Thursday, April 29, 2010

Crazy Testimonies (: Oct 4 - Oct 9 2008

Wow (:

Prepping cell for a time of testimonies, got me reading some of my old ones, and I'm so inspired by how real God is, and how on fire I was back then, and all the crazy things that were happening. I believe there is a spiritual releasing that happens when you go back there, the gifts and power and anointing that was there, so yeah (:

A huge reason why we should do testimonies. On its own. Hahhahaa. And encourages me to do this next one that is nagging me. Ugh. Well. I'd better post this! WARNING. REALLY REALLY LONG.


In the month of September, God has been using my love for a couple of really really close friends in SAJC, Charlene and Charmaine, to lead me to commit to praying for them frequently for their promos, and using that time of prayer to lead me into pray for other people and other things as well, like other people’s studies, and for my relationship with my family to improve. It was quite cool because at first all I prayed for was for the ability and love to pray more, and after a while prayer just came easily and I was doing it without thinking about it much, but as I look back now I can see the direct result of that first prayer, that God really DID lead me into praying more(:


I’ve been reading this book, or starting to read this book that Yisin lent me, If You Want To Walk On Water You Have To Get Out Of The Boat, by John Ortberg. It’s a book about stepping out in faith out against fear, out of your comfort zone, and it’s a book that I’m going through really slowly, it urges you to pray a lot and do a lot of soul-searching, asking God and yourself what are your deepest fears, what makes you feel safe outside of God, identifying your boat and inspiring you to step out of it, showing you the importance of stepping out, that if you step out, every time you do, it gets easier to step out the next time in obedience to God’s voice, because you’ve learnt to trust Him. And if you don’t step out, the chances of you stepping out the next time are even less. I’ve only gone through 5 chapters, and not all of them thoroughly, and already its made such an impact on me. Because one of the biggest things I struggle with all the time is fear. Fear of something going wrong. Fear of getting hurt. Fear that people will judge me, will think I’m desperate for attention, so I don’t say hi to people that I want to say hi to. Fear of a lot of things. And I resolve that as I go to a whole week of camps in my last week of school, I’m going to step out against fear in faith. I don’t know for what, but I will.

SATURDAY 4/10/08

Sherry, 14, from Crescent Girls Sec School, told me that God wanted me to be His Voice. I wasn’t overly surprised, because it tied in with my calling by God that He has confirmed at least twice already.

SUNDAY 5/10/08

I went for dinner with my family! In the weeks since God told me to go back and attend family church on Sunday, my relationship with them has been slowly improving, and today at dinner I was able to have a discussion with my father about the Charismatic Movement, and what I believe in! Like, a comprehensive argument, and although there was no real conclusion to that argument, it was a big thing for me because in the past two years I have not been able to talk to my father AT ALL, let alone stand up for what I believe in. And I was grateful, and able to see that this was a result of prayer, prayer that God has been leading me more and more to do. When Sharyl shared her own breakthroughs with her family lately, and how it was a result of prayer, I was still actually quite sceptical, not seeing how God could do His work in my own family. But now I am so amazed (:

When I got home so awed, and amazed, I blogged about it, and called people to read it, because its such a cool thing! Haha. In response to that, Sherry sent me a message telling me that God said: “Pray continuously, and receive in joy and gladness what God has in store for you”. Which was cool in itself, because it was an encouragement to keep on pressing, and keep on prayer, and revel in the power of frequency of prayer and God’s goodness, which He had just shown me.

Two hours later though, at 1 AM, Joanna, 19, from LSCT in Ngee Ann, sent me the verse 1 Thess 5: 16-18 : “ Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” And I was overawed, when I read the Bible to find it! I mean, it was almost exactly the same thing that Sherry had sent me two hours ago, and these two people definitely don’t know each other, let alone what each other had said! So I definitely can’t ignore that verse right, with God hammering it so closely in my face. He definitely has an intent for me in that verse (:

However, I was notified by the EXCO of the Ngee Ann Student Union, which I’m supposed to be a part of but resigned because God told me to, that I have to go for a compulsory leadership training camp for the EXCO in school from Friday to Sunday, and if I don’t go, I have to pay 850 dollars! And I didn’t really want to go, because the situation was rather awkward between me and the remaining EXCO (because I quit), and with already having to go to two different camps from Monday till Thursday, I wanted to stay home sometime this week, school starting the very next week and I had to go to church anyway on Saturday and Sunday. So many other things I could do with the time, for God, or for other people! Yeah. But in light of what God has been showing me recently with the power of prayer and the verse He just gave me, I wasn’t overly discouraged, and committed the whole thing to prayer, asking others to pray for me as well, but understanding that if I did have to go to the camp in order to not pay the 850 dollars, He wanted me there for a reason. Yeah. So it was relatively okay (:

MONDAY 6/10/08

Lugged myself to Campus Crusade Camp, which would have lasted for 4 days from Monday to Thursday at Changi Fairy Point, in the bungalow chalets by the sea. I couldn’t go for the whole camp though, I had another compulsory Student Leader Prep Camp organized by the NP Ambassadors (who are the outreach arm of the school) for Red Camp 5 (which is the outreach 3 day camp for 3000 Sec 4 students) on Wednesday to Thursday, so my plan was to leave on Wednesday morning after morning prayer(:

Camp was amazing! We entered into a time of praying and asking God what He brought us individually here for, and I realized very quickly that this was the reason why He had impressed upon me the very 1 Thess 5: 16-18. That He wanted me to use this camp to continue to cultivate a habit of continual prayer and worship without fear, taking advantage of the lifestyle of worship that would be at such a camp, and as I was being open and unafraid to express my love to Him at camp, that this would encourage and help other people at the camp in turn to open up and worship Him openly without fear, and be blessed because of it, you know? So that was amazing.

On the first night, during worship before the message, I was worshipping in joy, due to all the good things He had been blessing me with over the past few days, but something was a bit off. I wasn’t feeling desperate. Because God had yeah, been so real to me over the past few days, it was like I was getting “used” to having Him around? And this was not good. Haha. I didn’t want to grow complacent. So I started asking God for trials, for risks, for the wilderness, so I’d be able to cling onto Him desperately and not grow complacent. And He said, “You want trials? Keann? You want the wilderness? Then step out and take them! The trials are right in front of you, stepping out and evangelising to the next person you see on the street, that’s a trial! And there’re so many of them! If you want to walk on water, then step out of the boat!”

And I was like “ :o”. Remember the book I was reading? It tied in totally in that! Which was crazy (: Haha. Yeah.

The message was given by a speaker, Elaine. And her message spoke so much to me, in so many areas, and I was really quite overcome. The message was about trust. And trusting God. To believe even if you’re scared. Because trust does not mean lack of fear, fear is always going to be there, but the difference is stepping out against it anyway! And then she started talking about this course that she did called SWAA, and her testimony during the Treasure Hunt Activity. And yeah, the four of us from COOS there, Sharyl, Cerise, Alison and I, kinda spazzed out. Haha. So cool. She started talking about how when you trust God and step out, you discover a little bit more that God CAN be trusted! And a little more, and a little more, and you have more power to step out the next time! I was kinda spazzing out at this point, because everything she was saying matched up EXACTLY with the book I I had in my bag right there, that I had been reading slowly over the past few days. It was a very scary thing. But so cool. Haha. She started talking about Abraham, and the story of Isaac. How even when God asked Abraham to offer his son as a flesh sacrifice, Abraham remembered the promise that God made to him about his destiny and the destiny of his son, that he would become the father of Israel, and he had faith that God would bring Isaac back. And she was telling us that if God has promised us a destiny, don’t ever lose faith in it, He’s going to bring us there somehow! And of course this whole time, I am greatly encouraged, and thinking about Sherry telling me just a few days before, “God wants you to be His Voice”.

