Friday, August 29, 2008

Reading my old posts interesting, to say the least.

E.g. I present to you this post from Feb 2008:



Sorry): I wanted to go y'know! But like yeah I'm trying to stop going out with girls so often, like no offense and all, but yeah D=






And I feel productive. Ahahahah. Even though the majority of the day was kinda suck because I was reaaaaally unproductive and just lazed around doing nothing good and I was feeling grumpy about it, and also bad that I didn't use the time to read God's Word or worship or something constructive like that.

Plus I fought with my mom like 20 minutes before coming down to church. Like, I just lost it and blew up when my mom came back and instantly started yelling at me and I did the whole "you're not a good mother" line.

Sigh. Yes, it was not good. Yes, I do regret it. But I am determined to put it down here because I just don't want to write down the good things that happen in my life..


So yeah like 5 minutes before I came down I was feeling quite bad. And all. And I was rather..sombre because cellmates all weren't coming down for Corporate Prayer, not even Keenan, and I was pretty much alone.

Actually I wasn't really? Like I saw Hannah around, and Rachel and Yisin and Chonghao and all, but they like already had their own groups of people to sit with/dinner and stuff, and so i really didn't want to bother anyone.

Yes, it is a problem I have. I seem to be near-unable to ask "Hey can I join you guys?", or something. Its a combination of pride, plus fear of people saying "Yes you can join us", but thinking secretly "What a loser he doesn't have his own friends have to come and bother us".

I KNOW, PEOPLE IN CHURCH AREN'T LIKE THAT, but its trauma I guess. Left over from secondary school. Don't ask. :/

Just something I have to work through, I guess. Bah. But yeah, I don't like crashing already defined social circles much):

ANYWAY. So I'm sitting there alone in my pew when in front and behind of me there are rows of youth that I know, but they like are sitting in cells and all and I'm like "meh", but I decide that hey its a good blessing too, and a humbling for me socially wise, and I cheer up a little and start focusing on God as the worship starts :D

Alone, but hey. Church isn't about friends anyway, its about God, and it'd be nice to have friends but its not the end of the world I suppose.

And I'm still a bit wistful.

But then as the worship team breaks into "Forever", Charlene suddenly pokes me and shuffles into the seat beside me and I cheer up considerably. :DDDD

I mean, I knew she was coming, but she's supposed to be with Leader's Cell right, with Chonghao and Yisin and all, and I tell her where they are sitting because you know, she's supposed to be with them and all.



/happy. Thank You God for small miracles and showing You're always looking out for me :D

And thank you Char (:

(: (: (:

Hahaha. My God will meet all my needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. ITS TRUE (:

So the worship team carries on into Hosanna, the Paul Baloche one, and I am reminded of this monday when we had our attempted worship session in school and I'm like :D

Hahaha. We were trying to sing that song a lot. And you know, me feeling grumpy at myself for not being useful the whole day, God just healed me of that as I worshipped Him. Like I could feel a tangible lifting of my somewhat heavy heart as He just well - simply healed me :D

Thank You God. Haha :D

Prayer was really really good! Haha. The church tried this new thing where they didn't give us any prescribed prayer pointers regarding the topics we're praying for, but chose to let us listen to God's voice and pray for what He was impressing on our hearts to pray for.

And it was cool cause it really put us in a spirit of really trying to be attentive to what God wanted us to declare over the people/things we were praying for, even if we don't really know anything about that situation or the struggles the people are going through. And we have freedom to go where God leads. Haha.

And for myself, God really showed me this little thing, and that little thing, to pray for haha. So its really an exercise of stepping out in faith to obey God's nudgings? And it was good :D

And then!! Cause I was praying with Zhi Jie (Visitor, Shermaine's classmate and Anabel's schoolmate) and Anabel cause Charlene wanted to watch over her Psixers, God impressed on me as the whole thing was winding down to pray for Zhi Jie and bless and affirm him in the Lord haha and so I did after Corporate Prayer ended.

And then I prayed for Charlene's Psixers cause God impressed on me to pray for them too!

I mean, its really cool man, dude, they're 12 and their parents let them come to church on a Friday night till 10+, it really is a super huge blessing. Especially as they really do come. And there's so much potential to grow there in God and in hunger and passion for Him so I felt that that needed to be prayed for (:

And then I met Hannah, and she had a really really really bad headache and was looking quite down because of it, and I had this flash thought "Hey we can pray for the headache to go away" -

But then I wimped out ):

Still a long way to go Lord. Haha. Ah well. But still a good day and thank You for training me today it definitely cheered me up at least haha. (:



Okay church tmrrr. I still am not sure who's going and who I'm going to sit with, but I think today has taught me that God will handle my company for me. Heh.

I mean, its His house man. I think He's got His own seating arrangement covered. Lol :D


Thursday, August 28, 2008

We can dream, for a bit.

part of your world - lil mermaid

You want thingamabobs?
I've got twenty!
But who cares?
No big deal
I want more

Up where they walk, up where they run
Up where they stay all day in the sun
Wanderin' free - wish I could be
Part of that world

What would I give if I could live out of these waters?
What would I pay to spend a day warm on the sand?

When's it my turn?
Wouldn't I love, love to explore that world up above?
Out of the sea
Wish I could be
Part of that world


And now the deep thoughts.

Something Charmaine and I were talking about in the long train journey back home really struck a chord with me.

We were discussing like our future and where we want to go/do/be and stuff, and I realised that:

For us writer/speaker gifted science/math failure types, there really isn't much of a place in the working world for us once we leave school.


I mean, you know how JC/secondary school is. Lets say you're a Lit pro. And you absolutely fail at Science/Math. And the thing about Science/Math? You know that all those geniuses in the top classes acing them are acing them mostly because of all the hard work and practice they're putting into it day after day after day mugging TYS, so you're like "wow these people are smart, but they're also super disciplined and hardworking mannn".

As for those few Lit students that ARE topping Lit, they are the ones who well- generally don't study, and don't really do much work, skive around dodging teachers, and still walk in on the day of the final Lit paper and pull some crazy ass deep perspective shit out of their ass and walk out with an A.

And those hardworking dudes earlier, no matter how hard they work, they're never going to really "get" Lit, cause its very hit/miss either you see it or you don't.

Which only really serves to create an aura of mystery and awe and "I can do magic" and "I'm a crazy random genius" around the Lit topping students.

See, you can tutor Science/Math. You can get the top students to teach you the concepts you don't understand. But with Lit? I've tried man. I've tried teaching my friends what I see, but they'll only understand what I see in that certain passage in the book, but they won't know how to "see" for themselves, whether for other passages in that book or other books. It is frustrating. You can't teach somebody to "see" like you "see". But then it also feels kinda good, because well, you feel...special.

