Thursday, May 31, 2012

Stage Lights

I love a great many things. Like sunrises and rain and hugs, smiles and balloons, pounding the grit in an intense street soccer game, and even taking up a mud-caked camo-streaked position in the steaming jungle, piss-tired mates by your side and trusty rifle gripped in grubby hands.

But I also really love the stage. Something about the golden lights and the red velvet seats, the wooden enamel floor and the dark curtains that beckon and whisper "come, hide in me until it is your time." Waiting in the wings is my favorite part - you think you know what's going to happen - you've rehearsed your tired heart out, the actors breathe their lines and the musicians dream their score. But you don't, and that's the arrestingly beautiful mysticism of it all. Nothing is over till the fat lady sings, and as the lights flare and the bass beat rolls, everything - explodes.

And all she asks of you is that you dare.

Watch This Space

Check this.
This is the moment where I'm saying I will be happy.
And I guess its kinda sad in a way that I have to make a choice this way? But this is what real moving on is like, maybe. Its not about numbing down the pain, or burying, or running away. Its just a simple realization after you've been in the pit long enough that you can't stay here.

There are greater and better and bigger things. There always are in God. And I will still always care for you, I don't know if that part will go away. But its not going anywhere further, either.
I still like all the things you like because they're you. What you say is always of value to me.
And I still want nothing but the best for you.
But that can't be my whole life.
I have to do things for myself too.

I gotta watch out for myself now.
Let's make it good. God will make it good.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Morning Worship

God Is Able - Hillsong

For Who You Are - Hillsong

One Way - Hillsong

Sing Of Your Love Forever - Hillsong/Delirious

Hosanna - Israel Houghton

Such a glorious morning today. Woke up an hour ago, worked through some stuff with God, and then I knew I just had to praise Him. And knowing that I'm in a place where I need to praise Him today for his goodness, might, and power in all things. I sing this words with new meaning and weight now. Like Pastor Joy said at TWEET Camp almost two months ago - How can you not sing One Way and not want to tear up at the weight and trust of it, even when you're singing it in joy?

I lay my life down at your feet
'Cause You're the only one I need
I turn to you and you are always there

In troubled times it's you I seek
I put you first that's all I need
I humble all I am, All to you

You are always, always there
Every how and everywhere
Your grace abounds so deeply within me

You wil never ever change
Yesterday today the same
Forever till forever meets no end 

You are the way the truth and the life 
 We live by faith and not by sight... for You 
 We're living all for You

So glad that I don't have to go to army today. Its been too long since I could do this, whole house to myself, waking up and giving God praise (and having the discipline and passion to actually come through on it). So blessed that I can do that with my life. Gotta do some uni research today, for Melbourne especially, so its not like I can actually veg about. I emailed an old journalism lecturer last night about possibly meeting her for a chat and I'm hoping maybe even a recommendation for a journ internship job, so I'm waiting on that, as well as a possible hosting gig at the PC Show next weekend. I hope they let me know today, like they said they would *crossedfingers*. Otherwise, I guess its just the sales promoter thing! That I'll know by Friday, could be good too I guess! Though obviously I'd much prefer to host. Better pay, plus experience, portfolio, possible testimonials and contacts. Aahhhh. God please. Hahaha.

Besides that - and this is important.
In worship earlier - I caught a glimpse of something. Something very brief and fleeting but I don't want to let go of it. Its why I'm blogging this entry in the first place.

Was putting a song before the Lord, with my terrible voice, dwelling on the fact that I've finally started on the guitar in praise, that I'm no longer adverse to Chinese or getting a proper job in honoring my parents, and then I looked on the piano. Touched with eyes that have never looked on the keys in wonder since a good 15 years ago and I was a little boy, when all the forced nagging and punishment about it about killed it for me. Wanting to use it in worship.

And then my whole life scrolled out before me like it sometimes does when I get a great concept in my head, when I catch an idea or a vision. I see things happening. I saw everything in my life that I'd ever turned away from - in pain, torment, regret or fear - being redeemed. 

Piano, Chinese, my relationship with my parents, fears and insecurities, broken bridges - being restored in the name of the Lord, in this broken season. Crossed-referenced it with crazy old prophecies and promises about me doing all things music, various instruments, dance, radio, speaking. (Though I hardly do any of these things at all right now.) Then I saw this glimpse of - I don't know, maybe a worship school. Hahaha I don't know.

At about this point I put everything together and realised - it is in God's will to reunite and restore all things, not to break them.

All things. Even things that He's broken to protect you for a time. 
All things. As long as it is of His Will.

Because He created all things once first. And He created it and it was good.

I guess just trust and keep running with Him.
Acknowledging Him in all your ways because He makes your paths straight.
And not running away trying to fix things because your wisdom is nothing compared to His.
I guess just trust maybe. 
And if you can't yet, maybe just worship.


You wake up, and you have this dreams, long, elaborate, dramatic, hope beyond hope.  And in these dreams you cry, you're stricken in fear, you laugh, you're ecstatic, you swing on all ends of the emotional pendulum. And then suddenly something shifts and you win.

I don't know why I would have dreams like that.
God, I want the best from you. And its silly that I'd think my idea (or anyone else's) of best is better than your idea of best for me.

So I guess I just have to trust that You'll give me the best. And when I do get it, it really will be the best.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


This is family. This is where I'm home. Even if I don't really know who I am yet. 
Part of me knows this is still home. And I want to get there.

Its not about how many flips or how many spins or how straight. 
Its how far you can stretch your soul.


Pour out till we're empty.
God I'm going to need You to fill me again.
There's nowhere else I can turn to keep me going.
I hope we're going somewhere good.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Maybe less questions, more worship, more trust.

You want the right answers because you want to know what to do.
But maybe you could just let God do it, worship Him instead, and do what he's already told you to do - in His Word.

Far worse things you could be doing really, Keann.
Seek ye first the kingdom. And choosing not to act on worry & fear for your future. Though you may still have em. But acting based on trust. Which is a choice.

God's going to handle it anyway.
You might as well let him. Don't worry so much about how you're gonna be feeling during the whole thing. The ending score will still be the same.

I hope you're taking care of yourself.
I hope God's taking care of you.

Sunday, May 27, 2012


I have always been called to do something like this. I don't know why. I just know. That whole intro bit. Right there. Which is funny because I barely understand the guitar, or sing. But I know.

I wonder.

Edit: What if it was China.
Okay, I've never imagined that
O.o :|


Late morning conversations with God, while walking home:

"I have far greater for you than you can imagine." 

"But God, I can imagine a whole lot."

"Wanna bet I can imagine more?" 

"No lol You can have this one."

"You really are amazing, you know."

