Monday, March 8, 2010

8 March 2010 - 620am Raffles Place Worship to Morning High-Fives

8 March 2010

Oh hi. Journalling again. Haha. Yup yup. I still have a backlog....

Anyhoo. I'm pretty tired. Its 1.27pm, I'm heading home a lot earlier than I expected. Not sure what to do, suddenly. Is this what holidays are like? :DD

But of course, I have that report to finish, and various emails, long and short, and by the time I'm done with all of that, I'll be dead. And still movie tonight. Very nice.

Today's handover was interesting. Haha. I mean, nice. Totally didn't expect Mario to not be there at all. And that we were just talking, and it was all on me, I really didn't expect that. Glad I came on time, feels good, and feels good to be trusted like that, and having fulfilled that trust (:

I feel very productive. I mean. Quite tired. Doh. Didn't sleep at all, and bounded around from 730 to 9am in COMPLETE TRIGGER-HAPPY MODE.

Sheesh. Haha. Wasn't sure how much further I could go. Sooooooo funny. So happy Su Min asked me along though. And that I wasn't late. And that I fulfilled what I was supposed to do, and went beyond it, and its such a good feeling (:

Thank you God. Haha. I wish it didn't take me not sleeping at all though! Le sigh.

Well saying hi to everyone and making their day better was funny. Interesting. Everything that I learnt about compliments and the power of words, and making a difference, and being sincere, going out there. And I was front man again. Meh. University students. Okay I'm sorta biased because I feel they're naive, a little bit, trial run lol just go up and say hi, JC breeds. Hahhahaha. I mean, it was quite funny.

And my co-hi-fiver, being a very angry girl that seemed to take it as a job as opposed to an opportunity to sincerely make a difference. "Don't talk to them, hit and go". Lol. Nah, its about being sincere man. And taking interest. And going for it.

Hope I influenced something. And brought God out there. Its so fun. Hahhahaha. It isss!!! And I got a cool shirt out of it. Hahaaa I remember bounding out there and being a crackerjack, and the SMU students just staring in awe 'omg he's crazy', and I'm like 'yeah'.

So many videos and pictures taken of me ><

Well, whatever right. Thank you God for the experience, thank you that I could make a difference, that it played to my strengths, and I hope the people really are blessed and do have a really good day today!

And there were random opportunities to pray for people and stuff but I just missed it. Ahhhh. Haha. Owelll. I want to do this again soon. Pretty awesome.


I loved that before it, I got to worship God like crazy. Haha. Let me tap into His Awesomeness. And His Love, and His Sense Of Purpose. Yeah. 'Amazed'. 'Fire Fall Down'. 'All About Jesus'. 'Everything's Changed'. 'Hosanna'. And not caring that I was in public, and vaguely hoping that I inspired some other Christian, or picked up someone who was hurting, yeah (: I mean, I didn't do it to show off, but I'm unafraid to! Yeah (:

And it really made a difference. Yeah. Crazy (:

Hahahhahah nuts. So tired now. But thank you God that I finished the words of the report. And now I have soooooo much to do. Help me do it, God. Get it over and done with. All of it. I want more completely free days to run to new places and worship you, and do crazy things. Yeah (:

Had a 3 hour phone call with Rachael last night. Our first. And we def weren't acting like friends. Ohwell. I loved that she apologised to God for that first though. And that its not just me. Crazy. Its not enough ):

But at the same time....
Sigh. Hahahaa. She is so amazing. And I really, really, really loved the part where we were talking about last last Friday. And every single detail. From both sides. Nuts. Haha. Sigh. So good (:

Heart singing (:

Thank you, God, for putting her in my life, help me to treat it with wisdom. And give it back to You. I love You. And thank you that you love me infinity xx whatever I feel for Rachael now. Which is pretty powerful. Thank you for this new understanding (:

Nowwwwww Help me stay awake through later and the movieeeeee. Omg. Hahahhaa.


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