And then you turn around and realise that in real life there is no future for the Lit students of the world, as opposed to the Science/Math/Accounting/Econs students of the world.

Don't get me wrong. I love Lit. I crazy do. I miss it like crazy. But where can Lit take me in the world, really? Besides teaching Lit and that really is a never ending cycle, really. Lol. I always envisioned myself, delving deeply into Lit and Philo and discussing fervently with other like-minded people the theories and inclinations and motivations of the great thinkers and writers of our past with a nice cup of cocoa in hand in a nice cosy room with lots of shelves of books and a good fire roaring, but seriously now.

Not that there is much to discuss anyway. We're so far along in our advancement since the advent of great "classic" writers and thinkers that pretty much any epic philosophy or school of thought has been beaten to death already by countless discussers before us? My view, anyway. There'd be only so much we could do before it all becomes redundant, and we'd be pretending that these issues exist just so we could argue some more.

And I don't think we'd get paid for it, anyway. Blah.

we COULD become script writers and playwrights and actors in the Arts Scene, but again exceedingly-high risk/reward, plus very small sustainable market, and to be good, you have to be REALLY good. Like world-applauding legendary. Still, it is an option. There you go Charmaine. Go Broadway. Gogogo.

Same goes for writing a book or whatever too.

Not saying you shouldn't go ahead and try, but it is no lie to say that for us dreamer/thinker/word-crafter types, the world is a much bigger and scarier and unreliable place to try and ply our craft.

Yes we have the potential to be truly great, but only a few can be truly great, and a lot fall by the wayside..

Plus, the problem with creative literary genius, is that we don't know how we have it, we just have it and don't complain, but what if it goes away? And we're left stranded like a mudfin that's sitting pretty on a beach rock oblivious to the receding tide assuming its going to come back, but not knowing that its all drying up and sinking into a hole on the desert floor.

Yeah well. Haha. And don't say Mass Comm. Really. People think that the automatic choice for us outspoken literary unconvential types is Mass Communication and the media, but it really isn't. It helps, sure, the command of the language, but other than that we don't really have an edge. Its more like a perverse twisting of the convention of Lit than anything else..

In Lit, in scriptwriting, in book-writing, in storytelling and wordsmithing, you're writing for yourself. You're writing to explore the vast potentials of something that is close to your heart, something that interests you, something that you see goes unpunished in the world and you are beset by a undying passion to call attention to it. Your dreams, your interpretation of the world, your laughter, your crying, your nightmares and greatest fears.

You're essentially saying to your reader "Hey, this is what I can do drawing upon all my life experiences and the heart I have in me. I really hope you like it. (:"

You're writing for You. In Mass Comm? You're not writing for any of that. You're writing and designing and coming up with ideas that will pander to the world today so you can make money.

It really is as stark and bleak as that. Oh, I'm sure some people live for that. And I'm sure it gives some of us here on this earth great joy when they manage to pinpoint what exactly the world wants and happily gives it to them, in the simplest most dumbed down form so the most number of people possible can enjoy and entertain and most importantly pay for their content. There's nothing wrong with that. The media is a business, after all. And businesses ARE to make money with.

But that's not what I signed up for. Did you know a newspaper is not to spread the news to the public? A newspaper is created to make money through advertising. The news fits in between all the advertisments put out that day to the public. The news is to reel in consumers so the paper can charge more to advertisers based on subscription numbers. And thats the way it works for all media vehicles.

But I really think if I started focusing on writing just to appeal to as many members of the public as possible, as opposed to writing for me, and the people out there in the world who'd relate to me and the fears and struggles and loves I'd be going through, I might die a little inside.

Which is why I'm so hesitant to jump into the big world of advertising, for one. A newspaper isn't so bad, so long as I'm not the one handling the advertising function.

I am sure there is a greater purpose to things. A greater ideal, a greater passion, a greater love.

I guess that's why I'm a dreamer. Haha.

I'm not worried about my life though, I've pretty much had at least most of my life mapped out by God for me, a calling I'm happy to answer, and I AM grateful.

But talking to Charmaine today made me realise that if I didn't have that destiny and understanding between me and God, I'd really be left out in the wash now, and what about all those people that are like me that haven't had their lives mapped out by God?

I want to be a famous writer—and a good one. I want to write intelligent, literate science fiction and fantasy stories (and in other genres as the mood strikes me), with good characterization, stories that will reach deep into people's psyches and tear their guts out (to mix metaphors rather unpleasantly). I want people to laugh and cry at my work. I want them to say, "It was better than Cats."

But I don't know whether I'm capable of that. And if I rush off half-cocked, trying to be the best, and I fail, what will I be left with?

Hartman, J., 1993. Dream A Little Dream. Retrieved on 27 August 2008 from

Here's a little piece that I found on dreaming and whether to go for it or not that I think we can all very nicely identify with. Check it out haha, won't take two minutes.


Hang in there all you literary/drama/writer/dreamer types. We still do have a destiny out there for us. I for one am going to see if any Uni will have me after I graduate from Mass Comm, I still do want to delve deeply into Lit and Philo at some point. Maybe do a degree on the side while serving in church. I still intend to have that huge room with stacks and stacks of books and a hot cup of cocoa and the roaring fire. And we can sit around there and talk and dream till we're all old and dry(:

And maybe at some point in my life, I'll end up writing, myself. That'd be funny. :D

See you guys tomorrow! :D

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Today was a good day :D

Hmm hhmm. I kinda have a couple of introspective thoughts I want to punch in, but I think I'll save that till next post. This post is devoted to how today went. Haha.

Damn, it was a good day. This is how holidays should be man, even though it was so frustrating at first. Lol.

So. I woke up at the time I was supposed to be at school, 9, and slacked around till 11 which is when I was supposed to meet Keenan to buy Charlene's cake and stuff._. Which culminated in me having to take a cab to school to try and make up for time lost.

7 Bucks out the window. Sigh. Btw, you know now that taxi fares go up by 20 cents instead of 10 cents, the drivers ALWAYS try to find a way to keep on driving just that little bit further when you want to get off, stalling for time so the meter ticks another 20? And they always manage to ground to a halt right after. Very irritating. Gah.

But hey, family to feed. But if they wanted the extra 20 they could just ask, really.. ):

So, got in and out of school surprisingly quickly, hit the bus stop where I still have school internet so I could bug Keenan to get moving etc, and then hit Holland V once he moved off.

Except I was stoning and forgot that 75 doesn't go one stop further down HV so I ended up having to walk all the way back from Keenan's old house._.

