Monday, January 28, 2008

Draw me deeper

Oh Lord don't ever let me forget just how much I love you and just how much you've done for me cuz I can feel myself start to take all these things for granted and I never want to do that guh/

You've given me direction, security no one else can provide, a safety blanket, gifts i mostly take for granted, experiences and miracles in my life that I can't exactly seem to draw to mine but I distinctly remember them being present in my life.

Assignment miracles. Countless
Time miracles
You healing my arm in malaysia. I'm damn sure I heard it broke and the fear and despair that washed over me lying there in the middle of nowhere.
Testimonies before my eyes
Random acts of providence of money, internet etc when you knew I really needed them
Taking me back over and over again
Loving me
Me getting into mass comm
My girlfriend and all the lessons you taught me from that
Thousands more that I don't remember cuz Satan doesn't want me too but I pray that you put them into my head through dreams and whatnot.

Don't let me forget Lord, draw me deeper and keep the fire burning within me cuz the fuel's waning, make me delirious for Your Name(:

I pray and I pray and I pray fervently for all the outreaches Lord, but especially for the movie marathon. Help me ask people to come Lord, to not fear rejection and all that, and just open doors for me to ask aye. Help me be a living testimony of Your Love pleeeasee I wanna and give me a hunger for Your Word. I pray for guidance Lord. From You and from the Spirit and from teachers. Show me where to read and learn(:

Gnight Lord, bless tomorrow in Your Name? (:

I can feel the passion coming back Lord, and I thank You :D Use me omigosh don't let me stumble.

falling on my knees in worship
giving all i am to seek your face
lord all i am is yours

my whole life i place in your hands
god of mercy humble i bow down
in your presence at your throne

i called you answered
and you came to my rescue
and i want to be where you are

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