Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Hi everyone!

Thank you for signing up for the workshop; I’m very encouraged by your response (: Below are some details that you may find useful.

When: 27th Oct, 9am-12pm

Where: Room 73-03-0012 Ngee Ann Poly [non-NP students pls. ask Mylene for details]

Attire: Come dressed in comfortable clothing - t-shirts & pants (at least knee length) are recommended. no shorts are allowed. bring your dance footwear if necessary. Acceptable shirt length test: when you raise your arms way above your head, it doesn’t expose your midriff (:

Good to bring along: Towel, water bottle, change of clothes/deodorant/perfume/cologne (if you’re intending to go kai-kai afterwards and you don’t wanna smell ;))

Please have a hearty breakfast before you come, as you will be moving quite a bit and there will only be a short break. Bring along a banana or energy bar to munch then if you need to.

If you have any other questions just email me. I’ll see you next Mon!

Clydia Ruth

Creative Communications

Singapore Campus Crusade for Christ


Wut lol. In other news..


1. What did I realise today?

Uhhh. I realised the importance of scripting? Like, its very hard to be overly crazy, to go off tangent in one way or another if you aren’t confident you can bring yourself back. And when you do go crazy, you really can’t come back at all. And it gets awkward, and you can’t transit between topics smoothly. Especially if you aren’t really as on the ball on-air and on-mic like you’d like to be ):

I still don’t like my recording voice D=

But then I don’t practice it enough so I’m not used to it..

Blagh ):


Okay. Haha. Sorry for not really blogging, just copy-pasting material, but i'm tons busy and I have other stuff to do tonight. Like tons of calls to make. Haha. Gosh so tired. Today has been a good day, but a good and tiring-productive kinda day. So yeah. Haha. I think I gave a good account of myself to God today(:

Wheeee later (:

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