Altar Call was crazy. There were three altar calls that night, and I went up for the third one, which was for those who have been touched by God about a destiny for them in Him. Full-time or otherwise. And the cool thing that happened was, I met this guy standing next to me, and instead of waiting for prayer, we ended up talking, and sharing our callings, and praying for one another! And then we were led to run around and pray for other people, with the love overflowing out of us through God’s love for us. And all around the room, this was happening. People designated to pray for others were getting prayed for, words of encouragement being spoken, people crying, God moving, and it was crazy. And eventually I was prayed for as well, by this guy, Dillan, who sensed that my relationship with my earthly father was kinda rocky even though I never told him that, and overall it was a very cool night (:

There was this girl there, Joyce, who wasn’t part of the Campus Crusade camp, but was a cell member of the speaker’s, Elaine, cell. And I knew her because we worked before very closely for Freshmen Orientation Camp for Ngee Ann Student Union, the Union that I was resigning from. And it was amazingly cool because I was able to share with her everything, how God led me to quit that organization, and my fears and struggles that the other EXCO really don’t like me now, and my problem regarding the 850 dollars camp on Friday. And she could understand because like me, she knew all those people personally as well, they were people we had both worked with closely, individually. And we prayed, prayed for me and my problem with the camp, and we prayed for the Student Union, which is a place very far from God right now.

TUESDAY 7/10/08

Tuesday was awesome. During the group sharing sessions, before it came to my turn, God impressed on me that He wanted me to declare publicly that I had a problem, a severe one, struggling with pornography since Sec 2. Now this is something that even Keenan, who I tell almost everything to, doesn’t know about me. And I had been struggling, trying to deal with it on my own strength, and a couple of people knew about my problem, but its not the same as declaring it publicly. You know? And I did feel fear. A lot of it. My heart was thumping, my fingers were trembling, but in light of everything that had been happening over the past few days, through the book I was reading, through Elaine’s message the previous night, I was prepared for that fear, and prepared to step out into the light no matter what. As I tell this now, this is the 8th time since then I have been able to declare of my struggle with pornography, and each time it gets a little easier. The 2nd time was hard, the 3rd time a little less hard, and so on! Like the book and Elaine said, it gets a little easier every time! Trusting God! And I am being set free, and up till this date I have not sinned in that way yet, even though I have been tempted, and I’m going to seek an accountability group and everything, learning that this is something I am going to keep fighting and fighting until the day I die, being male, but gosh am I going to keep fighting. And keep declaring. Haha.

And what was cool was that as I shared, the guy next to me managed to share about his own struggles with porn as well, and another guy, and how he managed to stay free of it up till now with an accountability group and everything, and we were all greatly encouraged. The girls too. So if you go back and look at my second expectation for camp, which was let God shine through me stepping out in faith and worship and prayer and encourage other people to come closer to God as well, that was fulfilled greatly that day, and I am glad (:

Before the service, suddenly I was overcome by this urge to call my friend, Josh Simon, to get him to come to the camp and be blessed by God. Because I really worry about his spiritual walk a lot, he is a person that has so much potential and so many gifts given to him by God, but those same gifts and talents, in music and dance and everything, also can leave him very distracted by the secular world, and I called him and asked him to come down, on impulse, knowing full well I was asking the impossible. He stayed at Bukit Panjang, the camp was at Changi, it was already 7pm. But God can do anything, and after Josh said he would think about it, I put down the phone and started praying. I asked Sharyl to pray. I asked other people in the camp who knew him to pray. And the the service started.

Worship was awesome, as always. As I stood there worshipping God, I was telling God that I really didn’t want to leave the next morning to go to that other camp. That I wanted to stay, to stay in a place where so many people, including me, are learning and growing and being healed and being blessed, and God’s Presence is clearly here and I want to stay and worship Him, and if He wanted me to stay and sacrifice the other camp, I would gladly do so. But then God said, go. He told me that even as yes he wanted to grow and teach and restore all these other people at camp, specifically He wanted me to go do His work now, out on the frontline, that I had been restored enough, for now. That He wanted me to bring the spirit of worship that I had been learning from this camp to the other camp, and take the camp for God. So that was cool. Haha. Then I realised, that it really was okay for me to go for the other camp, for when I signed up to be a Student Leader for Red Camp, I didn’t make the mistake I made when I ran for office at Student Union, and I asked God first! And he said yes back then! Which shows that He had already taken all this into account already(:

And by and by, after the message ended, Josh called me and told me that he was on his way, and at Tampines. And I praised God. Haha. Prayer does work! Praying continually! 1 Thess 5:16-18!

And so I left the camp the next morning after morning prayer on the jetty by the sea as the sun was rising, where me and another friend, Melodie, prayed that as I left the camp, that I really would bring the spirit of worship over to the other camp, that doors would be opened for me and that it would be an effective time, even as I left in faith.


Student Leader/ Red Camp camp was a blast. Megafun, as always. But even in all that fun, God helped me to remember my purpose for coming for this camp, my purpose for coming here, and He also helped me to pray for all those people back at Campus Crusade camp at Changi, all the people in my group, and especially Josh Simon. Yeah. At night, I pulled a few people together, close friends, and asked them if we could meet for prayer at 12.30am! And they said yes! So the result of that was, me, Adin from City Harvest, Priscilla from Hinghwa Methodist Church, and Joyce and Yongjin from Coos met to pray and take this school for God. And the cool thing was that even though I’ve never led Word before EVER in cell, God just led me to use the verse 1 Thess 5:16-18 to prepare for the session, and he helped me plan on how to do everything, and it was a really good time of sharing and prayer, sitting at the void deck praying in plain sight, not hiding, even as everyone else is having fun playing away upstairs in the apartments of our sleeping area. And I was so grateful for everyone who came down(: What actually happened, was that after we went through the prayer points derived from the verse 1 Thess 5: 16-18, God led us in a time of praying for friends, backslided Christians in this camp, for Adin, a boy in his cell group that was going to go to the Boy’s Home, and people in this camp that we loved so, so much, were such wonderful people but were not Christians, and it broke our hearts to think that they were not going to go to heaven with us ):

So yeah, it was awesome.

THURSDAY 9/10/08

Camp ended today. It was crazily amazing fun. And what happened was that our group tribe, Apaches, had dinner together and went to the playground to chill. People had to go home though, and soon at 9pm-ish there were only 3 of us left, me, this girl called Faith, and this girl called Ning.

And we were talking, and suddenly Ning started breaking down and telling us about how she had no sense of purpose, she didn’t know what she was doing in this school, that she came to Poly only because she didn’t want her friends to see her as a failure after quitting JC, and she couldn’t understand why she was doing well when she clearly didn’t deserve it, and people who were so motivated in her course weren’t doing as well as her. She started sharing that that the reason why she left JC was because she wasn’t in school 80% of the time, she was always sick and as a result didn’t know what was going on in school, and then she told us that the reason why she was always in the hospital was that she kept trying to kill herself, over and over again. And they admitted her to psychiatric wards, and tried to cure her by means of this electroshock therapy, where they pass an electric current through your brain and its supposed to refire your brain cells or something. At this point, she said she was hallucinating, that she could see weird things and she felt like earthworms were eating her ears? Things like that. And she went for the treatments monthly, the doctors didn’t even know how it worked, only that it worked, but the problems kept coming back. And her memory was damaged because of the treatments. She told us that she could remember who her classmates were, and what her class was, but she couldn’t remember experiences with them, nor what she used to value. And I was listening to all of this, I could not NOT share the gospel, you know? It was like God was lining up ducks for me to shoot at at a fair and there’s this huge voice foghorning inside my brain going “THIS IS REAL, THIS IS WHAT YOU’VE BEEN PRAYING FOR, THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT WORK YOU HAVE TO DO FOR ME, TAKE IT.”