And then it started raining :blink:

Like, hailstorm kinda heavy. And here I am in the middle of nowhere going uphill and thanking God that at least my bag is waterproof..

I reach Party City at about 1245. Sopping wet. Thinking that with my white shoes and school socks and general shorts and all and general drenched state this is rather like secondary school..

Its a wonder I didn't die of pneumonia as a kid man.

About this time Mel messages me and tells me its raining like crazy etc and she has to pass on coming with us today and I'm like I know, I'm sitting in it.


Keenan finds out about the rain five minutes later when he reaches and realises that he has to make a mad dash across the overhead bridge with speakers over his back.

Anyhowww. I'm at Party City looking at big helium balloons and I see a nice cute Elmo one and I point and ask and the lady cheerily tells me its 40 bucks.


Okay it can sing, fine, but still!

So I saw this other High School Musical Balloon that sings We're All In This Together when you tap it :o

I'd get it just so I could piss Keenan off with it..


ANYHOW. We get our stuff, go find a cake, get ourselves drenched a few million more times running between cake shops, get a cake and then I start spazzing out because Charmaine tells me we HAVE to meet her at 245 to get the SAJC clothes and its like 2pm where we are which is at HV and we still have to meet Shereen :o

But we get there on time somehow :D, give or take a cab from the MRT station to SAJC...

Lol what. I told you it was a good idea. Cost like 2.80 flat lol.

Except the driver did the whole nudge out that extra 20 cents thing again so + the 0.30 cents surcharge thing they have going on I had to paid 3.30 -.-

Bloody taxi drivers.

Security guard is cool though, like the one I met last week when I visited Charlene. :D

Mmmhmm. Find Charr, I lead Keenan and Shereen to the rock wall which I've been hearing so much about from everyone, we plonk ourselves there and I bring Sher to go find a toilet so she can pretend to be J1 for a day.

It is to be noted that from the time we entered SAJC till I brought Sher to the toilet our dear girl was freaking out and spazzing out about how we were going to get in trouble and bring disgrace to her school and everything etc you know, Shereen style. Panicky. The usual. Lol.

But wow she really fits in with the uniform. I was so stunned when I first saw her :o

Just goto SA already Sher, you already live next door. Screw AC, its not all its cracked up to be lol.

Moving on, apparently the dancers (this includes Charmaine) have their dance practice at the grandstand near the rock wall. That one I did not see coming :o Vaguely entertaining lol. Too bad its ACES day stuff ):


Oh you know the usual. Cake, candle lighting, walking down ritual, blindfold, blow out cake, gorge down cake, run around, heh. I'd do pictures but nobody bought me a camera for my birthday so..

I'll post what Charmaine has when I get them. But I'm not too excited about the pictures. 110% of pictures of me taken using Charmaine's cam are really really bad. We're just not meant to be man. I've given up on that already. Sigh.

So cake is done, and I head home with Charmaine, and the moment I get off the train Keenan messages me telling me I essentially have free dinner because his mom gave him money to go treat friends or something and do I want to go hang out :o

Well okay. Haha.

And i'm just back from that random hanging out session and sitting here typing this. Lots to do tonight though. BBQ to plan, trying to figure out what to say to Peibao at lunch tmr, praying for everyone on my list that I'm determined to do before I fall asleep, sigh.

It was good to see Suren again though. :D

I am still in the SAJC shirt I procured from Charmaine. :o Its growing on me. No really! I really like it, its a reaaally nice school tee, it feels good, and it makes me want to be a productive person.

No really, you know earlier when hanging out at Vivo with Keenan, Joanna and Suren, I was all like "eh dudes I can't hang out so late I gotta go home and do homework, I have school early tomorrow" :blink:



CHARR CAN I KEEP IT okay no ):


Hmm lunch with Peibao tomorrow at 12, and then I have nothing to do till 6 and dance :D

Between trying to dance/flip, and figure out BBQ, and figure out worship for next weeks cell, I should be pretty busy. Haha. I hope so. I really need to fix that discipline problem. I need to get myself a timetable man. Something along the lines of wake up at 6, go run at 630, come back at 7 shower and dance for 2 hours, Dota, Lunch, Basketball, etc.

Except I don't have a court nearby that won't be infested by secondary school kids finishing school at 1.


I need someone to teach me flips. Plus I still need a mat. Will practice handstands. I should become best friends with that Ming Yu or something, he's amazingly cool..






Tuesday, August 26, 2008



Yes you heard me right. Its Keenan's birthday. The birthday of the half-aus long hair guy you see around school. The crazy one. The one laughing like crazy in church. The one laughing like crazy, anywhere, heck. One of the free-est spirits i've ever met, and yet still grounded enough to be socially responsible..unlike lets say well, me. Haha.

And not only is it your birthday, its your 18th birthday.

Sir, you are officially a man today and the government is watching you and you're only protected from them now because Poly keeps you away from them for another year.

But you are still being watched.

HAHA. Right. Happy birthday man. Interestingly enough, I think you and Charlene are the two people in my life that know the most about me. Like, pretty much everything. With Josh a close third. Haha. But yeah. You didn't like me at first, but its been a crazy time since then, and I would like you to know i really really appreciate having someone that appreciates being mad and random and whatnot and backing me up when I want to be. ...Most of the time. Haha. And even though we disagree on music tastes and uh well girl tastes etc, we're still great friends. Haha. Thank you, for everything you have been in my life, and happy birthday! Have a great one! Haha.

Now that that's over, gtfo. Dota time. Lol. LIKE NOW.




Goodness girl, haha, the light you've been in my life since we met almost a year ago at Fuel-Up.

Its been crazyyyy. Everything you've been there for me for, every little bit of everything that you know you've been there for me for when you don't have to be. Heh. You're huge in my life char, and I smile everytime I think of you one of the people I trust entirely to have my back.


I remember exactly how we met at Fuel-Up. The icebreaker thing. Um. Lets not talk about it. I think I was embarrasing :D





I reject in Capital-size font


I am, obviously fighting a losing battle.



I refuse

I refuse to get drawn into any BGR nonsense. I reject.

I reject!

WHAT. You can't expect every post to be an epic post!

I'm allowed to be simple and retarded too aren't i. (:

Monday, August 25, 2008

On the way home

I’m typing this while sitting in the bus listening to The Heart Of Worship.

Why wait right, haha. Overactive mind hitting the insights again!

Today was interesting. God told me today to make a worship session happen. To since I was honouring God in another matter, I should use the time well- Honouring Him and Worshipping Him and serve Him by focusing on Him!

That I should grab a couple more friends on fire on God, and get them to bring guitars, and do something.

