Thursday, June 7, 2012

Dad's Birthday Today

Happy Birthday
And Thank You For Everything, Always

Hey Dad,

I know both Mom and you said you don’t me to buy you anything, but this is the least I can do. The least I can I do is write you a letter. I’m so sorry I haven’t given it to you yet, was gonna write it to you last night but I got so tired I just fell asleep or something ):

Well, its your birthday today, crazy. 52th! That’s nuts. And I’m sorry it took me this long to finally give you at least a birthday letter - I know I haven’t been a very good son over the years. Terrible, actually. For years and years I’ve been a pain instead of a joy, have only given you fights and worries instead of joy and pride, haven’t spent time, been only doing my own thing - taking and taking and taking and never giving anything. Being so selfish and not listening.

And yet you have kept giving me everything. I don’t know why. You’ve always patiently waited, always kept giving me a roof over my head, a bed to sleep in, dinner or lunch day in day out when I’m at home, allowance, gifts, phones, internet, computer, and the iPad. You’ve always come through when I needed it, and giving me money for - say Brisbane - and have always given me guidance when I’ve asked for it. It amazes me every day that you’ve kept giving me everything that you have, day after day, week after week, year after year.

Only now am I starting to realise just how much I have to learn from you. I’m sorry I’ve never done so before. Whether its cooking, job advice, study advice, saving money or organising life - or perseverance, patience, reliability - there’s so much that I have to learn from you. And I want to. You have actually been an amazing dad.

I think often about what I know of the story of you and your siblings growing up. Admittedly I don’t know very much - but I often look around me at the house I live in and everything we have, how blessed I am and I’m constantly amazed of how far you brought us, how far your brothers and sisters and you managed to come together, despite it being so hard before. I have so much to learn from that alone, you know? And I’m so grateful, every day, that you’ve built a family and a home for me to live in, that I get a chance to dream - and even dream of going to university overseas. Not many get to dream of it, and it humbles me so much that I can even think of it.

You’ve given our family and me so much. And I don’t say it often enough. Sometimes I don’t know how to say it, and I’m sorry that I haven’t, sometimes. I’m still learning. But I want to. Want to be a better son. I’m ready to listen now. I’m sorry it took me so long to get here.

And I want to honour you and Mom. I do. In things like getting a job, going to university and doing really well and making you proud - the biggest reason why I was so annoyed that I wasn’t given a chance to be an officer in the Army was because I knew its something I could do well, and I could make you proud with it, maybe finally make you proud about something. It sucked that I couldn’t.

Thank you for everything you’ve ever given me. There are things that I’ll never be able to pay back, and I hope at least I can pass them on. As for me and Australia...its silly but the best thing I think I can hope to give you is to hopefully manage to stay there, and maybe even bring you and Mom over for retirement. I know its crazy, but that’s the goal for me. I know you went there for your honeymoon and have hardly been there since, but I think its the least I can do for you.

You’re amazing. I’m sorry that this is all I can give for now, this little letter, but hopefully it is a beginning. I want to start being useful for you and the family. I do. I hope you have an amazing day and I’ll see you when you get back :)

Happy Birthday Dad. You’re the best. I mean it.


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