":/ But God if I am, why am I sitting around here with this little stuff doing nothing?"

"I'm keeping you in reserve for when I need you. A game-changer. That day will come. I'm preparing you for it."

I guess He's right. All my life I've always had a sense of "I will go somewhere.", "I'm meant for something greater." "One day it'll be my turn to step up."I don't know what, when or where it is, but I know that reach will be unlimited. And its just going to snap into action. It'll be in response to something, I don't know what, something terrible, but I hope not. Something is going to happen to galvanize the world into reaction.

And when that day comes, I have to prepare to be That Voice.

Something is going to happen.

Till then, its about preparation. Whether skills, or saving up financially, or building a team, portfolio, experience, connections. Character. Faithfulness. Honour. 

But for now, today, I want joy. I will praise.
I will praise with my life because God is good.

4 Hours Ago

You think you're okay, then you wake up and everything hits you all over again.

Hurt to breathe. Hurt to walk. Hurt to live.
I don't want to be here, Lord. Please come.

I don't know how long this will take.
Just hoping I'm not alone as I do this.

One day I'll be okay.
-grits teeth-

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Miles Away

I don't know if you'll read this.
But know that I'm praying for you every single day, for God to heal what I can't. There's nothing I want more.
I'm always a call away if you need to reach me.
): #hopeiseeyousoon

Monday, May 21, 2012

You are Good

"A woman's heart should be so lost in God that a man must seek Him in order to find her."
- The flip-side of this is that if a man seeks God wholeheartedly, for God, he will find a woman that will always - point him there. Because maybe this whole thing was never about finding your significant other, but finding God.


Thought 2:
It then falls to me, if my pursuit is truly wholeheartedly for God, if I intend to enter a relationship - then it falls to me to pick the very best person I can find to lead me closer to Jesus. Not just who I want for other - if emotionally powerful - reasons.

Then I realise that we have been commanded to be fruitful and multiply, so maybe unless God specifically sets us apart to be single and do His work or something, we should intend to enter godly relationships? (When we are ready.) Hm. (This doesn't change anything about the first two points though. Just an interesting addendum.)

Saturday, May 19, 2012


I guess whenever God chucks a fire on us, we can choose to run out.

But nah. And not because fire is fun. Lol. 


Then King Nebuchadnezzar was astonished; and he rose in haste and spoke, saying to his counselors, “Did we not cast three men bound into the midst of the fire?”

They answered and said to the king, “True, O king.”

“Look!” he answered, “I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire; and they are not hurt, and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God.”

Then Nebuchadnezzar went near the mouth of the burning fiery furnace and spoke, saying, “Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego, servants of the Most High God, come out, and come here.” Then Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego came from the midst of the fire. And the satraps, administrators, governors, and the king’s counselors gathered together, and they saw these men on whose bodies the fire had no power; the hair of their head was not singed nor were their garments affected, and the smell of fire was not on them.

- Daniel 3:24-27


Not done here.

I guess You remind me every day that I still have to choose You, and that we're not done here yet.

Its been a week of victories, I think. Sometimes I don't think I know too sure victories for what, but I guess victories for my faith in You. But we're not done here. In ways I wish we were.

I...the past two days have been a bit of a blur. After learning everything I've learnt since Tuesday-Wednesday, the past couple of days have been about putting it into practice, testing that. For the first time in my life, I feel like I'm 21. 

Feels like I've grown 3 or 4 years in a week. And yet, still only 21.

I was so happy yesterday, from early afternoon on. I don't even understand why. And feelings aren't the most important things I guess maybe? But it was nice to be. Was laughing and smiling at everyone and singing and singing and singing and I wasn't sure why, I just was pretty sure I wasn't faking it. Started thinking and praying about futures, and hitting up old good friends on Facebook. Messing around. Went out with some of the older cell gang after cell for prata and sitting about frozen yoghurt places till like 2am, and we talked and talked and talked, and at some point I actually felt like I could dance again, though I'm still not sure.

Maybe the peace is God's grace. Idk.

Then I wake up in the morning and I'm a little bit exhausted all over again. I actually don't want to be. Haha.

In ways I just want all of this to be over. Moving on to the next step. I do. Because You truly are more than enough. And I'd like to dance and sing and move ahead and praise You. Then I think about what You reminded me about yesterday, which stopped me in my tracks even as I was bouncing around cell. In fact, I spent the rest of the night being a little bit confused and annoyed at that, like, "Why-?"

Then I realised just before I went to bed just Whose commands I was doubting, and getting annoyed at, and it terrified me that I was treating it like that.

Keann you have no business reacting like that to a command that your High King gives you. You still have a choice yes, but remember with what attitude you should come. He is Your Father but also Your King. 

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. And I want wisdom. I'm damn well going to treat a command, even a suggestion, with the respect and reverence it deserves.


I wonder what I'm going to do today. I have a few important things to do, but I think I might wanna get outside and walk around for a bit first. I really hope to see everyone around today, I wish service wasn't quite so speedy sometimes.

Guide me Lord please. You are the hope of my salvation and it is to You I want to cling. I guess you're still refining me to make that choice every day, showing me that I need to. Whatever You are burning into me Lord, let it be a lasting work. A lasting work - that my eyes will turn to You. Rah.

My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. - Psalm 121:2

Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul. - Psalm 143:8

Eyes on You.

But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold. - Job 23:10

Not my own understanding Lord, but Yours, I guess?


Side-note: And the words of the LORD are flawless, like silver refined in a furnace of clay, purified seven times. - Psalm 12:6

^ Just realised this is talking about Jesus!! Jesus is the word of God, and it was made perfect because it was proven, because He had to make his own choice to give up everything to save us! And the furnace of clay is when He was human...I wonder what the seven times of purification is.


Friday, May 18, 2012

Ihaveanideafortomorrowitscalled - Pancakes

My hope is in nothing else. But. You

Thank You for being here.


Humility. Your whole Christian life starts and ends with humility.


Its a beautiful day.

Thinking about what promises God has made me. And that I want to live this life with love.

Was really blessed yesterday. Asked Vic if I could jump into a "Back-To-Jesus" class that lots of youth and leaders have been going for, its not at our church. Thankfully he let me come last night, Gloria couldn't make it. Was so good to see and just be around everyone. Feels like I haven't seen all of these people for real for so long, in a place where we're just genuinely pursuing God, all the bluster and speed of service aside. Sam, Hannah, Angie, Marcus, Joy, Nat, AC Nat, Vic, Christina, Rosanne, Sharon. A couple of these people I've hardly talked to before! (Sharon/AC Nat).

