Saturday, April 17, 2010

April 10 2010

April 10 2010

Well hi, God.

Its April 10, 9am, and I'm sleeeeeeeeeepppy.

On the wayyy to the airport. Rahhhh. More dance. Yay. Couldn't be happier. I just hope that I can get back to church in time, and that this isn't wrong, that You do approve of this, despite what other people say.

Yeah. Why am I journaling? Obedience. Love. There's like a ton to journal, but lets start with Chapelthon.

Haha gosh.

It was amazing on sooooo many levels, and God kept treating me to good stuff that made me happy, I'm so silly, how could I have thought a lame bbq party in AMK where I don't know anyone yet could have been better than this?

So glad I came. Haha.

So my options were:

1. Chapelthon. Epic chapel marathon. A chance to get to come to Fairfield and worship God in epic Fairfield style, getting back with the family that I love forever

2. Some Red Camp party. Drinking, possible fights, couple of hot chicks, a pool, new friends to make that I could possibly impact for God.

And honestly all through the day I was veering more towards Red Camp. Angelo was going there, sigh, and as I simply asked God which I should go for:

He said 'Chapelthon'

Really clear. No questions asked. 'Chapelthon'.

Which was when I realised I kinda wanted to go to the party more, but I didn't want to give any up.

I even packed in the morning so I had options to go to the pool party!!

But by the afternoon, I just gave up and said 'I'm going to listen to God. He knows what's good for me.'

I'm so silly. Haha. Chapelthon just about blew my mind. Crazy amazing. Just amazing. I was created to be here. Thank You for dragging me to be here, God. Truly you know what is best for me and I'm so silly for doubting.

Thank you for the mercy to be patient with me.


Crazy :)

I didn't even know who was going to be there, and God dropped Kai En and Lincoln on me to be my friends, crazy friends, throughout the whole thing. At first I was worried that they wanted to sit with other friends and that I might be infringing, but they seemed cool about it, and only seemed to stick with each other, and so we became a team. I hope that worked out for them, it really did for me :)

Goshhh. Fairfield all the way man.

I walked in, and watched the freedom at which everyone could praise God in this school, and wanted to, and I thanked God. So many people, so many schools don't get to do this. And God's favor keeps coming out of Fairfield. Goshhh. Freedom to pray, sing, everything. Madness.

3 worship bands, one from each past year, and I loved how the COOS guys (us) started jumping and worshipping like we're used to. Haha. Changing culture. I was aware that a number of traditional church people might be there.

Including my sister and brother.

I thank you God for letting them be there. One church service with all of us there. Its prophetic. And both of them were touched, thank you God, the very point that they were there shows a certain passion for you, and God, keep that strong and take them higher, aye :)

It was soo good to see Rachel in her comfort zone. Yeah. Nuts :)

Anyway. Jumping, praising God in a school, reckless abandon... yeah (;

I've come so far since the idiot kid I was in Primary, God. Thank you for taking me here :)

Ahhhhh. So, worship. Hhahahaa. Pretty crazy.








Goshhh. Just crazy. I was sooooo happy. And glad that he'd recently been the VP. And as he spoke, as he talked about his story and the things of God, omigoshhh. It was just so familiar. And I know that my passion for God was sparked a long time ago in BB when David Chan and guys like him sparked it off, passing it on.

The message style was so familiar. And here he was again, blessing us. Simple message, but very sincere, and we were all home. Crazyy.

Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians his favourite books. Hahha.

I remember the acronym. Go Eat Pizza Can. Stuck with me for ages. Till now.

And as he shared... :):):)

Wow. Haha. Worship later. Last band. HOSEA STEPPED UP TO LEAD. WOW.

It felt so good! Seeing him, so confident, up there, serving God, and knowing that all of us have come this far, even though its without each other....

Truly you are God, God, and good. We have come into our own :)

And we're not even really there yet :P

Yeah, Crazy. Worshipped, crazy. My sister got to see something. See the culture. I was worshipping in dance in front. Hopefully I wasn't too distracting. But yeah. Rocks :)

Saw Joash later too. Spoke to Hosea. David Chan. Helsa.

Oh mannnn. I mean, it just feels good because I was such an idiot in Primary School. I know. And just to be able to stand there, proud and tall, knowing that God has changed me and that we've all come a certain way -


The best, ever.

Ahhhhhh thank you God. No party could have beaten this. I so needed to be here :)

And to go back to school? To worship while in the minority? I can identify with that. Yeah.

David Chan's message. HOT for Jesus. Epic passage in Ephesians.

Pretty much a lot of the questions I've been asking about coarse jokes, language, and everything like that. Covered in the passage that he read.

And HOT.


God I thank you that I have the first and last one covered. Sorta. But its there.

But its Obedience I need to work on. To glorify you. To parents. to you. Simple things like reading my bible and journalling.

To do it out of obedience and love to you, not whether its good for me, cause honestly that philosophy isn't working very well.

Raise me up to be a man obedient to you, God. Yeahhhh.

Fairfield pride. Always :)

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