Saturday, August 23, 2008

What God told me on Thursday Night

Hello world!

Ahahahah and finally I am getting down to blogging about something that I’ve wanted to blog about since last night, some epic lessons God has been showing me and I am determined to put them down so that 1. I will remember them, and 2. hopefully you will be blessed by them too :D

I have no idea I’m going to go about doing this though, so God You’re going to have to lead me, okay? (:

Okay where to begin haahaha. I went to SAJC yesterday, to pick Charlene up from school so we could head to church, and we were kinda late, but bleh haha. We came in when worship was already going on, and let me say that its quite interesting to be standing in the pews while worshipping for once, when usually I prefer to be in front cause I have space to kneel. Heh.

As in like, I kneel because He’s the only one worthy of my kneeling, and also, I can concentrate so much more on glorifying Him when I kneel? Its like, I’m no longer looking to the left or the right, I’m no longer worrying about whether my voice sounds so bad I’m inflicting pain and horror on the people beside me trying to worship, nothing else matters, except me, singing my heart out to God tucked in on the floor.

Haha. So its like win-win. :D

And God told me a few things last night, when I was striving towards Him.

1. To call as many people I can to come for the next night’s session, and to always do so for church and anything church-related.

Which was interesting, because earlier in the day I asked Keenan to come and he wanted to go home to sleep, and I was quite lost for words after that, and didn’t quite know what to say.

Because I worry so much about being overly pushy, especially with my friends over these things? Yeeaaah..

But what God told me, is that don’t worry about that, He is control of that, and my responsibility is to get people to come. And come and come. Even though when they don’t feel there is a particular need to, and they feel they can worship and honour and pray just fine at home, because God is everywhere.

Which is a perfectly valid point, really.

But honestly, how much time when we spend at home are we using to just do NOTHING but have our faces on the floor and heart on our Saviour worshipping Him, and paying attention to Him?

15, maybe 20 minutes? With distractions in the way, the Internet, MSN, family, everything?

And if the church has decided to open up on any particular day apart from its usual services, to serve, to have people practising and praying and to spend exorbitant amounts of money and time to operate the lights, air-conditioning, audio, and band, for the sole reason of creating an environment where their flock can do absolutely nothing but focus on God:

Damn, we should be RUNNING and banging the doors down to take advantage of the opportunity.

Yeah? As in, worshipping God at home is good and great and all, but when you think about pastors praying much, and reading much, and drafting out messages and everything that is going on just so God’s word can be brought through to you – damn, even if its not a message that is specifically relevant to you, God’s going to use that time to do something special in your heart, if only to honour the effort that his people have put in out of love to bring services to the congregation.

And I don’t think any of us can deny the effect that God can have on us, speaking to us and comforting and healing us emotionally, breaking us down, when we’re entirely focused on Him and nothing but Him, for hours and hours on end?

Yep, when we’re paying attention.

And really, how much time do we pay attention, and I mean REALLY pay attention to God outside of service, and outside of QT? Listening to worship songs doesn’t count, and discussing church issues with other people on msn doesn’t count. It doesn’t. I’m talking about those times when we’re deep face down and swept away with the Glory of His Spirit, and striving harder and harder just to hear something.

If you do that lots outside of normal services, then awesome :D

But I know that I don’t, I’m trying, but theres no denying that church, and going to church more to worship DOES help me and motivate me more to create an atmosphere of undivided attention and worship at home, and wherever whenever else I am.

Because the whole place is just geared purposefully to create a conducive environment to come to God in? And we should be trying to take advantage of that, whenever its open, if nothing else.

Yup(: Keenan says it really depends on how you look at it, but I am firmly in this corner lah. Its like, if we were so good with listening to God already, whats the point of heading to church, even. Whats the point of using a piano, or guitar, or songs to worship, if we’re already so good at coming so close to God that we can simply just collapse into silent contemplation of God?

These things, are meant to facilitate, and help us draw us in, because we are finite creatures and bound to the limitations to our flesh that we’re striving to get past. But yeah, when heaven comes, we won’t have any of those limitations anymore. (:

Until then, whenever theres a chance to take advantage of the stuff people called by God have been working so hard to create to bless people with, I’m damn right going to stand up and take in faith and gladness what has been offered!

Just my thoughts on the issue. Haha (:

Eh, and all those people that have tuition and what not, I know its a perfectly good reason, but is there possibly another way? Like tuition on another day? Or somebody else giving tuition? I am firmly in the camp of "If I honour God with this time and sacrifice, He will honour me in turn and pay me back tenfold".

Even in the area of studies. Yep. How do I know? Because I have been through times where I go for a Christian conference and I come back so tired and I want to study and I just drop dead unknowingly, but God comes through the next morning and suddenly I ace a test that I haven't studied for anytime except on the bus on the way to school. Like, God just opened my mind and I was understanding concepts miraculously fast, and everything just worked. Nothing is impossible with our God (:

And I KNOW you believe that. Heh.

Anyway, God told me another thing too:

1. I have to go back to my family church.

Quite frankly, it came as a shocker to me. I was just kneeling, and praying, and exalting God, and suddenly God told me gently that now is the time, I have to go, and attend the Sunday services, and try to bring back everything He has given me at Coos there.

No, I’m not leaving Coos. -.-

Lol. But I AM going to go back, and just..well love. He doesn’t want me to like start any big confrontations or anything, in fact, He wants me to try and avoid the issue of the tongues and the healings and everything.

And it makes sense, because I’m realizing more and more that disagreements like this can’t be settled with fiery sermons from the pulpit, or logical reasoning? Theres just so much judgement and hate that can possibly be thrown around on both sides, and its not going to go anywhere because seriously now, who is going to back down on an issue like this?

But what I can do, is build relationships. To show everyone that we don’t go to COOS because its about fun. Cause it isn’t. And that our hearts are simply focused on worshipping God. That is all. I want to be a testimony.

Because God has asked me to. And that’s the answer I’m going to give to every single person that asks me why I’m suddenly back.

“God told me to. And I want to obey Him.”

If that isn’t crazy powerful on itself already, I don’t know what is. Hahaha.

Who knows, maybe I might learn something too :D

But I’m only going cause I want to honour You, my King, and I love You, so watch over me okay? Hahahahah (:

Okay to be honest, I’m rather terrified, but hey..
:rolls eyes:


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