And I showed up, and the pianist for worship was this beautiful senior I've always looked up to in school, and she worked with Keenan and I for a time at Cold Rock. Best times. She went to Brisbane for uni (further inspiring me), and is now back and serving. And her (I think boyfriend) guitarist/singer for the session was a guy that also remembered me, from an Ignite at Bartley where he got me up on stage for a dance-off, he was the MC that time.

Nice to be coming full circle. Just little signs from God saying "I'm in Your life and I care about you," you know?

Now I guess the question is what I want to do with this life. Even dance needs to fall by the wayside against pursuing God, learning about Him, glorifying Him, serving Him, and the best way to do that.

I wonder where that's going to take me.



You hold my every moment
You calm my raging seas
You walk with me through fire
And heal all my disease

I trust in You
I trust in You

I believe You're my Healer
I believe You are all I need
I believe You're my Portion
I believe You're more than enough for me
Jesus You're all I need

- I really do believe this. Whatever happens Lord. I'm tired, but I know who You are.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

- I can't wait.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Morning Come

And I thought I was done crying.

You're going to do great things, I already know.

Thank you for believing in me. I'm never going to forget.

I don't know what's going to happen, but I'm amazed at how much you love me.

The best thing I can do here is love you too. I always will.



Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Feelings, Love & Relationships [Part 1]

Well - here goes. Last night was a crazy day with Pastor Andrew about what feelings, love and relationships are all about, and some very good things about the will of God in your life and the nature of God.


I think at some point I just looked at him and went "Why don't you have a book out yet!! People are dying out here!"

Thankfully he is writing a book, some of his notes and points can be found: Here.
Seriously, this will change your life. Its been so intense and I'm so privileged to have had dinner with him yesterday, with this man of God. Catch him out for dinner guys, he won't be around forever. Really.

And also, here are Hannah's amazing thoughts on the subject:

If I can even write half-as-well-written a piece, I will be so happy. So much better blog formatting than my dusty 2-year old Blogspot days too. <_< But yes. One of the best ways to learn is to keep reading and writing, so hopefully I can capture something here-ish.

Sighhhh. Well here goes nothing (probably going to take me hours) -

What Is Love?

When I was 15 - I was having the crappiest time. Counting down the days in a nerdish, elite, Chinese school that was constantly focused on results, I was so unhappy. Beyond unhappy. Nobody liked me, and the only things I had going for me were Lit and English, really. I'd always been all about the school spirit (Fairfield pride fwoar!) and I found none here. I was all about having fun, wanting to do pranks, daring to do anything - but nobody else was. And I always, always got in trouble all the time because nobody had my back.

I wondered if going to a new class in Sec Three would change anything. A pure lit class, the only one in the entire level, and surely there had to be cool people here, right? Change is good. Anything would have been better. And omg English. I remember walking in...we were stuck in register number because it was first day...and I noticed this girl sitting about three spaces to the front and left of me, at the front of the class. Longish, wild, nape-length jet-black hair, yellow hair-tie around her wrist, tanned skin, bouncing a bit and tapping her foot. She had a basketball tucked under her table, and I don't play basketball, but cool, you know? She was different from the monotony, dryness and lack of vision I'd resigned myself to always finding in this school, though I couldn't quite place it.

Class Introductions. She got up, turned around, swept her hair about, and with that twinkle in her eye I'll always remember, laughed - "Uhhhh, hi, my name is Anna, I'm in band, and I like basketball". (Honestly I think I've forgotten a lot of the details but the point was that I knew I had to talk to her).

Was CCA Day that day, us presenting the clubs and sports we did to the Sec Ones. I had badminton but honestly I kinda sucked and I wasn't going to showcase anything amazing anyway, so I just hung around out back at the top of the stairs where the assembly hall was. Concert band was below. And there was Anna with her trombone, with her section, jiving away with the rest of the band...I'd never seen anyone that gorgeous with that much energy. So happy. I....its so silly, but for the first time in years I thought I saw hope.

So after everyone was packing up and trying to get home, I hung around because I was trying to figure out how to talk to her, you know? I said hi to this other sweet girl in my class running this ice-cream booth for charity. Interact Club. Gave me a place to stick around and not-be-too-obvious, just "bump into her", you know.

Turned out she was waiting for friends in the Scouts or something, idk. We eventually started hanging around the ice-cream pole at the booth, said hi (!!!!), and got along as well as I knew we would, you know? Laughing, messing around, I forget what we were doing.....and then we broke the ice-cream pole.

I don't even -
Totally "uh-oh" but also "TOTALLY AWESOME", you know? To me, anyway. Been dying to find someone to do crazy stuff with me all my life and here she was. Nuts.

Anna was actually the best. We threw live lizards at each other, I skipped CCA to kick a ball around with her, and brought my dog around a lot. (Yes into school. Yes I stayed pretty close). She was gorgeous, willing to try anything, not afraid of anything but ants (omg ants), loud, crazy, laughed the most musical laugh, was excitable but also deep. Read a lot. We were intense rivals all through the years in Lit and English, though I was an intense offbeat exposition writer and she wrote the most beautiful descriptive prose. I brought my dog around her place tons (a condo divided by beautiful canals), and messed around with basketball. I'd found someone to be crazy with. She talked about dreams of doing journalism in Columbia. We showed up to assembly with cake in our hair cause we were the only people nuts enough to have a food fight. I was beyond happy you had no idea.

Then she fell in love with a band senior.

I remember the exact day she told me on MSN. 9.45pm, though thankfully I've forgotten the date (yay healing). My whole world shattered. She told me about this crush she had, and the guy told her he liked her, and she asked me if she should be with him.

She asked me.

And I said yes. 

I just wanted her to be happy, you know? I figured as long as I got to be around her anyway, be her friend, I'd be happy. Be happy for her being happy. So it sucked and it was absolutely terrible but I thought I'd be okay.

Went into class the next morning and moped about on my table the whole day, not saying or doing anything to anyone, praying she would notice the state I was in. She asked me what happened, at night, and I was happy, though I said I was okay. That was the last time she ever asked me that, caught up in life with her new boyfriend and all her band friends, and I had no right to her life because I wasn't hers. 

Absolute mess the whole year, carrying a torch for her all the way. It burned when I saw her happy, it was terrible when the teachers shifted me away from sitting with her because we were too disruptive to the rest of the class, though she got to sit with the rest of my friends (we were a group of five). He broke up with her in November, and though I was sad for her too (I was already beyond broken anyway), things started to get better for a bit, you know? We started being friends again, sitting at the MRT at Jurong East watching the evening rush, making laksa people on the floor (don't ask).

Then there was another guy. And I was just like - I can't do this anymore, I can't make the same mistake twice, I can't just let this go again. Its going to kill me. So I told her I liked her, over MSN of all things, while I was in a lan shop. (Don't know how I thought that was going to work).

