Wednesday, February 6, 2008

I forgot t say

Lol in all that happened yesterday I forgot to talk about this thing that happened that really should have stuck in my head but the fact that it didn't shows how much I healed alr and that's kinda cool [:

I saw both the girls that have had the greatest emotional impact in my life ever within 5 minutes of each other yesterday O.o

Which was freaky. Oo-er.

Erm. g i'm not saying you didn't mean anything to me oh no you meant boatloads to me but these 2 really liked had effects on my psych and personality that still can be seen today so :x

So anyway I saw Anna yesterday. Or at least I thought I did. Walking out of cine and i'm pretty sure that was you sitting there in your acjc uniform gorging on some random piece of meat that occupied all your attention and had your head turned away from me but I'd recognize that hair anywhere. I didn't have time to confirm glances but I was still pretty shocked cuz we were talking about you and some random philosophy I have in my life regarding girls cause of you not 2 seconds ago :blink: Uh.

So that was freaky, and then we were at the traffic light opposite Heereen and I saw you O.o
Alison. Hello first girl I ever fell in love with when I transferred to Fairfield Primary in P3 February, looked across the length of the classroom at you and you smiled at me and I decided you were the first person I ever liked. The stupid things I did or refused to do unless they were done for you I still remember but I don't care to mention lol, and the fights I had with Glenn for you, and even back then you were a tracker, a swimmer and a super smart student especially in Chinese of all things O.o The presents I got for you on CNY and on your birthday which is 12th September which I still remember, and the 3 whole years I was madly in love with you and only you and I made no secret of it and I still get teased about it when people remember. The dog I got after PSLE which I named after you but didn't tell you because I was afraid you'd freak out. The funny chess set you got for my birthday in return which I treasured and never opened till Sec 4 when I broke and I had no more chess sets and we needed something to do in class and we promptly lost the pieces and tore the paper. Yours was the first phone number I ever memorized, hand and house phone(: The teddy bear I bought for Valentines Day in Sec 1 and gave it to you through a girl in church that went to your school Nanyang Girls High which subjected me to teasing of no end. And I think we actually might have gotten together cause of all the long phone conversations we had when we were in Sec 1 except I was a messed up person and I fell in love with a girl in church I promptly forgot all about you. Seeing in when I was in Sec 3 and you were with your family and your sister Kelly who also is a great tracker like you and not saying hi cause I was embarrassed and you didn't recognize me first lol.


No I didn't actually say hi cause she was with her friends in their i think HCJC uniforms and I honestly doubted she would recognize me? Plus she doesn't know about my english name so lol. Lets just keep those memories buried for her i'm okay with that(:

HAHA. And you know what 2 seconds later when we crosing the traffic light and I was still freaking out visibly and Josh and Sharyl were asking me why when I bumped into Vanessa :o

Anna's trombone senior and best friend, a very pretty girl with huge eyes. :o

Freaky day. And no I'm not going to talk about Anna anymore than that cause I don't feel like it and you gossip-mongers are going to have to weasel it out of me, your chances are higher in person and if you buy me stuff \(^_^)/

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