying the simple pleasures of friends that mean the world to me, even if I'm so busy now I havent seen lots of you guys in years.

Expect calls to lunch soon, aye (:

Because I want to enjoy you, and the amazing blessing you've been to my life.

: D



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