Monday, June 7, 2010

Prophetic Dreams at 6AM before school :O

School of prophetic ministry is an hour! And I can be early!!! :O Mad.

Hahha thank you God. Last night I did the whole talking to myself from You, it was amazing, some of the stuff you think about me. Sigh :) And I was asking you for my desire to see something concrete, not just in the spirit but really with my eyes, I really desire that, all the time, and yeah.

I realise that just before I woke up, you already gave me a prophetic dream.

Heck, you came to me and spoke to me through Pastor Kevin, reminding me that I had to be in church at 730 (which my brain interpreted as dead of the night sky somehow), that we were all meeting for some epic battle?

Yes, epic battle.

And I got there early, that we were to go into battle, another battle (we've been doing this for awhile), on wolves, many of us, against some enemies with sticks and spears and stuff.

And i remembered we just came out from a great victory the previous time, massive battle, great carnage, and I had found a great weapon from the leader of the army the previous time.

This axe, this stone battle axe, called Wolf Head.

Yeah, terrifying weapon. But I didn't have it now, I gave it in to the leadership, and I had a conventional sword like everyone else.

And then I went into church. And more people came. There were many, many of us, the lights were dim, we were preparing for battle (but church people, and a lot of youth).

And there was a meeting of the adult pastors, and those who wanted to be pastors. And me and Justin were with them at the time of the call, and we were like 'Nahhh' and we moved away, but there was this small lady who admitted she felt called to be, and they laughed and welcomed her into the circle.

Justin and I were sitting in the front seats, Justin next to me, and Pastor Derek looked right at him, got him to stand, and prophesied over him. And we were all cheering massively. It was great. Like raising him up as a leader of the people/

I actually forgot what Pastor Derek said, but I added something about Justice, and laughing cause I might have accidently done that cause of his name. But what Pastor Derek said...something about hope and grace and joy and all those good things.


And then the dream ended.


Very clear, one of the first times I've had it. And I woke up and was like...epic battle....wait. Oh yeah, we're at church v early today! And prophetic school...

Epic battle.

On wolves.

Wolf's Head stone axe. And that axe is mine to bear. But I gave it back to the leadership first. And I'm using a common sword now. But that axe is for me.

Wolves. What does that mean?

Cunning, ferocious, raging, bite and snap, quick battles.


Hahahaha okay. Thank you God, for kick starting prophetic school like that for me. Ahhh. Yeah. Gonna go now :)

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