Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Bus Rides and MJ

Apparently I do work so much better on the bus, so....

Before I start, I would just like to say that I am terrified. Absolutely terrified. I do not want to screw Michael Jackson up, man. He touched hearts and souls and was such an icon and inspiration to so many people, so huge, that I reaaaaalllly don't want to turn in an amateur piece on him. Not for me, but for him, and for his fans. Joshua. Any dancer. Audrey. Any other fan. Any lecturer. Anyone who understands and was captivated by his genius. During his time. Nuts. This intimidates me, God. Haha. The man is a towering icon, how can I possibly begin to encapsulate his presence in one story.

One shot, one hype, one day. Haha. Hooboy. That said, I love writing like this. Free. Writing stories is so much harder, I fret and worry over every single word I might say, I am caught and stuck between endless possibilities, and now I can be stupid and I just don't care and SOMEHOW it turns out great to read.

How does that work out. I don't know man. Maybe I should write this way for my stories first, then edit. Take whatever comes..

But something in my psyche rails violently against doing work twice. Haha. Oh freaking man. I would like to write the way the wow bloggers write, but then again, those are blogs, right? The time and trusted method of the "professional" writer....

Oh gosh. How to capture that explosion of awesomeness that is MJ. And i just found out about him man. Haha.

Zinnnnnggg. How was today, God? Well I loved worshipping in the morning. I thought Acting turned out okay. Whatever right. Just hope Mel isn't pissed off at me. Sigh. Dieeeee. DVD review tooooo. At least I found the movie. God really please I need you for this stuff.

"Trust in the Lord in all your heart and lean not on your own understanding," God says. "In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight."

Guess I just gotta roll with that huh. Haha. Rarrrlgh. I worry for SPSS, God. If I'm rushing thar DVD review and all, how do I have time to analyse? How cans we survey? Plus I can't expect them to carry me further, Mel and Dion have done a ton already and its time for me to step up. Man.

Wisp, EPM, Masina, Printjourn...

NPCell. Movie. Clubbing. Oooh boy.

Should I go for Rachael's party, God. I want to ): I sense the answer is no, but I want to. I finally got invited to something, something social, and I want to make the most of it ):

Then again if its not of your will I'd maybe just get screwed right. Haha. Okay I sense the answer is no but I'll ask again? Alrighty.

Ahhhh Michael Jacksonnnn. How to scale that insurmountable thing. Haha. God really just flow and give me an inspiration and passion and ENERGY for the story? I want to write something that touches, grips hearts. Like crazy. The man deserves it. His fans deserve it. Haha. Please Daddy.

I now also realise that I should ask Val to change the script. Maybe the character might swear, but there are other ways to convey emotion and make a good scene. You don't need that. If I compromise on this, how can I be strong on not compromising on nudity or sexual scenes as an actor, or anything? Gotta stand firm. Not "for the sake of the scene." No. I shouldn't compromise. Rarrrgh.

Okay God. Thank you for everything, thank you for money, thank you for friends, and I know you will take care of me. Gotta go. Gogoogogo.

Laterrrr (:

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