And so I did(: I didn’t even know Faith was a Christian, but I couldn’t let this pass, you know? And this was the first time ever I’ve ever shared the gospel. I don’t think I did it awesomely well, I was worried so much that I was saying the wrong thing, and I think it was a very messy sharing, but I guess I believe that everything I said, and the way I said it, were the words that God put in my mouth for Ning to hear, and I’m going to believe in faith that seed has been sown, and I’m really praying she will come under God’s protection, for I believe that all the things she shared that she is going through really are spiritual attacks, you know? Yeah. The sharing took from 9pm to 12am, and I had to take a cab home, but seriously now. Treasures in heaven vs treasures on earth. This is so much more pressing. Haha. You know like a guy who reads comics and watches superhero movies all his life, and suddenly discovers he does have powers, he CAN fly, and suddenly he’s fighting for his life and getting into something way bigger than he is? And he doesn’t really know what he’s doing? That’s what it felt like. Haha. But I’m glad I did it (: Ning hasn’t accepted the gospel yet, but we are praying (:

It doesn’t end yet. After we sent Ning home in a cab, Faith and I were talking, and we prayed a little more, for her and for Ambassadors, and then I took a cab home myself. And I switched on my phone, which I had turned off because of camp, and suddenly in the cab all these messages started flooding in, words of love and encouragement and prayer from the people in my group from Campus Crusade camp! Like, my phone was beeping again and again and again and going off like crazy and I was so overcome? It was like after putting myself out there for God, and sharing the gospel in a very emotionally draining way, God was like giving me nourishment, giving me food, welcoming me back, saying “Good job, Keann, here is your reward.”

And I was so overcome, and everything was happening so fast. It keeps getting better. As I held my phone, I had this need to call as many people as I could, to pray for Ning’s salvation and protection. But I realised that the first thing I must do, is to call my mom and tell her I’m okay and that I’m coming home now, because the camp was supposed to end at 6pm, and my phone is off and its 12 am, and she must be worried sick, and I have to apologise and explain to her that I was sharing the gospel. Yeah. And then I get off the phone with my mom, and I realise that I don’t have enough money to pay for the taxi that I’m sitting in ._.

But in light of everything, I can’t not pray, right? Haha. And so I prayed and asked God to handle it for me, and then I asked the taxi driver, and HE OFFERED TO TAKE ME HOME FOR FREE (:

So cool! Haha. The coolest bit was, he said it was okay because I was a good boy, that I had a family, and he wouldn’t do it for a bad boy but I’m a good boy. And I realised that he overheard my conversation with my mom, and I realised that actually before I even prayed, God had already handled the situation for me by making me realise the most important thing is to honour my parents, considering that not so long ago I really wouldn’t care at all whether I stayed out late or whether my parents were worrying and I wouldn’t tell them anything. So it was totally awesome (:

And yeah. Haha. Its been crazy. I mean, coming back to the verse 1 Thess 5:16-18, all that God has been teaching me through it, to pray continually, and to be obedient to God, and to step out in faith against fear, so much has been happening! From being restored myself and set free from the prison of pornography, and being sent to do his work, leading “Word” and prayer for the first time, and then going to the very front line of the front lines to do battle with the gospel! Its been a mad mad week and it all started through prayer, and the frequency of prayer (:

And you know, the icing on the cake? Josh Simon, the guy we were praying for? By all accounts, on the last day, the day I wasn’t there, he really bonded with the people there, and was really impacted by the camp and by God! So that’s amazingly cool. And another thing? Remember that 850 dollar Student Union Camp? I called the President of the EXCO after all of this had happened, on Thursday night, and he told me I didn’t have to go or pay 850 dollars!!! My God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus! Yay (:

Its really been an amazing time, every single thing that God has been leading me to pray for this week has come to pass. He’s met every single need I’ve had, everything, and really its all through the power of prayer! So prayer does work! Pray and pray and pray! 1 Thess 5: 16-18! (: And as school starts next week, I’m going to try this thing where the Christians in my class get together everyday we see each other before class to pray. I don’t really know how its going to go. And its definitely going to be scary. But I will pray for it, and persevere, and I can’t wait to see what will happen. God has been so good to me (:


Hahhaa. chow. That set of verses, 1 Thess 5: 16-18, has become an amazing mantra for me over the past years, and really shaped me. God has really given me joy, and people keep affirming that.

Another thing that hit me....Joanna, Sherry, etc. I realised the power of testimonies is that it has the power to re-inspire people who are in your testimonies, who have a gigantic impact on your life due to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, even if they're going through dark and distant from God times now.

Yeah. So.....yeah (: power of community!

Okay. Later (:

April 29 2010

April 29 2010

So....I got distracted again. D: Sucks. Ohwell God, but yeah, I guess that's one of the huge problems I have? I had many thoughts, but now they're mostly gone and uhhhhh. Ursh. I can't really be bothered to get them back. I guess I should write down stuff straightaway. I don't know. There's so much stuff I don't know. Meditation of Discipline. Hmmm.

Anyway. Yeah. I have so much to do today....cell attendance. Cell plan. Shery party attendance. Confirm worship. Testimony. Dance. Cell. Sigh. And I'm not sure if I can get it all done, i mean, the reason why I'm so stretched now is because I got so distracted previously, pokemon, Rachael, jessie issues, porn, sigh. Or wasting time.

And I wanted to start out today again, and I started, and I got distracted again. D: I hate it, but I don't know if I can stop it? Bleagh.

Sometimes I wonder how Rachael still can be so crazy about me when I'm such a maddening screwup. Like work. Or living with me. Or sometime. I need to become a transformed person after your Name, God. After you. On my own. Before matching myself to her. But yeah...

I also can't fight the nagging suspicion that I don't want to think about, that we're doing something wrong. That we're in a relationship. That we're being too close. Phone sex, being in each other's arms, talking the way we do. Don't get me wrong. I love it. I'm insane over this girl. I thank you so much for her God. But I hate feeling like I have to put on the brakes for anything, it doesn't feel right. And yet going faster seems to be a sin or something, or condemned by pastor josh, cerise, la, if I told them, or something. Its a bad feeling to have. I just don't want to be scolded. I mean, I can talk to you. I trust you. But I'm also not sure whether you approve of this or not? Your approval means a lot to me. I mean, people in relationships, not in church or whatever, are in love, and you approve of that, right? I think? Which brings it down to a church leadership holding a whole bunch of rules over our heads that make us feel bad and worry and guilty?

I don't know. Confusion.

But yeah. I'm happy. I really am. And I want to get back to you, God. I know I've been away. Distracted. Rarrrgh. I want to be set on fire for you again. I'm glad we're talking like this. Its an improvement from yesterday. I'm glad. Really. I want to be in a place where I wake up, spend time with you, worship, journal, whatever, do the rest of my stuff, not sin, be productive, but its so hard sometimes! I get so distracted D:

I pray that I won't get distracted from you. That I really seek you first. Always. Help me back there God. I'm going to stop talking now because I feel I should start on cell stuff. Yeah. There's plenty more to say but I guess I don't have to vomit it all out straightaway? Maybe daily/nightly letters. Yeah. I would like that. Help me please (:

Love you so much, God.

Missing you

Oh yeah. Bless Rachael's art exams, God. And get everyone into NRA. I know you can bless them that way. Jessie, Chen Pin, Bettina, Zafira, Sharon. Lead them according to your will, God, I claim that. I bless them. Thank you <3


I'm not sure if that's the right attitude, actually. Ahahaha. Let this be a good plan God. To bless them according to your will. Love. I surrender it to you, and your grace and power.



Monday, April 26, 2010

Shove Off

Get Thee Behind Me, satan.

I don't have to act with guilt hanging around my neck. I've been completely forgiven. No matter how much you're screaming at me to feel horrible in 'atonement', and to not be 'arrogant'.