Turns out she never, ever, had feelings for me ever.

I was a mess. Texted her most of the night, telling her I'd wait for her, would always wait for her, she telling me she wasn't worth it, and the rest of the night I spent out sobbing on a bench at the basketball court at the community centre (climbed the fence past midnight).

And if I thought the previous year was hard....this was worse. Us being in the same class, me not having any other friends, she copy-pasting our MSN convo to her close friends (._.) - Wow. I don't even know how I lived that year. (That was the year I came to COOS, so there's that).

Eventually we graduated, and the distance helped. A little, then a little better. I made some mistakes along the way, but for the most part God took me, saved me, and taught me about love. I learnt a lot that end-year about who I was, how girls work (I thought), and many things you should never do with girls (I thought). I was blessed like a crazy, Ngee Ann gave me the space and the people to be crazy with like I always wanted, it was a clean slate, life was good.

And somewhere along the line I decided that I was going to love. I was always going to love. And especially with girls that I liked, now that I knew the cost of unrequited love, I decided I was going to love anyway. That I knew what I was getting into, and it was okay because I wasn't loving to get anything from them, I just genuinely wanted to be a friend. Not waste the potential amount of love that could grow there (as friends), just because I was afraid of the possible consequences of crushing and friend-zone and all those things I knew really well. Love casts out all fear, right? And love overcomes, yes? And love has no boundaries so I don't need to be afraid, aye? Figured since I was blessed with the ability to pay more attention to these amazing girls..I would use it for good, and not selfishly. After all, I knew the cost.

(bear with me, I know this is getting really long)

I used to think for years after that I was all about love. That I knew love. That love is unconditional, has no boundaries, and no matter what, as long as you have love and keep loving, it'll fix everything. What of fear? God is love, and love casts out all fear. Don't forget to love, and be unafraid to, despite fear of consequences, because once you've given in to that fear - it already is a consequence, you know? And because I had loads of positive feedback, people saw that I loved unashamedly and they liked me for that. You'll probably know this as the phase where I hugged everyone. Keann is so full of love, people said. He's amazing. He's always there and he'll do anything for you and he'll never ask for anything in return.

There was the small part about me driving pastors and leaders a little bit crazy because I didn't respect "boundaries" at all. See, I wanted to show love. Love became who I was. My answer to everything - was love.

I always knew the wise things to say to my friends in hurt, and if not, I'd pray for them, always be ready with a hug (or multiple hugs), or be ready to call and listen, no matter what. Or gifts. Big surprises. I knew love and I knew how to fix it. And people loved me for it. 

I thought I knew all about love because I had gone through so much pain, and I chose to love anyway, it was working out, so clearly I was on to something. And everyone else was just limited. Fearful. Boring. I'd understand and love you anyway, but I'd be sorry for you too, you know? For not seeing what I saw. Because of this, I wasn't teachable about love at all.

[ Parts 2 & 3 will come later! I promise to have more points about the stuff I've been learning recently, in later posts, but I felt like I had to put this here to show where I'm coming from. For me anyway, and my journey. Thank you for staying this far ]

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


You got me thinking on the way home about choices. Choices that I've made for God.

Lots of the daily choices I've been making these few days, every day to spend time with God, pull from His word, ask for prayer and showing weakness and to try and hear His voice for what He wants, though there has been stuff (emotionally-driven) that I've wanted so so much. Lots of these choices have been motivated by the fact that...I've been broken so far to a place of complete vulnerability and I'm desperate enough to try anything, as well as knowing I have nothing left. There are other things in my life that I love doing. WoW, dance music, any number of things. But I think I saw that night just only how far any of those things could take me in life, and would have my back? Only this far. And I'm realising that it was by the grace of God that He helped me see these things instantly, that I didn't have to try and fix myself in some terribly unhealthy way to numb or drive down the pain. That I only had to go run, and not have to put myself through anything even more unhealthy. So I'm very grateful to God to protecting me at the time.

I'm slowly getting used to being in a place where I know no matter what I do, nothing will ever satisfy, fulfill me except God. And that makes Him so beautiful to me, and makes me want to make the right choices, because why would I not want to spend my time and heart pursuing the treasure that saves me, that is the best for me? I remember going to army yesterday morning and seeing everything with new eyes, knowing that I wasn't the same person, having been brought to the face of my limitations, and bombarded with everything every which way, in the war within me for my soul. Knowing I was walking wounded and knowing who was the God who saved me. So surreal. I'll never be the same. I never want to be the same, that's for sure. I'm different. So different, and I don't know if its better yet, but I'm so different. And I'm just following because - well what else do I have? And why would I pick anything else right now?

I think a lot about the choices I made for God a few months ago too. Choices that were hard every single day, choices that I never wanted to make until God gave me an ultimatum in making them. Choices that I was very grateful that God finally gave me the strength to do - until the cost started coming and and I couldn't figure out why I ever wanted to do that. Wanted to lose everything, regretting that I ever wanted to even though deep down I know, and still know that there was no alternative. Still angry at myself sometimes, angry at God, but I know that is because of fear. Fear that that when you give up everything for God, He doesn't give you the best for you. That anger happens a lot less often now.

And I know deep down that for all the mistakes I made about us, and making that decision, it wasn't easy for me too and I did it because I gave it all up for God. Everything we had. Which I knew wasn't good things that we had, but over the past few days, I haven't wanted to lose anyway. I thought maybe I could get away with not feeling the pain, or that what I did feel initially was all it was, but it did come, and I have never been more humbled.

But I guess at the end of the day it was a choice for God. And you reminded me that for all that sucked about that choice, it was a "small victory" (the very word I used to describe it last Thursday), and for what it is and worth, God will honor it. One day. And it falls to me to not demean it, to not give up on it, to not disown it.

The crazy thing is that I know I'm not at that point yet. I know I'm at a place where in some ways - making the decisions to be with God is easier. Because I'm still in a place where I have nothing else left besides Him, and I'm hurting, and who else am I going to turn to but Him? I'm still making choices, but they aren't as hard right now because God is wrapped around me, soothingly guiding me. And I am so grateful that He knows I need this. So, so grateful.

But one day another hard choice is going to happen and I'm actually going to have stuff to give up again and it will fall to me to make that choice. And God will let me because He loves me. And when that day comes - I'm scared I'll make another mistake again - but I know God's grace is enough for me. I don't have to do it alone. So we'll see. But I want to prepare for it.

Till then I live in the hope that whenever I make a choice for God, wise or foolish with whatever consequences, because my heart was for God, He is doing something with that. Because I loved Him. That it matters less what I made than how I made it.

