Sunday, March 7, 2010

Facebook Archive - 22 Dec 2008

Title: I should be so lucky
Monday, December 22, 2008 at 9:15am

I would just like to say that right now my two best friends in the world are Khalisah and Deborah.

I don't know how they managed to drop into my life.

But god I love you two to bits, I've only known you for a short time only but Elle I can talk to you about EVERYTHING that is uberly complicated and I KNOW you're always on every night like you have been for the past 4 nights so we can have the awesome brain-exhausting convos we always do :D

Looveeeee. Haha. Where have you been my whole life(:

Deb, you're nuts. Haha. I don't know how it works, but its like I really envy your perspective on things and your ability to just let loose with your emotions and feelings and views and I'm learning to do that from you too, not keeping stuff in because "its wrong" or "its bad" or "i should be more mature".

Ahhhh. Thank you crazy person, I love you to bits. I just want to sit on a grassy field in the middle of the stars till forever chilling with you. And then dance :D

To everyone else: Its not that recently I've been going through an emo bout, I actually feel like this 50% of the time when I'm not high or happy or inspired, its just that I never felt it was okay to be this way in public, I subsist between two extremes all the time. No point depressing other people with my shit right.

Yeah well, I deserve to be stupid as well right. Everyone else is. Screwwwwww it.

I may be setting myself up for hurt but I don't care. I've been living in fear and "intelligence" for far too long.


This is not one of my better literary works.

Updated over a year ago · ·
Khalisah Tan
Khalisah Tan
hahaha keann loveee my twin, clone, freaky reflection of me :D:D:D and omg didnt you read my profile , the 'about me' part? I think I wrote ,"My personality lies on both extreme ends of the spectrum. Don't be surprised."

I'm so glad you exist in my life ♥ !
December 22, 2008 at 1:25pm ·
Amar Aric Koul
Amar Aric Koul
Hey Keann.
if you're depressed, play some soccer.
you'll go crazy.
Keann when playing soccer = hyena wanting some food = GG (does the apache GG cheer)
... See More
December 22, 2008 at 8:17pm ·
Hazlyn Aidzil
Hazlyn Aidzil
loves you cheekerooz keann.
December 22, 2008 at 8:22pm ·
Keann Chong
Keann Chong
hahahaha oh man. Thank you guys. I just had a huge fight with my father, talked to my pastor about it, went to apologise and miraculously i'm okay, but very drained, and I come back and see this. Just, thank you (:
December 22, 2008 at 9:25pm ·

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