Sunday, August 17, 2008

And yes Crusade Camp Publicity

About Camp

• What to Expect? •

Experiencing life with Jesus is about Knowing God, Trusting God, Walking with God, Surrendering to God and Making God Known to Others!

A time of fun filled activities awaits you as you discover the Life you were meant to Live... Come and be RESTORED through a series of interesting theme talks, fellowship, games and more!!! What are you waiting for? Sign up today!!!!

Everyone is Welcomed to Join Us!

• Verse •

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a
new creation;
the old has gone, the new has come!"
2 Corinthians 5:17

• Camp Details •

Date: 6th to 9th October 2008 (Mon - Thurs)

To be confirmed

Earlybird Special $45 (13/08/08 to 5/09/08)
Usual Camp Fee $55 (6/09/08 to 20/09/08)
*camp fee includes a camp shirt

Please direct all enquires to us at


Registration closes on Saturday, 20th September 2008
*we will not guarantee a camp shirt after online registration closes

• What do I have to do? •

1) Copy and fill up your particulars as follows and email us at

Subject line
"Registration for Camp"

Name in Full:
Sex: Male/Female
Date of Birth:
NRIC Number:
Hand Phone Number:
Home Phone Number:
Email Address:

Student Number(NP):
Crusader: Yes/No
Invited By(Optional):

Shirt Size(eg. 34, 36...):
Blood Type:
Health Considerations:
Food Allergy/Special Diet:
Emergency Contact Person:
Emergency Contact Number:

2) Upon submission of your registration, you should receive a confirmation email within 48hours which will include your Particulars, total Camp Fee, Indemnity Form and Parent Consent Form. Please print out both the forms attached to the email, complete it, and bring it to the camp on 6th Oct'08.

If there are any errors in your particulars, please reply to the confirmation email. Thanks!

3) Next, you can check that your name appears in the campers list as seen below.

4) One week before the actual camp, you should receive an email with the "to bring" list and the confirmed meeting venue and time for the first day of camp.

5) On the day of the camp, do remember to bring the Camp Fee ($45 or $55), Indemnity Form and Parents Consent Form. Campers without these forms will not be allowed to stay over at the camp.



You can aid us in publicizing this camp too. Good things should be shared, so tell your friends about it now!

• How can I help? •

1) Upload any of these images and use it as your msn display picture =D

Plus! You can also include the camp details at your msn personal message/nickname. Here are some suggestions:

a) "Are you ready to be restored? [6-9 Oct 2008] Check it out at"

b) "Do you want to be restored? 6-9 October 2008, ask me more!"

c) "RESTORED 2008 [6-9th Oct] Sign Up NOW!"

2) Your blog can be a great advertising tool too!

All you have to do is put this image link at your blog which will bring them here when clicked! Simply copy and paste the code below the image into your blog.


Yup. I will be going, because its God related stuff, and I was pondering about it when Cerise asked me to go to keep her company and that was the final reason that sent me over the edge. Ahahah.

Everyone who is in NP and a Christian, I strongly encourage you to come for this camp okay! I mean, no matter what church you're in, i'm sure that they've been calling you again and again and again to REACH OUT to the people in your schools, cause that's where the most opportunity to save takes place, and if you're having difficulty doing so because you're like the only one in your church that is in your particular course/class whatever and its hard to gain a foothold, this will really really really really help. That big thing we talk about where THE CHRISTIANS OF THE SCHOOL UNITE? This has super opportunity to turn into that, if only you come down. We're not just going to sing and pray about near-revival that we see as we're on our kness blahblahblah, we're GOING TO DO IT. And there are more Christians than you think there are, all around you, struggling with exactly the same issues and hoping for someone else beside them. And this is where you're going to find out who they are! THIS. IS. THE. TIME.

So if you're free, or are convicted by God to come, do sign up okay? And even if you're not coming, don't worry about it, but pray that God WILL turn it into something great. Camps are..a logistical horror. I know. Pray for everyone sacrificing their time to run this thing, because sheesh its not walk in the park. And I'm not just saying that <_< href="">


5.45 am. Hoooooboyyy. But I'm not goign to be retarded and blame lack of study on doing stuff like Godblogposts haha when its obvious that I've been wasting time over games and such. Ah well.

*buggers off to pray, and then something constructive*

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