Monday, July 14, 2008

I cannot believe I am doing this

I was going to get away with not blogging for awhile. And wallow in self-pity. And try not to screw up, and screw everyone depending on me for everything.

And maybe blog 1341234123423 months later after my birthday when im actually clear of all my commitments.

And here I am doing my first ever tagpost.


No seriously, I have all my life managed to avoid these, in email, friendster, and blogs.

Bah Charmaine -.-

I find it freaky that 2 days ago I saw this on Renu's blog and lol'ing and thinking I'd never get hit by it.

Ah well.

A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs.
B) Tag 8 people to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by.
C) Continue this game by sending it to other people.

#1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
- Uuhhh. But like my lover would never betray me. I am that good.


#2. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
- Pretty much I'd want to fly. And sometimes I wonder how it would be if Anna was back in my life again. Clean slate, no idiotic mistakes, no nothing. Yeah. Would be pretty awesome, the retarded stuff we'd come up with.

And I want my dog back.

#3. What will your dream wedding to be like?
- Isn't this one of those girl questions. I don't think about weddings. Give me a pool, food, and enough cake to throw in people's faces and i'm all good.

#4. Are you confused as to what lies ahead of you?

- "Not so much confused as scared."

I know where I'm going lol. And I know pretty much God will cover all the bases for me. Still pretty damn terrified about the short term future though. Pool party cannot screw up. Grades cannot screw up. Life cannot screw up. gg):

#5. What’s your ideal lover like?
- I lol'd at Charmaine's answer. Hmm. Daring. Willing to go out there. Spontaneous. Very spontaneous. Spontaneous to the point of "hey wanna go jump in that lake *pushes you in* kinda spontaneous. I like being surprised, it makes a change from me always being the random one. Yeah. Intelligent, but still dumb enough to make me smile.

Yes, I have a secret fetish for closet bimbos. Only closet. Jeez. Okay maybe not closet. I confess. I like hanging out with crazy airheaded "omg lets be dumb now" people. But only to a point lol.

Awesome with kids. Athletic enough to do said crazy things. Crazy things include dancing. But yeah i think i'm spending a disturbing amount of time on this answer so NEXT PLEASE .

#6. Which is more blessed? Loving someone or being loved by someone?
- Have you tried doing only one of the above with someone? It sucks.

#7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
- I'm never going to get to the point where I'm crazily off my senses enough to sign away my future to someone that doesn't want me back and doesn't care for me the same way back, and all for a self-perceived future with what I think that person is without even really knowing her.

- Been there, done that.

#8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
- Deal. Move on. Its not as if I do anything about people I happen to like that aren't attached..

#9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
- Gee let me think now. Lol. Much stress about letting everyone including myself down. Everyone including NPSU and 200 freshmen. Etc. Not giving as much time to God, and listening to a clear call regarding SU as i should be. Parents. The usual.

- Why is there a question like this without a "anything that has made you happy?" part? D= Random hilarity has been ensuing in the past few days as well..

#10. Is being tagged fun?
- Er. Fine. I like being appreciated and remembered that way. Haha. I mean, its not something i'd ask for excessively, because that's just horrible attention-whoring, but who says I'll say no :D

#11. How do you see yourself in 10 years time?

- Not an editor, not a radio person, not in film, not in tv, god no not in advertising.
Yes, what am I doing in Mass Comm right. Lol. Hopefully just out of Hillsong. Wiser. Still random, still retarded. Still happy. So much more closer to God (: Serving hopefully, and being obedient and doing awesome works in His Name. Dating or almost married. Still cool.

Or I could be dead. Lol.

#12. Who are currently the most important people to you?
-God,..and here we go: Bev, Keenan, Charmaine, Charlene. Big four. Haha. And coming right behind them are a plethora of people I appreciate greatly in my life, and who I can't bear to rank one over another. Heh. Josh, Adin, Pris, Melissa, Melodi, Melodie, Shereen, Sheereen, Rae, Lala, Sharyl, Polly, Shermaine, Rachel, Hannah, Gerald and whole Detention Bunch, Matt and general that class bunch, Enna, Bellejoy and rest of cell, Dinner Group, and everyone :D


#13. What kind of person do you think the one who tagged you is?
- Someone im never ever really going to be ever tired of, and who's dysfunctions i can tolerate. Funny, amazingly gorgeous, deep, sensitive, still stupid but in a endearing way, i'd trust her with my life. I've already trusted her with my hair, so..

-Also, thank God she picked up dance. Lol.

#14. Would you rather be rich and single or married but poor?
- Stupid Charmaine, go with the darnned question criterias. Lol. Uhhhhh. Now? Definitely rich. What! I'm single anyway, and I don't have an undying urge currently to marry anyone i know, so why not?!

#15. What’s the first thing you do every morning?
- "Wish I was still asleep" Then wish I could fly. And wish I had money to throw around, and friends in the next bunk/room/next door. Then I fulfill the first wish.

#16. Would you give all in a relationship?
- The Relationship? The whole point is to try, right?

#17. If you fall in love with 2 people simultaneously, who would you pick?
- I'd fall in love with someone else.

#18. What type of friends do you like?
- Pretty much the criteria for lover whatever. Always having my back. There for me, supporting me, but still having their own opinions, and having the intelligence to realise that different opinions don't always have to get in the way of friendship. True friendship is transcending all of that, and still being tight(:

There for me generally means jumping in a lake when I want to jump in a lake. Also those that aren't afraid to express themselves, those who not only are there for me, but I can be there for :D

#19. What type of friends do you dislike?

- People who judge. People who judge without knowing much at all. People who are crass, and think that sex jokes are God's gift to mankind, cause they're not. People overly obsessed with getting drunk. People who think THEY are God's gift to mankind, and that gift means putting down everyone who isn't. People who marginalize other people. Yeah pretty much. I HATE people when they start judging others, and then making jokes about it. This includes jokes about lecturers. They don't deserve that crap.

Tagged by:
Charmaine (:


4. BEV
8. Melodi. Haha.

Er. Sorry Matt, I know you've answered so many questions on your blog already but yeah lol. I'd put josh there but he never reads my blog so..



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