He knows, and I'll be okay.

Don't know how much of this letter made sense to read, but thank you for getting this far.
Thank you for being you.

See you soon, I hope :)

Gotta keep going

I'm really working to be a better person, based on all the stuff you've told me. Don't know where this is going to take me.

I'm not doing this for you, but I will value what you've said and spoken into my life forever. I wish I did it more before. How amazing are you.

Thank you.



He studies in NEW YORK. COLUMBIA.






If you love me, you will obey my commands. (John 14:15)

You showed me that if you love someone, you absolutely go out and do what they wish for you because doing so is the act of love itself. I used to be so worried that doing so would lose me my individuality. That it was okay to just be me, and you, and love each other and be different.

I'm trying new things now. I'll always be so grateful.


Monday, May 14, 2012

All the graduations

You are good, you are good, when there's nothing good in me.

You are peace, you are peace, even in my wandering.

You are joy, you are joy, you're the reason that I sing.

You are life, you are life, you have covered all my sin.

Oh, I'm running to Your arms, I'm running to Your arms, the riches of Your love, will always be enough.

Nothing compares to Your embrace, light of the world, forever reign. 

Army Graduation today.

Sunday, May 13, 2012


Still rolling my eyes that I've kinda become the crazy ex. Ohwell hahaha.


I am going to get better. I am :) Its okay to try because You'll catch me if I fall anywhere :)

Its okay to try and get better. Its okay to be happy. You are more than enough for me.

Gonna get better. Maybe we'll share life one day and I'd love that but that can't be my hope aye.

Final thoughts tonight maybe

And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus. (Phil 4:19)

If the Bible says it, it must be true. Therefore I can't want to not get better, because if I don't want to get better, I am hanging on to something that - though scary to let go of - will never fulfill me. I have to want to get better because if I do, my hope is in God and not in anyone else. Which is a great idea because according to the Word, God is enough.

God is enough. I want to hope. I have to get over this. I have to get over you. God is enough. With you or without you. Not sure if I'm ready to draw my line in the sand but lets try. God can catch me anyway even if I fail.

I have to.

Shameless Optimism

Its morbidly funny in a if-you-weren't-in-the-middle-of-it kinda way how much I'm constantly wresting with "I-want-to-get-better/I-don't-want-to-get-better" over here.

Like  I want to take the plunge but also don't.

Tomorrow will be a better day.

4th Wall

Vaguely very annoyed at how much I have to wrestle with Blogspot for formatting.

You are my Comfort.

If you spoke to me anytime in the past two hours you would have found me a raging mess. Sometimes I think I'm okay. Sometimes I think I think I see something, some key, something to grab ahold to. Sometimes I am happy. Then something else hits me and I evaporate into so much emotional vapor, staring at that little green dot next to your name, wishing I could click on it and knowing I cannot, wishing that the next call or Facebook popup has your name on it, or a string of international numbers I don't recognize. So envious of how much fun you're having, terrified you're going to fall in love with him, wishing I wasn't this much of a wreck, and yet not wanting to tear this covenant - which we don't have anymore - out of my heart.

I wish I didn't have to. I'm so happy with you. Makes me want to believe that before I have to tear out part of my heart, you'll choose me and then I won't have to.

I have some thoughts but let's start from the beginning:


God is love (1 John 4:8 -But anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love.)

We know that God is a jealous God (Exo 20:5 - for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God who will not tolerate your affection for any other gods.)

Yet love isn't jealous? (1 Cor 13:4-8 - Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.)


Was trying to figure this out. I asked Hannah about it, who pointed out that the kind of jealousy that God has is the jealousy that is natural in relationship, the jealousy that stems from two individuals being in one covenant. As opposed to the jealousy regarded in Corinthians which is described as "envy" in other translations, and the Hebrew. And the difference between the two is that envy is coveting something you don't have.

So jealousy = not liking something that is yours being taken away from you.
While envy = wanting something that is not yours. And that is not love.

God is jealous for us because we are in a covenant, a committed relationship with Him. In a relationship, both parties need to choose each other. God has always already chosen us. And we chose Him when we said yes to being in a relationship with Him.

And jealousy hurts.

The thing is... unlike God...I have no right to jealousy. When you and I broke up, we ended things. It wasn't a breach of the commitment, it was an ending. And I have no right to any jealousy because I don't have you anymore. I still feel it. I'm so scared that I'm losing you. But the thing is - I don't have you to lose. That sucks so much. I don't want to admit it. Letting go is really hard. I really really don't want to ): I still want that porch one day. But if I don't, I guess that I know - while writing these stark words that stare back at me - all that "jealousy" really is just false love. And in this case true love is letting you go.

This sucks.

I guess if we ever do have anything one day, its probably a better idea to start anew. Though its so compelling to keep whatever I have for that #maybeoneday when you might choose us. Cause its so scary and hard to tear it out. So scary to think of having the rest of life without you.

Love is a choice. And I want want want want to choose you so much. But until you (if) do, its probably unhealthy for me to choose you every single day.(PROBABLY, KEANN? YOU DON'T SAY.) I have to choose God, and only God right now, because as much as my feelings scream at me otherwise, deep down I know that's all I have left. (You know, besides parents and stuff). Not saying its not bloody hard. Don't want to let go. Don't always want to admit I know I have to.

I guess if we ever start anything anew...we have to start it anew. Nothing I can hold onto here. (Sigh). Don't really know how to do that yet, but I hope to God that I will.

Well there. I banged this out. Seems to have taken me forever to.

I miss you.

Create in me a pure heart, O God,
    and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
11 Do not cast me from your presence
    or take your Holy Spirit from me.
12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation
    and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.
                                        (Psalm 51)

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jer 29:11)

Seems crazy. But You are my hope. Hope that I will learn to hope.

Friends would be nice right about now. But I guess I know God will give me whatever I need, including them. He has been. So grateful for everyone. Please take me out more please, guys?

Oi I'm not the crazy ex >: So much for being the amazing best guy :|

I need to spend time with God for God, without you being a compelling factor in it.


Still missing you. I hope you have the best essay and the best night and the best week. Get some rest k? I hope God gives you the best night.

Goodnight world.

I need Your Voice

Why are you striving these days
Why are you trying to earn grace
Why are you crying
Let me lift up your face
Just don't turn away

Why are you looking for love
Why are you still searching as if I'm not enough
To where will you go child
Tell me where will you run
To where will you run

And I'll be by your side
Wherever you fall
In the dead of night
Whenever you call
And please don't fight
These hands that are holding you
My hands are holding you

Cause I, I love you
I want you to know
That I, I love you
I'll never let you go

Doing life.