So I called Josh, Sharyl and Keenan. Kept it small cause idk, I didn’t really know what we were gonna do, and its easier in a small group with people I really love and know and trust and understand that, and are on the same page passion for God wise, who all know and love and trust each other? :D

And I called Josh, and even though he had a bbq he was supposed to go for, he turned that down so we could worship in school. And he brought the guitar! Thank you Josh, it really really encouraged me to have me pick up the phone, and the first person to reply sacrifice so much to agree to what I was proposing. Haha.

And Sharyl said yes, and Keenan came online and said yes too :D

It was an interesting experience. Haha. Like, we showed up, Josh and Sharyl (who know the guitar) hadn’t prepped any songs or anything, we didn’t plan anything, any structure, any Word, we just vaguely knew we were gonna worship God to the best of our ability!

And it showed. Haha. No smooth transitions, stumbling over songs we know how to sing, but don’t really know how to play, and relying muchly on chords and lyrics downloaded from the net straight at that point.

Josh I must say how grateful I am that you helped so much tonight, leading as God led and as you led with that creative mind of yours, and arranging medleys, and learning songs on the spot with the chords from the net :D

I today suddenly appreciated a lot of things that worship leaders and P&W min people do a lot that I have always taken for granted up til now.

Like, preplanning songs beforehand, and transitions, and everything, so theres no awkward pauses in between songs. Working out with whoever’s leading prayer or whatever and whatnot, so the mood and tone of the prayer fits the next song coming in and whatnot?

Let me give you an example. I pray, and towards the end of the prayer, I would generally gravitate towards a passionate declaring of something? And you just know that right after it a kickass guitar solo is going to start playing leading into a really on fire song.

Except we don’t know any kickass guitar solos.

Hahahaha. And because there are so little of us, 4 of us, half the time we’re concentrating on whether our voices are doing fine, whether we’re keeping in time to the thing, the beat, whatever, to sing something that is pleasing to God?

Cause with only 4 of us, any mistakes really do affect every one else worshipping and can throw someone else off or something. And of course there’s less freedom to sink into spontaneous worship with God, something we (or at least I) often take for granted so much at service.

And I realised just what such a huge blessing, and what a huge serving the worship min and the band each week is doing, as they worry and concentrate on what they’re playing and singing just so to facilitate an environment where the rest of us can wholeheartedly worship God and worry about nothing else? Even at the expense of their own time of sinking deep into God and spontaneous worship.

I never really thought about it that way before. Never really thought that every single member of the band is concentrating very hard on keeping in sync with each other and all that, and the sacrifice they of course are making when they go up.

I always kinda knew it I guess, but not underlined and shown to me flat out today?

Thank You God, and thank you so much, our worship ministry for all the effort and practice and so so so much you put in to serve God and serve us (:

Hmm. Haha.

So. Because we’re not actually a worship min, just 4 people trying to praise God, we figure the next time we’ll bring speakers. Haha. So we can line up a good flow of music/songs that fit together, and so all of us can devote our attention wholeheartedly to worshipping/listening to God and nothing else :D

We’ll still do the guitar thing though, its good to practice haha :D And there’s no doubt of the power of a live instrument really helping to facilitate worship, its just that…we’re not very good at it yet. Haha.

Of course, I actually HAVE to pick up the guitar, for one <_<

Something the SWAA dude said on Friday really resonated with me, that any of us who are worship leaders, singing, or players of a musical instrument, that we carry around the power to cause a breakthrough. Not just in ourselves, but in other people. Like if we’re carrying a guitar around, we carry the power, just to be sitting at Macdonalds and go “Hey guys, lets try something”, and break into a worship song, and create a worship session right there. :D

Right there, anywhere :D

And to play/sing beautiful music and have other people around sit up and listen and take note, and that can be considered a form of outreach as well! (:

Mmmhmm! So yes I do want to pick up the guitar, and stuff, and hopefully I will be able to do so this holidays? But in my priorities it is after dance. Like this, 1) God, 2) Dance, 3) Guitar, 4) Everything else. Haha.

Yup(: We might have another worship session Thursday…Josh suggested we try some Word or something, like insert something in there in between the two hours of praise and worship. Haha. And of course suggested that I lead it. It be good training, after all..

Uuhhhh. Haha. We’ll see. See how it goes I guess. Give me something then God (:

It occurred to me, today, in the midst of our impromptu worship session, more than once, that if any of our pastors or leaders or anyone who has ever mentored us spiritually or anything, saw the 4 of us today meeting to create a worship session for God with no pushing or whatever, they would be so proud?

And right on the heels of that it occurred to me: Even more so is God proud :DDDDD


Wheeeeeeeeee. Hahahaha.Oh btw, the spot we were at had swarms of ravenous red ants, but we prayed to God for an understanding between us, Him and the red ants, that they would not bite us or whatever? XD

AND THEY ALL WENT AWAY! :DDD Okay except for a couple that stayed to scurry around, but they were quite harmless :D

We’re all your creations after all, Lord (:

It’s a really big thing kay, cause the last time we were there for dance, the ants like swarmed all our bags and really bit a couple of us unlucky ones like crazy.


It occurs to me that in/after all of that, we forgot to pray for the school <_< Prayer day too…AH WELL HAHA :x

I will add school to regular list of prayer items for this whole week then. Heh. Haha. Because prayer DOES work! (:

"Sir," the woman said, "I can see that you are a prophet. Our fathers worshiped on this mountain, but you Jews claim that the place where we must worship is in Jerusalem."

Jesus declared, "Believe me, woman, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews. Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth."

John 4: 19-24

A time is coming and now has come :D

This is that time maannnn. Lets stand up to be counted. :D

Saturday, August 23, 2008

And today was Different

Today was a special day, I think. Like, worship was special, different, and everyone could see it and hear it.

Cause we were raring to go from the get-go :D

Its not like we're usually not excited for youth service. We are. Haha. But we're mostly also chilling, saying hi, slowly filing in and all, and yeah haha.

There was none of that today. More people are early than usual, we are saying hi as usual, but it's different. There's a certain sense of urgency in the air, we look at each other and grin because we know "something is going to happen today", and the air is so charged with excitement its practically visibly humming away with an audible crackle.

And when the worship leader gets up and calls us to the front to worship God, there is a loud answering roar, and there's none of that "eh I don't want to go first see who go up first then i go" slow trickle, but we surge forward in one body and in one spirit to stand up for what we believe in.

And we look at each other, standing side by side as if ready for battle, and we grin, because there is a gleam in all our eyes that we can see in each other, and we nod, because we've been waiting for this the whole day since last night, we've been praying and waiting for this very moment.

