Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Neck crack

Mmmm. Good night's sleep. Also the last one i'll get this week. :/

Good day yesterday yo. I've been toning down on the witty remarks and upping on the action, hope it helps. Course it'll take time, but still. I want to win their trust back.

Heading to school in abit, to finish ALL of marketing, yes its a tall order, yes God you'll help me, i know (:

Its still bugging me loads about webgra. I can't seem to find a way to talk to all of em at once. Help.

K zoid and breakfast time!

Monday, July 30, 2007



Okay like, i could go for a better title again, but no. Too much crap to do, i've decided i'm just going to randomly come in and spam whenever, because i never have time at the end of the day to do epic long posts anymore :/

And i forgot what i was going to say again. Ah well.

Stupid logvid test. My hands hurt ):

Later :D

Ow ow ow

I could put more effort into making a nicer title, but priorities.

That also means no long posts today, diary. Wake up call means I have to ditch you too. You're sorely missed.

Keann, when you look back on today, remember today as the day you got your butt kicked by your groupmates, deservingly.

Thank you God for giving me these people, help me make it up to them and return the countless favours they've given me. I'm sorry for being a horrible witness for you Lord ): Help me change. I want to, but its hard and you know why (:

Thank you God.

Help me treat my fellow (very awesome) classmates the same way i treat my hockey mates.

Okay now little break from work, and then to school and logvid test. Lets go :D

Saturday, July 28, 2007

For the 10 dollars

Standing on the rooftops
Everybody scream your heart out.
Standing on the rooftops
Everybody scream your heart out.
Standing on the rooftops
Everybody scream your heart out.
This is all we got now
Everybody scream your heart out.

Utter win <3

Best jam/blast/scream song in the whole world, hands down.

Dear diary, i just got back from insane day with my hockey team, love the game to nuts, love my guys double nuts.

We rule, quarter finals knockout, but we had SO MUCH CHEERING YO.

Haha man. Like our own final penalty shootout, beating out the team that kept slamming our faces into the pitch the first game to get into quarters, epic, drama, heartgripping, so good.

Was amazing.

Man blogging not up to my usual epicly entertainingly standards today, rushing to beat the clock, won't do a full entry ):

Gonna fill this up tomorrow, just you and me, diary :D

All the love I've met
I have no regrets
If it all ends now, I'm set

Everybody scream your heart out.


Night, thank you everyone, thank you God, its been one of the best days of my life.

Haha night man. Signing off <3




I swear, aster is rubbing off on me. /wrist.

Friday, July 27, 2007

17 dollar shorts

Bloody hell. I just came home for the second time in a hour. Heading out again prepared to come back at unearthly hours. So much for rest before hockey.

I'm exhausted. Maybe i'll blog more later.

- ggowned by jennylow
- logvid
- chinese song singing*gasp*
- melody found my blog :blink:
- trolley killed me
- queensway sprinting [majorly epic]
- 17 dollar thank-you-god shorts
- bath. now.


adrenalin stress attack. Sweet. Its work time.

Night me ;)

Thursday, July 26, 2007


Random colour+friends quizzes have scarred me for life.

I quit reading at "Patrick is your soulmate."

Oh God.

Nice and quiet

I prefer it this way. Offline blog's peaceful, and i don't have to worry so much about trying to be entertaining and making crazy ass long posts.

Just me and me.

Maybe i'll take it online sometime, but now, i need this to be my center.

My calm. Whatever you call it :D

Damn frigging tired. Legs still feel kinda stiff from yesterday but hey I'm getting better - hope i am- so its cool:D

Wanna do well at this. Loads of people have told me i'm too competitive AND I KNOW, but theres never been grey area for me in my life.

Either i go all out, or i don't give a shit.


So sue me.

And i'm going all out to get my life back. Needa job, and i'm totally going for her. Yeah. Her. No names you morons, blog's offline but still, no. Piss off. Haha.

I like being quiet.

Kay i lied. Right now i do though, I'm a man of moods. Its been proven.

Gonna go print effing bottle stickers now.

I like this :D

Wednesday, July 18, 2007





(booming voice that sounds not like me at all)


(end booming voice)

Mwahahahahha :D

Thanks loads itchy yo for helping me find the power of eye-torturing colours on black backgrounds!

I told you he was a cool guy.

Shoutout to Madhan, Fiqa, Yang, Kiki, and Issac in colour that i wasn't able to do before!

Rock on yoar.

On schedule and kicking ass as per usual

That's awesome. And all me. I kick ass, yes, thank you, i love you guys, you're the best fans a guy could ever wish for.



Oh aster totally helped loads with the dentar thing.

Its our marketing logo. Its uber win. Yes. Like, win.

Did I say win?


Awesomely cool hands down, yo.

