Wednesday, June 17, 2009

SSM First Night!

SSM First Night!


When you accept Jesus you enter full-time ministry! You may be pretty bad at it but you're in it! --> Kris


When our theology moves towards our reality, it changes our destiny!


When we realise that our Father, really is God, like in charge of the universe, and he says we are royalty?


Dude. We're all royal.

God doesn't use little people! He doesn't have any!


The heavens still spin! God is still working!


Humans are the only creations made after God's image.

Don't ever talk bad or little about yourself because when you do that, you dishonor the Creator who made you!

You're amazing.


God gave us a sex drive!

That means we want to have sex with somebody!

But what happens is that in many churches we pretend it doesn't exist! We pretend that this isn't happening to our young people!

And we wonder why we're losing our young people.


So why does God give us a sex drive way before we're supposed to have sex!

"Far be it from me that I give to God something that cost me nothing." --> David.

God wants us to give our partner something that cost us a ton, blood, sweat and tears to keep!

So yeah (:


Luke 22:19! (Luke 22: 14-20)

And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying 'This is my body which is given to you, do this is remembrance of me.'

Romans something


Hebrews 9:16

Where a covenant is...

The Old Testament is an old covenant!


God created you because he likes you! If he didn't, He'd get rid of you a long time ago.

God had a world without you, and he didn't like it! That's why he created you! He likes you!


Moses vs People

Moses: God wants a relationship with you, People!

People: "God scares us, you tell us what God says, Moses, but don't let us talk to Him, lest we die :o

Rules vs Relationship! People chose rules! God gave them HUNDREDS OF RULES.

And its impossible to keep all those rules!

That's what the new covenant is for, to recreate the relationship with God! Jesus!


A covenant means: A promise made until death.

Its serious business.

You would use to cut an animal in half and walk through its blood to commit to that, in public. Signify that if someone breaks it, he has to die! A promise made unto death.


Now God made a covenant with his people, about rules! You wanna be righteous on your own? Keep all these rules.

But its not possible! So God wants to change the covenant. And to do that, He has to die! A covenant made unto death!

A new covenant makes the old obsolete!

Hebrews 8:10-13

It is fulfilled, it passes away!


Matt Chap 5:--> Jesus says, you have heard it, love your friends, hate your enemies! But I say now love your enemy, and pray for him!

Where the people hear to hate their enemies!

From God! God said go into Israel and kill everybody, don't let anyone get away!

Saul loses his kingship because he EXTENDED MERCY to a king that God did not extend mercy to!

Psl 129:31

Joshua 11: 20

David killed everyone who didn't love God!


There's a big difference between the old covenant and the new covenant!

David killed, showed no mercy, to people who did not know what they were doing!

Paul said show mercy to those who do not know what they were doing!

So did Stephen as he was dying! Show mercy!

There is a difference!


Plenty of people try to bring the old covenant into the new covenant! This is wrong!

Many people in America say that at 9/11, it was God judging America for sin!

Anytime something bad happens in America, people say its God judging America!


Mercy is not Justice!

Mercy does not feel good! Pastor Derek judging that A can go free for murder because A's father used to play golf with Pastor Derek, that's mercy!

But it won't feel good!

Now bring Jesus into it! Because Jesus is sinless, and does not deserve to die, when he dies for your sin, Justice is fulfilled!

When Jesus dies, Justice is fulfilled, and now God can release Mercy! Without being crooked!

See, God doesn't need to punish anyone anymore! He doesn't owe anybody anything! He can let anybody off that He wants to because His son died for Justice, now he can release Mercy!

God doesn't punish anyone nowadays for bad things! He doesn't have to! Don't make a misunderstanding of the new covenant!


Punishment is not the same as Discipline k. Discipline is in love.


Don't try to administer justice against people/for God! You are paying twice for what God has already done!

"America needs to be judged!" Well, so do you!

Shut up lol.


Jesus said to the Pharisees "

Violent men take the kingdom by force! The law said "stay out". The prophets say "You didn't keep all the laws, you can't come in!"

And Jesus took his cross as a Battering Ram and smashed our way in!

Trojan Hose of Jesus Christ! You are hidden in Christ! You snuck in through the grace of Jesus Christ!

And now that you're in, you think everyone else outside should be punished!


"America deserves judgement! And we need to change, or America is going to be judged by God!"

Blahblahblah materialism blahblahblah.


There's a difference between sowing and reaping and judgement!

