Sunday, October 28, 2007

Lolwut New Shoes Clingy Father New Job and Impending Nightwalk

In essence, that is it. I just managed to get myself into another insane middle of the night thing. Scare myself silly. All of that. Yeah.

Aside from that, today was a really good day yo. Hanging out with Mark was cool, we haven't seen each other for too long. Hopefully we can do it again next sunday. Barring FMSA camp. We'll see how it goes. Its a shame mag and adora couldn't come down. Miss those two as well yoar. Ah well. Next week (;

Got my shoes a size too big, but screw that, they're good. Then I lost my old shoes on the bus or something D=

I have to stop leaving random things behind.


Got my job back. Lol. Irene and David don't seem to remember me quitting the MIA way, so its all good. Starting tomorrow. Again [rollseyes]

Should be interesting. No I will not comment on the Anna angle.

Tried to get ______to lunch today, which failed. Stupid workaholic responsible girl. Or maybe she just doesn't like me.



At any rate she'll have to call me tomorrow at some time so I'll just go with it then.

I hope they let us do the gym orientation on the spot in the afternoon :/ I can't stay for the night one, work and all. Woohoo.

Did my radio report! Almost anyway, I'll come back tomorrow night to listen to that Mutton Midnight Madness thing so I can wrap it up. Now I just have the podcast/capsule to finish up.

Which fails ): Its Akon. Gah. Lord give me inspiration or something. ):

IAC could potentially be a huge bitch, or an instant A. Working with Elkee is really fun though, lol@ Emo Monitoring Organization Singapore ( EMOS) XD

Hope I can keep it up.

Help me hit the ground running and keep going all the way till my 3.8, Lord. Only You can help me(:

Oh thanks mel for tagging and your take on the whole God/clubbing/loved thing! You're amazing mel, thanks a million :D

*gasp* I'm getting readers. This could potentially be good or bad.





okay yeah. Gonna head to nightwalk now and stay over in school or something till lectures tomorrow. Then work afters. My bag is frigging stuffed, aye.

Yes, I know I'm insane. I hope I get to do my quiet time tonight, I have a huge sermon to work through(:

Be with me Lord.

Night !

:D :D :D

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