Friday, October 26, 2007

Busted, T-rex roars, cell leaders, and i need new shoes.

Don't think I wanna know you
I'm tired of running after you
I won't send you sorry cards
Cos I don't need to
I'm giving up and I'll never reminisce
I've found a way, I'm getting over this
I let go in every way
Cos I don't need you

Busted, Can't Get Thru

Crazy awesome song. No i'm not doing the whole sensitive emotionally hurt guy thing again, I just really like the song. You have to hear it to understand. That whole wounded confused desperate hurting mood set over the whole song is something i can really identify with, that's all. There isn't a person in my life right now that remotely fits those lyrics.

Probably that Anna thing again. But c'mon, that was ages ago :rollseyes:


Songs like that don't make me sad, they actually cheer me up cause I just start feeling good that i broke out of that whole pain cycle. I made it out. I'm clear (:

Soz. Uh. Stomachache, now. Don't think i'll stay online long, gotta go upstairs to take a shit. Plus i noticed _____ going offline just as i came on. So much for that (maybe she'll talk to me idea) yeah. Hah. *meh* :/

okaytosumitupbecausemystomachisgoingonyouneedtotakeashitnowstrike im just going to sum up today really quick.

Hair fails.

Spent more money out of my shoe fund):

Procured the t-rex sounds, tons of them, found the snazzy brassy iconic horn solo from the jurassic park soundtrack that is just so old school classic verving win. :D

Cheryl called and Joseph messaged me to make sure that I wouldn't be stranded at corporate prayer cause no one from my cell could make it, that was really nice. Even if I didn't really need it :rollseyes: I'm not THAT low-profile, and God would provide anyhow (: He always does. Haha.

This leads me to possibly thinking about Cheryl again. Hmm. *slaps self*


Hope she's having fun at prom. :o ............. I fail. ....


Uh. Alright. Need new shoes. Must buy tomorrow before i spend more money out of fund for food. But i'm this really perpetual hungry person ):

Church was awesome. Crazily so. Like wow. Here I am to worship, Lord (:


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