The moment we stand up and give EVERYTHING we have to God, all our voices, all our lungs, all our hearts and our souls to glorify Him, and to worship Him with every ounce of our being :D

It is different. We've learnt something the previous night. We've learnt something over the past week with the SWAA folks. The pastors, the worship team, the band, the youth, we've all learnt something. And those who haven't, pick it up quickly, because since the previous night the excitment has been spreading, the fire has been passing, people have been sharing miraculous stories of what they've learnt at SWAA and the wonderous ways that God has been moving to those who weren't there, and its different today.

We're learnt that worship is EVERYTHING we've been created to be.
We are made to worship. We are made to sing songs to God. We ARE songs created by God. And that when we worship, we break apart the veil between heaven and earth and God himself, and his heavenly host, come down to worship with us because they simply cannot resist, and we're making our church a little piece of heaven at that moment when we worship.

And we're raring to go.

And the worship leader can see this. As we gather before him he notices something is different too, and he grins, and kicks off the pedal and breaks into his guitar-



We don't need to be led! There's none of that "oh im worried I don't want to seem overly excited, I don't want to overstep the worship leader, better see what he does". OUR LEADER IS GOD. AND EVERYTHING IS THROWN AT HIM, EVERY ESSENCE OF OUR BEINGS.

I look to my left, and see Yisin and Gab dancing and laughing away like they've never done so before. This is the time, this is where it all matters, this is what it all comes down to.

This is the final 9 yards.

And I look behind them, and I see Keenan, I catch his eye, he catches mine, and we grin, we are both in awe and in rapture and we can both see that. And then I pay him no further thought, and he pays me none either, cause this is about God, about our King and Almighty Saviour, the only One that matters to any of us, and I'm damn well going to focus every ounce of my being on HIM AND ONLY HIM.

Rachel and Polly next to me are lost in rapture too, singing a beautiful song to God with their beautiful voices with all the passion that God has granted them with, nothing held back at all. I pay them no further attention either.

And my world sinks into just me and God. Just me and my God. Just me and the One Being that matters the most to me now and forevermore because He first loved me and I tremble in awe at His Glory and Power and Unending Love.

Just me and God(:

10 minutes into worship, I nuke my voice. I'm holding nothing back. Yisin nukes his towards the last song. We're screaming. We're yelling. We're hoarsely yelling at the top of our lungs, Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna in the Highest!, and we never ever want this to end.

Cause this is all it boils down to. Its crunch time. Everything we exist for comes down to this. Its the frontline of spiritual warfare.

And we don't need anyone to tell us that, not the worship leader, not Pastor Jen, not anybody. Not today, today is different.

And as the song breaks into I see a generation, rising up to take their place, we look around and we revel in joy, because that generation? Is our generation. And this generation is giving a damn good account of itself, dammit. Hahahaha.


Pastor Jen is amazed. You can see that. So is Pastor Josh. Marcus, the worship leader, is taken aback by the fervor he is seeing, but no one is complaining.

AND WE BREAK INTO THE STAND. And with arms high and hearts abandoned! We praise God with all that is left with our limited voices! Pastor Jen's voice is already shot from crying out to God this whole week hahahaha. She dances instead :D Cause nothing is going to stop us from worshipping God man. We lose our voices? WE'LL DANCE. There's no space to dance? WE'LL YELL AT THE TOP OF OUR LUNGS AND SING WITH OUR HEARTS.


It is a scene that is repeated all across the church. Hundreds of young people from P6 to university undergraduates, face down on the floor, heads up high fixed on heaven, hands raised, hearts flying, God speaking and ministering to each and every one of us in that perfect way only He knows how, as we offer up all of the days we have lived, all the tears we have wept, all the laughter, all the love, all the sin, all the passion, both individually and as a congregation.

It is amazing to behold. But no one is paying attention to beholding it. We don't have the time man. God's here, I don't have time to listen to other people worship God, I'M GONNA WORSHIP GOD LORD HERE I AM PICK ME LOVE ME HEAL ME SEND ME.

I still tremble when I think about it. This is going to stay with me a loonng looong time ahahah.


Today was different :D

Not because the band was spectacularly good or anything. It was okay. Not because of any newfangled special effects, we didn't have any. But because we stood up to be counted, with urgency and with unbridled passion and with nothing held back AT ALL and that makes all the difference.

Damn, we did, didn't we. XD.

You know what, I don't think this post has does justice to the experience at all. Its either impossible, or takes a far better writer than I am, to describe how fantastically wonderful and amazing touching God today was to you, if you weren't there. But those who were there know exactly what I mean :D

Something broke today, in our hearts. A resistance shattered and pushed through on earth and in heaven and in all the spiritual realms. There was a battle today and WE WON.

And I know the devil is running scared ahahaha.

Lets keep it that way :D



Man I haven't even gone into cell or the message yet. But I don't think I will. Hahah. Just keep those in my heart for now. But suffice to say, both were pretty awesome, and we're definitely growing as a cell and as sons and daughters of God. Woohooo! :D

Gosh I'm so hyped up now. Aaaahhhh. Hahahaha. Goshness WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

We're going to rush in avoiding getting hit by the lightning and scare people using computers?

Weird dream. Ahahaha. And Keenan was in it, and about 5 other people, except I can't remember who they were. Lol.

I was Peck Hwang's boyfriend though. That bit was funny on its own. Lol.


See la. After posting that last post I feel gloomy enough already. Lol. No wonder God didn't want me to talk about it. Sigh.

I'm not in a mood to talk about all the great things that happened today...

BUT I WILL BE. HAHA. Ima go cheer myself up worshipping God, and making a little piece of my house into heaven. Haha. :D

Watch this space (:

...darn I ran out of cold milk again and have too little milk in my bowl of cereal.

I hate it when I do that.

What happened after what God told me on Thursday Night



So yeah. This post isn't going to be very like, helpfulish-geared though, so if you happen to be on this blog because you like the random points of wisdom that God occasionally chooses to gurgle out of me that don't seem to be from me at all, then you might want to skip this post. Haha.

On the other hand, if you want to hear about the scary shit spiritual attack that happened to me last night, this is definitely the post you want to read then. Ahahahah.



How do I know it was a spiritual attack? Well, quite simply, I don't. But I am firmly in the belief camp that anything bad comes from Satan, any bad thought, negative feeling of doubt, whatever, it comes from the devil and is like malicious and shit. Yeah.

Its like, lets say you get hit by a car crashing into you at the speed of a billion deranged terrorist-driven trains.

Sure, it was the driver that decided to make you into roadkill. And it was you not looking out enough. But I would believe that it was Satan that conspired to arrange those circumstances and actions whatever to make the bad thing happen to you. Yeah. And as such it would be considered as an attack. If only for the reason that he'd be laughing hilariously about it afterwards.

