Friday, August 15, 2008


Okay. Lets be honest here. I think my last post was mostly full of crap loololoolool. Trying to do some weird obligaatory birthday post which seems to be rather forced, so screw it lol.


I think, in the end, 18....I don't think I ever saw myself here at this point in any point in my life. Not in Kindergarten when i wanted to become a fireman, like every other boy. Not in Primary School, when I took for a given that I was going to go to ACJC. Not in Secondary school, when I was all angsty and heavily emotional, and with a chip on my shoulder thinking I was the best thing to happen to the future of Singapore radio.

Not here, crazily in love with God, mad about dance, actually playing WoW, and laying down a commitment to not look into the whole BGR thing till 21. Trying to hold everything together, trying to let everything go, so I can just be where I want to be, which is in church every single day.

Gaggh final exams. And then other random PPP and I think Challengers Camp, and other things. I hear there's crusade camp lol. Life's not over by a long shot..

But if the past few years have anything to show, its just that I don't know anything at all. Heh.

It scares me that last year, at this time, two idiots were off at Cold Rock on their first day of the job, and Josh came down to give me two books and a wristband thingy for my birthday..

Hahahahah. We've come a long way, all of us. Changing, fighting, laughing, messing about, us crazy few. Haha.

I wonder where we'll be 4 years down the road, after NS takes us?

Lol. alright, back to real life time. Later. Haha.

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