Sunday, March 7, 2010

Facebook Archive 5 Jan 2009

Here we go here we go here we go.

God, i'm been thinking and praying about this all the way back and this is what i've gotten from you so far:

If I undertake this project, I will be challenged so so much. I'm going to cry a lot, gonna fall a lot, my grades will probably suffer because of this, and the soul-searching i'll have to do while this whole thing is going on is going to be huge and painful. Trying not to take charge. Trying not to judge. Massaging egos, especially mine. Being humble. Watching the parts of me that are prideful and want attention and everything be called out by people to be burned away. And much more that I can't remember. But it won't be easy, and it won't be easy for my friends as I ask them for help.

But. This. Is. For. You. And after much praying and searching and wondering if I want this thing more for me or more for you, more for my own personal need to be edified and to be seen as effective and useful and doing something great, more for my own need to be seen doing something important, more for my own need to not be a failure, more for self-praise and attention and congratulation and respect and recognition, more for it being exciting, or whatnot.

Or simply for you. And simply taking the school for you. And creating a place of worship in this school, a huge one, to thumb our noses at the devil and say this is a school for God and we're damn well going to worship here as we please.

And reaching out. Reaching out to those who aren't saved. But i think this is more of making a statement, that we are here, more than conquerors, and look what we can do empowered by God for God.

Your direction Lord, not mine. I have yet to settle on a direction for this thing, it needs much more prayer, and more than just mine, those of the people i bring into this and we decide together what You are saying to us.

Humility. I am not the most humble person under the best of circumstances, but do help me Lord, to not be falsely humble, to be glad in the stuff that I have and to be glad in the talents of others. And to know after all that really, I don't know much at all and to be open to teaching and experience and other perspectives!

I'm sure by now you must be wondering what the hell is all this about, and why you are tagged here:


I have a dream that this time next year, 2010 (yikes), that the Convention Centre in Ngee Ann Poly, at least once, will be overrun by God's people in a concert of worship. A convention, of sorts. Very limited by space, yes, but I want it (my wants?) wall to wall packed with people coming all over to worship God in our school.

Hell, I want to bring in Hillsong. (Again, my wants? But I don't see how we'll be able to fill the halls with people coming from all over Singapore without having a big name about it, to smooth ruffled feathers)

(Lord if you mean for it to be a smaller event and for different reasons other than making a statement and taking the school please do tell me and send people to tell me that.)

Anyway, i see Hillsong or something taking the stage as we worship. A-

Okay I'm not really sure how this is going to work cause we can't jump if everyone's seated on the seats, and if we clear the rows leaving the floor then people can't really see very well!

And the problem with a big scale event vs a small scale event is that a small scale event is yeah well, too small for the convention centre and a really big scale event would be way too big for the limitations of our hall.

Finding a middle ground is v, v hard.

I'm sure God will make a way though, if he intends for it to happen. The issue now is that I do feel Him saying "Go for it", but I'm worried if its just me, or I'm hearing it wrongly. Which is why I would like other people praying for it with me as well, and that is why you are tagged here.!

Schemantics wise, its not that hard. We've had on-fire people brought to us that are readily equipped for the handling of details for such a thing, people familiar with lights, sound, stageworks, people moving, school booking details, mc-eeing, making videos, everything.

Yeah. Can you see it (:

One of the things that I got from God while praying on the way home was that my current role in this thing was to get people excited for it. Spread the word about the Word. Yeah. Not logistics, or program, or worrying about detail, but getting people excited about this concert for God in school.

Epic, huge, wall to wall, Christians and backslided Christians and non-christians getting drawn to the school thing because they are in our school and maybe they've heard this is going to be really exciting (e.g. Hillsong flying in), and leaving transformed and shaken by God's word, which they may or may not have planned to happen.

Yeah. The centre and heart of our school pounding not to Hip-hop, or whatever, but the name of Jesus. Students and hiding christians standing up to be recognized and meeting each other and maybe doing something great after that.

Its a statement, its a starting point, its a catalyst, not just for Ngee Ann but for youth across Singapore and in schools across our island. Its nuts, crazy, epic, may be not such a good idea, but if God wills it will work. What do you think?

Share this with whoever you think might catch the vision! :o And if it is foolhardy please let me know ahaaha:/

I release this in faith. Lets see what happens.

I can't believe I can't think of more people to tag this to. I can think of a few, Sharyl, Josh, Cerise, etc, but I don't have them on my facebook! Ahhh.
Written over a year ago · ·
Khalisah Tan
Khalisah Tan
I think with meticulous planning, good time management, focus and drive, you can accomplish anything you want :) And for a good cause too, why not?

good luck :D
tsk. i kinda like Hillsong. xD
January 5, 2009 at 11:48pm ·
Joshua Khoo
Joshua Khoo
Good stuff Qi-En. Remember that it isnt about the name. And honestly, learn to succeed small, and then the bigger seems easier. And all the more, i want you to be at Fuel School fo Prayer.
January 6, 2009 at 1:21pm ·
Nicholas Sia
Nicholas Sia
i didnt know god has facebook :D

haha jiayou btw!
January 6, 2009 at 7:21pm ·
Keann Chong
Keann Chong
Nuts. Haha. I didn't expect you to come across this, pastor josh:O

Aye, where do i start though! What's Fuel School for prayer?
January 6, 2009 at 9:50pm ·

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