Wednesday, June 17, 2009

SSM Second Night Notes

SSM Second Night Notes


As you study creation, you will find God there!


Matt 19:18

Honour your father and mother, love your neighbour as yourselves!


John 15

Love one another, just as I have Loved you! (Jesus)

--> Second level of love!

First level love as self, second level love as Jesus did!


Eph 3:17-21!

And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge - that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God (:


Songs Of Solomon

---> Full time choir to follow around those in love lol.


The kingdom has a high value for passion!

The disciples knew servant-hood!

But the kingdom has a high value for passion! (Like Mary who poured perfume on Jesus' feet)

Maybe we have focused too much on obedience and starved people from passion, from love!

From experiencing love and doing this out of the passion of love!


You think that these great missionaries are sacrificing things for God!

But if you're in love, it doesn't matter! It is completely driven by passion!

From the outside it can look like sacrifice, but from the inside its driven by passion!

Its not hard, its easy, there's nothing you'd rather do!

Sometimes the church, enslaved by discipline, looks at these guys and are like "wow they make great sacrifices!"

But its not like that, you get in the centre of their world, and its really easy, nothing matters, nothing is hard!

The greatest value is not discipline, its passion, its love!


Motorbikes 30 miles in the rain and cold. Its not sacrifice, its love, its completely worth it. That's love (:


We always tell each other in the church "You have to read the Bible, you have to pray, you have to listen to God, and if you don't, BAD THINGS WILL HAPPEN TO YOU"

But that shouldn't be the case! That's not the purpose of the gospel! Its about love!


"You really have to ride your motorbike to see your girlfriend!"

"No no, anything but that!"



Kris doesn't do this for money! He doesn't do conferences for money! He doesn't need it! He hates planes, he hates travel, he hates flights, and the only reason why they do this is because they love us, they love people (:

Haha. Love (:


I want to be so in love with Jesus that everything flows out naturally and I'm here because I love this guy and I like these people! (:


Hebrews 11: 11-12!

Abraham vs Sarah.


Men learn to save your marriages

"I, was wrong."

Maturity is learning to say "I was wrong" the moment you see it!

Not days later!


Ladies learn to save your marriages

"I forgive you"

Don't tell us why you knew we were wrong! Its rubbing it in, we don't want to talk about it! It took us a long time to get here!



Love rewrites your history!

You think you have a terrible past, but God rewrites your story, and suddenly later everyone wants to be you!

Haha well.

Because He loves you. And when God loves you, your history looks like His.


Oh my gosh Kris's grandfather loved him his whole life (:


If Kris' grandfather, who never knew God, knew how to love Kris, how much more will your Father in heaven love you!


You cannot exaggerate the love of God! The moment you ask it, or tell it, its bigger. Than you ever could think it was.

His love can be experienced, but not explained!

And if you knew that God loved you, you can never again doubt that your life has a purpose.

And whatever bad thing that has happened to you, He didn't do it.

He loves you too much.



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