Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Right I shall attempt Keenan's.

> So, what's your primary food group?

I support the cereal notion. SNOWFLAKES PLEASE. And barring that, triple chocolate cereal. :D

Otherwise, I like soup. All forms.

> Who would you like to have lunch with tomorrow.

Wednesday..Anyone who wants to come over, really. I can't afford to go out, but if anyone wants to come over so we can mess with the stove and the kitchen, I am all for it! XD.

Or maybe hit Josh's place to PS2 and lunch with him. That'd be awesome.

> What kind of food do your best friends like?

CEREAL. Spaghetti. Macdonalds. Soup. Chocolate. MOONCAKES. Subway!

> Would you rather be a zombie or a vampire?

Vampire. Least I can fly. Seriously now, a zombie? a zombie? What were you thinking, Keenan?

"I've..never felt so..ALIVE"


> Erhuh. And so would you rather be Master Chief or Serious Sam.



> Favourite Pizza Topping?

Mushrooms and Pineapples. And moar meat. Meat is good. Nom nom nom. On a side note, I've finished my luncheon meat. Darn..

> Last one. Would you rather be The Joker or The Riddler.

Joker. I can live with the makeup, but I'm not getting nowhere near that green pantsuit.


> Music. What does it do to you.

Puts me into a zone. Lights up my eyes. Makes me laugh, makes me cry, makes me remember the exact time period when i used to listen to a favourite song a long time ago when I listen to it again. Makes me remember the person I was, the things I liked, the struggles and pain I felt and the people I loved. Brings me closer to God. Calms me, inspires me, heals me, and makes me want to dance.

Yeah, pretty much everything.

> Favourite Genre?

Christian. Barring that, old boyband stuff and you know, 90s stuff. BBmak. Good Charlotte. Busted. Backstreet, even. Ateen, A1, Daniel Bedingfield. Disney. I think the Jonas Brothers are okay..

Hiphop. But only for the beat.


> Favourite bands from that Genre?
Christian? Hillsong, Planetshakers, Desperation. Chris Tomlin. I like the spin that Lincoln Brewster puts on some of their songs..

> What instrument do you play? Or would like to.

I wish i played the piano again. And the guitar. And drums, but thats an even farther possibility.

> Got anyone on your mind? Come now, you know what I'm talking about. Because every quiz needs some HEART right! (get the pun. Ha. Haha.)

I hate these questions. Not happening.

> Why are you be thinking about them?


> Gonna do anything about it?

Happily no. I like being single. I really do, and really appreciate it. That kind of closeness we're all chasing can be gotten from close friends (<3) style="color: rgb(0, 0, 153); font-weight: bold;">> So what's your top 4 reasons why you like someone then (Top 3 is so overrated).

(Not in order)

1) Crazy random
2) Active, daring to do just about anything
3) Long conversations about just about anything, minds connecting, being deep.
4) God. Godgodgodgod. I've told Keenan and a couple of other people before, one of the most attractive things I appreciate in a person is her devotion to God. Like I can look at someone wholeheartedly worshipping God in the front in utter devotion and abandon and my heart melts a little inside. Even if I only ever will see that person as a friend/sister. (:

I'll add a fifth because I can.

5) The ability to keep me in line when I need to be. Hahahaha. Like, unafraid to whack me over the head, and take me down a peg and banter and exchange in funny over the top goodhearted insults. Bleh.

> i herd you liek mudkips

Notrly. I liek Jigglypuff.


> I'm in ur fridge, eatin ur foodz

Wut? Kay.

> Biting pear of salamanca

Just don't touch the oranges.

> What did you want to be when you were a kid? Astronaut, Cowboy, Lawyer (God forbid)

Fireman. Cop. Vet. You know, the usual.

> What do you want to be now? As in now, what do you want to do when you grow up.

Child of God. Forever and ever and ever.

> If you changed your mind... why?

You really want the whole story? Lol. The short of it is, God came and turned my life around, saved me, and now he's the biggest thing in my life for me, and he keeps feeding me joy and peace and healing and everything just because He loves me, and its uncomparable to anything else in this world, what He can do for me. And if He's called me, then that's where I want to be, even if I am somewhat terrified about it. Ha.

Plus its a bit late to be a vet now, innit.

> Whatcha doing tomorrow at 3 o clock?

Idk. Gonna see what Josh is doing.

> Psyched about anything at the moment?

Church on Saturday. Prayer thingy this thursday that I HAVEN'T PLANNED YET. Red Camp meeting, and all that. Mmhmm. (:

> Nearest thing to you that's plain black.


> What's on your Desktop now?

Splash Pool Party. The irony.But its a good poster, for what its worth.

> Can you multitask? What are you doing besides this quiz?

Notrly. I've had a cup of Ribena since the start of this meme, and I've forgotten all about it and the ice has all melted ):

Drinking the Ribena.

> What's the longest you've ever gone without sleeping?

60 hours. And O level week in 2006 comes a close second. I got like an hour a day back then, and that was at 2pm to 3pm, for a week.

> What's your catch phrase of the moment?


> Do you like long hair or short hair!


> Give someone a shout out!


Now tag other people so they can do this quiz instead of the other one floating around (cos this one's just awesome, ya know?)

And just because it's so cool, tag as many (or few) people as you want! Burden your friends! Etc!


Everyone else I think has been hit already, at least everyone in school. Ha.

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