Oh, the reason I haven't been updating is because I've been so totally caught up in work, doing that logo at aster's place with awesome peranakan foods and alcoholic pears<3 And alcoholic pears<3 And alcho-

Goshdarning frigging awesome. I would have taken pictures, but i'm still waiting on my camera donation. (cough) It's taking ages, don't you think? ): ): Okay soz, and yes, its been cats, cats and more cats after that.

No not that cats.

This cats:

Its bad. Like horrible. Like our lecturers to date have all been sex deprived old spinsters teaching us shit with blown-up colourful totally unneeded experiments to teach us really important life lessons, apparently.

Like "looking out for the disadvantages of a creative product"

Wait for it.

Really profound words of wisdom coming soon.

I wish :|

It really is just "looking out for the disadvantages of a product". No profound creative juice inducing methods to do so, just listing it down.





So yeah, its pretty bad, and extremely anal, its like learning the alphabet from a old wrinkly kindergarden teacher whose fogged up oldish glasses can't comprehend that we're all grown up now.


Thank god we're over that.

Yes, really.

Final presentation today with awesomely cool cats groupmates fiqa kiki yang and madhan, aka free marks for impromptu smooth/glib/what-have-you speeches and funny gimmicks slash dress codes to catch the audience( who-we-really-don't-care-about-but-we-pretend-we-do-so-the-lecturer-thinks-we-do)

Yawnish, really.

Thank God my group consisted of 99.9% mass commers, i think i would have cried if i had been shackled down with the hai-i'm-in-business-i'm-so-cool-but-i-read-off-notes-for-presentation business students.

Man oh man.

Its over :D

Oh we signed our identical caps that we wore for presentation :D

Yay-eah, bitch.

Just kinda try to forget the fact that the cap says 3rd-rate-chinese-newspaper, it was the only freebie uniform-esque cap we could mass-obtain ):

Lunch with cats group just awhile ago, and mad (translation: awesomely cool kickass guy with incredible wit) totally lent me his hair wax so i could fix my horrible horrible flat hair.

Needs cutting soon, yo.

Aye totally in library now with itchy and issac, <--cool dudes man, just randomly found them in the library and we just chillin' in da hood now yo dawg.

Okay soz i gotz no streetz credz ):







Random catz picture.

Alright see you all, later!

I so need a decent camera.

Monday, July 16, 2007


16th July, Monday, 2.24 am


I’m exhausted.

No philosophical entries tonight, yo, its work work work sleep until all this is over.

Yes, Keann actually does work now :D


Thank God for resolutions :p

So half CATS done, namecards done-


How cool is that. Its kickass, I tell you. Its amazing what desperation does to ingenuity.

<3 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="http://www1.istockphoto.com/file_thumbview_approve/669830/2/istockphoto_669830_crazy_jumping_guy.jpg">

Stagger to school, live through medsoc, grind out full presentation for cats before meeting. Get caps. I HAVE to figure out whether 6 hats are in the presentation.

God I hope not :|

Then meeting, maybe talk to them about a skit, obtain baseball bat and bubble toys.
Somehow :blink:

Play my heart out for soccer, dress up like a apprentice wannabe except with a polo, which makes me even more wannabe :/

Kick presentation’s ass.

Hockey :D

Then its back to Thursday, Friday, and filming, filming,filming.

Go logvid.


And then it happens all over again.

And I wouldn’t have it really any other way (:


Okay I lied.

Crashing in hopes of new brain juices in the morning, night!

-2.36 am-

Sunday, July 15, 2007


Sunday 12.10am

How high does a sycamore grow
If you cut it down
You will never know

Zomg hi again

You think you own whatever land you land on
The earth is just a dead thing you can claim

But I know ev'ry rock and tree and creature

Has a life, has a spirit, has a name

You think the only people who are people
Are the people who look and think like you

But, if you walk the footsteps of a stranger

You'll learn things you never knew you never knew

Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon
Or asked the grinning bobcat why he grinned?

Can you sing with all the voices of the mountain?

Can you paint with all the colors of the wind?
Can you paint with all the colors of the wind?

Come run the hidden pine trails of the forest
Come taste the sun-sweet berries of the earth

Come roll in all the riches all around you

And, for once, never wonder what they're worth

The rainstorm and the river are my brothers
The heron and the otter are my friends

And we are all connected to each other

In a circle, in a hoop that never ends


I dont know. Random. But I do feel that Disney lyrics are more meaningful than we give them credit for, duncha think?

Nostalgia seems to be an indulgence of mine :D


Like so.