I'm forgiven period. I shall act like such, no matter what people think. In joy. Suck it (:

You're my lifesaver, God. Thank you Jesus for loving me



I need healing. Heal me

Sunday, April 25, 2010

24 April 2010 Dance Moves

because I'm bored and I might as well:

Dance Moves

1. Cheerleader set

a) pose freeze left (1 eight)

b) punch up right, stamp right, 3 times
punch left, jump legs open
punch right, punch left, punch both, krunk down up left knee
(1 eight))

c) money money money
hands up what what what what
down left leg up right, bounce bounce bounce bounce

(half eight)

d) step forward left up arms
down arms
open up krunk out
close up krunk in

step forward right up arms
down arms
open up krunk out
close up krunk in
(half eight)

e) raise left leg clap under
put down leg clap up
turn straight
raise right leg clap under
put down leg clap up

(half eight)

f) hands elbows swivel in swivel swivel swivel swivel
down left leg up right, bounce bounce bounce bounce

(half eight)

g) jump straight legs wide (on one)
hands stretched out wide, lean back what what what what

(half eight)

h) left leg step out lean, right hand swivel stretch out
right leg step down, left hand pull strong, right hand straighten back

right leg step out lean, left hand swivel stretch out
left leg step down, right hand pull strong, left hand straighten back

(half eight)

i) starfish jump down squeeze jump up stretch out
starfish jump down squeeze jump up stretch out
starfish jump down squeeze jump up stretch out
starfish jump down squeeze jump up stretch out FACE FRONT

many directions

(one eight)

j) arms
both left, both right, left down right up, left in right down
both left, both right, left down right up, left in right down

left step, right step, left step, right step
left step, right step, left step, swivel right knee down left knee up

(one eight)

k) swivel turn right, left arm shoot straight out, FAST


(one eight)

l) B-boy crouch pose (on ONE)


2. B-boy set

a) Wait (one eight)

b) pull right pull left pull right pull left

(half eight)

c) crouch on right, arms out WHAT


d) jump straight legs wide
right up, left mid, right leg up


e) jump straight legs wide

3. Mass Dance set

April 24 2010

April 24 2010

Sooo.....helloooo God.

I know I have a lot to thank you for. None of that has changed, none of that has disappeared. Dance, stage 52, friends, freshmen, winning dance4fund, flash mob, dance classes, shoes, Rachael, life is pretty crazy.

But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't kinda sorta frustrated right now. The lack of money. The lack of parental support more than anything else. Running around all of today, when all of this could be avoided. All that stuff to do, testimonies and stuff, jessie, feeling perhaps that I'm a big incompetent loser.

All this stuff is floaaaaaaating around. Grumpy ish. Hahhaa. And I wonder if I'm putting dance before my relationship with you, God? Like, I really want to be at service later, but not enough that I'd give up rehearsals for. And that makes me feel badish.

And I recognise that the bad feeling comes from satan, not you. You would never try to make me feel bad, because you love me. I need to dispel that misconception. Dispelling. I guess idk. The whole thing with jessie, and how tired I've become while loving her, has made me feel like I don't want to make you feel bad either. Do you? Would you? And if you did feel bad, would you tell me?

Ish. Deceiving liessss. Hahhahaa. Give me an answer to this, please, help me understand you wouldn't feel bad. I have trouble accepting that now-ish.

Oh right. I am not you. I have aways to go, which is why love makes ME feel tired. But Love is patient, love is kind, always faithful, always trusts, and you have more than enough for me. Because you are God, who is love.

Okay. I get it. Thank you God, you really are amazingly wonderfulllll.

Okay (:

But I'm still tired! And running over to service later! I can't wait. I know I stand uncondemned. Rawrrr. Bring me back into the fullness that is your joy. Thank you for letting me bring my laptop today. I thank you for the time out, travelling today, so I could sit down, think, and soak in you. In home with Facebook and all I might just get distracted.

Hehheheh could I have that iPod please. And headphones. Roar. :x

And please make Jessie feel better, God. I don't think I've ever prayed for someone as hard as I have been for her, actually. :s Because I know there's so much I can't do, I HAVE to give it to you? But I should also trust you, aye, pray in victory and joy, not out of stress. Aye. Love her, God. Transform her into an amazingly strong passionate woman for your name.

Roarrr. Thank you for awesome music, God. Thank you that I still have a working mac to play it on. Hahha.

My music is better than the party's, yesterday <_< Newer, fresher, and I can control it. Hahhah ursh. And put Korean in if I wish. Discoveries. Hmmmz.

Yesterday was okay. Decent. I realised I like dancing in light, more. Not dark. I have moves I want to perfect. I want to perform. I want to work out, and full out, and be a better dancer. Parties don't do THAT much for that <_<

And I got to hang out/dance with Sharonn!!! Awesomee!! And Hafiz. Hahhaa. Cool. Gosh, was protecting Bernice, Cheryl, and Uli from them guys. And ignoring girls wanting to dance with me. Hahhaha uh. But yeah. Lena wasn't there, but. Yay (:

It was okay. I know where I'd rather be (:

Mmmm the songs have me psyched for later. Thank you music, for being there when nobody else was :P


Thank you God, that I managed to journal some. It really made me feel tons better, putting the thoughts on paper, and seeing the solution in front of me. Thank you so much. Yeah, I love you, help me not to feel bad that you love me too much, or wonder if you're feeling bad.

Help me see true love, aye? Holy Spirit, come :D Thank you Jesus

Nom nom nom. Pretty happy now. Ready to go full out, and catch everything! I'd better. I want to. I know there's a reason for everything that happened today, God. And the journal times, and character building, and choice to worship you and be joyous in you, among other things. Maybe I'll meet some really cool people later. Yeah. I know it'll be a good experience, Lord. Thank you :D

Help me to know when to come baaaack! To church!

Love (:

I actually feel more rested, now, after journalling, God. Thank you (:

Help me stay rested? I thank you for banana and walnut bread. Hahhaa. So that I can take the time to make a good testimony later! And the profile pic. Yups. I trust you.

Ahhhh thank you God, for bringing me back to you. Its exactly as I prayed. Its easier to be happier now. Thank you so much (: (:

Just grooovin now. Psyche psyche. Today's going to be a good day after all. :D Thank you God for stepping in :D

Saturday, April 17, 2010

16 April 2010

16 April 2010

Okay I'm just going to do a quick journal, even though I have a million overdue entries, cause if I keep putting it off I'll never get anything done.


Today was Stage 52 Ties production day!!!

From the morning, all the way. Make up, rehearsals, chilling, having fun. Its been great.

Many thoughts.

One of the biggest is that I love this stage. I love the stage. Its insane. Thank you God for putting me up to be here. Crazy.

My favourite moment by far is the part JUST BEFORE the curtains open, when everyone's supporting each other, just encouraging, spreading love, trusting, having prepared and worked hard for ages and we're just prepared to go on.

And we can't wait. I couldn't wait, at least.

And at that point its no longer about if you make mistakes you die.

Honestly, production day is one of the biggest cases of forgiveness and love in action that I've seen all my life.

Everyone telling everyone to do their best, but not condemning any mistakes. Its just about putting on a damn good show.

Its just awesome. And so much love in action, motivated by Jesus yes but you don't even have to use His Name.

God, I'm so glad you let me take part in this. I hope I spread your love fine. I know I did, in fact, I know you're proud of me. Thank you. Thank you for showing me so much, and giving me this experience, and learning from everyone else.

Thank you that my first theatre experience was in ACJC, a school that I really really love.

Thank you that you helped me, gave me the courage to pray publicly, not to show off, but really because I sincerely believe it will and did help. I believe the atmosphere really changed and I'm glad we covered it today in prayer. Though i was really scared. And I'm reaaaaalllly scared to do it tmr. Arrrgh.

I hope people can see that I'm really nice, that I really love, that I'm a good testimony -

But at the same time...why do I care about what people think.

Ursh. Very confusing.