Trying to figure out my entire week now. A vague sense that I have a lot to juggle but I'm not sure what it all is yet. I think I'm going to be kinda busy....yet not. I don't know. I just want to fill it productively, you know? Not leave any stone unturned. Do my best in life overall, not just sit here.

But I don't know where everything all is yet, to slot my other stuff all in. Rrrrr army. So weird.

Don't know if I'm going to dance Tuesday. All my practice slots pretty much got wrecked by my emotional state, and I don't like going to class without having practiced. Maybe I'll take a week off, I'm sure I can catch up later. Performing well kinda isn't my biggest motivation in life anymore. Much more concerned with getting to know You, and I wish so badly, you. 

Lots of things to catch up on. Lots I instinctively want to do. I feel like I have a lot to process from God and everyone and its all over the place at the mo. Hopefully tonights I can sit down and gather it all, the right way, from today and yesterday after service.

Definitely missing you.

Bottom line

Sometimes I wish I was in a different country because now every path I walk reminds me of you.

I guess at the heart of it all, everything from the breakup hit me and I can't move on. Its very hard. That's why I cry.
You just make me so happy.

I love You Lord. Please be here.


God Bless You Daryl,

I'm currently going through a very hard time in my life because my boyfriend of almost two years broke up with me. Were both christians and very active in our churches. We were in a long distance relationship but two days ago he told me that he didnt want to be with me under these circumstances of distance. I cant move to Florida in this moment because I want to be married before I leave my family behind and were not ready for marriage financially and emotionally. He said he needed time and I finally gave it to him. Ive tried to not call him or text him but its very difficult because I deeply believe that God has put us together for a purpose and hes the one God wants for me. Im praying a lot to God that if its my emotions telling me that then for God to take that away but if its God to speak into him as well.

I read in one of the questions that you and your wife had a break up before you got married. I want to know if you knew she was the one God had for you before you broke up? And how did you hear God speak to you that she was the one? Did your wife do anything that made you realize that you did want to be with her?

I know that this is a process that I have to go through to become purified and to depend more on God but how do I get through it? Its very hard, and although we were in a long distance relationship we saw each other often at a point and spent a lot of time together with each others family. I also have him under my cell phone plan but I dont know if I should take him out or not or just wait until I feel that this is it. Please speak some word of God into me because I really need it in this moment.

Thank You.


Hi Cristina,

I’m sorry to hear about your break-up. I know that this is a difficult time and I hope to say something that will bring comfort and help. I'm not sure how similar my wife's and my break up situation is to yours, but by sharing it with you, there may be some things that will help in your situation.

I broke up my wife before we got married, because I was confused. My wife does not have the same skin colour as me, and that was a major problem with my parents. They gave me a lot of “advice” about why mixed relationships wouldn’t work and that I was out of God’s will because I was dating someone of a different race. With that kind of advice, it didn’t take long before I was emotionally unstable. I felt guilty because as far as my parents were concerned, I was out of God’s will, so that put strain on my relationship with God, and I felt like I was a failure, because my parents were disappointed with the decisions I were making.

The only thing I knew to do to make sure that I was right, was to start from scratch. I had to go back to the place where I last knew I was in the will of God and that, for me, was before I had starting going out with my girlfriend. So, I broke up with my girlfriend. She was understanding and let me go, which hurt me even more, because as far as I could see it, she didn’t think it was worth fighting for me to stay. Little did I know that she was doing the right thing...

So there I was; confused and heartbroken – very much like you are right now. I spent many nights praying and asking for God to speak to me. I didn't hear anything though, but I had been taught that the best way to heal emotionally was to get into God’s Word. God’s Word is what restores, strengthens and purifies us. Jesus asked God the Father to do that through His Word: 

John 17:17 (Amplified Bible)

Sanctify them [purify, consecrate, separate them for Yourself, make them holy] by the Truth; Your Word is Truth.

So I read the Bible and wrote down scriptures that pertained to my situation. I read books about God’s Word. I listened to audio teachings on tape and CD and just allowed my mind, will and emotions to change and get in line with God’s thoughts.

I must tell you that there wasn’t an immediate change to my situation. I still cried a lot, (which for a man is a very weird place to be) and I definitely didn’t feel like I was healing emotionally, but I chose to believe God’s Word over my circumstances and feelings.

I found this passage of scripture and spoke it over my life every day. (I’ve highlighted certain parts of the scripture in capital letters for you.):

Psalm 119:89 – 112 (The Message) 89-96

What you say goes, God,
     and stays, as permanent as the heavens.
  Your truth never goes out of fashion;
     it's as up-to-date as the earth when the sun comes up.
  Your Word and truth are dependable as ever;
     that's what you ordered—you set the earth going.
  If your revelation hadn't delighted me so,
     I would have given up when the hard times came.
  But I'll never forget the advice you gave me;
     you saved my life with those wise words.
  Save me! I'm all yours.
     I look high and low for your words of wisdom.
  The wicked lie in ambush to destroy me,
     but I'm only concerned with your plans for me.
  I see the limits to everything human,
     but the horizons can't contain your commands!
97-104 Oh, how I love all you've revealed;
     I reverently ponder it all the day long.
  Your commands give me an edge on my enemies;
     they never become obsolete.
  I've even become smarter than my teachers
     since I've pondered and absorbed your counsel.
  I've become wiser than the wise old sages
     simply by doing what you tell me.
  I watch my step, avoiding the ditches and ruts of evil
     so I can spend all my time keeping your Word.
  Your words are so choice, so tasty;
     I prefer them to the best home cooking.
  With your instruction, I understand life;
     that's why I hate false propaganda.
  I've committed myself and I'll never turn back
     from living by your righteous order.
  Everything's falling apart on me, God;
     put me together again with your Word.
  Festoon me with your finest sayings, God;
     teach me your holy rules.
  My life is as close as my own hands,
     but I don't forget what you have revealed.
  The wicked do their best to throw me off track,
     but I don't swerve an inch from your course.
  I inherited your book on living; it's mine forever—
     what a gift! And how happy it makes me!
  I concentrate on doing exactly what you say—
     I always have and always will.

Saying that God was giving me good directions and because of His Word I could see where I was going, was a statement of faith for me. If you had asked me to be honest about things, I would have told you that I didn’t even know if God was still speaking to me, never mind giving me directions. But I knew that faith is what pleases God, so I chose to speak these words in faith, knowing that God’s Word says that He will meet me halfway when I do that.

So, for a month and a half I studied God’s Word, cried at work and in the car on my way home, but all the while, I believed that God was directing me. My ex-girlfriend and I didn’t once speak to each other because we had agreed that we would give each other space to make the right decision. Within a few weeks I started to see why I was feeling guilty and began to ignore those feelings of guilt because they didn’t line up with God’s Word.  Once that happened, things became a bit clearer for me and it wasn’t long before I could see that there was no rational reason why I had to break up with my girlfriend.

