Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Today was a good day :D

Hmm hhmm. I kinda have a couple of introspective thoughts I want to punch in, but I think I'll save that till next post. This post is devoted to how today went. Haha.

Damn, it was a good day. This is how holidays should be man, even though it was so frustrating at first. Lol.

So. I woke up at the time I was supposed to be at school, 9, and slacked around till 11 which is when I was supposed to meet Keenan to buy Charlene's cake and stuff._. Which culminated in me having to take a cab to school to try and make up for time lost.

7 Bucks out the window. Sigh. Btw, you know now that taxi fares go up by 20 cents instead of 10 cents, the drivers ALWAYS try to find a way to keep on driving just that little bit further when you want to get off, stalling for time so the meter ticks another 20? And they always manage to ground to a halt right after. Very irritating. Gah.

But hey, family to feed. But if they wanted the extra 20 they could just ask, really.. ):

So, got in and out of school surprisingly quickly, hit the bus stop where I still have school internet so I could bug Keenan to get moving etc, and then hit Holland V once he moved off.

Except I was stoning and forgot that 75 doesn't go one stop further down HV so I ended up having to walk all the way back from Keenan's old house._.

And then it started raining :blink:

Like, hailstorm kinda heavy. And here I am in the middle of nowhere going uphill and thanking God that at least my bag is waterproof..

I reach Party City at about 1245. Sopping wet. Thinking that with my white shoes and school socks and general shorts and all and general drenched state this is rather like secondary school..

Its a wonder I didn't die of pneumonia as a kid man.

About this time Mel messages me and tells me its raining like crazy etc and she has to pass on coming with us today and I'm like I know, I'm sitting in it.


Keenan finds out about the rain five minutes later when he reaches and realises that he has to make a mad dash across the overhead bridge with speakers over his back.

Anyhowww. I'm at Party City looking at big helium balloons and I see a nice cute Elmo one and I point and ask and the lady cheerily tells me its 40 bucks.


Okay it can sing, fine, but still!

So I saw this other High School Musical Balloon that sings We're All In This Together when you tap it :o

I'd get it just so I could piss Keenan off with it..


ANYHOW. We get our stuff, go find a cake, get ourselves drenched a few million more times running between cake shops, get a cake and then I start spazzing out because Charmaine tells me we HAVE to meet her at 245 to get the SAJC clothes and its like 2pm where we are which is at HV and we still have to meet Shereen :o

But we get there on time somehow :D, give or take a cab from the MRT station to SAJC...

Lol what. I told you it was a good idea. Cost like 2.80 flat lol.

Except the driver did the whole nudge out that extra 20 cents thing again so + the 0.30 cents surcharge thing they have going on I had to paid 3.30 -.-

Bloody taxi drivers.

Security guard is cool though, like the one I met last week when I visited Charlene. :D

Mmmhmm. Find Charr, I lead Keenan and Shereen to the rock wall which I've been hearing so much about from everyone, we plonk ourselves there and I bring Sher to go find a toilet so she can pretend to be J1 for a day.

It is to be noted that from the time we entered SAJC till I brought Sher to the toilet our dear girl was freaking out and spazzing out about how we were going to get in trouble and bring disgrace to her school and everything etc you know, Shereen style. Panicky. The usual. Lol.

But wow she really fits in with the uniform. I was so stunned when I first saw her :o

Just goto SA already Sher, you already live next door. Screw AC, its not all its cracked up to be lol.

Moving on, apparently the dancers (this includes Charmaine) have their dance practice at the grandstand near the rock wall. That one I did not see coming :o Vaguely entertaining lol. Too bad its ACES day stuff ):


Oh you know the usual. Cake, candle lighting, walking down ritual, blindfold, blow out cake, gorge down cake, run around, heh. I'd do pictures but nobody bought me a camera for my birthday so..

I'll post what Charmaine has when I get them. But I'm not too excited about the pictures. 110% of pictures of me taken using Charmaine's cam are really really bad. We're just not meant to be man. I've given up on that already. Sigh.

So cake is done, and I head home with Charmaine, and the moment I get off the train Keenan messages me telling me I essentially have free dinner because his mom gave him money to go treat friends or something and do I want to go hang out :o

Well okay. Haha.

And i'm just back from that random hanging out session and sitting here typing this. Lots to do tonight though. BBQ to plan, trying to figure out what to say to Peibao at lunch tmr, praying for everyone on my list that I'm determined to do before I fall asleep, sigh.

It was good to see Suren again though. :D

I am still in the SAJC shirt I procured from Charmaine. :o Its growing on me. No really! I really like it, its a reaaally nice school tee, it feels good, and it makes me want to be a productive person.

No really, you know earlier when hanging out at Vivo with Keenan, Joanna and Suren, I was all like "eh dudes I can't hang out so late I gotta go home and do homework, I have school early tomorrow" :blink:



CHARR CAN I KEEP IT okay no ):


Hmm lunch with Peibao tomorrow at 12, and then I have nothing to do till 6 and dance :D

Between trying to dance/flip, and figure out BBQ, and figure out worship for next weeks cell, I should be pretty busy. Haha. I hope so. I really need to fix that discipline problem. I need to get myself a timetable man. Something along the lines of wake up at 6, go run at 630, come back at 7 shower and dance for 2 hours, Dota, Lunch, Basketball, etc.

Except I don't have a court nearby that won't be infested by secondary school kids finishing school at 1.


I need someone to teach me flips. Plus I still need a mat. Will practice handstands. I should become best friends with that Ming Yu or something, he's amazingly cool..



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