I made SO many mistakes in dance. SO MANY.

Haha but yeah. Just many happy juices. I think we all want it to be this way. Let's just be happy, and thankful tonight, I can clean up tmr. Yeah.

I loved how Dionel coached and encouraged us just before production and right at the end. So tactful, so encouraging, so right. I have so much to learn.

Thank you God, for giving us a leader like DIonel.

This whole thing....I really felt a lot of love in action. Idk, I'm a bit frustrated that everyone is condemning each other. Christians can't relate to people in the industry, poly people putting up a defensive barrier against JC people, guys checking out girls as sex objects instead of really getting to know them...

So many barriers. So annoying. And I just want to break it all down with love.

At the same time, I'm aware that I'm getting condemning. Sigh.

But so many people putting up barriers against each other and crippling their love because of that.

And I'm getting tired of keep seeing it, and railing against it, and I'm so afraid that I'm going to crack and just be a grumpy, angry, self-righteous angry old man.

Rahhh God. You know where I'm coming from?

People just don't know, so much ):

I'm sorta aware that I don't know so much either.

I hate really negative people. I hate people who just refuse to learn. I don't hate them, but the attitude really, really annoys me.

Help me to love, and forgive, and to not be self-righteous, God? I know this isn't the way. I'm sorry. Help me to just be humble and happy and chill.

And yet still a contender and a warrior.

Tiriiiinggggg, God.

But today was a really good day :)

So.....I was coming here.

Jessie is gorgeous. Oh dear.

And we're getting really close, I know, I'm trying to hold all the brakes and even that's unfair.

Honestly, right now, I'd rather spend the rest of my life with Rachael.

But, Jessie's so gorgeous, and so attractive, and so crazy.

And a dancer.

Though spiritually angsty.

And I know I'm not being very good with boundaries right now.

I'm just, really glad, that Rachael and I are still friends right now. That I didn't overcommit. I knew something like this would happen ._.

Rachael' Jessie's exciting and dangerous.

I knew something like this would happen. Its like the basis for all cheating ._.

Gah. I just feel sorta guilty that Rachael isn't feeling the same. And wanting to pull back, say a cute guy friend that she's just met.

Or she could just not be telling me about that, thinking I'm pining over her too.

Entirely possible.

Entirely possibly not.


I suppose the course of action is just to be good friends with Jessie. Which will be hard and dangerous. Because I can like her so much.

And all that.

But yeah. Friends friends friends friends friends. I see the reason for it.

I don't know everything, Lord.

I really don't. I surrender, teach me how to love, how to be.


Thank you for everything, Lord.

Thank you for dying for me and making everything good for me.

I love you :)

Give me wisdom.


April 10 2010 2

April 10 2010

- After Dance -

Well that was awesome. Hahhaha. Thank you God so much for bringing me there.

Time now is 12:03 and I'm running back to church for altar ministry training at 1230....

Yeah I won't make it. I'm just hoping this is a valid reason! Then after it ends, at like what. 1.30?

I'm done till church. Hahaha. Sigh.

Shoe shopping shoe shopping! Yeah! AND A NEW CAP.

I'm so grateful I have time....and money...that's going to be gone soon...but still.

Well dance was awesome. Freaking loved it. And there's still so much more left to the day. I feel so freshened up and awake now. Hahahha. And thank you God that the choreo is easy, and that I didn't have to have a form, making up for me not knowing this was at 930, or getting lost...

whew. I'm actually glad the choreo is easy. For once it felt like I could catch it simply instead of geting owned by all the better dancers and feeling like crap.

Which I'm aware is how some people here might feel. And I completely empathize. Not judging them at all. Everyone needs to start somewhere right? I felt like that, can still feel like that now too.

Which is why I probably shouldn't be so scared that better dancers are judging me. They're probably not doing so. Just empathizing and giving me space.

Lots of NRA here again today. People I sorta know but sorta don't know. I keep rubbing up against them. I shy. Hahahah sigh.

Weeeeelll. One day I hope to get to know them Lord. Really ):

Yupyup. Choreo was easy, which leaves it to me to bring expression into it, right? And make it fast and tight. In that sense I'm learning from the better dancers all around me. Can't slack up. Yep. I really want to do my best for everything!

Just love the process. I realise that if you're an art person, you have to love the process. Stage, dance, rehearsals...its all about the process. Humans were made for the pursuit, for the chase.


I also realised that since last Sunday? I've been dancing all the way. Mass dance Sunday through Wednesday, like crazy, and rehearsals after. And today. Wow. And next week is aaalllll contemp rehearsals PLUS PERFORMANCE.


Plus dance on Monday. That one...I have lots to catch up for. I still feel so stupid for Monday and not turning up cause I was lost in Lavender D:

So tmr....I should probably get rested so when I go down on Monday I can work up a storm.

Bless me there, Lord :D

You're really blessing me like crazy, right? Giving me time to journal, and setting me up for dance every day so I'm not lost, doing this on my own would be interesting. I just want as much exposure and experience and learning as possible, and thank you for giving me that :D

I know every single form, and every single different experience, is meant to teach me something, and shape me as a hip hop dancer. Yeah :D

Hmmm. So I need to learn to bring expression into my dance. Hmm. I suppose there's all the korean choreo to learn from. They're really good. Hahhaa. Thank you for my hair being the way it is. Gosh. It makes dance so much easier.

And there's the josh simon thing coming up too. I'm really honoured that he would ask me, I'm sure there're lots of better dancers out there. He's really teaching me the value of supporting friends and giving opportunities to friends, when I know I've always concentrated more on fairness, to be honest.

There has to be a balance between the two, though, I'm certain....

But yeah. Dance dance. Still waiting to come into my own. Chasin'

Thank you God :)

I hope I can keep this journalling thing up! In Obedience. Yep. And there's the book that La blessed me with, its a really good devotional, I want I want. Thank youuuu :D

Dance in ministry. Hm. God, the time is coming closer and closer to use hip hop for you. I feel that I'll be at the forefront for COOS for that, somehow. And you keep shaping me for it. What did I learn today about mass choreo?

Keep it simple. Keep it slow. Play with lines, big lines, and left rights, a lot.

Combine a leg motion, break it up, with a hand motion. Put it together.

From contemp, I'm learning to express. To really feel and project it. Which is why it can get verrrryyy tiring. To jump all over the place. And in feeling, still keep the count, still be technical. Lots to work on there.

And from Mass Dance, being a performer. Injecting your personality and emotion into a hip hop choreo. Face. Having fun. Not being homogenous, you don't have to be. But really, play.

I wonder what O School will teach me. I really, really, really can't wait :D

Shoes later....I need two pairs yeah?

One for Dance + Going out (Shiny)

+ Skate (but its gonna wear out)

One for Sports (shabbier, can wear out)

If I use my dance/going out shoes for skating, its gonna wear out reaaaaallly fast.

I could wear vans, but they not as flashy! ):


I like happy flashy. Well, I could really use my current white dying shoes for skating. At this point in my life. So I can get another pair of sports sneakers.

Hopefullyyyyyyy. I have enough. For the first time in my life I can actually afford Nikes.

Hmmm. And after all them shoes and shirts I will have like, no money to eat. Lol.

Oh no! ):

Plus I don't get money till 9th May either, you know. From HIP.

I'm thinking...just get the Nikes. Dance/going out shoes.

And the rest we'll figure outttttt. The sports shoes I can get in May. The ones I'm wearing can survive for a bit.



Give me something nice, God :D

Hmmmm. We're almost at Queenstown, Lord. And its 12:27. Not so bad. Thank you.

Hhaha as a dancer, I think, I can go full out, and hit all the energy, but I need to learn to make it precise? Like precision and control. Please teach me that, God, teach me how to do that, shape that, give me a presence of mind.