And why spiritual? Well, I suppose it could have been physical. I was like paralysed and shit. And I guess it could have been emotional, I definitely was feeling a crapload of fear and terror and distress and whatever. But to me, it was spiritual i guess because I feel it attacked me where my faith lay, trying to make me feel like God didn't exist and I was entirely at Satan's mercy.

And I know about sleep paralysis, and the hallucinations and whatever and emotions that come along with it, but I've never heard of a hallucination that stands in the corner of your room and yells all sorts of negative things about areas of your life that you don't tell anybody about except God.

Okay okay I will stop torturing you with suspense and random eye-glaring highlights of red and blue. Hahahahah.

So here's what happened in a coherent order:

- Uh. You know what? I'm not going to talk about it. Haha. God is like, telling me that I shouldn't. Like lay it all out in detail and stuff. Because its not really going to help anyone? And like my objective for doing so, would be the simple shallow reason of telling people, to entertain, and you know, "life is so exciting" and all that. And we really shouldn't be doing that for things like spiritual attacks...

Like i'll save it till a time when telling it will have a positive impact on someone elses life? Like how I did for that other Coming to Coos testimonial thing, slipping out at the table when Abby Hannah and their cell leader and I were discussing stuff..


But yeah if you see me around school or church or something and you ask me, I'll probably tell you lah. Haha. Maybe, if i'm not too lazy. Heh. And maybe if I don't feel like talking about negative stuff.. lol. Hahahahah. WHAT :D

Joanna don't you feel special now that you're the only person I've told it too thus far then-.-



What God told me on Thursday Night

Hello world!

Ahahahah and finally I am getting down to blogging about something that I’ve wanted to blog about since last night, some epic lessons God has been showing me and I am determined to put them down so that 1. I will remember them, and 2. hopefully you will be blessed by them too :D

I have no idea I’m going to go about doing this though, so God You’re going to have to lead me, okay? (:

Okay where to begin haahaha. I went to SAJC yesterday, to pick Charlene up from school so we could head to church, and we were kinda late, but bleh haha. We came in when worship was already going on, and let me say that its quite interesting to be standing in the pews while worshipping for once, when usually I prefer to be in front cause I have space to kneel. Heh.

As in like, I kneel because He’s the only one worthy of my kneeling, and also, I can concentrate so much more on glorifying Him when I kneel? Its like, I’m no longer looking to the left or the right, I’m no longer worrying about whether my voice sounds so bad I’m inflicting pain and horror on the people beside me trying to worship, nothing else matters, except me, singing my heart out to God tucked in on the floor.

Haha. So its like win-win. :D

And God told me a few things last night, when I was striving towards Him.

1. To call as many people I can to come for the next night’s session, and to always do so for church and anything church-related.

Which was interesting, because earlier in the day I asked Keenan to come and he wanted to go home to sleep, and I was quite lost for words after that, and didn’t quite know what to say.

Because I worry so much about being overly pushy, especially with my friends over these things? Yeeaaah..

But what God told me, is that don’t worry about that, He is control of that, and my responsibility is to get people to come. And come and come. Even though when they don’t feel there is a particular need to, and they feel they can worship and honour and pray just fine at home, because God is everywhere.

Which is a perfectly valid point, really.

But honestly, how much time when we spend at home are we using to just do NOTHING but have our faces on the floor and heart on our Saviour worshipping Him, and paying attention to Him?

15, maybe 20 minutes? With distractions in the way, the Internet, MSN, family, everything?

And if the church has decided to open up on any particular day apart from its usual services, to serve, to have people practising and praying and to spend exorbitant amounts of money and time to operate the lights, air-conditioning, audio, and band, for the sole reason of creating an environment where their flock can do absolutely nothing but focus on God:

Damn, we should be RUNNING and banging the doors down to take advantage of the opportunity.

Yeah? As in, worshipping God at home is good and great and all, but when you think about pastors praying much, and reading much, and drafting out messages and everything that is going on just so God’s word can be brought through to you – damn, even if its not a message that is specifically relevant to you, God’s going to use that time to do something special in your heart, if only to honour the effort that his people have put in out of love to bring services to the congregation.

And I don’t think any of us can deny the effect that God can have on us, speaking to us and comforting and healing us emotionally, breaking us down, when we’re entirely focused on Him and nothing but Him, for hours and hours on end?

Yep, when we’re paying attention.

And really, how much time do we pay attention, and I mean REALLY pay attention to God outside of service, and outside of QT? Listening to worship songs doesn’t count, and discussing church issues with other people on msn doesn’t count. It doesn’t. I’m talking about those times when we’re deep face down and swept away with the Glory of His Spirit, and striving harder and harder just to hear something.

If you do that lots outside of normal services, then awesome :D

But I know that I don’t, I’m trying, but theres no denying that church, and going to church more to worship DOES help me and motivate me more to create an atmosphere of undivided attention and worship at home, and wherever whenever else I am.

Because the whole place is just geared purposefully to create a conducive environment to come to God in? And we should be trying to take advantage of that, whenever its open, if nothing else.

Yup(: Keenan says it really depends on how you look at it, but I am firmly in this corner lah. Its like, if we were so good with listening to God already, whats the point of heading to church, even. Whats the point of using a piano, or guitar, or songs to worship, if we’re already so good at coming so close to God that we can simply just collapse into silent contemplation of God?

These things, are meant to facilitate, and help us draw us in, because we are finite creatures and bound to the limitations to our flesh that we’re striving to get past. But yeah, when heaven comes, we won’t have any of those limitations anymore. (:

Until then, whenever theres a chance to take advantage of the stuff people called by God have been working so hard to create to bless people with, I’m damn right going to stand up and take in faith and gladness what has been offered!

Just my thoughts on the issue. Haha (:

Eh, and all those people that have tuition and what not, I know its a perfectly good reason, but is there possibly another way? Like tuition on another day? Or somebody else giving tuition? I am firmly in the camp of "If I honour God with this time and sacrifice, He will honour me in turn and pay me back tenfold".

Even in the area of studies. Yep. How do I know? Because I have been through times where I go for a Christian conference and I come back so tired and I want to study and I just drop dead unknowingly, but God comes through the next morning and suddenly I ace a test that I haven't studied for anytime except on the bus on the way to school. Like, God just opened my mind and I was understanding concepts miraculously fast, and everything just worked. Nothing is impossible with our God (:

And I KNOW you believe that. Heh.

Anyway, God told me another thing too:

1. I have to go back to my family church.

Quite frankly, it came as a shocker to me. I was just kneeling, and praying, and exalting God, and suddenly God told me gently that now is the time, I have to go, and attend the Sunday services, and try to bring back everything He has given me at Coos there.

