Sunday, May 27, 2012


Late morning conversations with God, while walking home:

"I have far greater for you than you can imagine." 

"But God, I can imagine a whole lot."

"Wanna bet I can imagine more?" 

"No lol You can have this one."

"You really are amazing, you know."

":/ But God if I am, why am I sitting around here with this little stuff doing nothing?"

"I'm keeping you in reserve for when I need you. A game-changer. That day will come. I'm preparing you for it."

I guess He's right. All my life I've always had a sense of "I will go somewhere.", "I'm meant for something greater." "One day it'll be my turn to step up."I don't know what, when or where it is, but I know that reach will be unlimited. And its just going to snap into action. It'll be in response to something, I don't know what, something terrible, but I hope not. Something is going to happen to galvanize the world into reaction.

And when that day comes, I have to prepare to be That Voice.

Something is going to happen.

Till then, its about preparation. Whether skills, or saving up financially, or building a team, portfolio, experience, connections. Character. Faithfulness. Honour. 

But for now, today, I want joy. I will praise.
I will praise with my life because God is good.

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