Thank you for loving me today, there's so much to thank you for. Let me really thank you in worship later. Hopefully I can dance for it without distracting too many people :D

And you just said 'Why do you care'

Hmm. So I guess I just go full out for you? And if they ask me to tone down later, I will? But go full out first, create something beautiful for you.



April 10 2010

April 10 2010

Well hi, God.

Its April 10, 9am, and I'm sleeeeeeeeeepppy.

On the wayyy to the airport. Rahhhh. More dance. Yay. Couldn't be happier. I just hope that I can get back to church in time, and that this isn't wrong, that You do approve of this, despite what other people say.

Yeah. Why am I journaling? Obedience. Love. There's like a ton to journal, but lets start with Chapelthon.

Haha gosh.

It was amazing on sooooo many levels, and God kept treating me to good stuff that made me happy, I'm so silly, how could I have thought a lame bbq party in AMK where I don't know anyone yet could have been better than this?

So glad I came. Haha.

So my options were:

1. Chapelthon. Epic chapel marathon. A chance to get to come to Fairfield and worship God in epic Fairfield style, getting back with the family that I love forever

2. Some Red Camp party. Drinking, possible fights, couple of hot chicks, a pool, new friends to make that I could possibly impact for God.

And honestly all through the day I was veering more towards Red Camp. Angelo was going there, sigh, and as I simply asked God which I should go for:

He said 'Chapelthon'

Really clear. No questions asked. 'Chapelthon'.

Which was when I realised I kinda wanted to go to the party more, but I didn't want to give any up.

I even packed in the morning so I had options to go to the pool party!!

But by the afternoon, I just gave up and said 'I'm going to listen to God. He knows what's good for me.'

I'm so silly. Haha. Chapelthon just about blew my mind. Crazy amazing. Just amazing. I was created to be here. Thank You for dragging me to be here, God. Truly you know what is best for me and I'm so silly for doubting.

Thank you for the mercy to be patient with me.


Crazy :)

I didn't even know who was going to be there, and God dropped Kai En and Lincoln on me to be my friends, crazy friends, throughout the whole thing. At first I was worried that they wanted to sit with other friends and that I might be infringing, but they seemed cool about it, and only seemed to stick with each other, and so we became a team. I hope that worked out for them, it really did for me :)

Goshhh. Fairfield all the way man.

I walked in, and watched the freedom at which everyone could praise God in this school, and wanted to, and I thanked God. So many people, so many schools don't get to do this. And God's favor keeps coming out of Fairfield. Goshhh. Freedom to pray, sing, everything. Madness.

3 worship bands, one from each past year, and I loved how the COOS guys (us) started jumping and worshipping like we're used to. Haha. Changing culture. I was aware that a number of traditional church people might be there.

Including my sister and brother.

I thank you God for letting them be there. One church service with all of us there. Its prophetic. And both of them were touched, thank you God, the very point that they were there shows a certain passion for you, and God, keep that strong and take them higher, aye :)

It was soo good to see Rachel in her comfort zone. Yeah. Nuts :)

Anyway. Jumping, praising God in a school, reckless abandon... yeah (;

I've come so far since the idiot kid I was in Primary, God. Thank you for taking me here :)

Ahhhhh. So, worship. Hhahahaa. Pretty crazy.








Goshhh. Just crazy. I was sooooo happy. And glad that he'd recently been the VP. And as he spoke, as he talked about his story and the things of God, omigoshhh. It was just so familiar. And I know that my passion for God was sparked a long time ago in BB when David Chan and guys like him sparked it off, passing it on.

The message style was so familiar. And here he was again, blessing us. Simple message, but very sincere, and we were all home. Crazyy.

Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians his favourite books. Hahha.

I remember the acronym. Go Eat Pizza Can. Stuck with me for ages. Till now.

And as he shared... :):):)

Wow. Haha. Worship later. Last band. HOSEA STEPPED UP TO LEAD. WOW.

It felt so good! Seeing him, so confident, up there, serving God, and knowing that all of us have come this far, even though its without each other....

Truly you are God, God, and good. We have come into our own :)

And we're not even really there yet :P

Yeah, Crazy. Worshipped, crazy. My sister got to see something. See the culture. I was worshipping in dance in front. Hopefully I wasn't too distracting. But yeah. Rocks :)

Saw Joash later too. Spoke to Hosea. David Chan. Helsa.

Oh mannnn. I mean, it just feels good because I was such an idiot in Primary School. I know. And just to be able to stand there, proud and tall, knowing that God has changed me and that we've all come a certain way -


The best, ever.

Ahhhhhh thank you God. No party could have beaten this. I so needed to be here :)

And to go back to school? To worship while in the minority? I can identify with that. Yeah.

David Chan's message. HOT for Jesus. Epic passage in Ephesians.

Pretty much a lot of the questions I've been asking about coarse jokes, language, and everything like that. Covered in the passage that he read.

And HOT.


God I thank you that I have the first and last one covered. Sorta. But its there.

But its Obedience I need to work on. To glorify you. To parents. to you. Simple things like reading my bible and journalling.

To do it out of obedience and love to you, not whether its good for me, cause honestly that philosophy isn't working very well.

Raise me up to be a man obedient to you, God. Yeahhhh.

Fairfield pride. Always :)

Monday, April 5, 2010

5 April 2010 Journal

Good morning,

Hahahaha things are starting to ramp up. Its 734am and its 8am soon and we have to be down somewhere.

I had a plan to journal and worship and dance and all that but...hey-

Well. A few things. It feels like a good day.

Today is a day of blessing. But God says:

All that is needed is sitting at His feet. And being happy.

Joy of the Lord.


Spread his love and his light

Don't be afraid to spread a word of love from God, or pray for healing.

Ahhh. Trust in Him.

Ahhhh. Well. Let Him do the rest. Lets just have fun.

And not be so against everything, but really, just love.
(We can find all the verses there afterwards)

I pray for blessing, God. Covering. Protection and a fun experience for everyone here. No arguments, no injuries, no disease. A smooth camp. I pray for the authorities, the comm, the prog comm, my leaders, and my fellow GLs. And the campers. Duh. And Rachel Chan. And anyone feeling left out.

Let FMS 2010 be one of Love. Lets go.

I just wannnnt to worship you God. in song.

Lets do it in action. With praise on my tongue. Yepppp.


Sunday, April 4, 2010

4 April 2010 Journal

4 April 2010 Journal

Soooo. Haha thoughts.

I suppose there is a ton. But first, I break the shackles that have been put on me so I don't journal. I break em, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Yeahhhh. Its okay to just talk, I don't need a polished entry or something. Just thoughts are fine (: Don't need to get EVERYTHING down too, though it would be nice...

So I suppose the biggest thing ytd would have been the movie. Very interesting. Furious Love. My thoughts? This was what God was giving me during it.

1. What that Jason guy, that pastor was doing, is what I am called to do. I think so, anyway. I look at that, and know with every fibre of my being that I am supposed to be there. I've been gifted with speaking, knowing how to convey points, lead crowds, being in tune with crowds, breaking tradition, and LOVING them. Gosh.

I do sometimes think I'm not good enough. That I'm afraid that no ministry will want me. But you know what. God wants me. That's good enough for me.

2. What does ministry actually mean? Is it prayer? Is it holding a worship session, healing session, ministry session?

Well, ministry is meeting needs. Why. Out of love. And carrying a bucket for a friend is love. Carrying a bucket for a stranger. Unnatural love. But love. And that is what I got from the whole thing. That we love them, not try to fit them into a formulae of treasure hunts or even word of knowledge or even prayer.

Though all those things are pretty powerful.

But esp in this culture, felt needs. What people want. In Orchard road, the last thing someone rushing down the street is to be stopped by a bunch.

I'm not saying they don't need to.

But they're a lot less receptive. Let's be practical about love. There's a place for that too, but okay pick the spots where people need help, and want help, at least openly.

