Sunday, August 9, 2009

Saturday, Service, Spirit replenishment (:


It was about Saturday.

Haha. Hold on, on that note, Friday, I also learnt an important lesson about not being late. It really crushed me to not be able to be an usher, just because I was 10 minutes late, especially when I took a taxi all the way, bringing me one step closer to being broke.

Sigh. I was angry at first, thought they were being unreasonable, then I realised that the right thing to do was to learn the lesson from it. Late, face the consequences. Therefore, don't be late. Haha.

And it worked out okay anyway, I had an enjoyable time in the subway with the long book (:

Plus, I found it quite funny that the only reason I'd dress up to that extent is because I am an usher, an official representation. Like I'll do next week. When it comes to myself, I can't really be bothered. I want my own style. Haha. Uh.



What happened. Oh yeah. The conversation with Joshua Simon. Oh man. Haha.

What happened was that, weeks and months ago, I had a huge argument with him about healing and its possibility. And we discussed that arguments didn't do anything, but somehow, experiences can be seen and talked about, and the person still might not believe (case in point: Josh).

And I picked up somewhere along the way from Pastor Jen and all that, that some things can only be gotten through revelation from the Holy Spirit. All arguments and experiences can't do anything, without that.

And on saturday, Josh just came and spoke to me that he believed in healing now.

Because of me praying for him that day. The funny thing was, he didn't even get healed man. But the experience really wowed him, about how I stepped out in complete faith and was ready to intervene.

And he said about healing and stepping out:

"What is really needed is intervention, the healing from God is just a bonus".

That's crazy. Because see, as people stepping out, we do understand that, but its not something you'd say to the people you're praying for! Because it sounds like a cop-out, an excuse, a "oh you didn't get healed but that wasn't the point anyway".

But its entirely different when the people you're praying for, completely realise that for themselves, without you saying anything in the matter. Okay, revelation through the Holy Spirit.

Its one thing to hear that logic from Joaquim and the Bethel supernatural healing bigwigs! That the healing is just a bonus! Its another thing entirely to hear it from your friend, whom you've stepped out for, and you didn't say anything like that at all to them."

Its so powerful.And that's when you realise that "hey, I don't have anything to lose, at all." "This is real."

Dannng. So I really needed that inspiration. Because post-SSM, I've been regressing. So caught up trying to survive schoolwork, knowing I should be going around healing people, but still being afraid. And slowly regressing.

And yesterday restored that, put me back in the mode. Pastor John talked about it in the message as well. And brought us back, replenished us, re-encouraged us that we can heal and we should go out and do it.

I so needed that. Haha. The SSM spirit, had been slowly dying away.

But now I am reminded and re-restored and ready to go!

Ready to see a wheelchair and see it as an fun opportunity, not a fearful obstacle.

Again. Yup. Haha.

I wondered if the others, Hannah etc, were going through this as well. Cause its the whole "we're going to step back into schools and cause mass revival! yeah!".

Then it doesn't happen. And we (at least i), can't help wondering if hey we're wasting our gifts, what we've been equipped. Vague sense of unease that something should be happening, but we aren't doing it. Guilt.

That's silly. Haha.

but yeah lets clean slate it. Ready to go. Hmmm. Operate from approval aye! No "we need to do this", it really is just a bonus. No pressure. Haha. Fun. Love.

Hohohoho. Okay. I got Saturday down. What's important about it, anyway.

Lets hit this productive mode thing. Lets do up this radio thing (:

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