Once I had that sorted out, I then had to ask myself some serious questions: If I didn’t have to break up with my girlfriend, then did that mean that we were “marriage material”? Of course, I wasn’t going to just jump back into the relationship if I wasn’t sure that I would marry my ex-girlfriend. That would mean that I would break up with her again in the future and I didn’t want to put her through all that pain again.

When God tells us to do something, it doesn’t make sense to others why we’re doing it, and it doesn’t matter how much we try to explain to them, they just don’t understand. If God speaks to you, you will know it. It will be such an absolute understanding of what to do that the only way to explain why you’re doing it, is because you “just know”.

I had that “knowing” and that is what gave me the courage to go through the next year. 2 months after the break-up, I told my parents that I was going to propose to my ex-girlfriend. My father didn’t agree with my decision, so he disowned me. But remember, I KNEW that I was doing the right thing. After proposing, all of the wedding plans were under way, but my parents wanted nothing to do with it. I paid for most of our wedding, which for a guy who had just moved out on his own, was a pretty tough thing to do, but I KNEW what had to be done. My parents didn’t come to our engagement party, and as hurtful as that was I KNEW what I had to do. I pushed forward with what God had given me to do.

Well, I am now happily married for 4 ½ years and I praise God! My parents have made a complete turnaround and love my wife like their own daughter and my wife loves them like her own parents! God has done amazing things in our lives, but it all started with faith. We had to believe that God would do this:

Roman 8:28 (Amplified Bible)

We are assured and know that [God being a partner in their (YOUR) labour] all things work together and are [fitting into a plan] for good to and for those (YOU) who love God and are called according to [His] design and purpose.

(I added the words in capital letters there.)

“ALL THINGS work together ... for good” when we do things God’s Way and that, is what you need to hold onto in these difficult times. Like you said; you understand that this is a process. I know that for you every day just seems to drag along but it all comes down to taking it one day at a time. God works in the small things. The pain will go away in time, but what needs to happen in the meantime, is that you need to hold onto your hope in Christ. You need to be confident that no matter how you feel right now, your future is still a bright one; filled with God’s goodness, and that no matter what your world looks like right now, God has your best in mind.

When you wake up each day and you remember the pain again, speak to God about it, but in a positive way. I'm not saying that you should thank God for the pain, but rather that you should thank Him for giving you the day and that even though you are hurting, this day will be another great opportunity for you to move forward. Because you know God is right there listening, you can be confident that He is helping you to move forward.

I mentioned earlier that I felt really hurt by the fact that my girlfriend didn’t “seem” to fight to keep me from breaking up with her, in fact, our break up was too easy. I found myself trying to convince her to keep the relationship together, but she just told me that if I felt that it was best to break up, than I should go with that. I didn’t know it at the time, but what she did was crucial to me later making the right decisions. Here’s why:

Saying that God was giving me good directions and because of His Word I could see where I was going, was a statement of faith for me. If you had asked me to be honest about things, I would have told you that I didn’t even know if God was still speaking to me, never mind giving me directions. But I knew that faith is what pleases God, so I chose to speak these words in faith, knowing that God’s Word says that He will meet me halfway when I do that.

So, for a month and a half I studied God’s Word, cried at work and in the car on my way home, but all the while, I believed that God was directing me. My ex-girlfriend and I didn’t once speak to each other because we had agreed that we would give each other space to make the right decision. Within a few weeks I started to see why I was feeling guilty and began to ignore those feelings of guilt because they didn’t line up with God’s Word.  Once that happened, things became a bit clearer for me and it wasn’t long before I could see that there was no rational reason why I had to break up with my girlfriend.

Once I had that sorted out, I then had to ask myself some serious questions: If I didn’t have to break up with my girlfriend, then did that mean that we were “marriage material”? Of course, I wasn’t going to just jump back into the relationship if I wasn’t sure that I would marry my ex-girlfriend. That would mean that I would break up with her again in the future and I didn’t want to put her through all that pain again.

When God tells us to do something, it doesn’t make sense to others why we’re doing it, and it doesn’t matter how much we try to explain to them, they just don’t understand. If God speaks to you, you will know it. It will be such an absolute understanding of what to do that the only way to explain why you’re doing it, is because you “just know”.

I had that “knowing” and that is what gave me the courage to go through the next year. 2 months after the break-up, I told my parents that I was going to propose to my ex-girlfriend. My father didn’t agree with my decision, so he disowned me. But remember, I KNEW that I was doing the right thing. After proposing, all of the wedding plans were under way, but my parents wanted nothing to do with it. I paid for most of our wedding, which for a guy who had just moved out on his own, was a pretty tough thing to do, but I KNEW what had to be done. My parents didn’t come to our engagement party, and as hurtful as that was I KNEW what I had to do. I pushed forward with what God had given me to do.

Well, I am now happily married for 4 ½ years and I praise God! My parents have made a complete turnaround and love my wife like their own daughter and my wife loves them like her own parents! God has done amazing things in our lives, but it all started with faith. We had to believe that God would do this:

Roman 8:28 (Amplified Bible)

We are assured and know that [God being a partner in their (YOUR) labour] all things work together and are [fitting into a plan] for good to and for those (YOU) who love God and are called according to [His] design and purpose.

(I added the words in capital letters there.)

“ALL THINGS work together ... for good” when we do things God’s Way and that, is what you need to hold onto in these difficult times. Like you said; you understand that this is a process. I know that for you every day just seems to drag along but it all comes down to taking it one day at a time. God works in the small things. The pain will go away in time, but what needs to happen in the meantime, is that you need to hold onto your hope in Christ. You need to be confident that no matter how you feel right now, your future is still a bright one; filled with God’s goodness, and that no matter what your world looks like right now, God has your best in mind.

When you wake up each day and you remember the pain again, speak to God about it, but in a positive way. I'm not saying that you should thank God for the pain, but rather that you should thank Him for giving you the day and that even though you are hurting, this day will be another great opportunity for you to move forward. Because you know God is right there listening, you can be confident that He is helping you to move forward.

