Tuesday, May 6, 2008


So here I am sitting here pondering stuff. Primarily shouldn't there be work I should be doing and and I vaguely really really want to watch Iron Man but lack of buddies in tow equals failure. Sigh.

SO I GOT A NUMBER OF KICKASS DND PHOTOS YESTERDAY. : D It really does wonders for your general morale level to receive amazing photos in dry dry lectures after a whole long night of no sleep.

Wweell we were Dota-ing but that's a different matter altogether. Hmmph.

AND I WANT TO GIVE A BIG THANK YOU FOR ALL THOSE LOVELY PEOPLE WHO SKYPED WITH ME YESTERDAY DURING LECTURES. You made them bearable. Barely, but you guys were my saving grace. And yes I was still listening and taking notes. I swear. Haha. By God's grace(:

I just remembered vaguely the dream i had so i put it down here before it fades omg. I was hiding/running from some evil big corporation. Again. And the setting was this huge contruction structure, y'know, like those half wrapped in green gauzy cloth things we see when a building is being built. Lots of interconnecting rusty iron bars and poles and girdles forming like a maze/gym structure/cage thing. And it was huge. Like 50 levels kinda huge. And me and some people were hiding in it. I distinctly remember everyone in dream as having a face, I just can't remember who they were, especially the 2 dudes/1 woman in business suits hunting us down. :s

And I know there were a number of you guys in dream with me, I just can't remember who you were. Maybe vague freshie faces my brain just picked up on. Hfmmmmm.

We got caught, by the way. In the end haha. Two girls or something got caught and then they found us all and SOMEHOW I DON'T REMEMBER HOW we ended up in an lt.

Don't laugh. Yes. They held us in an Lt. Looked like a cross between the ones at block 73/50 and the room in Battle Royale.


I remember nothing much after that except somehow there was a room. Like a nice hotel/bedroom kinda room, and there were a bunch of us SU people. :s

And apparently Jeremy owned the room. And he had bottles of stuff or something. And I went downstairs and did some vague stuff, and somehow we ended up at a beach. Not Sentosa. Like Pasir Ris/East Coast kinda beach.


Lol. Its funny about my nice big dreams though. Its always the same. I'm always running. Hiding. Running again. And always from an evil big corporation. Sometimes I'm all alone and the world is under control by the corporation and all the people i know are out to get me too. I usually get a couple of lucky breaks, and have a couple of people that got my back and help me out. Other rebels or something. Was my parents once. But mostly friends. Sometimes like yesterday, there was a HUGE bunch of rebels with me.

And most of the time, except yesterday, I can fly at some point.

Like that time I was Harry Potter. Or that time I could inexplicably glide along really strong blasts of wind over the sea and stuff.

Yes I've dreamt that I've been Harry Potter. And had a whole pack of Death Eaters/Storm Troopers hunt me down led by Voldemort that somehow gave me overtones of Darth Vader. I hung from the moon that dream. And managed to hide in a chest of some sort. Briefly.

Hmm. I wonder what the psychologists make of this. They'd have a field day with me:

"He's always running."
"Yes, this indicates some deep-seated trauma.."

Etcetcetc. Lol. But yeah.

In the spirit of coming back to the topic at hand, THANK YOU AGAIN PEOPLE WHO MADE MY LIFE BEARABLE YESTERDAY. Pris. Bev. Yixin. All those other people with Yixin when she was the only one online on Skype I had to turn to who teamed up to make me snort with laughter in the first row with the lecturer just beyond my screen.

I just realised that lecturers read our blog.



I'm so screwed. Lolololol.

So yes thank you Yixin, thank you Larris for being a moron and mooning me your boxers which was gross but it helped. Thanks Keith, and all the people I didn't know who waved hi. Thank You XD

No thanks to Sonia, who adamantly refused to get Skype when Yixin went offline briefly and I was struggling in horror.


It was really bad. I had to retreat to the damned toilet to sleep for 15 minutes, first in the Guy's washroom till people started coming in, then the Handicapped toilet on the toilet seat. Seriously now.



And here comes the Pris entry. Haha. And no guys, don't go getting any ideas. Morons. Lol. I'm a strong believer in the friends-->good friends-->maybe maybe maybe a relationship theory, and in that case we have nothing to worry about, do we? Friends aren't forced. You don't have to "try and make a friendship work". You don't go for counsellings over friendships. Friendships aren't one-way. Lol. They be natural. They happen naturally or not at all. As opposed to the whole "i hit on girl, girl likes me, we date" thing. No pressure. We have nothing to worry about at all. Yes please :D

And when crushes happen, or if the friends we have suddenly start getting very attractive to us or have been from the get-go, we ignore them people, as much as we can, and let the waves pass. Aye. No reason why an attractive person shouldn't offer value as a simple friend too aye.
Haha. We're people too!



Yes back to Pris. As she was pretty much the person I talked the most to the whole day yesterday, I feel somewhat obliged to devote a portion of my musings to her somehow.

And no Keenan. You don't start coming in here and demanding posts of my days. Lolololol.

Pris...Pris is really nice to talk to. Haha. On so many levels. She's radiant, she's sweet, she's awfully serious when she has to be, and she has the prettiest smile. Haha. Yes girl, the reason why people remember your smile is not because you smile so much and you're keeping up a mask of smiles even when you feel bad and pissed no not at all. Its because its amazing. Its encouraging, its sweet, and it says a million things at once. God gave you the gift to smile girl, use it. Even with your luohan forehead. XD

I'm serious! Have you seen Pris's forehead lately!

Omfg. Lololol.

So Pris insisted she could be a bad girl. Because I'm too lazy to photoshop, I'm going to use the limiting capability of Preview butbut watch this:

No. Just. No. BAHAHAHHAAH. Omg internet cuts like in 10 minutes so I'll make rest of post quick. I'll upload my fun photos later maybe.


Failed photo. Haha.

Dinner time (:



Haha. And because this is Pei Bao's cam i really gotta give her some screen time:


Apple looks extremely good that day with whatever she did to her hair. You should do that more often girl! You're a babe :D

Melissa is just an idiot, per usual.



I'm going to end this post with my two favourite photos of the night with our lovely Pei Bao:


If you say "focus please" I swear I will kill you.


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