Monday, September 15, 2008

I am back

Slumming around at the moment, chilling and waiting for some lights supplier guy to call me so I can shower and change and go out to meet him to sign something. He was supposed to call me at 1..

Blah. In other news, I forgot my LJ acc password again :x Time to go digging into Hannah's emails..


Coos has managed to keep a record of every single message ever given at any service (including youth service), since 2005 at least, and it is amaaaazing. The search engine is easy to use, its well categorized, and downloading a 45-1 hour message is only about 5MB and takes under 20 seconds to download.

Plus the sound quality is really good!

I mean, it is so cool. I discovered this yesterday when I was at Yisin's place, and I found a Pastor Josh message on Living A Long Life (Its about honouring your parents) on his iTunes, and we were laughing so hard. That was a good message. And its really cool, cause when you listen you really can envision you're sitting wherever you usually sit in the red plush seats, and the usual people sitting to your left and right, and people laughing, and its very easy to immerse self into a service like mode. Its like we're actually there(:

Even though that message was given in Feb 2006 or something, and I wasn't in Coos yet. But it still was amazingly cool. Haha.

Here it is! Download it! Its amazingly funny from the very start! HAHA. :D
Remember to right-click to download! Or it'll just play as an audio file!

So of course I went to find the first ever message that really impacted me like crazy, the Pastor Jen one that I talked about in my testimony(:

And the scary part is that Yisin remembers more about that day than i do. Haha. He told me that he said hi to me, and afters we went to Anchorpoint for dinner with some of the guys, and Charisia was the only girl and we were poking fun at her.

That was cool. Haha. Like, whoa. He remembers that I went up for altar call too :o

The name of that crazy message was How To Break Free and Stay Free

Download here if you want :D
Remember to right-click!

In fact, please do, its really fun listening to these messages and remembering what we were doing at that time, where we were sitting at, what we were laughing at and which parts we were really touched by God(:

Yeah. Haha. I haven't listen to it fully yet, just the first part and the story, but I definitely remember! :DD

I also found the message where I was called by God.

Spent some time trying to find it, but I eventually did, Tamara Winslow, about March this year. The voice is unmistakable. That was pretty crazy. I spent some time earlier before blogging this just listening, listening to the altar call that God just hit her with, listening to it with tears in my eyes and awe, remembering how God called me to go up, and me struggling and doubting, and God proving to me that yes He had called me, and all that. Crazy good. I am so blessed. Haha.

"I just saw the Spirit of the Lord move in this room. And it was like God pointed his finger at many different ones of you. And I felt that the Spirit of the Lord said, that its time to take your destiny. Its time to take your call. I just saw this SO CLEARLY, his hand, his finger pointing at different ones of you, saying, Its Time. Its time to take that calling, to take that destiny. Make sure your heads are bowed and your eyes are closed. I had not planned on doing this, but, I- we- need to do this."

"There's some people that are called here for different things, and it doesn't matter how old or how young you are. Right now, this is the Spirit of God. Wherever you are standing, I want you, to lift your hands to God, and just reach out to Him and say 'God I'm going to take my destiny tonight. I'm going to take it. I'mma take hold of it.' You lift your hands to Him. Cause you know its his fingers pointed at your life right now. Lift them up. Lord Jesus, I'm taking it! YOU speak it out of your mouth! I'm taking my destiny tonight!

"I very seldom do this. But there's a couple of you here, in this past week, and this is the Spirit of the Lord speaking to you. In this past week, says the Spirit of the Lord, I have been talking to you about this very thing. I've been talking to you about your destiny, your calling in Me. And the Spirit of the Lord is telling me, you are going to have to take a physical step in action. I don't know where you are in this room and this auditorium, but I need you to come right down front here because God wants to do something. There are several of you here. God's been speaking to you. IN THIS PAST WEEK. So get on down here quickly. Get on down here. In this past week He's been talking to you about your call, about your destiny, His plan for your life. I know there's a few. Okay there we go one, come on, come on, come on. God's been speaking to you. Very specifically. Several of you in your prayer time. When you've been - One of you, YOU WERE ON THE BUS. And God SPOKE TO YOU and said, I have a call, I've got a destiny for your life, and its time to GO FOR IT. "

Hannah :D

We were so blessed that day, so many of us. Its just so cool. All the memories come flowing back. All that intensity, all that fear, all that awe, all that breaking down, all that joy that comes after, every single minute of acutely feeling God's presence pressuring down on us "Go and follow my will".


Hahahaha. Here's the link to download. Its about an hour long. That was a crazy day(:
Remember to right-click! XD

Rawr. Haha. Go check out the resource! Its whoaaaa. Hahaha. Okay I am off. Later :D

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