Saturday, April 17, 2010

April 10 2010 2

April 10 2010

- After Dance -

Well that was awesome. Hahhaha. Thank you God so much for bringing me there.

Time now is 12:03 and I'm running back to church for altar ministry training at 1230....

Yeah I won't make it. I'm just hoping this is a valid reason! Then after it ends, at like what. 1.30?

I'm done till church. Hahaha. Sigh.

Shoe shopping shoe shopping! Yeah! AND A NEW CAP.

I'm so grateful I have time....and money...that's going to be gone soon...but still.

Well dance was awesome. Freaking loved it. And there's still so much more left to the day. I feel so freshened up and awake now. Hahahha. And thank you God that the choreo is easy, and that I didn't have to have a form, making up for me not knowing this was at 930, or getting lost...

whew. I'm actually glad the choreo is easy. For once it felt like I could catch it simply instead of geting owned by all the better dancers and feeling like crap.

Which I'm aware is how some people here might feel. And I completely empathize. Not judging them at all. Everyone needs to start somewhere right? I felt like that, can still feel like that now too.

Which is why I probably shouldn't be so scared that better dancers are judging me. They're probably not doing so. Just empathizing and giving me space.

Lots of NRA here again today. People I sorta know but sorta don't know. I keep rubbing up against them. I shy. Hahahah sigh.

Weeeeelll. One day I hope to get to know them Lord. Really ):

Yupyup. Choreo was easy, which leaves it to me to bring expression into it, right? And make it fast and tight. In that sense I'm learning from the better dancers all around me. Can't slack up. Yep. I really want to do my best for everything!

Just love the process. I realise that if you're an art person, you have to love the process. Stage, dance, rehearsals...its all about the process. Humans were made for the pursuit, for the chase.


I also realised that since last Sunday? I've been dancing all the way. Mass dance Sunday through Wednesday, like crazy, and rehearsals after. And today. Wow. And next week is aaalllll contemp rehearsals PLUS PERFORMANCE.


Plus dance on Monday. That one...I have lots to catch up for. I still feel so stupid for Monday and not turning up cause I was lost in Lavender D:

So tmr....I should probably get rested so when I go down on Monday I can work up a storm.

Bless me there, Lord :D

You're really blessing me like crazy, right? Giving me time to journal, and setting me up for dance every day so I'm not lost, doing this on my own would be interesting. I just want as much exposure and experience and learning as possible, and thank you for giving me that :D

I know every single form, and every single different experience, is meant to teach me something, and shape me as a hip hop dancer. Yeah :D

Hmmm. So I need to learn to bring expression into my dance. Hmm. I suppose there's all the korean choreo to learn from. They're really good. Hahhaa. Thank you for my hair being the way it is. Gosh. It makes dance so much easier.

And there's the josh simon thing coming up too. I'm really honoured that he would ask me, I'm sure there're lots of better dancers out there. He's really teaching me the value of supporting friends and giving opportunities to friends, when I know I've always concentrated more on fairness, to be honest.

There has to be a balance between the two, though, I'm certain....

But yeah. Dance dance. Still waiting to come into my own. Chasin'

Thank you God :)

I hope I can keep this journalling thing up! In Obedience. Yep. And there's the book that La blessed me with, its a really good devotional, I want I want. Thank youuuu :D

Dance in ministry. Hm. God, the time is coming closer and closer to use hip hop for you. I feel that I'll be at the forefront for COOS for that, somehow. And you keep shaping me for it. What did I learn today about mass choreo?

Keep it simple. Keep it slow. Play with lines, big lines, and left rights, a lot.

Combine a leg motion, break it up, with a hand motion. Put it together.

From contemp, I'm learning to express. To really feel and project it. Which is why it can get verrrryyy tiring. To jump all over the place. And in feeling, still keep the count, still be technical. Lots to work on there.

And from Mass Dance, being a performer. Injecting your personality and emotion into a hip hop choreo. Face. Having fun. Not being homogenous, you don't have to be. But really, play.

I wonder what O School will teach me. I really, really, really can't wait :D

Shoes later....I need two pairs yeah?

One for Dance + Going out (Shiny)

+ Skate (but its gonna wear out)

One for Sports (shabbier, can wear out)

If I use my dance/going out shoes for skating, its gonna wear out reaaaaallly fast.

I could wear vans, but they not as flashy! ):


I like happy flashy. Well, I could really use my current white dying shoes for skating. At this point in my life. So I can get another pair of sports sneakers.

Hopefullyyyyyyy. I have enough. For the first time in my life I can actually afford Nikes.

Hmmm. And after all them shoes and shirts I will have like, no money to eat. Lol.

Oh no! ):

Plus I don't get money till 9th May either, you know. From HIP.

I'm thinking...just get the Nikes. Dance/going out shoes.

And the rest we'll figure outttttt. The sports shoes I can get in May. The ones I'm wearing can survive for a bit.



Give me something nice, God :D

Hmmmm. We're almost at Queenstown, Lord. And its 12:27. Not so bad. Thank you.

Hhaha as a dancer, I think, I can go full out, and hit all the energy, but I need to learn to make it precise? Like precision and control. Please teach me that, God, teach me how to do that, shape that, give me a presence of mind.


Thank you for loving me today, there's so much to thank you for. Let me really thank you in worship later. Hopefully I can dance for it without distracting too many people :D

And you just said 'Why do you care'

Hmm. So I guess I just go full out for you? And if they ask me to tone down later, I will? But go full out first, create something beautiful for you.



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