Tuesday, November 4, 2008


To The Streetz (Dance) Segment Descriptive Practice

Oh man.

The people here are effing cool! Its like whoooaaaaa. Hahahahah. I want to get up and start trying stuff just by watching them. It’s a very very addictive atmosphere. I’m in in the underground underpass right next to the Esplanade and City Link here in the heart of city, right below where I’m sure cars and buses are rushing over my head this very minute. But I can’t hear them. What I CAN hear, is the squeaking of rubber soles, right here in this brightly lit, low ceiling arena, as dancers break and lock and glide all over the marble floor to music from their own boomboxes. Its awesome. Its already 9pm, I’ve been here since 830, and its cool!

What these guys mostly are doing is breaking, flipping over their heads over and over again as they seem to be trying every possible body part to move over the floor but their feet, dressed in their big loose shirts, track pants or board shorts, and sneakers. No skinnys or jeans here, as everyone’s dress sense seems to be geared towards allowing as much movement as possible. No specific colour, you have purples, reds, whites, blacks, it doesn’t matter, as long as you can move in it, its legit. Accessories-wise, most people don’t have any. It hinders dancing, after all. But some are wearing bandannas, and a few have beanies, and the big caps that hip-hop dancers and breakers have become known for are scattered around the area, next to the occasional glove or wrist/armband. I’m not sure why, I would assume its hot to dance in such, but maybe its just being part of the whole culture. Haha. I have to ask about that.

Not everyone is dancing, and not all to the same beat as one would think, from what we see in movies and concerts. People are pretty much doing their own thing, talking, chilling, laughing, and of course dancing. But to their own beat, and their own time. It’s a very “learn if you want, and at your own pace, no pressure, we chill”. But man, when they dance, its ANYTHING but chill.

Guys and girls alike in loose-fitting shirts and pants, pound across the floor, flying and whirling and twirling as passerbys, whether teens going out or people coming back from work, sneak curious glances at them while hurrying past, trying not to stare in fascination, almost as if scared that they’ll be caught gawking and singled out, and beaten up or something, by these scary people, shouldn’t they be at home studying instead of out here hanging out and wasting time? Oh, I would call this anything but wasting time, pursuing a passion with bodies arced high in mid-air.

Its funny, actually. I haven’t gone over to talk to them yet, but I have a sneaking suspicion that these hulking mysterious people, who prefer to talk with their bodies, aren’t very scary people, or bad apples, or gangsters or anything of that kind.

See, as a dancer myself, I know that it takes a certain amount of humility to be willing to come down here and try, sincerely, to learn dance in what is certainly a very public place. Courage, that too, but very much too humility.

Its pretty much impossible to learn to dance, and dance well, if you’re trying to show off, or pretend you know-it-all, and learning to dance is all about learning to humble yourself, to be unafraid to look stupid, accept that everyone around you probably has a lot to teach you, and go all out in an honest effort to get better. No arrogance or shootings or anything of that kind, not like what we see in movies like Stomp The Yard. Everyone here just wants to learn to dance, follow their passion, and there is much mutual respect and camaraderie here. Seriously now, who has time for posturing and arrogance when there’s twirling on my head without killing myself to be learnt! Haha (: When you’re launching yourself in the air trying to fly, there’s no time to pretend to be a pro.

It’s a very happy place! People are laughing unconsciously at themselves and at each other, as they try to create cool and amazing stuff out of thin air, and everyone’s just sincerely asking each other how to do the stuff they’ve just seen. And if you can’t create, no one labels you as a loser. As long as you’re willing to learn, they’re more than happy to teach you. And we’re chillll. (:

Its not ONE big group, by the way. As I sit here beside a pillar, I see about 4 different groups of people, and no one is dissing one another, or caring hugely about one another, but everyone’s just concentrating on doing what they came here to do. Dance. Its not pointed ignorance of each other, just..there are more important things to think about, you know? Like is my head going to crack against the floor. And you can totally feel the mutual respect in the air, its almost tangible, as each group appreciates and understands the drive and passion and courage and humility that is involved in coming down here in the first place to the underground at the Esplanade(:

Its cool. Haha. I hear from people that the dancers are down here every day. But not always the same group, and not always the same time, and not always the same day. Aaron, who I spoke to yesterday, said that he wasn’t coming back for two weeks. School stuff. People just come down when they can, you know? To have fun(: This is the second day I’ve been here, soaking in the atmosphere and getting a feel of the place, and I’m definitely coming back tomorrow. This is awesome. Haha. :D

Mannn. I so feel like joining them. This is so cool! But I’m in slippers. Haha. Wtheck. Maybe my sincerity in coming down day after day will help that. Haha :/ I have to talk to them eventually, to interview, after all. It’d be cool if I could encourage listeners to come down and join, saying that anyone can come and learn, really, but I’d have to ask the dancers about that. Would people view them weirdly, or as upstarts, or anything like that. Haha. Good to know! I’ll talk to them soon. Maybe tomorrow, and I suppose I’ll record on Wednesday/Thursday. Yay (:

I just heard some guy mention danceoffs! Haha.

They've stayed from 830 til 10 already :o

Its hot D=, Sweltering, a bit, but maybe that's because I'm not moving. Haha. Aircon's just a step away anyway, in CityLink. Heh.

Yes, so half of them are topless now..

I think I’m going to head back.

They don’t seem like they’re gonna go back for an hour, I think. I wonder if I’ll see the same group tmr. That would be hugely cool. Aye. The guy in the red pants and shoes and no shirt has not stopped dancing at all since the time I got here and he’s reaaaally good. Intense. Haha. Sweat glistening off bodies in the many circular bright lights all over the low ceiling. Lol.

Another group seems like its ending already, they’ve changed into not-sweat-soaked clothes, went to 7-Eleven, got cokes, I think they might be heading back soon. They’re just like lounging and cheery and chill now. Haha. Yeah. Man. I could keep typing forever…



Time: 10:14 pm, Monday, 3rd November.
Keann Chong.

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