I’ll be crazy again once I see all of you again, take my word for it (:

Resolutions for at least till the semester ends:
- I won’t touch warcraft no more, it isn’t helping my work at all.
- I’ll apologise to webgra group and anyone else I’ve wronged in class.
- I’ll be on time for lessons and meetings.
- I’ll pull my share
- I’ll do what I’ve said I’ll do, on time. I’ll be reliable.
- Logvid marketing medsoc and webgra. I’ll kick ass.

And the most important one:
- I bloody hell won’t skip church no more. I’m sorry Lord, really):

Bring me back to the heart of worship, Lord (:

I'm coming back to the heart of worship
And its all about You
Its all about You, Jesus
I'm sorry Lord for the things I've made it
When its all about You
Its all about You, Jesus

Night, I’ll see you guys (:



:D :D :D

Soon yoar.



As I am you understand,
and that's more than I've ever known (:

-Sunday, 15 July, 2007 11.15 pm-

Your harmony To the melody
echoing inside my head

Beautiful lines :D


Yeah. Then I heard You Are The Music In Me :D

Na na na na Na na na na yeah You are the music in me

You know the words

"Once Upon A Time"
Make you listen?
There's a reason.

When you dream there's a chance you'll find
A little laughter
or happy ever after

yeah harmony to the melody
It's echoing inside my head

A single voice

Above the noise

And like a common thread
Hmm, you're pulling me

When I hear my favorite song
I know that we belong

Oh, you are the music in me
Yeah it's living in all of us

And it's brought us here because

Because you are the music in me

Na na na na
Na na na na na
Yeah yeah yeah
You are the music in me
It's like I knew you before we met

Can't explain it

There's no name for it

I'm saying words I never said
And it was easy
Because you see the real me

As I am You understand

And that's more than I've ever known

To hear your voice

Above the noise
And know, I'm not alone

Oh you're singing to me

When I hear my favorite song

I know that we belong

You are the music in me
It's living in all of us
And it's brought us here because
You are the music in me

Freaking goddamned amazing. Screw snowballs. HSM 2 just beat it hands down. Liek, with the biggest tuna’s you’ve ever seen gracing a chatroom or e-forum.

Annihilated. Man. Hsm never fails to send shivers down my spine :D


Lol I honestly dont like--truthfully--I hate High School Musical. It had so much hype and I really expected alot... And i switched the show off on the first viewing after a few minutes... because... it was atrociously corny/cheesy... it's not a good film at all... A concept that's ordinary yet wasted... the only thing i can applaud is the music and choreography... direction/casting was just... stereotypical... the blonde basketballer who's meant to be more than meets the eye, the exotic quiet girl who can sing actually. 2 more brainless blondes and a black dude... no one more black girl ok?... it's insulting... but I guess for Amerian kids--its a dream come true ay? I miss the DISNEY movies of the old days... Haha no offence against u liking the film coz loads of pple still go goo goo. Im just disappointed that other musicals that are amazing arent at all applauded by the popcultured world...


It kinda helps that Vanessa is oh-so-fall-able-in-love-with :p




Doesn’t everyone just wish deep down that life was simpler, and that the loves of our life, our reasons for being, lights of our lives and stars in our skies are simply right around the corner, ready to bump into us, and its gonna happen any minute now?

I had that briefly, and I let it slip right through my fingers, and sometimes I wonder if it was even real.

-contemplates morosely-
-slaps self into composure-
(you were only supposed to talk about that in that last entry, dickhead ;| )

I think that’s why I’m so into High School Musical when pretty much everyone else and their left nut thinks it’s a pretty damn moronic clichéd and pansified show. That life- that perfect- almost- magical life- is what I’ve always wanted, having a crazy kickass time and loads of exhilarating experiences- sharing it with that special someone right by your side. And they all lived happily ever after.

I know I know ):

-reality is nothing like that, and everything I’ve ever learnt or been told tells me that the only way I’m ever going to find that special someone is to play the dating game, making the rounds, going through the fish in the sea until you find something you like the best. It makes perfectly logical sense. And relatively easy to do :o

But where’s the magic in that?

<---- Magic.

The irony is that these little meaningless games we play, the personas and facades we create, are inevitably made in that endless forage for the magic we believed in as kids. You know its true. :o I don’t know. I haven’t figured it all out yet, but I know enough to know that if I EVER lose that spark, that want for the magic and that longing for my happy ever after, I’ll lose myself in a dark well that I’m NEVER going to be able to climb out from. Never. I’ve lost too much innocence already as it is.

Sometimes, you just gotta cling stubbornly onto the little things that make us who we are, no? Even when every logic in the world is screaming otherwise?

When you dream

There’s a chance you’ll find

A little laughter

Or happy ever after

And sometimes maybe, just maybe, dreams do come true (:

And maybe, just maybe,

I’ll find my single voice,

above the noise,

My very own music in me.


Night yall.