So. Shops. Saying hi, enquiring about business, buying something. If buying something opens them up to letting us pray for them. Let's go for it. Cater to where their needs are at, not try to fit them into a model which we prefer out of 'principle'.

Helping the security guard. Talking to the taxi driver. NOT talking to the shop keeper when he's really busy.

Set up a sign and let people come. Go to a spiritual convention and talk to people looking for spiritual stuff. Yeah.

Meeting them where they're at. Smiling at the hawker uncle. Giving him the time of day. Listening to a friend. Hearing out a stressed person.

That is really is love.

We don't need training, or an event for that. Just love. And a willingness.

Which is why I stayed up with Naomi last night. And Rachel. And heard them out. As opposed to trying to drop a bomb.

Give me more love, God. This camp. Just to make people feel loved.

Leaders, comm, gls. Freshmen. Everything.

A time of worship at camp? Maybe probably. But lets not plan a spectacle. We'll do it if we want to, because we love worshipping you. We'll pray, heal, but let's not make a spectacle out of it.

Its about meeting their needs your way.

Though God, it would be cool if you hit me with Jabez appointments. So many. Over and over again. Healing. Word of knowledge. Like, really hit me, Lord, even as I understand it isn't about all that.


3. The love thing. Hahaha. Nearly died. God, you're the male in the relationship, huh. And you're going to chase, chase and chase, and make it really hard for me not to love you, huh.

What does that mean for me and Rachael :P

Hahahaha. Or that second part. People in love. Its not about principles, but driven by a desire to get closer. And closer.

Yeahhhhh still out on the jury about that one. I definitely agree, but I'm afraid to agree.

I'm crazy enough about her as it is, and trying to put on the brakes, but its not really working out D:

Yes, in my mind, it makes sense. I love you, therefore I don't love you. But its, so hard. God. Feels so unnatural. D:


Hahhaha well. God I thank you so much for her and I. Right now....we pretty much are in a relationship, God. One where I'm trying to hold onto all the brakes but D:

She's so amazing.

I want to die.

Hahhaha ursh. What do you think about that? I feel like you're laughing, in joy that I'm happy, and understanding, but vaguely disapproving. Like I'm such a kid.

Hhahaha gosh but I am, right. D:

"We think we're all mature and stuff, that we know what's going on. Then we fall in love, and it all goes to pot"

She's...beautiful. God. Like I was created to go there.

Feelings feelings feelings. Bleagh. Hahahha sigh.

Hahhaha smile sigh smile?

Goshhhh. Pouring on the love on Rachel Chan now. Love her God. Shape her, mold her, don't let her break.

What am I saying. You won't :P

But God yes please cover her. I can't do anything, only you can.

Hahhaha back to Rachael. Yeah. That part about not feeling like its a 3 way with you on top, God? Its not feeling that way anymore. More like parallel ):

I am uncomfortable with that ):

But its so hard, I'm so crazy over her. Save me please? And save her, because I think she feels pretty much the same way.

I submit to you, God, because I know its good for us, even though its hard to think clearly when I think of her.

Putting you back on top would be through the self control. Because the motivation for the self control is you, and the action is the obedience that completes the faith.

But its soooooooooooo hard.

Thank you for saving me today. I'm really grateful.

I want you more, God.

You're amazing.

Let camp be amazing, and shape us both. To depend on you first, God.

Though I missssss her.

My comfort is that I know you understand. Sorta. Hahhaha.

Gosh. Thank you for not being condemning. It means a lot, God.


I'm soooooo silly.

Yes, I know you know.


I'm soooo grateful, God.

Okay, pay attention to Nat? Got it. Please let me get the phone charger God :P

And give me enough rest, help me really love today, be a good GL that brings blessing and glorifies your name.

Thank you for this opportunity, this experience to come full circle.

Dance, help me catch it. Etc. Relationships. Cell matters.

Bring it all to you, God.

I know you're in control


So grateful I journalled. Thank you <3

And I thank God so much for my pastors, and Ps Josh, and La.

Really. Thank you. Really bless them. :3

Oh yeahh I wanted to tell Vic about how his words from you meant so much yesterday.

But I can't remember. Something about a house >< And being afraid to come in. Though that related more to you, God. And for me it was more a confirmation about me and my family. And there was something....

Ohhh yeah. The pressure. The pressure of feeling I can't crack, have to be a certain way, have to watch so much, because of my position in the youth. And I like it and sometimes I want to run away and hide. And sometimes I resent that the pastors have piled a bit of that onto me, making me worry about everything, because of my 'great influence.' Though that's just a feeling, and probably pretty much a lie. They tell me about my influence out of love that I grow and use it properly.

But its still stressful sorta. Which is why I'm so grateful that Pastor vic brought it up.

On the family note, I forgot to mention.

The biggest thing about furious love. Where do I go. Where do I start.

God said, family. That's my focus. Evangelism's koo. But my family. Show I love them. Start from there.

Its very exceedingly clear. So housework, helping, staying home and stuff. Yarrrgh.

After I come back from camp I suppose? Its still a challenge ):

Bless my cell, God. Bless this youth. They're amazing. Thank you for my 'brother' Kenzo. Hahahha. Really.

Let them be leaders I am proud to follow.

Yay I journalled. Thank you God. (: (: (:

4 April 2010 - Bible Study

Martha Mary

As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him.

-> She opened her home!!!

She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet listening to what he said.

-> Sister didn't open her home.
-> When we invite God in, other people benefit like crazy.

But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made.

-> Like a service.
-> Treasure Hunt
-> Worship session

She came to him and asked " Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!"

-> Service, serving in ministries

"Martha, Martha," the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed."

-> Sitting at the feet of Jesus :O

Mary has chosen what is better and it will not be taken away from her."

Just sitting at the feet of Jesus (:
That's all we need to do. Really? God? What about all the other stuff? What say you?

Different position? Ideekay. Give me wisdom about it.

But yeah. All I need to do right now, at least, is sit at your feet. Embrace your presence.

You are good, God. Really, really good.




Jericho: Joshua 5:13 - 27

-> Man with a drawn sword, in front of of Joshua

-> God is in front of us, not to the right or the left.

We're in a war...Jesus on a white horse.

I'm gonna be prepared for that imagery. Man with a drawn sword.

We can question the spirit!

-> Joshua fell FACEDOWN in the ground!!


Okay. I get it. The stuff gets done, because when we sit at his feet, we ask "What message does my Lord have for his son?"

We're past the place of servants (:

But yes. God can give us stuff to do from sitting at his feet. But let's not do stuff beforehand in preparation, because we think its 'good', without asking him first.

Yeah (:

- Martha/Mary
- Joshua
- Gideon

Talk with Pastor Josh - Boundaries 25 March 2010

Talk with Pastor Josh

1. Physical Affection/Girls
2. Influence among Younger Ones
3. Priorities between friends/cell members
4. Core issues/Deep Thinking/Beyond Feelings

5. Usage of Internet
1. Email -> Operational Stuff
2. Face-to-face -> Sincere Stuff
3. Facebook -> fun, trivial, cannot be misinterpreted stuff


What are the reasons for me having boundaries for girls?

- encouraging my growth in friendships with guys
- learning how to express affection in different ways
- guarding my own heart
- guarding other girls' hearts, not hurting them even if I have no idea
- setting an example as a leader

Physical Affection/Girls

- no hugs to girls unless they initiate

- no long phone calls that I initiate regarding reasons of
- I'm extremely bummed out
- they're extremely bummed out

- if its a personal issue, I can talk to La/Josh about it, or journal (or email that journal to them), or talk to a guy friend (who currently doesn't exist, Keenan doesn't do long phone calls)

- if I call to check how she are, and its an extreme emotional issue, I can arrange a real-life meeting with one other friend of hers, OR pray with her, as opposed to a listening/intimacy approach

- no one-on-one outings
- it is encouraged that I find a male friend to come along, as opposed to another female friend
- it is possible that people cancel, but I will try my best

Friends/Cell Members Interaction

What are the reasons for me having boundaries for this?