"Its semantics"

Its not semantics.

Judgement means to condemn, to consider, to pass judgement, etc

Judgement means God makes you pay for what you did wrong!

Sowing and Reaping is the natural response of what you do! You make a decision, and you reap what you sow! It has nothing to do with God needing to actively punish you! You do it to yourself!

God is trying to get us to not reap what we sow! Thats called grace. He stood between our sowing and reaping, put up the wall of the cross, to keep us getting what we deserve!


Housing prices going up by 20%

Employee's wages are only going up by 3%

At some point, the employees will not have money to buy houses!

Banks make money when they sell money!

So instead of giving 80% loans, they give 90% loans!

And people only need to pay 10% of their house up front!

So people can buy their houses again which will be worth more money anyway, so the money comes back!

But the money doesn't flatten out, because people who sell houses, they want to make money! So they keep trying to sell higher, and higher!

So the bank needs money, so it gives 100% loans to sell money!

And people can buy houses again!

But people are not invested in their houses anymore! 0%!

And at some point people start giving their houses back to the bank!

This equals housing crisis.

Now if you were 20% invested in your house, you would hang onto your money, money you have earned through sweat and hard work!

But now that you're not, you're just like "I'll give the bank the house back."

Banks go bust, insurance companies go broke...

"Its the insurance companies' fault"

"Its the politicians' fault"

"Its George Bush's fault"

"Its God's fault"

That's not the judgement of God, that's the spirit of stupid!

No wonder people don't want to be Christians...


Isaiah 61:2 "The spirit of the Lord is upon me to...." His inauguration speech in the temple!

When Jesus proclaims the passage of Isaiah, he left out the second part of the sentence, which had to do with Vengeance!

Because Jesus didn't come to judge the world, he came to save it!

So if Jesus didn't come to judge the world, why are you?

Are you a prophet of the Old Testament, or the New?

The prophets of old did not have the blood of Jesus!

Why are we telling people we need a Saviour when we already have one!


The prophets didn't know about a Second Coming! They didn't know Jesus was going to come once as a Lamb and once as a Lion!

They thought Jesus was going to come and lay his Kingdom on earth at the very start!

And so very little Pharisees didn't accept Jesus as Saviour because He didn't fulfill ALL the requirements of the Scripture!


There is a difference between the Last Days and the Last Day!

The Last Days are called great and glorious! The Last Day is great and terrible.

Why terrible! Because its horrible if you're not a believer! You are Judged!

Acts Chapter 2 --> This last day is when the Sun turns dark and the Moon turns to blood!

Did you know that when Jesus died, the Sun turned dark and the Moon turned to blood!


Jesus was the exact reflection of the Father!

Like the Moon reflects the Sun!

And when the Sun turned dark, the Moon turns to blood! Omg Jesus died in blood.

And when that happened, the start of the Great and Glorious days arrived!


Mercy is not getting what you deserve. Grace is getting what you don't deserve!

Not only Jesus is not giving you what you deserve, He is giving you what you don't deserve!

Not only is God not punishing you, He is giving you a great reward without you doing anything! How? He hid you in Christ!

Acts 17:30

2 Peter 3:17 -->Day of Judgement!

Jude verse 6--> Judgement of the Great Day

1 John 4:17--> Confidence for the Day of Judgement!


If you start trying to judge people for what they deserve, you are trying to pull the Judgement Day into the great and glorious days!

And it is said that no mercy is to be given to those who shows no mercy.

And anytime you call for people to be judged, you are transported back to the old country where you're still a fugitive!

New Creation! Old has passed away, new as coming! Next Verse!--> Not counting their trespasses against them. --> Next Verse --> Ministry of reconciliation! --> Not counting their trespasses against them!

What is the Spirit of Elijah! What does Malachi say about it! In the new covenant, restoring the hearts of sons to fathers. Reconciling families!

If you moved the prophets in the old testament to the new testament, they would know they have a new job! From judging kings to reconciling families!

They have a new job description!


What about Ananias and Saphira! God killed them for lying!

But are we dead for lying, in the church, every day? No!

If you show me repeated instances of this happening, but it was a one off!

If God wants to bring A & S home early because they are polluting the church, sure, He can do what He wants!

But he doesn't need to do it to fulfill judgement! He already settled that!

And look who they were talking to just before they died! Peter, the most famous liar in the Bible!

That's God's sense of humour.

And Peter lied before he was even saved lol. A & S died after they were saved. Big difference.

Haha well

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