Thursday, July 26, 2007

Nice and quiet

I prefer it this way. Offline blog's peaceful, and i don't have to worry so much about trying to be entertaining and making crazy ass long posts.

Just me and me.

Maybe i'll take it online sometime, but now, i need this to be my center.

My calm. Whatever you call it :D

Damn frigging tired. Legs still feel kinda stiff from yesterday but hey I'm getting better - hope i am- so its cool:D

Wanna do well at this. Loads of people have told me i'm too competitive AND I KNOW, but theres never been grey area for me in my life.

Either i go all out, or i don't give a shit.


So sue me.

And i'm going all out to get my life back. Needa job, and i'm totally going for her. Yeah. Her. No names you morons, blog's offline but still, no. Piss off. Haha.

I like being quiet.

Kay i lied. Right now i do though, I'm a man of moods. Its been proven.

Gonna go print effing bottle stickers now.

I like this :D

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