Thursday, August 14, 2008


It occurs to me that it is 10 minutes before I'm 18.
Jeez, that's old.

Anyway i figure i'll probably stop playing pokemon, and come here to do some vague musing about the past years of my life lol.

I mean, 18's a special age right. Or so our culture has made it out to be. Coming of age, being an adult, all that jazz.

Except I'm not particularly fascinated with becoming an adult. Lol.


I've always felt younger than my age anyway lol, just look at the people I hang out with the most, heh.


And the perks that come with being this age, being of-age to club, drink, whatever -

Dude, like even when we're 16/17, people who want to drink, manage to get stuff to drink. Get real, lol. Not that alcohol has particularly fascinated me either. Its...okay, I can hold my own with it, but its more of a social thing for me than anything. A can of beer effing costs triple a can of soft drink kthanks, i'll stick with the coke. Let alone the heavier stuff..

Clubbing? I think we've established that I'd much rather be someplace else every Friday and Saturday night, which is with God in church. Plus, I don't need to prove that I'm not afraid to dance or anything :rolls eyes:


Save it for the stage, man(:

3 minutes to 18. O.o

Looking back on my life...I don't think I've been the best person I could have been. Crazy screw-ups, here and there, everywhere, home, parents, school, etc.

And I really could have been so much more aware when I was younger, haha. Like thinking dance and singing were for girls [sheepish]

One minute till 18. :blink:

Bev is skyping me. Maybe I should run and hide. Lol. Or not. Haha. Love you too Bev, you're awesome(:

AND thank you all you people who have been asking me weird stuff like whats my favourite colour, where am i going to be on Friday, and whether I'm going to church, on Friday, and whatnot.

Haha. Josh, Keenan, Pris, Char, Charr, Hannah, Adin, Mark, Gerald, Suren, Maria, Grace, Sheereen, seniors, everyone that has seen me through the past years and kept me sane, thank you, and i love you. Don't die on me or something kay(:

And here pops in Charmaine with the birthday greeting. :D



Need blessing/prayer? Ask me :] says: I'll give you two huge hugs on Saturday :] 12:05 AM

KEANN~ YAY MY NOTES PROBLEMS ARE SOLVED THANK YOU GOD : DDD says: now can we go back to pretending im seventeen 12:05 AM
Need blessing/prayer? Ask me :] says: HAHA! No problem




Bah. Haha. Arrrrgh I really have to get some studying going. I'll set a target to start at 2. :x



Hey God(: Its been what, 2 years since you opened my eyes to you, and set me on the right course? And I'm sorry that I haven't always been the person you've wanted me to be, and I haven't always listened, and I haven't always loved, and I've often ignored you and your breaking heart. But I want to promise you that I'm trying, and that someday I will get there, to where you want me to be, and I promise that so hard because that's what I want. You're who I want, and where I want to be. And I will go to the ends of the earth to find you, and you're the biggest thing that matters to me. Soon Lord. But there are all these things in the way, fears, flaws, past commitments, insecurities, bad relationships, and all Lord. And I ask this year, I ask for strength to jump past all of that, to walk WITH you, even thought I don't know very much at all. And maybe exactly because I don't know very much at all. Words cannot begin to express how grateful and how in love and in awe of you I am, Lord. Dad. Will you give me wisdom and revelation, the kind you gave Solomon and Daniel, this year? Don't ever let me go Lord. And thank you for loving me(: :D


Oh enough melodrama already. This day isn't about me, its about the day Japan got owned by the British and left Singapore!

I'm entirely serious, it was today.



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