No, I’m not leaving Coos. -.-

Lol. But I AM going to go back, and just..well love. He doesn’t want me to like start any big confrontations or anything, in fact, He wants me to try and avoid the issue of the tongues and the healings and everything.

And it makes sense, because I’m realizing more and more that disagreements like this can’t be settled with fiery sermons from the pulpit, or logical reasoning? Theres just so much judgement and hate that can possibly be thrown around on both sides, and its not going to go anywhere because seriously now, who is going to back down on an issue like this?

But what I can do, is build relationships. To show everyone that we don’t go to COOS because its about fun. Cause it isn’t. And that our hearts are simply focused on worshipping God. That is all. I want to be a testimony.

Because God has asked me to. And that’s the answer I’m going to give to every single person that asks me why I’m suddenly back.

“God told me to. And I want to obey Him.”

If that isn’t crazy powerful on itself already, I don’t know what is. Hahaha.

Who knows, maybe I might learn something too :D

But I’m only going cause I want to honour You, my King, and I love You, so watch over me okay? Hahahahah (:

Okay to be honest, I’m rather terrified, but hey..
:rolls eyes:


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I've never looked at this song this way before

A thousand times I’ve failed, still your mercy remains

And should I stumble again, I’m caught in your grace


This line just strikes me deeply just right now, just as I’m winding up my impromptu P&W and am about to embark on Advert.

Sweet sweet lines.

I mean, over today, yesterday, and the past few days, for studies alone, I’ve been playing games, wasting time, and everything instead of doing work when I’m supposed to, and regretting it too late afterwards. And still every single time, He pulls through and steps in to save me just because, and to give me half-decent results, and to bring me to ultimately where He wants me to be even though I’m hardly the best mugger/student/child of God because I just lack discipline so so much.

Aren’t you tired of me now Lord? Any other one else would have thrown me out the door by now, goodness knows my parents are on the verge of doing so, but you just keep coming and coming and coming and pouring(:

A thousand times I’ve failed, still your mercy remains

And should I stumble again, I’m caught in your grace

Lord I’m amazed by and am in total awe of you (:

Heh. I guess one more song can’t hurt. :D

Saviour of my soul

Lover of my life

I love you endlessly

Passion of my heart

Everything you are

I love you endlessly

I’ll leave you to guess the rest (:

Just sink into worshipping God guys(:

Its so so so worth it :D


The joy that transcends all understanding

I think I’m mad ahaahahah.

I haven’t slept yet, it’s the second night in the row I’m planning on pulling yet another all-nighter, final big big big big final of finals Advertising Paper is tomorrow, vaunted to be the toughest paper in the toughest of modules in the whole year, under 12 hours away, I understand the concepts but I haven’t done any real mugging yet, I’m kinda tired, and theres no respite in sight for the next half-day

And here I am hopping around like an energetic bunny infused with joy in my living room cheering and singing Open Up The Gates and Hosanna (the hyper one by Paul Baloche) and laughing and giggling to God in pure unbridled joy.

Okay not really unbridled, but that’s only because I’m trying not to wake the whole house up. Singing and top of lungs at 2am to grumpy parents = bad.

Yes, yes, I’m all ready to go, notes up on the table and ready for the biggest epic studying night of the semester.

But first, comes God and praising Him cause I JUST KNOW that He’s with me and He will give me strength and daaaaaammnn is he giving me that perfect joy right now that transcends all understanding. Hahahahaha.

As Sherry has been drilling into me over the past weeks, just look to God and IT WILL ALL GO AWAY. AND LIFE BECOMES A LOT HAPPIER AND EASIER TO HANDLE CAUSE HE’S RIGHT THERE (:

-->There’s never too little time, or being too busy to pray. God ALWAYS honours the time you give up for him, no matter the ramifications (: <---


Watch this Advert Paper get blown through the roof, watch this space ahahaha. Not because it’s a guaranteed thing or like God is some magic press button pray and boom, but becomes I just KNOW that He will meet all my needs (:



Need blessing/prayer? Ask me :] says:
All the best Keann

02:22 AM
KEANN~ breaktime says:

02:22 AM
Need blessing/prayer? Ask me :] says:
May the grace of God be upon you :]

02:22 AM
KEANN~ breaktime says:

02:22 AM
Need blessing/prayer? Ask me :] says:
And remember my favourite verse

02:22 AM
KEANN~ breaktime says:
i know, im thinking it

02:22 AM
Need blessing/prayer? Ask me :] says:
Night night keann my eyeballs are freezing up

02:22 AM
KEANN~ breaktime says:
alright goodnight seeya love ya (:

02:23 AM
Need blessing/prayer? Ask me :] says:
Study hard pray harder!

02:23 AM
KEANN~ breaktime says:
you too!
later haha

02:23 AM
Need blessing/prayer? Ask me :] says:
Night bye lubdubsxz!


Damned right Charmaine is (: Oh the verse we’re being all psychic about:

“Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Matt 11:28-30 (:

I’m always going to remember that verse, just back out of Fuel-up, when I was spazzing about some crazy workload and staying up to do so much work, and Charmaine and I were like bickering and driving each other up the wall, as usual, being new friends. And suddenly the dear girl just shifts personas and drops this verse on me EXACTLY when I need it, except I’ve fallen asleep depressed, and the first thing I see in the morning is God speaking to me and reassuring me through it that its all gonna be fine (:


Yes, Hannah, its one of the verses you gave me on my birthday too! Haha :D I’m staring at the yellow speech bubble now as I type this (:

2 very very special people in my life, bringing me comfort from the Biggest Greatest Person in my effing universe :D

How can I not be overflowing with joy even in the face of Advert, you tell me. Ahahaha.

:D Alright, more prayer and then MUGGING TIME. BYE Y’ALL MUCH LOVE :D



Crazy bugger. Alright I AM OFF FOR REAL NOW. :DDD

Monday, August 18, 2008


Camwhore bug hits and I've decided I'm going to document how I look this morning while I'm still decent before the red-rimmed puffy eyes and bleary everything overtakes me later due to total lack of sleep. Blagh.

Yes I know I have absolutely no creativity in posing whatsoever at all. BUT I JUST LOOK SO GOOD IN THAT ONE POSITION I CAN'T HELP IT.

Okay no. ):

Lololol. Don't you just hate how photobooth's flash makes there be a slight reflection in the specs lens in the photo i look slightly cock-eyed.

Blagggh. I swear, my brain comes up with the most creative ways to make me not study..



So, I'm sitting at KAP macs at 6.45 am watching a short excerpt of the previous SA VS AC rugby final on the big mac LCD.