Saturday, July 14, 2007



Maybe something more snowballish, but not to the extent that the sappyness and softness puts readers off.

Blog needs saving.

Amber or someone, halp :D

Open your eyes and see
The wonder of a life
So wonderfully free
Lift up your head believe
There is more
There’s so much more to see

Hillsongs :D

Post on snowballs and why coming soon! <3

Rock on yoar.

Wait wha- I got a wha- uh- blog? :blink:

14th July, 2.58 am. Friday night.

Hey diary. Yeah, its weird and all, but I need to start one now before I forget everything I just said. Maybe I should have taken notes. :o Whoa. Okay ignore me. Okay not really.

I’ve never been able to admit that I still miss what I had with Anna before, and that I still want that, huh. Huge eye-opener. Thank you God for Charlotte, and being God :D

So. Anna. Its been a whole year or something. Lol. Charlotte said something that really struck me, its that Anna will pretty much always be a part of my life. Always. I can get over her, but the impact that she’s had? On everything I do? Man. No way in hell am I ever going to get away from that, not unless I totally change the way I’m living now, and even that would be indirectly influenced by her. Lol. Awesome snowballing ironies. Sike.

I’m staring at the page trying to admit to myself again that I still do like her. Uh. Not love, not infatuated, but that I would definitely go after her again if I met her and she was single. Maybe even not single. What the hell. Lol. Still, that’d be treating her like any other girl I’d be interested in that I’d bump into, huh. Lol. Only bump, though. I can’t seem to be bothered to actively go after girls nowadays. Too much trouble.
← Truth.

Sitting here missing the times we had..sigh. Heck, Genny never was like that. Kay so its unfair to compare, and I did enjoy myself, kinda, but a big part important to me in relationships is being able to talk. About anything. About everything. Never was like that with Genny, yo.

Dude Keann wake up. How are you so sure that a relationship with Anna wouldn’t have problems of its own? Maybe we wouldn’t be able to talk either. Maybe other shit would surface. Don’t assume shit you don’t know, kay.

Maybe that’s why I want to find out so badly :p Whether it would work out and shit.

Sigh. We can’t always have what we want. But should I at least try? Lol. I know, I know, stupidity. Life isn’t all a High School Musical, aight.

Still, that show kicks major ass. I don’t care what anyone else says, it kicks major ass. Shut up. So I like simple innocent happy fairy tale shows. And happy idealistic songs. If we stop believing in ideals, we’re doomed. I mean it. Humans are by far the only species that perform shit based on illogical, impractical, emotional and idealistic impulses. Exactly NOT like a pig. And that rocks.

Soz, back to Anna. Think I’ll be able to stop this here, tonight? Lol. Pretty sure I can, its all a matter of wanting to. Oh yeah I want to. But not yet. Tomorrow morning yes. Maybe a bit later. Whenever I have to go be popular again. Yeah, that works, somehow. Lol.

So I like being vulnerable and emotional. So sue me. I get to do it so rarely. And I believe it keeps me centered and humane. Besides God, of course, hey Man you rock my socks off. God that sounded bimboish.

I miss church. Yes. Totally looking forward to it. I half feel like going on, and on and on, and on, but there’s the part of me that just doesn’t want to think about how reluctant I am to commit to actively taking a stand for Christ in school or something right now. Feeling too guilty, and really not wanting to admit it to myself. Damn afraid of making yet another promise to God tomorrow, and not keeping it again. Sigh. We’ll just see how we roll then, God put fire in my heart (:

But do I want to be fired up? Do I really? ):

Shan’t think about it. Which is bad. I know. Still gonna do it. One intense contemplative soul searching enough for the day. And I kinda do know that this one was the easier one. Damn.


Ghhagggh. Shat. Diary post im now considering making a blog for. Why do I even want to do that? What the hell. Yeah, the naïve part of me wanting to be understood. Social suicide much. Plus ruining chances of getting with her for about forever. Oh look I didn’t specify. I’m already leaning towards the idea of making it public.



Lol. Whatever. Sleep now. Yes please. Night diary. Thank you God. Thanks Charlotte for everything :D


This close to heading over to the dark side and publishing this ):


And now I don’t want to stop talking. As per usual. ):

*forcibly ejects self from seat, even though self is having a kickass time*

Ah well. Night.
-3.27 am-
-3.31 am-
Ha. Feeling better already. World Of Our Own – Westlife - kicking emotional ass for you. Booya. Can’t not groove to that song <3 style="font-style: italic;">We got a little world of our own
Ill tell you things that no one else knows
I let you in where no-one else goes
What am I doing without you


I don’t wanna say goodbye, there’s a certain tangibility of finality about the whole thing ):

Gaaaggh ah well :D

Night :D


-3.36 am-