I mentioned earlier that I felt really hurt by the fact that my girlfriend didn’t “seem” to fight to keep me from breaking up with her, in fact, our break up was too easy. I found myself trying to convince her to keep the relationship together, but she just told me that if I felt that it was best to break up, than I should go with that. I didn’t know it at the time, but what she did was crucial to me later making the right decisions. Here’s why:

Emotions are very convincing, and if we allow ourselves to be emotionally charged by a situation, we will make decisions that line up with those emotions. You’ve told me that you haven’t contacted your ex-boyfriend in any way since the break-up, which is good. You’re giving him room to make a decision regarding your place in his life. I know that this is difficult for you because you are the one who has been “broken up with”. You feel rejected and that makes the pain so much worse. My wife lost close to 20 pounds after our break up because she was so depressed and had lost her appetite all because she felt like I had rejected her. But she held onto the promise that God had good things for her future. Whether that future included me or not was unknown to her, but she knew that God would always be part of her future and that was a source of comfort.

My point is that you should give yourself and your boyfriend space to make the right decisions and time to make a choice that isn’t influenced by emotions. You say that you deeply believe that this is the man that you are to marry, but until he knows that, there is nothing you can do. By giving him space, you will allow God to move in his life and that is the best thing that you could ever do for him. Putting yourself back in his life will only hinder what God is doing, which means that you could lose him. I am so grateful that my wife was strong enough to let me go. I still believe that during those difficult times, she was stronger than me, and because of that God was able to move in the way He wanted to.

The main thought I want to leave you with is this: whether your boyfriend is the man you are to marry or not, your hope shouldn’t be in him. Yes, you are hurting for him, but ultimately God is your hope.

Apply this scripture in your life:

1 Peter 5:6, 7

6Therefore humble yourselves [demote, lower yourselves in your own estimation] under the mighty hand of God, that in due time He may exalt you, 7Casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully.

This is not a hard and fast rule; but regarding your ex-boyfriend’s details being on your phone, maybe you should delete them. By deleting his details, you are showing yourself that the situation is not in your hands anymore. You have given your care to God and He is taking care of the situation. Also, it will stop you from wondering whether you should call or not. As I said earlier, if your ex-boyfriend is your future husband, then he needs to come to that conclusion on his own, which means that he will need to get hold of you. Either way, you can delete his number - by faith. You’re trusting that if he is the right one, God will speak to him and he will call you, and if he isn’t the right one, God will provide. In both cases, you won’t need his number.

I’ve asked God to speak to you through this letter, so read it as exactly that: God speaking to you. If there is anything else that you want to talk about, I am always available, so please don’t hesitate to write me again.

Remember: one day at a time.


I have to live with this

Dear God,

I need You to come, please. Come and help me get through the fact that I gave up the love of my life to You. Then what.

I've gotten so much advice over the past few days that its starting to bounce off me. How now.

I miss you.

You will always be special


Daddy I really miss her ):

Oh no ):

I just discovered the wonderful and terrible thing that is the search/history function on Facebook messages.

New Things.

I'm not very good at doing photos, but.

This was some time ago. I'm going to try to do more of these. In the meantime:

Dear Mom,

Hi. Today is Mother's Day and I know we never celebrate it, but I want to change that. It has been too long in coming. I hope you like the cake and flowers, though you deserve far, far more. Dad pitched in half for the money and stuff. I know its not nearly enough to thank you for all the years, hours and minutes you have put into faithfully taking care of us with little reward - You have always been so patient, long-suffering, never complaining, tirelessly coming home from work and washing the dishes, ironing the clothes, washing, folding the clothes, cooking, stocking the fridge, unblocking the toilet, getting groceries, cleaning the house and you've done it for years and years and years. While we keep making you mad for never helping, and never thanking you.

I know things haven't been the best between us. I'm sorry I have not been a better son, that I haven't shown you why it has been worth it to have me. I'm still flawed, and I still haven't been listening when we don't agree, and I'm sorry I haven't tried to make your life easier. 

I want to tell you that this is a start. That I regret not able to tell you day after day how amazing you are for doing everything. I know we don't really talk very much, and I still don't really know what to say to you, but I want to learn how to make your life easier. 

I'll never be able to repay you for all that you have done for me. This small little thing doesn't even come close to close. But for what its worth, I want to say that I appreciate you so much for enduring so much hardship to make us a family, to make this a home. 

I want to try to help. Its about time I grew up and your life be made easier. I'm going to try. I hope on this day, you can get some rest, and that you'll be able to rest more in the days to come. Happy Mother's Day.

Thank you for being my mom,
Qi En.

P.S. Don't stop playing the piano. Its beautiful.


Gonna write this out now, wash the dishes, set out the flowers and go to bed. I have a lot to think about tomorrow. 

One more tonight, you'd better

I'd better post one more tonight, like I said. Lots happened after service. Hannah talked to me a lot, and Joy and La. Gonna gather all of that, I think I'm going somewhere.

Very tired and eyes are very dry but omg I still have the mother's day card to write tooooo. So that's gonna happen.

Surreal, aye.

But for now, I feel better. Not because of the talks, but because God is good.

I really love love love love everyone. The amount of outpouring I've had has been insane. From everyone that I cherish so dearly. I'm so glad for that.

Written in service, after worship.

I'm still so drained now.

Just before I left for church, I guess I realized I wanted to get strong again really fast because I looked at his Facebook again and I wanted to become really amazing in God again to impress you, to help you get better, to give you a reason to want to be with me.

God rocked that pretty quickly in worship.

 I can't do it that way. That can't be my motivation for doing anything, as tempting as it is to buy into.

I guess I'm going to have to take as long as it takes to love God properly for God. Not for you. I want to. No matter how long it takes and whether I can compare to anyone else or not.

No matter how weak it makes my character look as I (maybe) take really long to put God front and centre in my life again, and further.

I have to consecrate my life to God, regardless of you or not. You can't be a priority.

Its tempting to stay in a sad state as long as you might be, to not leave you behind. Its equally compelling to fix myself as quickly as possible to give you a person to draw strength from, to fall in love with. I'd do it. Because I love you and I'm crazily willing to do whatever it takes.

But he who loves his life loses it; and he who hates his life in this world shall keep it to life eternal. - John 12:25

I have this wrenching feeling that even if I did either one of those things, I might lose you anyway.

I guess I have to love God whether I have you or not. I don't know how long it'll take me to heal and change, missing you, missing us, forgiving myself for betraying your trust.  I don't know how strong or weak it'll make me look.

I hope I'll see you one day. I really do. I don't know that I'll ever not love you.

I'm going to figure out what "Look to Me, but wait for her" means.

But I have to look to Him.

I don't know what you'll choose. But regardless, I choose God.

I hope that we'll find each other on the same team again, one day.

Maybe there is grace for that.

I love You Lord. Thank You for being here.

And I still love you. I hope I'm not hurting you anymore with anything I'm saying. God, please give us grace for that. You can cover my weakness in words.

Please grow in God, okay you? Hoping and praying for that is the best way I can care for you.

Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

This is my goal for how I feel about you. Requited or not.

I'll see you soon.