- Understanding my priorities as a leader
- Guarding my responsibility to my cell members and their lives
- Encouraging my growth in friendships with peers, or those older than I am


- Seek to have NP cell dinners after service 3 weeks in a month
- Sit with Cerise, Pearl and the 'NP Cell Zone' once a month
(Though it would be cool if I could request them all to sit with me in the front at least once a month? A few of the new ones already do sit with me in the front, the other new ones prefer to sit with their friends)

- Meet at least 2 cell members in a week, besides cell & service
- one-on-one followups
- social outings

- Engaging in outreach ministry (hospital trips, treasure hunts etc
- ask all NP Cell members FIRST before seeking to include friends



BEFORE you come for your interview, please ensure that you have TYPED OUT your answers to the following questions. I will be very strict about this. Please email me your responses no later than 1 day before your interview.

1. What are 3 areas in your life you would like to see growth in the next 12 months? Be as specific as possible. Please focus on spiritual or character areas and not skill areas (eg. to learn how to play the piano or to learn how to cycle), unless these skills relate back to a spiritual or character issue.
⁃ 1. Self Control
⁃ This relates to a number of areas in my life, family, personal discipline (time management, planning), building healthy male/peer relationships and boundaries for emotional intimacy I have with girls. These are all things I want to work on, but I believe that the overarching factor is the core value that I have always run with my feelings/instincts on what feels good, instead of restraining myself (e.g. it feels good to be out with friends so I have less time with family, or it feels good/and is easy to interact with girls, hence less time spent on building healthy male relationships.)

⁃ Realising the core value of 'Self Control' and keeping back from what 'feels good', even though it may be good, in order that I may have more time and energy to spend on what is 'better', is something I would like to achieve, so that I rely on more 'thinking' than the 'feeling' that I usually exercise. This would be measured by me exercising 'thinking' more, and growth in areas such as family relationships, male peer relationships, and me keeping to personal disciplines and boundaries in my interactions with girl friends.

⁃ 2. Word
⁃ I would like to grow in my personal walk in God in the aspect of knowing his Word and seeking it. In spending intentional regular time in studying his Word, as opposed to Worship in music which I always turn too (though I am aware that exploring God's Word is done in worship as well).
⁃ Besides regular time, I would like to grow in knowing God's word well besides areas that I am comfortable in (certain verses/books that I currently turn to for encouragement all the time).
⁃ I would also like to grow in how to find a direction for exploring God's Word, I often find myself lost and intimidated on where to start and what is good for my growth.

⁃ 3. Evangelism
⁃ I would like to grow in reaching out to non-believers. Whether it is to strangers on the street, or to friends, I would like to grow to be more willing to reach out to them

⁃ And subsequently, reach out, out of that willingness. My comfort zone is worshipping God, and providing encouragement and love to fellow believers, and I feel that I need to grow out of that, especially in this current season where I do not have academic grades to focus on.

1. Is there known sin in your life? What has been done about it?
⁃ Pornography. I still struggle with it, but mostly in silence, I find it difficult to talk about. Pastor Josh and Marcus Wong (worship leader) due to Everglow Camp, but I find it difficult to talk about it even knowing that they know. I'm very uncomfortable with talking to my supervisor about it.

2. Are there spiritual truths which you currently struggle with believing?
⁃ Honour your parents, which ties in with respecting and honouring your spiritual authorities. I trust my pastors/leaders implictly, and am very willing to submit even if I don't understand it all, trusting that God knows and wants me to be shaped by them for a reason. However, I face a huge trust issue when trying to apply the mentality to my parents.

3. When was the last time someone brought correction or rebuke to you? What was it for? Describe your response.
⁃ Pastor Josh, regarding the physical affection (and other sorts of affection building emotional intimacy) that I express to girls, my mis-use of the Internet to express important things, and the mixing of my leadership priorities between secondary school friends not in my segment and Ngee Ann Cell members I have been trusted with responsibility for. This was on 18th March 2010.

⁃ I listened, and am still working through my thoughts on many of the issues brought up. Many of Pastor Josh's points make sense, and though it will feel difficult to work on the areas of my life that he pointed out I need growth in, I understand that it is out of love and that he wants to see me grow, which precisely takes stepping out of my comfort zone. Though I might not understand or agree with all of it as of yet, the biggest thing I took away was that I want to listen and submit into the person that the pastors (and subsequently God) want to shape me to be, even if it means 'losing' some of the parts of me that I really love and treasure. God sees all of me and all of my pastors, and He wants me to grow under their direction for a reason. I trust that and I am willing to grow in that.
⁃ I am also working on boundaries for physical affection/relationships with girls, and time spent with cell members/friends, a document that I am preparing right after I submit this.

4. Name 3 of your role models and explain why you look up to them.
⁃ Pastor Jennifer
⁃ I look up to her tons because of what I know of her family life, and relationship life, and how she depended on God and came through because of it. Many of it I feel rings a chord with my own, father issues especially, and it really inspires me, the person that she is right now for God.
⁃ Also because of where she was in school, and in working life before entering the ministry. The media is an area that I also am in, and that she said 'Yes' to God when He called really inspires me, and helps me to obey God's own call on my life.
⁃ The way that she deals with people. Leaders, friends, leaders under her, church youth, there has always been a great deal of kindness and tenderness that I have seen and experienced, always having time, and that is something that I have learnt tons from just observing and modeling.

⁃ Pastor Josh
⁃ He is my leader, and I don't have many spiritual male leaders in my life. That means a lot to me, and I want to learn everything I can from him.
⁃ How he deals with people in ministry. I have always respected him a lot on how he can be a friend, be real, and have fun with the guys, and yet turn on the sternness and firmness when he needs to. I appreciate him doing it to me when he disciples me, and I'm still trying to figure out how to emulate that in leading/ministering to other people, church community or otherwise.
⁃ Relationships. The love that Sharon and Josh share really, really inspires me, and how they went about it, boundaries and tapping onto a community, and the reward is evident. I may not know the full story, but I really respect their experience on the matter and they are the role models I think about most of the time when I am figuring out romantic relationship issues, which is an area really, really important to me that I want to get right.

⁃ Chrystella Lo
⁃ I respect her so much as a leader, especially knowing that I didn't trust her initially as my leader, and now I trust her with almost everything and want to tell her so much, instinctively. I am aware of some of the much time she has spent on investing in my life, and I want to learn how to do that too for members under my leadership. That Chrystella and I are such different people, and yet she could reach me, is huge to me, and I want to learn how to do that, not just with people that I can automatically connect with.
⁃ Her faithfulness, her commitment to ministry, her self-discipline, her cheerfulness, her willingness to listen, her tactfulness, her willingness to own her ministry, her patience, her relationship with her family and her submission to her leaders - all of this is just really amazing to me and I want to learn as much as I can from her.

5. Why do you want to come to HIP/SSM?
⁃ I really want to grow in the areas listed above, and others that God and my leaders feel I should grow in, whether as a leader or a person. For that, I want to jump onto the opportunity for an intensive program for discipleship, I really would treasure the attention and learning, this is something I am very hungry for.
⁃ Moreover, I want to build greater relationships with my leader/peers. Honestly, say something like with Marcus Cheong, or any other male leader attending the program, I honestly have little idea how to build one, but I am hungry for the opportunity, even if I don't know how.
⁃ Regarding the supernatural aspect of things, I learned and grew so, so much from last year's, it really shaped me, but I am aware that there are many areas or degrees of supernatural ministry that I still do not dare to enter, and I want to grow to the next level. SSM is the only program I know in Singapore that I feel will give me this, and it is within reach because of HIP. I desire greatly to be a part of it.

You survived this long email! :) Please feel free to ask me any questions about the interviews if you have any.

