Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Affirmation Email To Pastors Josh and Jenn


Possibly there is no real rational need for this email, but the story of the tenth leper has kept nagging me all day for some reason and there really shouldn't be a reason why I shouldn't thank you two for today(:

Like, yes, thank you so much for taking time over me, I thoroughly enjoyed and will treasure today's hanging around and sharing my dreams and thought processes around people, authority figures in fact, who actually want to hear more about them (even in the interests of the interview), and are completely loving and encouraging and especially wise, and though I vowed to be completely honest during the interview, me being so easily able to trust you two so implicitly and naturally completely didn't make being honest a chore at all, because it is so evident that I can trust you guys to come down hard on me if need be and I will take it happily knowing that it is reasonable and will ultimately be for my good.

So thank you, especially you, pastor jenn, you're often such an inspiring leader-figure both on and off the stage, comforting and ministering and changing and touching lives and mindsets through God and being able to talk to you, really talk to you personally and i-suppose-semi-deeply, was a huge thing for me, and completely inspiring and motivating, to talk to someone that cares and invests so much in her flock and to know that she cares about me personally as an individual, and especially to know that is all through a result of God's work in your life.

That actually applies for both of you really. Little decisions that one of us make to follow God can have such a huge chain-impact on other people's walks with God and in turn that impact on other people, this I have learnt and am in awe in, but to see you both and the pastors touching and impacting on so many people's spiritual walks at once-I can't comprehend the awesomeness of that fact and I really want to thank you guys, even though it seems to be an obvious thing, for all the work you have invested in us and everything (though I know and have seen so little of it, I am still hugely appreciative already).

And I would like to hope that if/and when any of us become pastors or full-time or whatever, that the lessons we've learnt from you people will carry us and keep carrying us so much further, not just the ones you teach, but also the ones you live and exude (e.g. camaraderie and unity between pastors, though that would seem quite "duh") . Thank you, you are amazing role models(:

Pastor Josh, even though you have come down on me honestly and brutally about everytime I had some weird angsty problem in the past, I want to tell you that I appreciate and still do appreciate you taking that style when it comes to handling and guiding me, instead of with sympathy points or whatever. And that..this is because I know that when you do, it will be completely rational and reasonably so while looking after my best interests at heart, and so I can be honest about my shortcomings and wait gladly for the disciplining that I trust. And weird and drastic it may seem, you're about the closest thing to a father figure I have had (besides God, who is awesome), even though I don't talk to you that much, and I thank you for it.

And that's about as much mushy man-love as I am comfortable with giving. Um yeah.

But my point is, thank you for everything, and thank you for today, it wasn't so much of an interview as a sharing/somehow-counselling session with two amazing leaders-in-God figures that I respect and trust immensely, and I was really ministered to/learnt a lot (not just in lessons you taught, but lessons you lived as pastors that hopefully I will pick up on in the future), and it was ultimately awesome. Thank you(:

~Keann/Qi En/Whatever. Haha

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