Interesting pondering how I'd root for the school that has 2/3 people that matter to me loads over the school i always dreamed i was going to as a kid.

Haha. Uh. Idk lah w/e.


Manually too, i haven't figured out how to send mass, if a way even exists, on this phone ):

Also, I refuse to reply to any "who is this" messages. Lol. Rachel was like the exception i think. Just cause I happened to be walking past MGS cause I got off the bus one stop too early.

Oh god theres an advert blaring at Macs about how "I want to be a radio DJ".


So waking up in the morning when the sky is still dark to go to school is like, fun. I actually miss the sensation, there is a certain bond you form even with people you hate when you see them every day before the sun goes up :/

Blaagh. Okay I must get some sleep or I will be incoherent when I need to study later. GOODNIGHT.


The frog thing really comforts me. This disturbs me somewhat:

KEANN~ arrgh God give me discipline says:
is it wrong
if i like to hug my frogthing

12:06 AM
Keenan ♫ Spoonful - Cream ♫ † My momma makes a damn good salad says:
It isn't
I have a Leopard
Nat has a Shark and Woodstock the bird
It's fine

12:06 AM
KEANN~ arrgh God give me discipline says:
but its a leopard
and thats a shark

not um

12:06 AM
Keenan ♫ Spoonful - Cream ♫ † My momma makes a damn good salad says:

12:06 AM
KEANN~ arrgh God give me discipline says:
a fat cutesy

12:07 AM
Keenan ♫ Spoonful - Cream ♫ † My momma makes a damn good salad says:
I saw.
Kiss it

12:07 AM
KEANN~ arrgh God give me discipline says:

12:07 AM
Keenan ♫ Spoonful - Cream ♫ † My momma makes a damn good salad says:
Mebbe he'll turn ghey
Hot ghey frogprince


KEANN~ arrgh God give me discipline says:
is it wrong
if i like to hug my frogthing

11:55 PM
the little jamaican makes me smile says:
well it depends what you're thinking of.

11:55 PM
KEANN~ arrgh God give me discipline says:
like what

11:55 PM
the little jamaican makes me smile says:
and even if you're thinking of that thing it's not wrong actually.

11:56 PM
KEANN~ arrgh God give me discipline says:

11:56 PM
the little jamaican makes me smile says:
because you are.

11:56 PM
KEANN~ arrgh God give me discipline says:


HAHAHAHA. I think I might bring it to school tomorrow...

We'll see. Haha. Later

Sunday, August 17, 2008

And yes Crusade Camp Publicity

About Camp

• What to Expect? •

Experiencing life with Jesus is about Knowing God, Trusting God, Walking with God, Surrendering to God and Making God Known to Others!

A time of fun filled activities awaits you as you discover the Life you were meant to Live... Come and be RESTORED through a series of interesting theme talks, fellowship, games and more!!! What are you waiting for? Sign up today!!!!

Everyone is Welcomed to Join Us!

• Verse •

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a
new creation;
the old has gone, the new has come!"
2 Corinthians 5:17

• Camp Details •

Date: 6th to 9th October 2008 (Mon - Thurs)

To be confirmed

Earlybird Special $45 (13/08/08 to 5/09/08)
Usual Camp Fee $55 (6/09/08 to 20/09/08)
*camp fee includes a camp shirt

Please direct all enquires to us at


Registration closes on Saturday, 20th September 2008
*we will not guarantee a camp shirt after online registration closes

• What do I have to do? •

1) Copy and fill up your particulars as follows and email us at

Subject line
"Registration for Camp"

Name in Full:
Sex: Male/Female
Date of Birth:
NRIC Number:
Hand Phone Number:
Home Phone Number:
Email Address:

Student Number(NP):
Crusader: Yes/No
Invited By(Optional):

Shirt Size(eg. 34, 36...):
Blood Type:
Health Considerations:
Food Allergy/Special Diet:
Emergency Contact Person:
Emergency Contact Number:

2) Upon submission of your registration, you should receive a confirmation email within 48hours which will include your Particulars, total Camp Fee, Indemnity Form and Parent Consent Form. Please print out both the forms attached to the email, complete it, and bring it to the camp on 6th Oct'08.

If there are any errors in your particulars, please reply to the confirmation email. Thanks!

3) Next, you can check that your name appears in the campers list as seen below.

4) One week before the actual camp, you should receive an email with the "to bring" list and the confirmed meeting venue and time for the first day of camp.

5) On the day of the camp, do remember to bring the Camp Fee ($45 or $55), Indemnity Form and Parents Consent Form. Campers without these forms will not be allowed to stay over at the camp.



You can aid us in publicizing this camp too. Good things should be shared, so tell your friends about it now!

• How can I help? •

1) Upload any of these images and use it as your msn display picture =D

Plus! You can also include the camp details at your msn personal message/nickname. Here are some suggestions:

a) "Are you ready to be restored? [6-9 Oct 2008] Check it out at"

b) "Do you want to be restored? 6-9 October 2008, ask me more!"

c) "RESTORED 2008 [6-9th Oct] Sign Up NOW!"

2) Your blog can be a great advertising tool too!

All you have to do is put this image link at your blog which will bring them here when clicked! Simply copy and paste the code below the image into your blog.


Yup. I will be going, because its God related stuff, and I was pondering about it when Cerise asked me to go to keep her company and that was the final reason that sent me over the edge. Ahahah.

Everyone who is in NP and a Christian, I strongly encourage you to come for this camp okay! I mean, no matter what church you're in, i'm sure that they've been calling you again and again and again to REACH OUT to the people in your schools, cause that's where the most opportunity to save takes place, and if you're having difficulty doing so because you're like the only one in your church that is in your particular course/class whatever and its hard to gain a foothold, this will really really really really help. That big thing we talk about where THE CHRISTIANS OF THE SCHOOL UNITE? This has super opportunity to turn into that, if only you come down. We're not just going to sing and pray about near-revival that we see as we're on our kness blahblahblah, we're GOING TO DO IT. And there are more Christians than you think there are, all around you, struggling with exactly the same issues and hoping for someone else beside them. And this is where you're going to find out who they are! THIS. IS. THE. TIME.

So if you're free, or are convicted by God to come, do sign up okay? And even if you're not coming, don't worry about it, but pray that God WILL turn it into something great. Camps are..a logistical horror. I know. Pray for everyone sacrificing their time to run this thing, because sheesh its not walk in the park. And I'm not just saying that <_< href="">


5.45 am. Hoooooboyyy. But I'm not goign to be retarded and blame lack of study on doing stuff like Godblogposts haha when its obvious that I've been wasting time over games and such. Ah well.

*buggers off to pray, and then something constructive*