Monday, August 25, 2008

On the way home

I’m typing this while sitting in the bus listening to The Heart Of Worship.

Why wait right, haha. Overactive mind hitting the insights again!

Today was interesting. God told me today to make a worship session happen. To since I was honouring God in another matter, I should use the time well- Honouring Him and Worshipping Him and serve Him by focusing on Him!

That I should grab a couple more friends on fire on God, and get them to bring guitars, and do something.

So I called Josh, Sharyl and Keenan. Kept it small cause idk, I didn’t really know what we were gonna do, and its easier in a small group with people I really love and know and trust and understand that, and are on the same page passion for God wise, who all know and love and trust each other? :D

And I called Josh, and even though he had a bbq he was supposed to go for, he turned that down so we could worship in school. And he brought the guitar! Thank you Josh, it really really encouraged me to have me pick up the phone, and the first person to reply sacrifice so much to agree to what I was proposing. Haha.

And Sharyl said yes, and Keenan came online and said yes too :D

It was an interesting experience. Haha. Like, we showed up, Josh and Sharyl (who know the guitar) hadn’t prepped any songs or anything, we didn’t plan anything, any structure, any Word, we just vaguely knew we were gonna worship God to the best of our ability!

And it showed. Haha. No smooth transitions, stumbling over songs we know how to sing, but don’t really know how to play, and relying muchly on chords and lyrics downloaded from the net straight at that point.

Josh I must say how grateful I am that you helped so much tonight, leading as God led and as you led with that creative mind of yours, and arranging medleys, and learning songs on the spot with the chords from the net :D

I today suddenly appreciated a lot of things that worship leaders and P&W min people do a lot that I have always taken for granted up til now.

Like, preplanning songs beforehand, and transitions, and everything, so theres no awkward pauses in between songs. Working out with whoever’s leading prayer or whatever and whatnot, so the mood and tone of the prayer fits the next song coming in and whatnot?

Let me give you an example. I pray, and towards the end of the prayer, I would generally gravitate towards a passionate declaring of something? And you just know that right after it a kickass guitar solo is going to start playing leading into a really on fire song.

Except we don’t know any kickass guitar solos.

Hahahaha. And because there are so little of us, 4 of us, half the time we’re concentrating on whether our voices are doing fine, whether we’re keeping in time to the thing, the beat, whatever, to sing something that is pleasing to God?

Cause with only 4 of us, any mistakes really do affect every one else worshipping and can throw someone else off or something. And of course there’s less freedom to sink into spontaneous worship with God, something we (or at least I) often take for granted so much at service.

And I realised just what such a huge blessing, and what a huge serving the worship min and the band each week is doing, as they worry and concentrate on what they’re playing and singing just so to facilitate an environment where the rest of us can wholeheartedly worship God and worry about nothing else? Even at the expense of their own time of sinking deep into God and spontaneous worship.

I never really thought about it that way before. Never really thought that every single member of the band is concentrating very hard on keeping in sync with each other and all that, and the sacrifice they of course are making when they go up.

I always kinda knew it I guess, but not underlined and shown to me flat out today?

Thank You God, and thank you so much, our worship ministry for all the effort and practice and so so so much you put in to serve God and serve us (:

Hmm. Haha.

So. Because we’re not actually a worship min, just 4 people trying to praise God, we figure the next time we’ll bring speakers. Haha. So we can line up a good flow of music/songs that fit together, and so all of us can devote our attention wholeheartedly to worshipping/listening to God and nothing else :D

We’ll still do the guitar thing though, its good to practice haha :D And there’s no doubt of the power of a live instrument really helping to facilitate worship, its just that…we’re not very good at it yet. Haha.

Of course, I actually HAVE to pick up the guitar, for one <_<

Something the SWAA dude said on Friday really resonated with me, that any of us who are worship leaders, singing, or players of a musical instrument, that we carry around the power to cause a breakthrough. Not just in ourselves, but in other people. Like if we’re carrying a guitar around, we carry the power, just to be sitting at Macdonalds and go “Hey guys, lets try something”, and break into a worship song, and create a worship session right there. :D

Right there, anywhere :D

And to play/sing beautiful music and have other people around sit up and listen and take note, and that can be considered a form of outreach as well! (:

Mmmhmm! So yes I do want to pick up the guitar, and stuff, and hopefully I will be able to do so this holidays? But in my priorities it is after dance. Like this, 1) God, 2) Dance, 3) Guitar, 4) Everything else. Haha.

Yup(: We might have another worship session Thursday…Josh suggested we try some Word or something, like insert something in there in between the two hours of praise and worship. Haha. And of course suggested that I lead it. It be good training, after all..

Uuhhhh. Haha. We’ll see. See how it goes I guess. Give me something then God (:

It occurred to me, today, in the midst of our impromptu worship session, more than once, that if any of our pastors or leaders or anyone who has ever mentored us spiritually or anything, saw the 4 of us today meeting to create a worship session for God with no pushing or whatever, they would be so proud?

And right on the heels of that it occurred to me: Even more so is God proud :DDDDD


Wheeeeeeeeee. Hahahaha.Oh btw, the spot we were at had swarms of ravenous red ants, but we prayed to God for an understanding between us, Him and the red ants, that they would not bite us or whatever? XD

AND THEY ALL WENT AWAY! :DDD Okay except for a couple that stayed to scurry around, but they were quite harmless :D

We’re all your creations after all, Lord (:

It’s a really big thing kay, cause the last time we were there for dance, the ants like swarmed all our bags and really bit a couple of us unlucky ones like crazy.


It occurs to me that in/after all of that, we forgot to pray for the school <_< Prayer day too…AH WELL HAHA :x

I will add school to regular list of prayer items for this whole week then. Heh. Haha. Because prayer DOES work! (:

"Sir," the woman said, "I can see that you are a prophet. Our fathers worshiped on this mountain, but you Jews claim that the place where we must worship is in Jerusalem."

Jesus declared, "Believe me, woman, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews. Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth."

John 4: 19-24

A time is coming and now has come :D

This is that time maannnn. Lets stand up to be counted. :D

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